PAGE TWO 1'H M C HIGAN DAILY WE~'~AJANT'ARY 14, 19 v ANNOUNCE -S*UMME1 HISTORY FA CU9LTY Four Visiting andi Two University 1 Professors Compose 'staff for S'ii er Schiool E.R. TURNER RETURNS Four professors from other institu- tions, and two professors of the Ulni- versity of Michigan staff, will have charge of the history courses whichj will be offered in the 1925 summer session, according to an announcement made yesterday by Dean Edward 1.1 Kraus, of the summer school.! Prof. E; R. Turner of Yale, form-] erly of this University, will give two courses, "Recent History of Europe,"I and "Modern European History, 1450-, to 1648." It is expected that the re-1 turn of Professor Turner will attract many of his former students to the summer session, Courses in " The History of Medi- eval Prance. 987 to 1314,", and a sem- inary in "The I-'istory of the Age of Charlemagne" will be in charge of Prof. E. 11. McNeal, of Ohio State univcrsity. Pi of. Ia. B. Shippee, of the Univer- rIty of Minnesota, will give courses in "The lledent History of the United States," 'and in "Studies in- Interna- tional Relations with the United Mtates, since the Civil W1ar." Under' the direction of Prof. J. L. Mcecham, of Washington university, 8.t. ILouis, courses in "American Col- onial History," and "The Iipitory of Hispanica America," will ben given. Prof. A.. E. Boak, of the history de- partment, who has been on leave of absence while with an expedition in the 'Near East, will give courses in "The Ancient History of the Near Elst to 1000 B. C.," and "The Prin-. ciryate." A course in "The General History of England to 1688,." will be in charge of Prof. Preston Slosson, of the his- tory department of this Univeraliy, and will complete the offerings in the history department during the sum- mer session. PREPARATIONS MADE FOR DEBATE FRIDAY Final preparations for the dual de- Water Shortage Forces City To' IDraw On Huron STATE ENGINEERS LcaC. of C. ATTNOHa SuWHonos Pomna ATTND OADSHO4 0rangers Herei MARCL CLAVL TO OPEFI Amherst Announces 'WE-END FIRES WORK $200Fellowship' E FRENCH LECTURE SERIES. Annouiunc e rn eiadeby HAVOC IN ANN ARO :1r oh en , oleof the AmIer t .1Te- Due to the severe shortage of water,I caused by the increased population of 3Facuilty Members Rleturn from ('llieago Ann Arbor and the practice of allow- C (onvention and Show. Report ing the taps to run during the cold i )evetopmeiits, weather, i has been found necessary to take more than a million gallons BLANI CHARD GIVES PAPER' of water from the Huron river to keep the mains under full pressure, it was statd b cit oficils rcenly.Prof. Arthur H., Blanchard, of the Wtater frctoffithelrivensthoruglyhighway engineering department, ye- lunrifled lbefore it is turned into the Icounvenionandyromd he 2of2ndeAua mains. The city also gets considerable covninadra= hwo h m of its water supply from wells, more erican Road Buildenrs' association, held than two million gallons being pump- I in Chicago Jan. 5-9. Prof. Roy S. ed fromn the Steere farm south of the Swinton and Prof. Roger L. Morrison, city and from deep wells. of the department, who also attend- ed, remained at the convention an(, World show for but one day each. INews ' s Of The.World During the Wtiednesday moring InB ie ed apaper on the "Evolution of High- way Traffic," andl acted as chairmniar Paris, Jan. 13.-The famous pearlI of the afternoon session an "Thursday., necklace of Mine. Thiers, widow of a Other State highwaymen p,:riicipatin!, former president of the republic, has in the' convention were E dwar d \, been sent to New York, where it is l ines, chairman of the Boai d of High-E now in the hands of its owners, the way Commissioner, Wayne county, firm of Carticrs. The necklace, which who delivered an address on "The j was auctioned here onl June 16 of Super-hlghwaiy Plans of Wayne Comln last year, is said to bie'valued at $I,- i ty, Michigan." B. C. 'Piney,rniainte n - 500,00. ,ance engineer, Michigan Highway De- ---- partment. presen tedaP. a ped on "Dust San Antoio, Tex., Jan. '13.- Mrs.j Elimination on (.ravel Roads." Mariana Vda de Perez, IIl years old,{ The convention was entertainer) died here Sunday, Apparently In good Tue day evening at aln exihibitor:, sta . health she notified her children a* few ball, given in the First Regiment arm minutes before the end. She had nev- ory, 1i6th street and Michigan cave~ er worn glasses, used a walking cane nue for 5,000 highway men. WednesI or been photographed. She retained 1 dy night tIho Road Builders' Stag all her teeth In a fair hate of preser-j Banquet; was presented in the Cold nation. Room, Congress .Hotel, when 1,00'i -oad builders were entertained. 