PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUSDAY, JANUARY 13,, 1925 -- --.-,-.-... .._.,.....A,.. .......... .._...... _ . iu '1 i I e eey morning except Monday n",'u the Univer sity year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Members of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- t itl1ed t,) the usc for republication of all-news dispaitches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished therein. dollars, according to recent reports Enteredl at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, 1 Michligan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- mnast,'r General. Subscription by carrier, $3.50 ; by mail, $4.00. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, M4ay- rar d St reet. 'honres: Editorial, '414'ind 17h-1 t PHILIP M. WAGNER t' itor...........John G. Garlinghouse News Editor........... Robert G. Ramsay ;ity ',Editor.......... .Manning R-ouseworth Night Editors George WV. Davis Haruld A. Moore Thomas P. Henry Fredk. I:. Sparrow, Jr. Kenneth- C. Keller Norman R. Vial, Spo rts EdIitor......... William 11. Stoneman Snuay Editor......... .Robert S. Mansfield W\omen's" Editor.............. Vernea Moran Music and D~rama...Robert B. Henderson Telegraph Editor...William J. Walthour Assistants Louist Barley Helen S. Ramnsay Marion Barlow Regina Reichmann Leslie S. Bennets Marie Reed Smith Cady jr. Edmarie Schrauder Willard B .Crosby' Crederick H. Shillito Valentine L. Davies' C. Arthur Stevens Jarnes W., Fernamberg Marjory Sweet Joseph 0. Gartner Herman Wise Manning Housewortk Eugene H. Gutekunst Elizabeth S. Kennedy Robert T. DeVore Elizabeth Liebermnann Mtanley C. Crighton Winfield H. Line Leonard C. Hall Carl E. Ohlmacher Thomas V. Koykka William C. Pattersoni Lillias K. Wagner BUJSLNESS STAFF -Telephone8609 BUSINESS" MANAGER WM. 1). ROESSER Advertising ...................E. L. Dunne Advertising....................3J. J. Finn Advertising........ ... .1... Marks Advertising.............. ".H. M. Rockwell Accounts................ Byron Parker Circulation............ ........R. C. Winter Publication................. John Conlin - Assistants P. W. Arn~old W, L. Mullins W. V. Ardussi K. P. Mast flor'ior' Burris H. L. Newm~annl F. Dentz Thomas Olmstead Philip Deitz 3.D. Ryan David Fox~ N. Rosenzweig Norman Freehling Margaret Sandburg W. E. Hamaker F. K. Schoenfeld F. Johnson S. H. Sinclair L H. Kramer F. Taylor. of the Federal Trade commission published in The Dearborn Indep:.u- dent. And some insight into thte dis- position of the taxpaper's inoney is obtained when the commission an- nounces that in 1923 approximately $1,458,000,000 was spent for interest. and retirement of the public debt alone. In fact, upkeep of the public debt in 1923 absorbed 40 per cent of the ordinary government expend iture-, for the year, compared w:ith only three per cent in 1916. The cause for the amazing increase of the public debt can largely be lai' to the war, but fortunately the bbmni is not entirely there. ' ; rly twxenty- t s~t biVlon dollars ee spelt fr v-,? puirpoeC, but the rest or the thlirty- It«'o billion has gon^ into de-°eiop- ment of projects that in the (.nd l j rcppavy the original inveslow1n±n. Road3 bugilding. barbcr itnturov('lnefts. ret-+,t ination projects, ^ud much other 'rl> have boen cmnpeted. Rut there must bo somneendl, for the eumount is re^nsteaptly grovwing. Mrtiu- c'ipal and ou)1nly ov,1nrcnts are the W01sre t('iffndors, lto<,itn z'eC'11e I ; tct-l d (C- 1ine ililirn doi r s I'.l- ;crlN".Tim rotrciwilt n9 !li ,f'~ :s; ;, i., s:?ffi-nc : t 1i'i'en for tlhe tax- v- t, . cani znut i ha it h rdr-n i'tc - r- rnoved a eoncr,,iue ? olievmr 1-' Washington is ri prted to 1), -K agog because Coolidge has~ chosen hi< noew ca-binet members witbecut con suilting the part= politicians. 