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September 30, 1924 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 9-30-1924

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It i~au



V. No 7






" f

0 1924 CABINET

Liert, Ramsay, John-
To Head Importapt

Estimate $750
Yearly Cost To
Students Here
According to the rough estimates of
campus officials, his education costs
the average student at Michigan be-
tween $750 and $1,000 per year. Much
depends on the department as to the
amount expended. Education for the
medical student seems to come the
highest, while the expenses for stu-.
dents in the literary college seem,
more than in any other, to approach
the minimum estimate.
It -is assumed in this calculation.
that the student is a resident of
Michigan; clothing and traveling ex-
penses are not included. The tuition
is perhaps the largest single amount
included in the estimate, ranging
from $85 in the literary college, to
$260 in the School of Medicine.
Books take from $55 to $150. The
average room rent will total between
$200 and $250 for a year, and board1
slightly more perhaps. Laundry ex-
penses are estimated at $35 for the
year. Club and society dues come to1
about $35.l

Twelve Doctors, Five 'eguIar Nurses
Pharmacist and Tzeclician
InclIr I
Offlee to be Open Daily to Students,
Except Sunday and Saturday


Architectural, Medical Educational
And Pharmacy Schedules not

Union Will Ascertain Number
Using Building During Week

With an enrollment of 3,800 regis-
tered members so far this year,
slightly below the total at this time
last year, the, recording department
of the Michigan Union plans to take
census of Union users next week, ac-
cording to Karl Robertson, '25E, re-
cording secretary.
A man will be stationed at the
front door of the Union from 9:00
o'clock to 5:00 o'clock keep a record
of the number of students passing
in and out of the building and to reg-
ister all those who have not done so.

This plan will do away with the ne-
cessity of registering at a certain
hour in the afternoon as has been the
case heretofore and it is also expect-
ed to increase the total number of
registered members.
Besides giving the opportunity for
students to register, this census will
enable officials of the Union to gain
some idea of the number of people
who use the Union daily, whether
they are students, faculty or others,
what classes make the most use of
the building, and wha percentage of
them have already registered.

Dean Cooley Urges Students To Vote
Excuses Classes During

o new offices have been added
Icabinet of the Student Christian
lation as announced by Perry H.
en last night. These include a
tician, whose function will be to
d church attendance, member-
and preference, and editor of the
lh Bible," which has been en-
i and elaborated so that it will
stituted-in its present form as a
.r annual work of the Christian
ther feature of the cabinet is the
sion of presidents of the several
nt guilds of the church,, as
ers and vice presidents of the
A. The president expresses a
that this addition to the cabinet
timulate cooperation and expan-
between the religious groups of
impus- I ,
Fifteen Appointed
he fifteen appointive offices, twd
xpected to stand out a particu
potent, these bein the interna-
ism branch and the vocational
I. To the first, Tyler R. Stevens,
has been appointed. Stevens
the summer months working
the European Student relief at
edquarters at Geneva. He will
a point of prompting amity and
ship between the students here
foreign nations and the Ameri
tudents. Hsrold Williams, '26E,
een; appointed to the Vocational
i. Williams has had experience
s particular line of work at Cor-
niversity from where he comes
appointments, religious educa-
Lionel G. Crocker, '18; church
>ns, George Hacker, '26Ed; fra
r faculty discussion groups,
C. Clark, '26L; new students'
e H. Likert, '27; boys' work
ore R. Hornherge', '27; public-
.obert G. Ramsay, '25; finance,
P. Sawyer, 26; international-
'yler R. Stevens, '25E; world
ship, Norman B. Johlson, '25;
ion trips, S. Arthur Bannister,
ocational council, Harold Wil-'
'26E; utiiversity services, Mau-
P. Rhodes, '25L: Frosh Bible,
nin Caplan, '26 statistician;
i L. Hale, '25; Fresh Air camp,
d 0. Steele, '25.
Meet Monthly
Interchurch council, composed
sidents of the student groups of
urches who are rated as vice
ents of the S. C. A., will meet'
ly. These are Carlton Lindstorm,
aptist; Thomas J. Donahue, '25,
.ic; Rensis Likert, '26E, Con-
aonal; Azel E. Bean, '26, Epis-
L Leo Franklin, '26, Jewish;
A. Mitchell, '25, Lutheran; Ro-
A. Waterman, '2 5, Methodist;
H. Elliott, '26, Presbyterian;
Hine B. Perry, '26, Scientist;
B. Harsh, '25, Unitarian, and
E. Kleinschmid, '27, Bethlehem
elical. ,
meetings of the cabinet will be
weekly otn Thursday. They will
be form of dinners at the home
a' Coffman, general secretary of
don, Sept. 29.--Parliament will
=mble tomorrow for an emerg-
session which will be brief and
bly uneventful. Its sole busi-
.s to adopt a bill providing for
Atlement of the Irish boundary
on. The Anglo-Irish treaty pro-
for a boundary commission to
nine the territory between north-
ind southern .Ireland and the
it bill is along these lines.
n the colonial secretary J. H.
as introduced this measure at
lose of the last parliamentary
n the vote was entertained that
agreement might be reached
Ulster in the interval which
render the bill needless. This
ot been realized, the Ulser gov-
nt remains obdurate on the
ary question. Hence this special

