PAGE IXThIEI THE 1\IC14IGAN DAILY SUNDAY, JANUARY 11, 1925 a x lll l la v; ;A VI } f /.Aa raa..s - Cinemnia be miade to keep the bes5t studenits which i > both satisfied a iid still fromi becomiing inarrowl~y boldsh,- for ;further 4stir:nlat odlI y his progressi ve b~y so mluch will tteir wxorth as syiI- col'(11wst of 'train e toiritorv. II 0 'ex- (Continued from Page Fifteen) (I hols be d(im'iniished. IndedO tiie: pre- ,1)0(0(11noesthie greathest sef-ox pression maunder of the week will be "TheI vale-nt. though usually unf oundedoi, idea. i 1Vatering a ,u1ject Nwhen t he Torndo" ith ousePetes an Rut that the -oodl studIents is an individ-, tea(Ihs ae isuts iS.1iry as a guidle who ual with thick glasses andI no inter- . 011)15 I t'? way for his own exiara- Clifford. The picture is based on thnayhne)t esn osnuh in.I stecosi~ns fnw stage play of the same 'name, and eti ntigbtlsosde ic in.I stecncoseso e to exalt the athletic hero. who is ire-' tO'd ions betweven phenomena, of a! while it is primarily a series of spec- tacla hzars nddetrutinitgarded as more of an all-around inan, ;changed organization in tho mind,. has dramatic value as swell. In a Another notion which- will have to be which makes the learning priocess adl- background of towering trees where combattedl positively is that the ath- venturous anid enjoyabhle. logging operations are in full swing lt' oeami nefs evc o That the 'colleg'e has not generally man has sought the wilderness and his university, while the scholar's 01)-, ucee nscrn such self-ex- ject is thesecfish oninf securing its demands to forget that a wvoman eLithsefhon ofavnigllsiihisoamhiisvelkw. wohdpoietowitiller-his own interest. The palpable mnac- lrsini coarhpiIelkon turned fromisaedhad ai ihed re-o hefre saeet sol "The love of American undergrad- turnd fom rane,-hadmarieda cracyof he ormr sateentis nlyuates for college activities (among man whom, he deemed a. friend. The! excelled by the absurdity of the lat- which activities study is never by three are brought together again in ter. any chance included) and the belief this atmosphere, and after various Methods ofIt ncremsim., Self-Expressmn of the American public in the edu- *sxplanations, everything is righted. i In the Perfortmnce of cational value of these ac tivities is AChristie comedy, "Stupid but B3rave" Asns Ieltp etolTssoni c ilue, in panat at least, to the fa:ct that and kinograms will " complete the A es fsl-xi sini c-i them undergradlua.tes find more screen program. deii work is vital to a high degree of scope for their intellectual initiative in actlivit ies is just if[ed. If t he rogula r cu1rricul]hun co(uld(1offer Ithe same op-; porat it iy f or' thme developmenflt, of in- diclwnd;'nce and initiative that is now offered by ci u hs and teames and] college jou: md,;, some of the energy which unidergi'a:lua tcs ph.t into these mis-' cell" neouts pursuits would go into! their studies Avith infinitely greater educat ional result." '" (Continued next. Sunday) Read the Want Ad!- Don't Borrow-Subscribe 'Today. IRVNGWARMOITS, 0. S C, j RIR #lVIADNGGSTRl Chiropodist Orthopedist 707 N. University Ave. Phone 26582 TYPEWRITER s and TYPENVR1TER a R 1E 0 ,y TiNfE M:7 C~iGCO. TYPEWRITING __ SUPPLIES 0. D. MORRIL. W~e cairry a higlh grade Mu ck for aill nmkes of iilehiies. 17 Nickels' Arcade T be ''ypewr'iter