1Jin one more s gn that Air. Coolidge ha. more intelligence than a good m«1n have given him credit for. A 'New York woman, age 105, is sai( to have sung and danced to amurse hc 'fellow companions in a home fcr t'1 Iaged just before her (loath recently It looks as though they had flapper- in 1840 too. Henry Ford's latest is a "nursing ideal" in the form of ,a new trainin school at his Detroit hospital. Firs it was a Peace ship, then a railroaC then-well, it; is hard to say. Dr. Yusurke Tsurumi told the As sociation of American colleges con ventlon that Japan knows the blessin >degrading, nor is it---if indulged with- _______________ - II~fA.,/I: G;Y out excess - especially physically harmnful. ,It is provably no more m u s i c ';-R harmful to the average woman's phy- AND U -not constitute the real issue. I askV1 R A.MA1IA Tthe co0-ed in question, does her famiily R L L S I E S tfeel additionally proud of her because! 4L ' Lof her accomplishment as a continual TQ.'NII T: Thomias Wilfred's (Coor snicker? (I doubt if they know it.) I Organi recital in 1111lliuditorilmli at - Oir, wvhat is more pertinent, are her '8s:15 o'clock. chlrnfon olo oad e with that pride and confidence that I THlE FACULTY C&)N(' RTL ceiildr(en ordinarily behold. in' their A review, by Frederick Sparrow. mothers if she impressed upon their Appearing in the sixth concert pro- j I lips tobacco-laden kisses. I smile atgrmothFauyCnctseiI etegoeqe.caatrzto of;M.adMsS.PLokodviln,lovely womanhood the feminine smok-j Marian S. Freemiani, viola, Ora Lart-j rer NY Qu(id make as I see her in the.! hard, violincello, andl Mattd Okkelberg, -' f'tu:'e e aeccuting her duties as a Ipao gave a rather len tbt en- -housewvife, her head cocked askewj joyable recital Sunday afternoon in Swith one eye squeezed shut to evade l Hill auditorium. The numbers were{ -the snioko2 of a cigarette. It is all a chsnfo1.h hme msco o -matter cf propriety. Must the women Tschaovsky, Beethoven anti Men- kengage mu exactly the same habits and delssohn.I Have your penf elh:tlntt'-s as the men merely because The string quartet in l) major by S o h lc ethey feel i is their privilege to do so? Tschaikovsky was especiall notable S a h lc iSuppose we men should decide to in-. because of the exquisite interpret a- found. e dulge in some of the habits or cus- tion given the Andante Cantabile Exams will soc n tonms peculiar to the weaker sex what movement, beautiful in itself, by the that you are t - a slily ass a man could easily make I musicians. Perfect tonal balance andj means much t r' of himself by marcelling his hair, ;-ord'ination. as well as a serious -painting his lips and cheeks and in- ,,nd concentrated reading of the score, - ti<1rg in other cosmetics,-yes, even tine pmain factors in making this :. wer-g lace trimmings on the edges number the outstanding success of the ______ et ; e~hing-ifhe houl deide oncrt.this prodluction has done our own o, i c so Yet, it is just as permissible Th lerIn lertofo h for Km is or is fminne onieer T~i Alegr an Allgreto romthe"Cotton Stockings" the honor of steal- I l o ! Sfrhs eiiecmer Beethoven Quartet in F major were ' t ti "r i~ decidedly un-masculine, characterized by their restless moodsintw chrsouneadajk, fli'. , isz , it is perfectly permissible alternating with snatches of tyluicalopny nd umsabl. eig for ' women to smoke, but it is grossly Betoe mlde. h n futI"Rose-Marie" is not a wasted evening, uni7ad yli e. As Miss "B. B." said in of the selection was not iii the ren- h ut there have been andl will be betterj J tra'sDiy "oahodi x dition, which, although it called for sos ected to stand for wha-t is finest in a precise technical skill, was adlnhir- 1'fe and the cultivation of a filthy ably handled, but was in t he position SLEEP ANY WHERE BUT 'is unnatural." Trio had been in its place, more at-: THE CLUB LUNCH I Whlether a woman wishes to be a tention wvould have b~eenm given ithxTNyar71 2 Arbor Street lady or merely a female is entirely ?y the audience. Even the higher strata -SaeadPcadS Yto her. But the consequence of it one of an Ann Arbor audience is noit