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January 13, 1925 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1-13-1925

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Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all mnembers of
the university. Copy received by the Assistant to the P-esident until
3: 30 p. mn. (11:30 a. mn. Saturday'
Volaume , TUE I)AY, J1ANUARY 13, 1935i Number SI
To the Deans:
There will be a conference of the Deans on Wednesday, Januax'y 14,a
10 o'clock in the President's office.
F. LE.lRobbins.
1,nlverslty Lecture:
.Mlr. Edwarw.r '.LDevine will deliver a University lecture on the subje'
"Whitt we Learned about the Coal Industry," dealing with the Findingsc
the U. S. Coal Commission of 1.922-1923, 'Thursday afternoon, January 15,a
4:15 in the Auditorium of the Natural Science Building.
F. E. RobbJins.
'the Registrar's office will be closed ate 12 o'clock, Tuesday, JanuaT
13th, foir the remainder of the day.
Uivers ity Women-Ho use P'residents:'
All signing-out slips for the month of December must )be bought to U:
office of the Dean of Women Immediately.
Jean 1lait lo, 1Deani of We men.
Supplententary Literary Announcement:
All material for the supplementary Literary Announcement ,;hould 11
mailed today to the Registrar's office.
Miss, I ugie4, As st.'Regis trair.
Freshman Lecture:
The third freshman lecture in Hygiene for mlen, will be given in Wate:
man Glymnasium- on Thursday and Firiday, January 15 andl 16, at 3, 4, and
P. M. Ge. A. IMy.
Alpha oteg'a AIphma Lecture:
Tyr. F'rederick Grant PRantng. of the University of Toronto, tfif; di:
coverer of Insulin, will deliver the second lecture in the Alpha Omeg
Alpha Lecture Series, tof 8:00' o'clock.,rpuesday evening, January 13th,i
University Hall.' Dr. Planting will speak on " Medical Research." Cours
tickets should.-b presented At the door. No more course tickets are avail
able and there will be no door., sale.
Walter 31. !Simlson, Presitiell.
Th~Je Anu. Arbor 13ranch of the American Association of Universit
Women will px63ent Thomas Wilfred, the inventor of the Clavilux, or Cole
Organ, in 4 . recid at hill' Auditoriumi, Tuesday evening, January 13, at 8:1
oclo ck. Mrs. .1. 0. Schlotterbeck, President.
Engllsim i b 1f(1,01,lc Seathig For 1E1ngineer<S) :
tbriz spakers for the Thursday night assemzbly, January 15thI, arce
K. S, Liang Chairma, and Mlwessrs. E. A. llilbu rger, 1). A. Birowni, .
' The lit'( cti in will be held in Room, 348 West Engineering Buildingu
':5 I' . M. 'Earl .t ictimniller. General Vliuirumwim.
'I'i A1' Engineers:
Flsonl the''testing of guns at Abewrdec n will be :,hownu in the N.
Akuditoriat. Wednesday, Jan. 14, at 7: 3() V. TM. Prof. A. I-1. Wite will sjpr.a
onl th0 subject, "Public Ownership, or The Control of Monopolistic Et:>tc
Prises." This is an open meeting of the 'A. S. M. E. andl everybody is invite

