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January 14, 1925 - Image 1

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:43 tti



VOL. XXXV. No. 82




-.-- _. ..._. r.

Lrlawed Sties: To Receive
Gol~d IIauks For' Occupin
Paris, Jan. ,13.- -The exports coin-
nmittee late last night concluded theI
final reviioIn of tihat part of the proto-
col concerning the share of theU.S in
the Dawes annuity in payment of war
cl. aims>, ad tlhe o(lcument which will;
be substit uted for .rat iiation at the I
plenary session of the conference of
finance ministers at 9 o'clock tomaor-
row morning.
'ar is, Jan. 13.-----. (Ely A.P.) The pro-
tocol eint odlyin g the accordl reached by]
the United states <md Great Britain
together with the other powers on the
payment of the cost of the American I
army of occupation on war damagei
claims11 to the U. S. will he signed at a{
plenary session of thre Allied finance
ministers conferenace tomorrow mon -
ingr The document consists of 25 type-
written pages, but only two pages are
taken up) with thPA Iscetion referring

Comedy Club To Present "The CI ERSWIE BNIGSRSE
A mrbeBshville" Tight!,SRSI
F llowing l; the c Ust 0111 ( sa.dbshecd al ~ still 'm other 0t1rn1 and b ( 01110 W IL L G IV E S P E E C HG R W NE O F R
last year in the premier performnance ia. ciley of telee ~aC])a-
of Williami Butler Yeats' "A t the ca11111nannr
. , 3ni'-, ~~ nnA- "' The ca st willincl ude an IlIu5us al jTOR0

League Houses
Will Prohibit
Girls Smoking



i . ,.,,

I-ialk S i's el-(ndrIO 1 ALIc LViUIIrds numnber of students prominent in carn-
''The Ivey," the Comedy club will pre- pus dramnatic,;, among them John 1Hass-
sent the first authorized production !Berger, who played the title role in
in America of George B-ernard Shaw's the Comedy club production last year
three-act burlesque, "The Admirable! of "Captain Applejack," Minna Miller.
Bashville," this evening at 8:30 o'- Neal Nyland, and Valentine Davies.
clock in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. l Willard Spanag~el, H ar'wood Bright,I
Shaw today stands as one of the i and Rfobert ,Henderson, all memb~ers
foremost, if not the foremost, con- of the "'Tit cl to D~eath'' cast, will
temporary British dramatist. All of 1 also be cast in more minor parts. i
his plays are filled with an aiusing,I Proceeding the Shaw comedy, three
biting satire, a shocking disregard for (ballet divertissements will be offered
convention that makes them brilliantly+ by hrtM Verniil e~a and Julia More-
entertaining and interesting. E'spec- h ead. Mlisv, Vermjrlyea will a1)pCSI' inl
lally in "The Admirable B~ashville" he Th'le Poor 1Pi rrot,' a shado(1w(lance,
has att~acked nearly all social cus-( and "Ti'h Yellow Lily''to Tscb!ikov-
tonts with a. delightfully poisoned pen: !sky's -'waltz of the Flowers," wileu


C ,uvergr' 'eecl, who is m101oe an~iliarl y
known to reaele;%, of his humor page
.n Collier's i1:avga~zine as "'uncle Hlen-,
'y,'' will stop over in Ann Arbor long
ejiouggh to amuse those who will have
the o)portmnity to hear his lecture atj
8 o'clock, Thursday, in HIill audlitor-
itmil. The lImiioi'isl. has chlosenl as his

Faorr , I.PeICi'ounciida)1'




the mother-tradition, the manly mnan,
the virtuous Victorian woman, all have1
come under the glare of his wit.
j The Admirable Bashiville"' is one
of his earlier works, and concerns a
modern story of a prize-fighter, the
champion of the world, and his hectic
romances. The plot is made into a
idiculous blurlesque by having the
characters speak all their lines in
high-flown, rhetorical. Elizabethan
blank verse. In this way, the p~lay

M1fiss M1'orehe ad will give a R ussian
dance. The1 accompaniments will 4e,
played by Lucille Bellamy andu Josephi
Spe cial programs, copied afteor the


Dr. Frcedarich Grant Banting of the
Unziversity of Toronto, the discoverer
of insulin, spoke on "'M~edical Re-
search" last night at University Hall.
Il e camne here as the second lecturer
on the coudse of the Alpha Omega
Alpha, national honorary anmdical
fraternity, which is bringing renown-j
e(d medical men here. Walter M. Simp-
son, '25M, president of the local, chap-
ter' of the society introduced. him to
the audience.

