SIN-DAYIA 11NUTA RY i .111925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY fO +'P* Sports * 4 i RULES CHAIRMAN GIVES 1924 REPORT 1 :. i I I t Lienies ITaint of Lommercialism In F ootball THE MANASSA MAULER, BEFORE AND AFTER Heavyweight Champion Yearns To0 Show Up Valentino :y { ti - .t 'i. t r ctport ot- E. K. ericant hitero Initercollegiate I~or the Yeatr I{ Ifail, (hiiirinuu Ant- Itie it iA distinctly a game of ama- (leglito Tbtbtflll Ittl: anal carries the hallmark of tee to the Naional beping tide only distinctive academic Athleic AssochtLoni sport. 9?4. j I et us not be disturbedl by the criti- The changes in the playing rules cism that in its match games it at t fl",i the season (A .1924 were not in any tract;too large audiences, and tha asense fudamental. Most of themn jthle ee('ipts roll tip into large figures were designed to assist the officialsLeuontectrybepudfa in speeding up the game. Other Xj jijtxhainges were: one to prevent the gime which is so wholesome and s screening of the forward pass; and one rare a spo~t that the friends of 'the to check the tendency of using pro- clleges and( of the game are anxious tetive equipment for an individual to depxit at the gates of the stadiums player which might prove to be dan- through their small contributions, se- gerous to 'cther players. doms exceeding $2.00 each, an amount On the whole the results have been t ofimoney which literally is supporting gratifying and have tendled to justify practically every other branch of the changes. athletic activity in the colleges. This i,.The general purpose of abolishing mean)s that through the financial the tees was to eliminate the delays backing which football in its present which were being occasioned by time C form has made possible we are ap- (.cnsumed in collecting and shaping proaccli in a condition that we hve up the. material used- for tees. In this! been so universally hoping for, name- efiiection the Committee triedi the' 1i, a time when the burden of finding kick-off to the 50-yard line i tead facilities5 and equipment for every (1 the 40-yard line as providedl in the( branch of college sport has been lift- rules of recent years. This (difference ed from those who wish to participate q lof 10 yards on the kick-oft' has result- and opor tunity opens to all. As it ed in too many kick-offs crossing the stand~s today, the receipts for football goal line with the ball automatically in an increasing number of colleges coming back to the 20-yard line for ale carrying the expense not only of ~4ttle. scrimmage. This has lessened! the equipment and training for foot- ' tie numbler of opportunities for run-J bil itself but for hockey, roing, ten- ning back the kick-off which is one of ns golf, swimming, soccer, basket- '" + Ihe most attractive features of the !lball and baseball to the extent which game. The Committee will undoubt- these sports inadequately fail to pro- __edly consider at its next session the vide revenue. If the dream of general feasibility of restoring the spot for the participation of entire student bodies ick-offs to the 40-yard1 line, in intramural athletic sports ever lie- Every year since the rules have comes an actuality it will be dlue in glen in substantially their present pat to the stimulus andl support o ? intercollegiate football. Jorm, the game has increased1 in pope1-'lrtanintspsblte.Ech A1 ~. lrit an initsposihiiti~. ach A sore of men participate in ath- year it seemns as if the interest i letics in the colleges today where ones the game had reached a maximum and . participated 20 years ago, and I take the next year shows even greater in- it that no one wil deny that the result serest thian before, is -an infinitely more wholesome mor- I am satisfied that the reason foril ale in the colleges today or that the this is found in the fact that the l results will be found magnificently !fr~ne contains practically every ele worth while in the coming generation. mentessntia toh ighet tpe If The report for the year 1924 would Ss lors. It is played outdoors. It of- ( be incomplete without calling atten-f lers rare opportunity not only to ir (ion to the fact that the game as now p~hysical strength, agility andl speed played does not begin to put the but for mental alertness, resource and strain on players which the old game initiative. It calls for and develops did. One needs only to look at the confidence, courage, and nerve. It af- schedules of 1924, which would have fords opportunity for the exercise of been deemed unthinkable a few years all these qualities in every variationI ago, and tflen note the fact that some