n was called to adopt this bill
will probably pass all stages,
House of Commons unamended
xt Friday.


Announcement of this year's staff
at the University Health service
made late yesterday afternoon by Dr.
John Sundwall, head of the service,
shows that there will be twelve doc-
tors, a laboratory technician, phar-
macist, five regular nurses and sev-
eral office assistants and part time
nurses to take care -of the work of
this department for the coming year.
In the absence of Dr. Warren E.
Forsythe, director, who has a nine'
month's leave c> absence to study for
his degree of doctor of public health
at John Hopkins university, Dr. Em-
ory W. Sink, former assistant to Dr.
Warren, will assume he duties of

Wahr, Cavaraugh, Hayden, Connable
Will Tell New Men of Campus
Arrangements have now been com-
pleted for the get-together and din-
ner to be held at 8 o'clock tonight in
the cafeteria at Fletcher hall. Prof.
Frederick B. Wahr, of the Germani
department, assistant Dean of Stu-
dents," will represent the faculty
among the speakers.
Thomas Cavanaugh, '27L, who has
succeeded William J. Wilkins, '26L,
as president of the Union; Perry M.
Hayden, '25, president of the S. C. A.;
and Alfred B. Connable, '25, president
of the student council, will speak in
behalf of the students. J. L. Zand-
stra, manager of the h'all, is in com-i.
plete charge of 'the fiarang'ements,
and will preside at the meeting,
which will be conducted as inform-.
ally as possible.
C. H. Mooney, president of the Dor-
mitories corporation, will also be
present. This meeting is being held
in order to give the hundred stu-
dents now living at the hall a chance
to beeme acquainted and to learn of
the different branches of campus af-
fairs from men representative in
At nine o'clock a light dinner will I
be served in the Fletcher cafeteria
under the direction of Miss L. Ro-
selle Higgs.
"The Industrial Utility of Chemis-
try" will be the subject of H. C. Par-
melee's address at the meeting of the;
Student Branch of the American In-I
stitute of Chemical Engineers which
will be held at 7.30 o'clock tonight
in the seminary room, the third floor
of the I East Engineering building.
Mr. Parmelee at present is editor of
the Chemical and Metallurgical En-
gineering magazine and chairman of
the American Institute of Chemical
Engineers in which connection he is
making a study of the programs of,
study in American universities.
His e nrience ha hbeenindustrial '

Ten on Staff
He in turn will be assited by aj
staff of eight physicians and two den-!
tists, five of whom h'ave never been
on the staff before this year and five
of whom were members of the health
service staff lat' year -
Former members of the staff who
will continue their work are: Dr.
Margaret Bell, professor of physical
education atud physician to health;
Dr. Floyd P. Allen, assistant physi-
cian to he.IU;. Dr. Daniel C. Rey-I
nolds, part-tiL.je physician, Dr. Wil-
liam II. McCracken, dentist; and Dr.
..ewton W. Bourne, fellow in sur-
New members of the staff and the
departments Prom which they have
come are as follows: Dr. Ralph B.
Fast, otologit, who came from the
office of Dr. R. Bishop Canfield, uni-
versity hospital otologist, in July; Dr.
William L. Bettison, fellow in inter-
nal medicine, who comes from the
office of Deau Hugh Cabot, surgery;
Dr. Fred A. Obrock, denist, from the
office of Dean Marcus L. Ward, den-
tistry; Dr. William S. O'Donnell, fel-
low in infectious diseases, from theI
-office of Dr. 1. Murray Cowie of that
department at the University hospial;
and Dr. George Stonehouse, X-ray
technician, who has been with the
service since coming from the office
of Dr. Preston M. Hickey last July.
Provide for Expansion
Besides the regular staff of five
trained nurses, other nurses are add-
ed- to the force whenever 'necessitated
by the increase in the number of ca-
ses bing treated.-
The office hours at which time any
student can go to the health service
bulidug on Washtenaw avenue are
from 8 to 12 o'clock every morning'
exce It Sunday and 1 to 5 o'clock with
the exdeption of Saturday and Sun-
day. Visiting hours are from 2 to 4
o'clock and from 7 to 9 o'clock.
Independent Progressives of Ann1
Atbor will open their campaign to-,
night with a meeting at 8 o'clock in
S :hwaben Hall, 217 South 4shley
street. The La Follette-Wheeler plat-
form will be discussed by William
F oderigues, attorney and former al-
d arman of Chicago. The county com-.
i nttee is attempting to secure either
t enator Wheeler( candidate for vice
>ra ent and graduate of the law
:;chcal, or a woman speaker, probably
Jane Addams or Zona Gale, for a,