yetj way cr' another is of vital concern tol educated up to the pouit where it can ____________ society. Personally, I do not believe listen with enjoyment t) SIX strin- ; -g that the average college man approves quartet movements in succession. Il-IE-\ VI\EV jfof smnoking among women; rather, I I The Mendelssohin Trio in 1) minoi st, think he disapproves very strongly. for violin, 'cello and piano was ox- .,Inhis associations with women lie is ceu~tiotmal because of Mrs. Olkel- ! a Y ultimately 'interested in finding a life berg's work at t he latter instrumnent:Ij mate, and I am sure that the serious-i Besides handling in a thorough, schol- nmnded man will not consider sharing ary manner tie part accorded I ,0 n _ h is lo t w ith a w o m a n w h o is a dld ic t ed sh e e x h ib ite d a . fin e se n se o f a rtis tic t a i s t a r o n o h a e e t a n . t a o l o , 6 c p , o i e 'tohaitstht re oud o hapre retrint tatcoud otescw'no I 41- Ai"i 0 05.~f.1rd9eilffB/ h Ends of the Diagonal Walk) (Batt I ~~ /. iM +i/iA a aia :md '" ++ . 9 07-0 0;44 +"«Tatl a/../../laM«!®aAad'~a/"rAa/sa/+PA~i -4 r Louis W. Kramer TUESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1925 Night Editor-THOS. P. HENRY, JR. REGISTRAR HALL The death of Registrar Arthur G. Hall late Saturday evening, although it had long been expected 'by 'physi- cians and friends, came nevertheless as ,a schock to r-all who knew him. The death of a loyal and good man, even though it is expected, can nearer do anything less. I 1 S rl of peace. It isi well to know this h>ut proachles upon his selection. ri'he bete t wrkfo i. Toiis-luy" type is. very p~opular on ___________________sportive occasions, but her popularity The overcoat thieves are at it again,- sinks into disgust at other times.1 according to all reports. All this afterj wewere given to understand that Mr. Leer was the brains of the organiza- tion. Hendrick Van Loon sees nothing in modern intercollegiate football ;.am Ses . It will take several million men like h'm to do away with them. ?t doesn't take mucsh to get one's The woman who-smokes places her-' self, in my opinion, in exactly the same category with the promiscuous "necker." The latter practice is the' p3rivilege of those who care to indulge a.nd so is the former: but bloth depart widely from. what is commonly regard- Due to anm er'ror, tihe Comiedly ('lb production of "The Admirable Blash- ville" was announced for Thursday evening in the Sunday edlition of Th i Daily. The performance, hiowe ver, I will be given to-morrow night in: Sarahl Caswell Angell hall, as adver- tised. The real joy in receiving a gift is the thought put into its selection by the giver. Come - in and we will help you find just the right gift. APPLIED) ARTS 12 Nickels Arcade Opposite Subi-Staioni lbb. .- = - T , ,, wk For over forty years he was can- pietiir- sn the front nage of a mietro- nected intermittently -with the Univer-- politan paper nowday. Just talk sity, first. as a student, later as an; about co-eds, cigarettes-etc. instruc tor, finally as professor of mathmatcs nd s Reistar.He A Colonel Fawcett is expecting to mathmatcs nd s Reistar.He!find the Garden of Eden in South wwas privileged to witness and to take ;Ame'c. What travelers our pro- an ac4yPafdimportant part in t eltswee aeanggr0V"f tlm hwnch the nmversi*t.v enjoye.:tduring fthis hTerkld ;il i will be rememnbred a-, one of Mich-- lgan's most loyal anda1teltl ~ rants, a mlan whose life ,vas dedi;'ated( to his Alma Mater, a man with few, --enemnies and many friends, a man whose death htaF, bro ight'r ti--nine:, grief to time Uni ', rsity (,p uilliiONi' EAnother nT ch Shoals measuzre hats. 1)(be) defeated by congrresc. Never mind, famrs, there is still Senator I'ndervood's proiosition to consider. Detroit wom,'n oe havin7 a drive (i moingtee((, only this timep it is - hfuetorba .to zwl'b ih they obnjec t. A MICHIGAN MAN TO TIME CABINET The University of Michigan is high-1 ly gratified