XVith thle announceenit yest erdlay t
tiat. all League houses on the campus R /[ FI I DA
won! ,Alwaeorhsppriles pro-
11 hiting smoking a mong members, and
the simtultaneous annoucement by Dr. 1 ANY FRATERNIIrmS EXCE ED
Margaret Bell, women's physician at QVOI=TA, CAM, FOIR
the health service, two more import- EXTRA BOOKS
ant dlevelopments were made in the
local a nti-cigarette crusade. hue VISITORS -XWELCOMED
The (decision of the League hue
as to the use of nicotine within their
vaills camne yesterday after McClinton igneeslaim Tanik 1WIIli e t'laii-
league house, th~e largest one ?Onl the es InContr, lse F 1ters
campus, votedl to taboo the alkaloid And Vh Iet Iti
weed. It was decided by heads of the
various League houses that inasmuch Competition among the mnen and
as McClinton house is the largest on fraternities taking part in the union
the campus, all of the other houses pool dIrive has become kcen and last
will unanimously follow its decision. night a number of tihe houses had al-
In direct contrast to the sentiment ready gone over their quota. Many of
expressed by the university women in
the houses have called for extra books
congress assembled yesterday, coimes o wmtckt ,dlstngt l
the statement by 1Doctor Bell that to' siticetsdefneicounghcoul- )
smoking is neither physically defect- thuhntdfnt onIol
made of the number of books sold,
lye or oraly dgraingtha itthe prosp~ects for raising the amount
does not detract from a womian's fern- jrqllfrcmlto ftetn
ininity, and that nicotine, even when looked bright.
indlulgedl in to excess is less harmful 9 Houses that have sold all their
than excessive petting. jbooks may secure more this afternoon

ma nner of the oldl-fashioned hanudhills, !subject, " Lltve, Aarriage, and other
have been lpre')a redl. 'Titakes for the Prl.
performtance ares on sale at the three; Those who were ac(Iu ,iltetl with
State street boeokstores, as well as at ' {reel in prle-« ir' la ys may have dif-
the (loor tonizght, and are p~rice;] at 50 ,.. .

cenits on the mzain floolr tand 85 cents,
in the hallcony.