Class officers for the year 1924-25
with the exception of the freshman
class officers, will be chosen at elec-
tions tomorrow and Thursday. The
election of officers for the freshman
class will be held at a later date
which will be announced in the near
future. Additional time is being given
members of the class of '28 in order
that they may become better ac-
quainted and mo'e settled in their
new environment.
Dean Mortimer E. Cooley of the
Engineering College has excused all
classes a 11 o'clock tomorrow at
which time the elections for officers
to the various classes of the engineer-
ing school will be held. Dean Cooley,
in speaking of the class elections
said, "It is the duty of every student
in the Engineering college to take
an active interest in the election of
the officers for his respective class.
If the best officers possible for the
positions are to be secured it will be
necessary for each and very studenti
in his school to give the matter of
class elections careful consideration."
Engineers Meet at 11
The engineering classes with the;
exception of the freshman class, will
meet at 11 o'clock tomorrow morn-
ing in the following places: Seniors
will gather in room 311 of the Engi-
neeing building. Juniors will meet,
in room 411 of the Engineering build-
ing. Sophomores will hold their elec-
tions in the east lecture room of the
old physics building. Freshman elec-
tions will be held at a later date.
Elections in the various classes ofj
the literary school with the exception
of the freshman class, will be held
tomorrow. The senior class will meet,
at 3 o'clock in U. Hall. The sopho-;
mores will gather at 4 o'clock in Nat-j
ural Science auditorium-. The junior
class will meet at 4:30 o'clock in U.f
Hall. Freshman elections will in all
probability be held next week.
Laws Elect Tomorrow
Officers for the law classes will bej
chosen at the following places at 4
o'clock tomorrow. The seniors will]
meet in room G. The Juniors will
meet in room D. Freshman elections
will not be postponed but will be held
at the same time in room C.
Edward Fox, '25E, chairman of the
class elections committee of the Stu-
dent council yesterday made a spec-
ial request that the members of the
various classes turn out in full force
for the elections. The election of of-
ficers for the classes in the medical
school and in the dental college will
be held Thursday. Th etime of such,
elections will be announced tomor- a
row. Classes in the school of educa-
tion. The pharmacy college, and the
architectural school will be held at1
a time to be announced later. All
class elections will be supervised by
Student councilmen.
Urbana, Ill., Sept 29.-With but two
practices left before the Illini leave
for Nebraska, where they will open
the season Saturday, Coach Zuppke
sent the varsity through a signal
drill today.
Not wishing to ruin any of the
backfield men, tackling was taboo
and a dummy scrimmage was the
only form of competition between the
two first teams.
Dan Kinsey, world champion in the
high hurdles and Marzolis, substi-
tute lineman last year, caught
Zuppke's eye during the workout.
Kinsey was running plays at half-
back and Marzolis is being groomed
to understudy Britton at fullback.

Tryouts for- the cheerleading squad
will meet at 7:30 o'clock tonight at
the Union under the supervision of
Lyman Glasgow, '25, head cheerleader
and the Student council committee on
hee,. le-adino All m men ,'.en+i,.af