that one of her most dis-- tinguished alumni, Charles Beecher' Warren, '91, of Detroit, has been chosen by President Coolidge. as At- torney General of the ?'nit-d States: to succeed Harlan Stone. Time appoint- AT10' C. -tio catiota w~il be -. r, 1. The nameus of comnmuni t4. will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. A PERFECT LADY--- AETER SMO ES To the Editor: ient is a tribute to MVr. Warren's Whether the recent (leclaration of enent service to his country as Amthe WmnsCubo n ro bassatior to Japan and Mexico an,l as counsellor for the government on against smoking among women was various occasions. as well as to h's' aimed at University women in partic- ability and reputation as a lawyer:; ular is not in the least the outstand- and business man. He is a man whoj ing aspect of the question to be 'con- has refused throughout his career' drd a uetat h oe' to be the tool of political organiza- tions of any sort and has risen to Club had in mind wonmankind time prominence solely as a resuilt of his country over. Nevertheless, I think personality and capability. It is prob-' their declaration would have been ably for this reason that President very well aimed indeed had it been ad- Coolidge named him to the office. desddrc tteUiest o Since its founding nearly a century desd dNot that the mniverity co- ago, Michigan has had many disting- wvomen students ar smoking--far wished men in public service, in schol- I from that-but it is perfectlyt ob Yions arty work, anid in business. Theyi that there is a well-developed and in-- ha-ve- all been a credit to time institu-craigtneyamgcodso Si on, a point of pride for all Univer-ustoac.Tmc-elhoAat(Io -pity muon and women. At nmo time, lavishly in Saturday's L~a;iy (-oltimits however, has there been a graduate demonstrated this quite satisfactorily.1 -w hose career has been more gratify-, ecgiin hsf1, h oe' ilandl whom the University is more Club i~ to be conutnend'd t for its -.c- lyroaud o claim. Michigan joins the tion. state and nation in congratulations to How one of modearn eduat-ationol s.d- 1\lr Waren inexpetaton hathisvantages can be so grossly laching inI .i(>)ljas~rtia o th Dearmen of ;a sense of good proportions as typ fled_ ,1:xs,;ice will be eminently successful. by the communication of the c o-cdi in question is alpuzzle to Inie. Ilost of 8tl'A~G~hING EBTSthem smoke, as one writer said, "to Americans generally are patting create an impression" and will not. f " ' i t 1 W l u U I 1 'I t S i l U e d a s l a d y l i k e . T h e W o m e n 's C l u b t i l e p l a y , t h e' o n l y_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __er r o r_ _ _ _ __a y_ __co m_ _ _ jwas simply taking steps, as, I under-'- frni tihe possib~le failure of the audi-. stood it, against an imupeniding evil enet es h -mshr fsle whichi is threaten ng to contaminate oc osnetm topeeo he ' burlesque. 'Unlike most works aim- society's ideals of womanhood unless coprbeony t uh.acsa pub~lic opiniont canm b) rallied against. "Tie Importance (of Being Earnest" such a. nuisance. 1 cannot do other- n("MrhIa-s"TeAm Irabl wise than give the Women's ClubBahil"it'ayhsnomrlr -declaration mny heartiest endorsal, re- cproe ti ne-lri aoy1 gardiless of hmow many flaws it may of thme solemn. conventioiial cominer- S1 "n have contained. cial theatre andI the solemn, conven- S i n I--.M . 