to the settlement with the U. S., which (S3'jIjoipita li iseible Announces l'ro-
occupies five out of seven (lays of the ! lralll Of Classleal Abd 1Prasaui
conference. Experts are still engaged Cli orat Works
in making eleventh hour changes for
the final draft which xiii be submitted ".IGU .C O P NiD
for signature.'SNGU A C M NtD
The definite and fiia~l provisions j
include payment to the U. S. of 55,-, Basile Kibalchich, the director of
000;000 goldi marks yearly beginning' the Kibalchiglh Russian Symphonic.
Sept. 1. 1926, this amount to apply to chorus, will present with his company
the occupation cost; the UT. S. to sirare of singers a programn of caissical and
in 'the Dawes annuity at the rate of peasant choral works as the third of
2 1-4 per cent beginning retroactively the Extra Concert Series under the
September 1, 1924, these payments to auspices of the University School of
amorizethe ar amag climsMusic Monday evening, January 19,
whlich will not exceed $350,000,000; ' inhil auditorium.t
immnediate release to the U. S. of $14,- tioaewhorusiwhichaso (rntiasn-
725,154, now in the federal reserve ticnalyhrus wh(Iinh an ntrboriast
bank, where it was dleposited by the"?tclyrcie nAnAbrls
Allis, ndertheWadwort agee-year, the Kilbachich chorus has rapid-
inet.ly gained for itself a considerable
TheUal ge owieanylaimreputathinin this country. This choir
TheU. . ares t wave -.y caii 'brings to America the finest traditions
under the Wadsworth agreement of of Russian {ensemble singing. Trhe
Mday 1928, and also agrees that the range of these artists is reported to
2 1-4 percent shall not only apply on be exceptionally large and the p~re-
payments made oil account of relpar-I pondlerance of deep b~ass voices among
ations by any former enemy power! the men and low contraltos among the
other than Germany. women is a notable feature of their
Thie 1payment against the American ! work. At times, indeed, their tonal
occupation costs have priority in the j work is so well in hand that it func-
cash paymlents- of the Dawes annuities tions as a human symphony orchestra.
after the expenses of the inter-alliedi Such effects are still further unique
Rhineland commission, the inter-allied' beciause all1 of the, numbers are sung
ministry control commission and the' without any form of accompaniment.
reparations commission. have been For their Ann Arbor concert, Mr.
paid. The U. S. makes an express res- Kibalchichi has chosen the following
ervation as follows; "the Allied go- , program:
v-erninents cannot insert any other; Part I
stemn in the priority clause hereafter Ancienne lMelodlic......14th Century
without the consent of the U1. S." Gldoria. Patri .......... Gretchaninoff
One implortant item, accord(ing to 'Ave M1arna.. ......... .......... Luzzi
the American (delegation is the follow-; (Soprano solo by M~me. Ludmila
izig; "the IT. S. is recognuized as hav-' Th~dorova-
ing; an interest proportionate to its r'1'Tie Sea of L.ife......Archangeisky
2 1-4 percent interest in that part of ('Credo ......... ........ Gretchaninoff
thei annuities of the Dawes plan avail- (Alt~o solo by Mne. Claudia Ivanova)
rifle for reparations in any distribu- Lord, Ilave Mercy.......vovsky
tion of railway b~onds, industrial (101-= Part II
(sutures or other bonds issued undler Andenken................Schumann
the D~awes plan or itile proced of Slow and Gay .................
their sale.'" ............... arranged by Kibalchich

Norris I'lim A,,-tis B e cre Sengte Withi
Undc ru 001 11LM, Once A pproved,
ASs ubstitutle.
Wash ing-lit, 1D.C., Jan. 13._-0(ilt of a
"Welter o01 1'ees, tii rgunlcns Iridl parlia-
lilelt ary tc'nugles, the cn' Ichulerg-
ad toni ilt to find lItself inl exactly the
iarlnl0 positioni wilhil respect to Muis(cle
Shl s Othiatit waswhen the tsubject
wvas s taken up six wc its ago.
Conplel iingpt1e. fli r'Cpoint circuit?
of nieasu i'e onl fI he subj.ct', 1the chain-
ber woulndlup xwitli 1 lie oc re tjectedt
Nor'ris plan for gorvcrlnmont lerationl
before them and the once ap~prov(ed
Underwood priv<i t(o leasing hill aigainl
pending as a substitute
Chlronlologicali y the evenits of tlhe
.lay were: The Jones b~ill to refer the
'ubject. to a commilisionfor a report 1
as to final disp)osit ion was a )proved'lj
46-33, over the Under'wood biill1, which
had b~een accep~tedl last weekl over the
Norris pl1an148-37.
The original Norris bill, in slighitly
amiendled form, thlen wr:.s accepted as a
substitute for the Jones hli 40-129.
Sen. Underwood then ofMered his
bill in amiendtedl form as a substitlute
for the Norris in easure, and, fl iin g to
have it ruled out on i l)oint. of order',
supporters of the Norris 1)1an renew-
ed their assault up1)011it.
Finally the Senate thbrew the whole
subject asidle until tomorrow andi pro-
seeded to a consider'ation of the first
dleficiency ap~prop~riation bill.
Whether thle (Unlerwoo(I bill is aic-j
cept ('( or rejectled, Sen. J )os, Itepiab-'
[icall, \Va:siingtoiu, said lie w'jilt of-
fer' his so betit oh ' anzew aifteir amend1(-
:ng it so) as to pr'ov~ide for aconm111is-
;,on of five 10o1inve"Ai gake no: tea ohof a
commhisi~oin of th ree.