'the regular meeting of 'I'sesday, January 1a, has bleen postploned toi VHAT 1.(TN'(N'j [J '~ f '
Tuesday, January 30, onl account or' the (lavilux Recital. IA1 J'j . ~'
to eftaf n te bx a th Dele fie
Acoirt(" ill n t \\<deilncd ayvemof t his week instead of Tuesdta. . 1.1I {ii~ i~ii
Prof. C. E. Whitinore will read a paper entitled, "Claring the (IGround for 'r 1 1: SlDA ' ,l. !h~./ 11, 1 , ,f. ,,, ,, , r, ,,,, V
Aestetics." ,Johnuii iijer* 112:01-- lcgist ra r's office closes for re-
________inninder of lay. t'FILE ,JAN UARIY PRICE JREIUCTIONS NOW ON Ol'lv E'l'l BE
ra IttrtBea t'i: 1 Id---PIIiV5 e l loqfit tt e ialn
Mr.o Alexander [-Dote will be initiated it to Tan Betla 1Pi on Tuesdaty, Jian- Room 1041 New 1'hy ic; building. SOK0"CASA )lRSE
lW ry 201hI. The initiation will be held in the Engineering Library at 54.7:00 -3 ~ ie lcnimciu meetocs in Rtoomn
If. M., the bonluet will he given in the Michigan linioi Bilding at 7:CJ B Union.r~ and ]Hale uedat _______
P. Al. The presence of alumni ancl faculty mnemibers are Ire(iUeste(Idno.-
ct lWaildo . lrein em I'tcs S5:00--Dr. Panii hid'i ers lecture in i
ofUniversity hall. 1 I tad
at Tail Bela Pi: 18:14- -C'olor Or!'gin rcital in HHillati-1
The actve chapter of Tau Beta Vi will meet at Rtentschller's Studio Sun- itorini.
dlay, January 18th, at 11:30 A. M. for the iAichiganensian picitre. -t
.Waldo K. (reiner, Pres. WE l)NESI)A V
4 :01POpera Hook ('luiittlet'insets in'
Alpha n:MAiues theatre.
Th'le regular net i ugof Alpha itnwill hb e ld (tonght at thle u utedtime fl(( 34K E~ a nel jal Sltld('!ile' 111tnmeets AC('T!AL1
an lc z~~tlo ht ~,yncIt t. 305 lH,. Liberty St. 5$93 $:
Jlames J. 1111::1i.: 7:00-1 Bi aethinia Iconmference (fUs-VALUES
]; ICa#ttutt t "(l pll)hall. (Coime Early
gliaI toea c 0-Flisottstn'o of 1 l-For Best
lI he h.vantgelical St utett ('I11) will botla its regular montIlly lue ting on 7iF!lg f ~5 n 1gi t t Choic
W1'ednest=day eveninimg, J1an m. 14, t { :30t o'clock at. theat hone ot liss Lucille erden t ins Nto ial Science auiitori- I+
-lenne of 305 3[.Li Hert v-St. All Evangelihat st udents are cordiallyv in vit ed. tiit" 110WVa l11,WiolyVelolr Coas, Fal Lind
he 1?arl 1?. IKleiasc:?ttill, Pro:1(eit idm l - -.xi il IJI- 'Collar s,, WalIies up t $ I.7i1
Al! sizes .... ....................$50
Scobbimrd taut]adBlad e Fr'ate'rn ity :1 Re te r (Ids~ nc Lot o '11l:s1 Coals, XWere $1.00,
f fii I~na O t hly il ISIns'l ss 11h10ecThey iast.................Ixw
utneJit,; gof t.'e Sra bla 1 oa : ;idIAae (I nOne Lo, leu m ia ' 1m11141 g Class Spol
r. will I" hetlat t.m ''ee . h i gae olo...i ...:...::,...;:.....: .. Fa rc;, Fuir rim ed (oas, All
.4 Te.sday at 71 ' \iJac tII l' r~ ltS~............. .7
atti ientJt ' (( ladsniu.e w C(oat:~~. A] Fur11 lilma.
xv L~a t.3ri ts ::f:ll:.::... n ,4.1(:11,,All Nex .Mdels, 'lyhs :re ttose,
Faculty:::......o..."y:....;Co...;. arl -a rt............. . . 7
i ne u iib e t o f t h e a r t. e ( .l o n o f l < ,thl $ 50 .1 )1 C o a t s M la r k e d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . g , 0 - eF c l y$~:> e ' u t W l e ^ t " ;S l d n s s pm y a w yIb b a n da u t r t l.7 , t r l ( m l 3 , ~ k d. . . . . . . .
loin'es11) il ieemta tuetsluplc myalas eobane t u Soe ta$S.I)(oa Mcei...........
o'clock todlay at. thmelhomneofr 12, ss.ilsaigu oc ad wilbecnvne
13. Waite, 11U,09 Day.sbtnlsvn. Try usoce n you wilb onicd' If Volt Need a New (Coat ('tine Wev'Sa e Yoii
_____________ 11.00 to t4.00 n or l'ui'el.mse
ly on't 'delay, Pay you r Sam tscri 11 on 11fillSmhCai I Ihmersity Awie me Pone I1160-t 7.i dihIl's Wari int er' Coats ... .. 0
**.,* ,,,**,*,,The Drsset 9
i.t"w.J 3 11.1 O 1 Twills, Pn tril>,s, wool (r'pes, Wo l11 t
es o t S k ates Car I) C1t (ae adO~tcmr FlnaSillr;.
as N J --, h s IntAl Sizs fr ises anl 'ouwsa
' ., ..,. , . rr. .~, r,.r, :., r^r ,r. . ,>.. ,.,r,_
f 6.!1 1 N !V ' R N. ! L ^ ./ M R ' 1 \ ' M '\


, 1
k - rr

,2 .


e osing uiem outi at reouceo price

Only a few pair left



U A 1 9


(rtailuam a S t Idets Inead'cucatloi:
The next meeting of the educationa
Educ'ation will Ile held Wednesday, Jant
the °Schoul of Education, Tappan hall.
.A l members ,of thae staff and graa
1 will not be able to, niect miy class
Presidents of Oragn iz aon s:
All organ izaion s must have their
ENST A\' taken during the month of Janr
IPl ;sl~ ('nhleruita:
The Physirs Collojluiunl will 1n1et
)n Rloom' No. 1041. Now Physics l3ulldir
speak con'"Sonie Properties of Excited 12

4. 1'. R e d , Ct i i an a n . = n o 0 1 011 m o = n H l P OUIO N 1 ®e N I i R I
'#1__ _ 1#11#1111#!{#UiE#{E Ul1{li1#!#1,111I1U#1#U 41111##11111{111111111l1111{ 1DUtliElllll111lli*
If conference of gradunate st udenmts in
nary 14th, at 7 p. in. in the offices of"_' .i. . . .
duate studlents are exp~octedl to he - E RI ER
Clifford Wood),.
~ inSocal syciaty Ties~ay , ~(~PWe sell nearly all makes incluqing
Theopimile 1~it ml. UNDERWOOD - REMINGTON - ROYAL - L. C. SMITH
We uggst heNew Corona Four-Price, $60.00. Terms if desired.
rpictures for the 1925 1lCICA V w eSgette Bs eul ahnsOtial
tuary. TIhere will bte no extension of
Pheps, J1r., Orgnizmaiomms Mmaaer. b Ar 1?1 II
. -O . OR 17 Nickels trefldl
at, 4:15 . M. on Tutesdcay, Jan.l3h. ' , at niStioeytre-
1g. P:rofegsor C0.>5. )uffcdaclk wIlt __
~toms." All interested are invitedr to Ope nlenngs
. ..~a..8:15 O'CLOCK..w."
Tickets T AY a x fcei
Li deo 1 0 - , A p el & CorL tz Cl th ng St !
T Do't BTorrow-Subribe Today.

Special frThis
Week Only
One Thousand P'air of Domestic and
Imported Fancy Wool
Half Hose
75c, $1.00, and $1.25 Hose
$1.50 and $2.001-lose
$2.50, $300, and $3.50 Hose$.8
South State St. at William St.
xra Trousers Sale an Suits Coniiinuc U.11LJrrt;aniv241lh



CfL L1; cJ It


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