I rl

Says It is iPrivilege of Voters
Support Anyone They Wish
- At Polls




New Orleans, Sept 29.-(By A. P.)
z--LaFollette headquarters for Louis-
ana here gave out the text of a tele-
gram today from President Coolidge
with reference to the situation in the
state where LaFollette-Wheeler elec-
tors have been barred form the ballot
in the election in November because
of a state law relating to the party
The message which- LaFollette
leaders said was received today was,
as follows: "Replying to your tele-
gram, it'is my desire that full and
free opportunity be afforded under
the state laws of our country for any
expression of the popular will in the
election of all' public officials. To my
regret there are states in the Union
where the law is such that this is not :
possible and it is too late now to
change such laws. While I am heart-
ily in favor of the party government, :
I believe that when a contest is made
in a primary which is open to parti-
cipation of all the people it should goi
far to determine what candidates are
to be'present at a coming eleetlon
'Nevertheless, I recognize that it
is the privilege of our voters to sup-
port any one they wish at the polls
and feel that the laws should not
be drawn for the purpose of prevent-
ing such action. I would apply this
rule not only to your complaint about
Louisana but to all the other states;
of the Union."--Signed, Calvin Cool-
- 4
Washington, Sept. 29. (By A. P.)-
A busy program occupied resident
Coolidge today and included discus- ;
sion of the political situation with var-
ious party leaders as well as atten-
tion to government business.
Proposals for the Naval Day, Octo-
ber 27, were gone over with the Presi-
dent by Senator Wadsworth, Republ-
ican leader in New York, and Robert
Howe, of Washington and Marion
Epley, of New Port, Rhode Island,
officers in the Navy league. It was
said later at the White House the
suggestion had been made that Presi-
dent Coolidge speak in New York gity
on this date which also is the birthday
of the late President Roosevelt. No
decision has been reached on this
point however,
President Coolidge started for his
walk today despite a driving rain but
after a short stroll dropped in at the
Treasury department and visited Eu-
gene E. Meyer. Jr., managing director
of the War Finance corporation. He
then returned to the White House.
Locust Valley, New York., Sept. 29.-
John W. Davis remained at his home
here today, preparing material for ad-
dresses which he is sto deliver in the
final presentation of his case to the
American people. Meanwhile, his
managers were endeavoring to com-
plete the itinerary for the last month
of his campaigning but were having
difficulty in the various eastern, west-
ern and "border" states, which the
Democratic presidential candidate is
to visit are urging elaborate programs,
including not only a rather formidable

In accordance with a custom in-
augurated three years ago, the S. C.
A. will this semester conduct its
third series of discussion group's
wherein freshmen and new students
mgy meet and learn to know Michi-
gan campus traditions, customs, and
the mechanics and aims of Michigan
"These group meetings will be con-j
ducted by students who are identified,
with prominent activities on the cain-
pus, and who are conversant with
conditions as they exist," says George,
Likert, '27, who has charge of the,
new students department of the Stu-
dent Christian association. "Morel
than twenty men have thought thet
project sufficiently valuable to volun-
teer their time to it., and will meet
withn groups weekly, until Thanksgiv-
ing week, and longer if demand con-1
tinues. t
The men who will lead the groups
met last night at Lane Hall, wheret
Prof. M. P. TIlley of the English de- I
partmen addressed thm. In hist
speech he commended the enterprise
as one which might well be given
a great amount of consideration byt
the new students.
All new studens on the campus are
invited to attend a generla meeting to
be held at 7:30 o'clock Thursday
night at Lane hall. Prof. T. H. Reed
of the economics department, and
Lionel Crocker of the public speaking
department will address the new men
at this time, and who later will be
allowed to choose the groups to
which they prefer to attend.
The men who have consented to}
conduct the discussions are Georget
I-Hacker, '26Ed, Tyler Stevens, '25E,
John Elliott, '26, William Roessner,
'25, Maurice Rhodes, '25L, Rensis L-i1
kert, '26E, Lionel Crocker, '18, Nor-
man Johnson, '25, Harry Clark, '26L,
Arthur Thomas, '25M, Robert A Wa-
terman, '25, John Sabo, '25, Albert
Sawyer, '25, George Pattee, '25, Jo-
speh Gandy, '26, Harry Mitchell, '25,
Howard Preston, '25, and Edwin Da-
vis, '26.S
Geneva, Sept. 29. (By A. P.)-The
swing of sentiment to Japan was the
outstanding feature of the critical sit-
uation in Geneva tonight. After labor-
ing without cessation throughout the
entire day the leaders had to consent
that they had not yet discovered the
miraculous formula which, while sat-
isfying the aspirations of the Jap-
anaese, would keep the proposed
protocol of arbitration and security
strong enough to win not only the sup-
port of the delegation assembled at
Geneva, but, what is more important,
.the ratification of the world parli-
While no solutions were found, var-
ious channels of settlement have been
explored and prominent delegates saiac
tonight that there was a earnest ex-
pectation of reaching' some accord.
This is no weakening, in evidence
among the Japanese, who say they
have unequivocal directions from
Tokio to maintain their'attitude of op-
position to any protocol plan which
would make Japan be agressor if she
failed to abide by a world court decis-
ion based on the interpretation 1of
matters Supposed to be withinthe ex
clusive jurisdiction of the other
parties to the disute.