iciuy in mering the carefrce inn-1111 - grea 1IsjU neat fieicai e- u~rugLtoaJ1' Ucontaiisl iiai at any time from 2 o'clock to 5:30
ste ii Colie's ithfl; ,ureser 5eU He'"el odatoday e, sise Dr kloi,'ncotstatedh i aDroent1I1 cwckich heismitae atthither
10'1U drug, still," says D~r. Bell, in spite of I Union lobby. Money may also be turn-
steorgin Creollerswithaso the 'edi- ;panting. in oeighsdsusor many theories about the effects of ed in to Hfarold Hlale, 25, at this b)0t
orial chan ro jbtlefaourebaerhas so much been ex- rwe no
'Nev'iithebefore j! fsmoking, weactually get nodeleteri- nd all fraterniies taking part in the
"cle ar ll;an -Oh)." ;s t .a.imcxtedt of iniedical science. With the ourilsiysiogical results. Even the drive are equested to make a reort
As 'akSulva Xprsss1 "TheadlVSil'5'OlI~iil0f civilization a greater most intensely inveterate smoker' canI by this eventing of the number of
difference: C'i'el wore his ighting -pi'Piiiil h is ibeen plet upon human rarl'Uy consumne enough. nicotine to b)ooks they hatve sold. Te cores of
clothesrini .115 Days. 1Ic had no tlle life. It. is demanded of the medical ,J~ixe any important )lysical effects.i the various houses will be published
for "'Uncle IHeury'' (uring tile WaI 11(: ,,d.i Practically the only result of excs- tintrorrouvI nhi g's Dlaily Looks
wit~h George L( ec's1 ctriistency I I)r')1(sioii that it shoulid maintain r ive smoking will be found to bea of tickets may also 1)b uchsda
''Uncle I Ieniy" has nu ime ifor war he-:it Ii by ccal-tat supervision of na- sihnrae ftehatraeadtemipds nteunihasiat n
ow-a-days. ~~ ~~ional health problems and guard'Il igh ieae of the beastr.ell ftemi <;( nteUina.a
ashoteniintgofth betheDr B a e
('reel, as t.:e in an' with Ilis fighting ;a~a inst tile invasion of ever active believes that this result applies to' All of the lohckers were ntaled to-
clothe:, on, ct<ealing with the, serious ,bc ilfrete Cnigvet men in narythe same deree as to day and work is progresing: on the
side of the warwas dra fled lby i're ,- on -t osay 1that if the wm d icalu pre s- t; i w o en. tank to a point w here it w ill soon be 16 w g e t W l o ,c a rn n o h o n e s n l y " s i ) * el I o _ n c s a y t t r s n h r n
nlritt(e01of pni~ic~ inIorfioi~tn.W~ithout audvantage it miust4 develop is research t o vmn fryaeri - n peet ,,,.I h
doe l nierlnettowomen'ssmnoking frthe sm;rise nthe peetcampaig. i~ i
(ongressional suport)04an id lainig all; easons that I dislike overeating or amount needed for the complleton of
''indepeident.'' (ree l built apu blicity ''he rt' iarIny qualifications t) a tt uh ' n ot ~ei
ma~hneta xtn!ohrrm one s{ea rch worker, ,according to )the toomuc slCJ)ad no;Ieogh e-tepool israised the contractors
maslineilia c, t~nelvl Frin oe Iercise. Conti nutous smoking leads ave promisedl that it will be readly
corner of the country to the other. '. ptaker. "Ile must be thoroughly in- Iwmnt ot aisvhcl r ieb
Now thlat the war is over Creel has by notned)obeain ereryewaykconsistentfAor ding toMah e n in es.h
set himself another difficult task, that i thr' subject, he mus:t have powers of ;l o ob neeywycnitn codn oteegneswo
ovsevat~nhe ius hae drin,. ithlirteida college life. Perhapsj designed the Union pool, this tank will
of helping America for'get the trag rig at, e ustheavedri~ng, the most vital reason for my adverse be the cleanest in the country. A
e.dies of t lie eventful w.r dtaiy.,,. And i sli. e must have initiative, and i criticismn of a 'woman siloking?; is that system whereby the wter is contin-
('reel has accolpishe'd this through i2i necssar depart from tradition, always considr a college woman a wally changing will be installed so
ai rils nt ('os ier'sof aTgazi ne. y" Ahove all, lhe minost woirk with inrten- natural leadeir who will naturaly lead. htte-ae il las efeh
«rr'ticit y', integritys nbreaa dth, pa"i eIother warren lto) form similar:hab t6.'" The -plans call fora cagulating plant