'PWh London, Jan. 13--Howard Carter, last evening of the convention, Owc the Egyptologist, has reached an i visitors were entertained ratan ii agreement with the Egyptian govern- ;formal supper lance and caharet.a inent under which work will be re- the club Chez Pierre. sumed on the tomb of Tut-ankhnamen, Th odsok a edCntb a the exploration of which Mr. Carter I oliseuni., the new Coliseumn armi ho took over upon the death of Lord Car- Greer building affording exhibif ion p ace for about 300 manufacturing narvon, says an agency dispatch front Cairo. cC' tpanies, n1es lin (ve y t ise01 jmachinery for road bilding and maini tenance. In connection with the road. Mexico City, Jan. 13.-The econom- so th vitrswecndtd ies instituted by the federal adminis- t iowg the visieric'TarPodut.u, trationcsghcetheeAmericanar1ionr PrPde- t traton inc th Inuguatin .f P 1-plant: and the factory of the IUnive-r a1 sident Calles will permit the balanc- PrlndCmn;cmay ing of the Mexican budget, according_________ to the first statement issued under this administration by Alberto pant, sec- UADQI fl IUII APFARl retary of the treasury. AllIII~t vi More than 50 members of Pomona frange,.the Washtenaw county farm- Prof. Marcel Clavel, of the romance language department, will oven a. ser- ies of lectures under the auspices of or i Oeal two ya elwhpofY,0 ieserious fire and a number of er: organization woere the guests of the Cercle Francais, with a tallr on the ('hamber of Commerce yesterdlay ;te "Pyranees" at 4:10 o'clock tomor- noon ata luncheon given in the Chain- row in room 203 of Tappan hall. 71)6~ her- cf ('omn erce Inn. E. F. Mills of lecture which will be illustrated will Ann Arbor gave the address of wel- he given in French. c'omeo to the. Grange delegates. He Other lectures included in the sor- ])rai.Bed the work which the Grange . ies are: "Versailles," to ho given by is doing andl predhicted that in the N. S. B~ement, of the romance lanP,- near future the farmer will take his (uage department, Feb. 12; "Literary right fil place in the financial world. Salons of the 18th Century," by A. J. Mir. Mills touched upon the problem Hobin, of the modern language de- of taxat ion and poifltd' out that shift- partmnent, Feb. 26; "Furetiere and the lag the burden from group to group 1Bourgeois Novel," by W. P. Warner, would never lighten the load. "Co- of the same department, March 12; operatior on the p~art of all classes, and "Anatole France," by Prof. M ~ with (1i0 e,'; ardS for the rights of IS. Pargmnent, also of thte romance ('aelt, is the only wvay lin which we language depart ment, March 26. The matny lially control the tax prob~lem,'' last lecture will be in French. said -Mr. 'Mills. _________ Ati is:; JennAy Ileuhtl, ',ast secretary of (.he stale Grange, replied for theI Physicist Gives C rangecrs;. She pointed ont that the i L cu eO t m bfrloz have in the past few years' L cue .j tm lwfi) heshoc!k absorbers o h coun-- year, to lbe awardled in May of this i!Year. The fellowship is available to! any college of university graduate of giood repute, who is mca king a, 5;)cci,,I study of social, economic, and politic- a) institutions. Madwison, Wis., .Jan. 1V.-Over 1,500 .atuInt s anid hfaculty members at the irniverrsity of1 Wisconsin have beens vaccinated recently as a safe-guard against the "smalli)ox epideicit' hic;h is at its height int the region of1 AIm- neapol s andI St. Paul. .ns1,-cnsuraiea.ig raver the week-end, according to re- S ports: fromt the fire department. ~A tire which broke out in the house of tFred Smith, 544 S. Fifth ave. late Sunday night dlid nearly $1,000 dam- age, almost completely destroying the roof. Insurance covered the loss. Another run was made Sunday to the home of John Burkhardt, 721 lBrook street, and two runs wtere made Z !yesterday to Pierce'! Grocery on Lib- e rty and the Nurse's home on Ingalls street. Slight damage was done in these fires. 4 1 I .4 1 The Magnolia Petleum Building, Dallas, Texas ALFRED C. BOSSOM, Architect Drawn by Hush Ferriss . t y andtit hat. now t he farmer must be1 "Some properties of Excited Atoms''" hput en a lane1101ofej nli ty with labor' was the subje(t upoll which Prof. 0. :;. dc:. pit ;i . iss; I~eltl stated the' S. Du ffend.",ck, of the phlyr es depart - lla le.; (oi'the ta -nueir for lit #andlniealt, spoke beforeI lie weelv 7meet - J),r eor atf ot,Iitnt tei r homes, anll'or' inD Of' the Physics ('olloe'lul-l at '_':115 a. moedeirocht (:0o ie(.1,on bet weell pro - o'clock yesterday al't ernooti . I rules: or . duce t and colsnst i r. Inl regarids to lu flenda ohexpla illedI the ation('I' tb isht laAIn'Ls; t u 3 a d t he ineediof' a atomts whe(n they alto subRjected to a i cov ered ma sluct inc Ain Arbor where the frmer ta ght ringthei usual ('ondit ions. A genelral diseus"aicir l~rtd ic of the quest ion wul held folloo' in g ilex enl m1 Tiia'ti ca v"A 'bovo all,'' she caidul os "We Ia i iflelS hnve loali'id to Stitll---- -______- legisa t ion a a~td ii an ce; we have HV O S~~C~f3~i"'' learned 1to((1 (;hiralta with tother or- HAY YO lSl1BIY1-'i gan izat icn,; we (wkin- for the bettecr- ill 0of Hie p(oll e ci ad we have come to fr-(l t itat An Arbor is (.url city of ccarlt neat eicl{(;t ott. We are youi lill . 