2. tional commercial society it rere-I sents. ,.PtA Y THE FIGHTING IRISH! Shaw wrote the comnedy sattiP a rie~ s To leEditor:f nose against the critics, and most of Befo're the 1925 University of Mich- ;time Victorian public who at thmat tinme ig an football schedule is made up, I were aghast at his shocking ideals. To vx aZt; to put in may humble plea that - further bring home his point lie even thletic relations be resumed with the took a fling at Shakespeare and made - rmii,-ersitk of Notre Dame. and, the] his chiaraoters speak thoir'lines in "Fighting Irish" be included on the I manigledl, ridictulous Elizabethan style. next Fall's list of gridiron battles. As he says in his preface to the The break which occurred in 1910 play, "I have poetasted 'The Admir- I abl Bahvile intheriMay bring roughee i as a'big mistake .and absolutely un- abeBsiil'iiergmfarole style. caled or;it could have been easily, And lest the Websterwosipr. hadan fce healed, hadI a little common sense! should declare that thei'e is not a sin- b~een usedl. And every year since has gle cor-ect line in all my threee acts, No need to be so an- added to the magnitude of tieme mis- I have stolen or paraphrased a fewN take." from Marlowe and Sllaiiespea e ; so noyed, even for a, day. -Everytime Notre Dame opposed us,; that if any manm dare quote mne de- The soothing, antiseptic fwhether in football, baseball, or track,' risively, he shall (10 s0 in peril of in- and astringent effect of I we were assured of stiff opposition, a ad vertently lighting on a purple pattch hard and square contest and real of Hamlet or Fausttus." fI sport. All our students and the towns- * EN TA L people. looked forw-a'd to the coming " RW E -MARIIE" of the wearers of the Purple and Gold A review, by Valentine Davies. for they knew the South Bend college ! The outstanding musical comedy of CR~EA M' would put up a real battle and when the New York season thus far is Michigan returned fronm the fray vie-i Arthur Hanmmersteini's production of L T O torious, we had something to be proud ! "Rose-Marie." Why this is so is rather LX~III of. difficult to explain. The chlief reason !vi sr rlefo Inasmuch as the break occurredI seems to be that it contains certain wil bring sr eifo just after time contest of 1909 when time indefinable ingredients which wvin ' ,rotection. Notre Dame wonder teanm, coached by inertopolitan audiences. What evei-; "Shorty", Longma, beat us,' it was these were "Wildlhowci-" containe~d partcularly inopportune and raised a' them alnd the p~rodiucei- took as few'Mdeol lot of talk among,(Motr neighborjg chances as poss5ible by making his M dol colleges. Nor at a new piece as mmuclh of a Since that tine., Nte ae a of the old as possible. a gone ahead, meeting the stiffest 01)-I There is the same theme gong whlichr p jositionl obtainable and getting the ends time first act, antI the same type CA D llV~ lion's share of publicity in the news- of scenery, even to the little red light ' 6 CLAUDE RAKE'S papers. This year, shte closed a niost on the backdrop, repr'esenmtinmg a hotuse! Iwonderful season by winnig ever'y in the distance. Thte music is gooi gaine played and at tlhe Pasadena as most of Friiml's efforts are, but Drug and Prescription Stadirum. oil New Years, in connection thiere is ilo) "Blnbaalina." "Rose--tr Swith the Tournament of Roses, she do- Marie" is heard on all sidles at preCsent, I M r feated- Stanford b~y the score of 27 to ! as is "Thme Indian L ove Caall" but 1t)'5iend was crownied Championm of time neither will by any means stir a alid hn 0 Unite t'IStat(es. tion.Phn30 hI lasnitch as both Northwestern andj The cast is goodI. Mary El'lis, ox- I Wisconrsin played them last season Metropolitan Opera comnlmy artistI and Minnesota has scheduled a game acts passingly. , (lances p)oomrly, ;iut Cor. State and N. Univ. We arl--eiasecd to offer tis beautiful new 'house for your consideration. i1 is of the ixtocled EN I-4lri typ , and it is thoroughly nimc-drn in evry detail. WXest of Wkashicriia 1'ull sceens Extra i-arge lot(Cmpletely I coratecd Two tilt Laths I)-uLgrac First floor lavettry - A ili ;i~irovenents 1i1 burner L andIW~r 3'000 For appointnic nt, call MR. NE~W I' N, with} Iil A LTORF 215 I"RT NAT'I B\13NK BL-1j PHONES 315- -355§2 EVENINGS 2446 FOPR YOUNG MEN .~i MADE BY ED 1EIF MR STEIN COMPANY.: y -- --' --- ---- rr .' '- q£ F lo - TE$ ! / ® sJan Sale of =Take advantage of this offer - an overcoat or suit of the me most fashionable style may be obtained at a greatly rdurcel -price. 0M Gorie 4 A I