Atnini aldt h at tha Iunightfuhucss and faithfulness." through which the water will flow
tickets for this Oratorical number can The remote beginnings of mediical I' I and which will settle 80 ercent of
be ol taied by al)lying at the box resarchi are to be fountd a thousand lI[LI MID f the impurities. The water then passed
office tit 7 'O'clock T'hursdlay at the yeg before 11 ipporates according to iIU JI I i I through four sandi filters and from
usual price of $1I. Seatson tickets for Dr. Canting. M7odern research cor-iJ i them to the violet ry system. It will
terman., five cumiberstan be me'eli153weVeausiliih fl Tl In ifll jbe -warnmed by stream jackets heaters
w ied for°2.'0" ed his "Fabrica." Tfhe speaker then TO'II y fiU fl i and will flow in anti out of the tank
g --- old ofthe various 1men11who furnished i aUbLthends
111f~lIrTl impetCIus toth research.Th re- -ll men on the campus are invited
serc mn eqirs eiur t tin b ileUnion to look the 1)001 over and
P LIN V UIN U9iIIUL IaccAmrasngot fI-liein'rhl by thea
accodingto r. Ranting. The best; lci'ogr At S. Ja tes Post e;jus waokhsaraybe
time to nrthink is at night when one is done upon it. The rooni in which' the
ED~ ~ U V~Ijfree from t.hose disturbing elements i +ank is located is open all clay and
which interrupit a clear consecutive also in the evening and visitors will
tr'endftlh'Ihought."( FLETCIJER MAY SUCCEED;bwlcmdaantie
I n c o p ' r t o l i t i t e s t d n t - " T h e i i d e a i s f i e m o s t v a l u a b l e t i i n g-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
coun il, the nio in wll old da ce i research. It only comes to the W ashington, Jan. 13.--(3y A. P.)---~nt r
;man who asks why and tries to an- !Appointment of Alanisonr B. Houghton,
L .t.uI'd~y afternoon rl time11 benefit of! swer his own quiestion," sta tetd Dr. Neok imiiaabas L!IA I~ rutt
Ifhe varsily lbantd. During the past fool- j -Planting. o e ok o mrcnabsa
hall s('a':cn the band wvent into (debt In~ conisidlering what mtedical e- (for to Berlin to succeed Anbn ssador ID l
$'360o and the pIlioits tol this tdance sear'ch has accompllishedl in the pro- KogatLnowsanucetoM 1.9 0 L110
deicli tiely tiow alromkhasbeenh cited the statement of JohnuiR. Wi- The transfer of Mr. Hioughton to thie j ilo h. Oliplhant, '25E±, cadet cap-
dioiated for the danice and Paul Wil- aso ohse h ildsie'.'no ot h akn sinetItami in the University R. . '1. C., has
eel ~lit n te sveneenohfcenury iIi the diplomatic service was formally I been designated by Major Will,.. Car-
son's orchiesti'a, whii n plays at the Ledon li~ni in t heevemithethihcenuryoine
the1viig geofde'thw rsho abaornhad at te Wh the usafterpentr, professor of military science
d'onarUinta~osha loen2 evca s. ,ceventy-ti ye years,,4ago it teanssdmhd vidtePri-nit~tc asgealhiran of
d n e.was 35 years,, while today, i is nearlv dent he would accept. the new appoint- n tMiitary genBail o e ite of this
D~ancing ;will tie fr'tiii2 o'clock to iy10 ± , on nI fe tlth'ts O ear.ilhrynt3has o itede n
3(U o'clock and wil be )penito gn - i er. etadate ieIihgern- ya.Oihap
eralo'cockarila. l]) areals in! r. Cachnhg sstooledthat it was n ilrnilt liad informnedithe State olea.- I . (Cardwell, 261k, assistant chairman
Vit~lto)aten th (a ice Tckts iieyfortunate that in most mecdical schools, montl that AIr. Hloughton would b)0 of the general committee and will an-
lieobaied t .10 Ir~iltieh n helirviicm i mti fo te alay eron grata in London. mounce in tie near future the names
bobandath n.;ndkinteof a researcher antd he must. therefore The salection of Mr. JIoughton was o h himetftevriu pca
ofnion lobiymtoday taedvaheopm icecia
il obb tik t d y iust e $ne1. teaichi. "If such a ielan puts Is lee-ia. further development in the rapid committees.
tares first, his researchm suffers and if succession of official changes that be- I The Military Ball is an annual all-
" research occupies his tine, his teach- gan Saturday with the announcement campus affair to which are invited