11. kA. 'IEi of01.t1.0,Lincoln con- Qe id ta d i-'liool sout h of Ypsilanti, .;do lIcuty' edfl e e -cho( ;ina talk oil 'Somne Aspects of Ai I;' it Comminunity View point." I _._ +iolill, vcc-at, and piano rOlos w'ere '.fed by i( 5tstliris of the 0 osnmopol- ittl an (tub of I Ice University. ChiOivc of a it, Or ( - T-- -% I , . y w _W! . « . 9.1 rl 1 e t Paris, Jfan. 13.--The other nations have been added to the group former- ly confined to the United States andI WITH CHICAG YMHN bate with iNorthwestern university to Switzerland whose representatives at- ]"i r" Theodore ffin cm isomi, headc of iev be held Friday, Jan. 16 are being tend New Year's receptions sans gay. !tiic departmfent c1 the ;school Of completed. Michigan's affirmative gold-bedecked uniforms. They are ,Mu1sic will he one of' the soloist whof team will debate with Northwestern ; Germany and Russia. 1 will appear with the Chicago Synti- at Ann Arbor while the negative teanm _____ phony or'chestra. this week in their journeys to Evanston to debate the Berlin, Jan. 13,7- German repara- perIormanc e of H andel 's Oraltorio affirmative team of that university. tions payments during the four month , "Elijah." Mr. Harrison will have the Prof. WV. A. Miller, head of the pub-1 the bawves plan has been effective! role of Elijah. Ile is also the di rf-elfor lic speaking department at Ohio Wes- rece $,6347gl ars f!o the Un'iiverisity (flee e(0)b and lua; leyan, has been chosen judge of the which Great Brtain received 65,800,- = eeio king, withe y atogaiato. debate. Millard H. Pryor, '25, presi-- j(U , and France 113,600,000. . l glee ctth wilyiveaaoner dent of the Oratorical association., will!!Thglecifwllivacoer resde.this Friday niightlit i Jackson whItich is I preside. Brussels, Jan. 13.-Isadora Duincan, to be fohlowved by a.,(lance. It is under At present the Northwestern and IdnelksteUie ttsa~ the auspices of the WG omen's league of Michganteas ae tid, ach haingwouldn't mind living there if only ci.o.Ffyieniuirs1th eleven victories to their credit, and [ they were not ruled byr 14 billion- iJcorgnza tio i me thetrip o the th coigdbtpoiigbohte aires. She wouldn' t say who they naar by town. 'Solos will be given by affirmative and negative teams receive were. various members including Barra U ill., the decisions, will break the tie. The ;', -whod will sing the TJoreadlor o oubject of the debates this year is. Moscow, Jan. 1.-Jenn Herbett, first from "Carmen." Ti'h Midiiiglttilng 'Resolved that the Philippines lieI French ambassador, to Soviet Russia, l, quartette will also render several given their complete and immediate ;hasarvdhr n salse i-nmea independence."~ self in the house formerly occupied A unoun~eiir'mc has also been .1iade -- by the Nansen Relief commission. 1 by Carl B. Schoonmnakei', '26, inanager1 A permanent committee for hxonor s ofhe le('i)ti4twll(Oipt " '^.t pway or'ganized Monda Vera Cruz, Jan. 13.- The German in the annual ie rcollegiate Glee, afternoon at a meeting of the Senate cruiser :Berlin, commanded by Capt.; club contest which will be held -in I Council. Dean Hugh Cabot of the Wulf Ing von Ditten, Is here for a call+ Chicago in Felbruary. medical school wvas appointed chair- and officers and men are being enter- I --______ man for this year; W. R. Humnphreys, tained officially. in'r ; assistant dean of the literary college 'i1 U TR fo t o y jr , becom ing cb~alrm an V era Cruz, Jan. 13.- -T he rebel gene-ne t y a ; nd J s p A . B r l ,aa , L gu s. h s m d v r : r - f ;I ~n - % r % s % . . . .,.. _ Alpha N~u Debates War Debt Problem 'lb16d l ved that thle MUMtdRates i;hcould cancel lit- jpart of thle French war debt ," was thle subject debatedo by Ahlpha Nit members at a incomng; held at 7 :30 o'clock lust night. The affi r- nt ive si(de of the quest ion was rep- resenited by 14. 1. Dunn, '2O.andlEx. Wenger, '27 (LA\.I Herold, '26 and II. Chia ii r, '27, supted thc Ile negative sideI. Don't delay-Pay your Subscription, today. ILTE O H COLLEGE MAN uMiks Both have a t ree j .led ot liv SCti Po r. XWaworth " Corner tate, I' c'