All Students Requested to AttendI
General Meeting Aext j

B. M. 0. C.'S SPEAE
President Urges Students To Bei
Mob Psychology and To
Keep Balance
One of the largest gatherings
freshmen that ever attended the
nual reception given them met at
Michigan Union last night to I
President Marion L. Burton and
ious campus leaders speak to ti
Earl L. Blaser, '27, presided over
meeting as chairman.
William J. Wilkins, '26L, resig
president of the Union, gave a s)
- talk and was follewed by Tho
Cavanaugh, '27L, succeeding p
dent.. Cavanaugh welcomed the fri
men and outlined the organization
purpose of the Union. Perry M. F
den, '25, president of the Stu
'Christian association spoke for
organization, explaining the funct
of the S. C. A., and inviting the e
of '28 to nake use of the service
fered them by that body.
Orchestra Plays
William L. Diener, '26, chair
of the Underclass department of
Union told of the plans of the dep
men for the coning year and expli
ed how it is organized to aid
freshmen in their first year. Wag
and Tavares, local entertainers, g
several well-received numbers
Hawaiian instruments and also s<
vocal selections. The Varsity b
which was scheduled to appear N
unable to fill the engagement and
Union orchestra substituted,, play
the "Varsity" and other Michi,
songs while the assembly sang.
President Marion L. Burton de
ered the main address of the eveni
He began by advising the freshr
that they probably would find a no
on their desk some day request
them to call 2249 and ask for "iM
ion." He advised that if this occu
the number was his aud agreed to t
for ten minutes although he wo
not guarantee that voice would be
gentle, feminine one expected.
(rives Advice
The President gave the incom
class three bits of advice:. He sa
"Keep your balance. Beware of r
psychology. It is useless to ad
freshmen to have poise but keep y
head and use your brains. BecausE
has been done before is no reason
tear. down a moving picture theati
The President efphasized the p
that a student comes to the Univerq
primarily for an education and t
this can not be given, it must be wc
ed for, "it is a case of root, hog,
die," he said.
The second piece of advice presid
Burton gave was "Be receptive. D
think the place is all wrong beca
you get homesick. In fact it is a g
thing to be homesick:" He warned
assemblage against being the kin
freshmen who think the Universit:
all wrong and also against beinl
would-be reformers. PI'he presid
asked the freshmen to cultivate
man relationships" as there is n<
ing democracy needs more than n
who know men."
S"Be Independent"
His final admonition was to
Independent." He suggested that
though the incoining men would
dergoe a great change in their 1:
and habits, it still was necessary
them to retain the deep-lying p
ciples and ideals that had been
culcated in them from early ch
Herbert Steger, '25, captain of
year's football team, who was una
to be present at the beginning of
meeting due to football practice
rived in time to give a short t
Lyman Glasgow, '25, varsity ch.
leader led several Michigan cheers

New York, Sept. 29. - Gastor
Means, who recently told a fed
court jury that hundreds of th
ands of dollars had passed thrc
his hands in a nation wide boot
ging operation, asked Federal Ji
Foster today to grant him a t:
months stay in which to file an ap
from his recent conviction for b
legging, pleading that he was
broke to produce the $900 neces
for a copy of the stenographing
ords of the testimony at the tria


rs experiet ieetingnearuthucampus
as well as editorial having been con- later meeting near the campus.
nected with the Union Pacific rail-
road, and the American Smelting and tPolitical Science
Refining company of Denver. Since i-
1910. however, he has been connect- Lectures Divided
ed with the Chemical and Metallur- -_
gical Engineering publication. 1}Enrollment in political science 31
this fall has passed all expectations,
100 more students electing the course
IS I Ithis year than last, making a total of
720 in the course. On account of the
- extraordinary size of the class, it
has been necessary to divide it into

Chicago, Ill., Sept. 29.-Plans f tr
a three day speaking tour in the mcd-'
die west, beginning Thursday, w re
approved by Charles G. Dawes, lie-
publican candidate for' Vice Presi- 1
The itinerary of the trip which was
mapped out by national commttee
officials after cancellation earl;. in
the day of the scheduled engagerjent

two lecture groups, one conductea by
Prof. J. S. Reeves and the other by
Prof. J. R. Hayden, both of the pol-
itical science department.
Norfolk, Va., Sept. 29.-Sinking of
the American steamer Santa Theresa
cff the Georgia coast last night and
rescue of the crew of 22 men was re-
norted in a message received by coast

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