Kens; suffers to the detriment of his stu - that Secretary Hughes had decided to members of the faculty, ex-service
LITTLE MO R TO PLA j dents. Tire solution of this problem retire March 4an that he would be men, R. 0. 1'. C. students, and all per-
Isbinglimetlby foundations pur'ely forj succeeded byAbsao Kellogg. ,sn connected with military affairs
EFORE Pll mediariiesarch. d obnatments of e- Who will take Mr. Hloughton's place; at the University, as well as promi-
HE O [ -ig erofn edorcao schools, n rellev-. at Berin has not been decided, but' nent military and naval officials of the
; irg pofesor ofroutine antI atmin- because of the importance of tile post,, nation. The affair was originated by
istrative duties, thus allowing nioreI the vacancy there probably will b)e tihe stuodent host of the Veterans of
('oach George Little anid Pr'of. Ar- time for research." . Ifilled before March 4. The nomina-;' Foreign Wars but, as the number'of
tir 1) b.ioore, of thet electrical en- Ini('onclusion, Dr. .Ranting answer- tioni of Mm. lot ugiton will not be sent students in tihe post has diminished,
gneerig departmnent, will slpeak at 1 cob several questions which he thought to the Senate rior to March 4 as Kel- :tie management of the ball has passed
mimetiig f te lcnnylvnie chliMight arise in the mindnts of the under- !iog, will retain hlis commission as imto the control of tie University R
itrnctin o te ensvvailu lu, 'graduate studtlt.has eon ambassador to the court of St. James' . T. C. so that this year. that organ-
a 7:80 tm'lock tOl mt in roi 0o, enohed that tie student would rea~d junltil he assunies the Senatea depart- ation has full charge of the event
Maso hal. t tis metig',whicimShielock H-olmes. "le observed de-' ment secretaryship.
i1s tile first to)ibe held since Christmas, tbakdwrmd eutos
lie05fo vaios ocal uieton wil tils ake winy uad dduciosI noffcal discussion of a successor schedules Circus
ho (I forvarios soial unctins 30 j solvedl mysteries. I ami a firm holliev- !to Mr. Iloghton at Berlin brought 1tg
f! icusiya~iasetheets re nahc ion t,O! r in thle doctrinme that 3youican do or jmention of 1-ery 1. Fl elher, of-hr F b u r
I 'elilsy vanen 51intets 011 tie can- le anything that yoim wishm in this Pennsylvania, former under-secretaryDu igF b ar
PUS~~~~~~~~~~~~~ anialaeepce.wro ihi esn fyou are re- of state anti now ambassador to) Italy.
- ~~~~~~~~pared to imnake the sacrifices, think i Ogden H. Hammond, of New Jersey, Cotathaebnsiedylcl
S L lzse ( I and work hard enoughm antd long who has extensive business cnncs: organations to) bring to Ann Arbor
~~~gm. ~~~~tions, has been recommended to theawitrccusoemedin th
Be Seen At Yale Dr. Baunting discovered insulin while President for appointment to the dlip-I month of February . Trhe United
Eyta bcr practitioner andita! lomnatic post and the feeling in sme4Amusemzentasoito wic iso
c'anbrdge Mas.,Jan 13 "Oceresult wa~s awardhedthtie Nobel prize I quarters tfiat U. S. should continue to I bring the circus to the city has open-
('eubrdge Mas.,Jau. 1. -~"O !e for medical research in 1923. Hie ble represented at Berlin by a man of, ed offices in the Cornwell building on
inorm Yale gets the jump )onil tarvardecre fHrn tetadFut
and this time not in tie athletic field"Iserved for four years in the Worldl business of thme type of Mr. Houghton thconrf1-unsretadFrh
War and was given at cross of honor! may lead to his consideration. aeu n aeptarpeettv
recently declared Dr. Harlow Shiap-1 by thie Englisimh._________ in charge to look after the arrange-
hey, director of the 1-Harvard university ui nghssa hrtevsioma nents for the circus.
obevtr.lerfre ote III urnghi-sa hre tmeviiorwagsters__________Coast_____
obsevatoy. ie rferrd t tim ~i entertained at lnnchmeonm by Dr. David iun se sC atI
piroaching sun eclipse onl Jani. 24. New I M.I Cowie of the pedriatics depart- On Palmer Field! PEA OTC
Hlaven lies in time pathm of total eclipse, men-~t of the medical school andi at iOEA'OIE


Roine, Jan. 13.-Italy's next gen-j
v;ral election cami not be held before
November 1926, accoirdinmg to Pr'enmier
Rome, Jan. 13.-Premier Mus~solinmi
has presented a bill to the chamber
intended to deal a death blow to Free

Th'e Nightinigale... .....'schaikovsky
(Sopramoo )1biyAlimie. Zinma Ivanova)
Sad ko ............Rimsky-Korsakoff
(Tenor solo biy Mr. Creona)
l'ohpuaii Song of Little Russia amnti
Serenade for male voices
Part III
I '1:iby 1and( Wedding Song (arranged
by hLiatiov) for Feimale Voices
-Volga Boatman Song and Song of the
Don)11 Cossacks (arranged by Kibal-
chichm) for 1m1810voices.
Koliadka (Sommg of the New Yeai')
.... ... .... ... ... Leontovichi
Uhliana. (conmic somng) ........ Koshetz

Washington, Jan. 13. -(A...11) nable
to reach a filial vote today on the Me-
IFadden banking bill the House decidodl
to p)ostp)one until Thursdaiiy coniuer-
ationm of time $59,000,000 rivers anod lar-
lions auithitr ization bill. T1hi s sh it in
time legislative programi will prulit
the McFaddenm measure to) le taken up
again tomorrow, with ileado m' deter-
mined to prIess it to) a vote befomre
overnight adjournment.
Moire thianm a dozen amendlments wei'c
offered to(lay but only- thiree allI of
thornm cpab(11,lie to chiairemanm 104 ad-
den of the ban king coinmittooe, author

S - ~ rldm l.J m tiogn oi of the bill-were adopted. Two oif them)
" u' ,,', Pooa ed11bilem nlaic og wore put forwartd by Rep. M 1). Ilull,
-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ubia A~ ~t"~-~-7F,--(mmgdb i llml)I~Illinois, amid the otlier by
°! "*,/ , ,- I ____Rep. Stevensoni, Democrat, 'South
~~.7 [B.i FENCH-SOVIET TENSION jaoia__ _
II~l~fI~fl Y I~fflfFinal Tributes-
. 1 HU bRILV fltilflIVI Paid Registrar
-PIredicts snow flurries for today m all Yesterday
.;th l~ .- .rfP ..71P:1#.g.P Paris, Jan. 13.-That theme is sonie



With all of the formality due
such a momentous occasion Mr.
Jason Cowles picked at random a
name from time Student's Direc-

tension between France and time Rus-;__-~
sian Soviet governmemnt was indicatedl FU"Ieri' service for Registrar .Art-
tnlnUv hysr 'Prom 1.i ICLT- jU in t nftL l U cy UuL C'.Isalil I Uk. L. 'i~vUI ztLy WUI C lCi


Icabinet meeting whmen lie told time ! yesterdtay alftei'iiooii froum timehonme on
newspaper men that "if the Soviets 1 Oakland avenue. Time semrvices which
continue to) carry out a Soviet plolicy were p~rivate were in charge of Rev.
in France a coolness umight result". I Hfenry Tatlock and Rev. Hlenry E.
Pm'enmier Hf-erriot said thmat the instruc- 'Lewis of St. Andr'ew's church, of which
tions carried to M~oscow by Jean 11er- Registrar' [Hall was a veteran.

{ i

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