with kaleidoscopic suddenness. ItsI of the teams which played the hard- continual flashes of physical conact! est schedules came up to their final test, the temper as almost no othertI ganmes in te pink of condition. ~' th g'un and afford continued andl ival- Considerations like these are re- bl~e experience in developing its con- 5PlonIMIblC for the feeling on the part I r c. 1t. develops a fine quality of of your Committee that the Commit- p '-pcrtsmanship, It teaches the value tee's task is to endeavor to hold the ~4 1:t df painstaking preparation and of at- game as it is and to experiment with It 1011o to (det ails. And above all, itj proposed changes only with extrenme is outstandingly a team game with all' conser atism. of the opportunities" of andl rewards E. K. HALL, for team play. Up to tie present Chairman. S"This Is the Life," Somebody Said- =C He was on his way to Europe. Let's seel what hie saw-ancient Oxford, Stratford "Paris by lamplight Venice by moonlight--- - 71 carefree days of college comradeship witht . the Bureau of University Travel College Men's Tour for 1925-all for $500. ROBERT D. GREGG Student RepresentativeM S425 S. Division St. Phone 15651 J " ; lli1H I11lllilII1 f1111 111111111 H111Illtillllit11111u~ItliIlllll1111111li llll fill11111 lll' s y."iPJ/ . / P/R .1'1Y rI 1y / M/ I~/RiI/ .tI9's#ibl !°/i YMafI 's;A iif>GrrP~i&1Ffi,', i .- ; n e ' i playing on the S. A. T. C. team in his places. Six of Michigan's places havy freshman year, was named halfback, gone to backs, three to caeters, thre{ due to his superb punting and general jto guards, and one to anz end. A Wol excellent play. After a two yeatI verine tackle or quart er .~ck ha, break, Ernie Vick brought Michigan never been honored. Chicago leads ix I back into the limelight when hisI amazing work at center brou~ght tc quarterbacks, with pilots on the ,teary him the honor of a- place on Camp's on four occasions. Wisconsin, by eleven, placing two tackles in 1''12, leads it Since that time, there has not been this department. Minnesna and 1111- a break in the Wolverine list of Ah~ nols are the only other schools beside; American stars. Harry Kipke, the Michigan to place ends, each school finest all-around athlete in the having one each. Michigan leads in school's history, was placed at a hatlt, the backfield, center, and guard de- back position in 1,922; The next year,, parttnents. Jack Blott emulated Vick by winning- -- the place 4t' center, and this year Slaughter was Michigan'srpent C hicagQ ranks next to Michigan in j the number of men making the' team, with eight namnes. They are Hirsch- borger, halfback, 18908, Ecktersall,, i (, 190f4-06, Steffen, guar-J terbaoli, 1908, Des Jardien, center, 1913, Mc Gild'e, is eklel I4921, and Thomas, fullback, 1922. lflnnesota and Illinois are tled with 'five .iert each.'t'he. qopher starq are McC~ov- Sen -arterback, 1949, Walker, ta~ckle, E11, aston, end, 1015-1f, and IMar- ''trtti .ri on tlndau, halfrback, 1923. Illinois hasiTetigsia on placed, Ch&pt an, guard, 1914, Mlacom- are the ting~s you D{1, her, 1h1fb44k, 19l ,.Oariwy, en, 1920, not, what you are an4 Gghge, f!,ac{1923-24.' Wis- tGOING to (do. F clpsin'5 r~presentatves tire utler, tackle, 1912, and Sctt tackle, in the,, same year. Ohio State placed Huiey, j l fback, 1916 and 1919, 144d 5inch- Colo, halfbaick, 1920: Iowa. Com- p'letes the Big Ten list of~ All Amer. -gA 1 sn men with Dtevile, quarterback, " 1921, and Locke, fullback,. the follow-; ing year. Michigan and Chicago have the mon- '. opoly over the other 'Big Ten schools ° in the matter of Camp's teams,.land- - I ng between them 21 out of the 38, . ce l)es iey 1e-i lik , da. :1.:ac ~Dompsey t ,e ator Jack Dempsey, the wlanassalkMauler, when he is po01traying te neat yet 1 the Giant-Killer, thle bone-crushing sturdy hlcre, the :.leer but t x.'o--fist-d i slugger who fought' his way from, the scion of wealth. coal mines of the West to the ease and 1-Probably Dempsey never saw a fortune of the world's heavyweight! Tuxedo until meatly out of his 'te ens, championship, has for ;al('5 the rolled4 but he is making u))o for lost time since; ring for the gllalor of the nio. iitg the oppol tunit y came for him to air, picture indristry, at I east for the :ihis bat tered fcatu sos to the awesont present. gaze of t fow mlillionls of L ero,-wor- i Above are two pictures; of' tire sanic shipping youngsters and shiek-erazy personage. One show"; lhim iaslie (lebs. Ant Jacl fooled everyone. htis looks when he is (defendirp his lauirels fe atzlre! could not he battered. Ho ae in comhbat, soniet hug lie ha3 nor, dorle must malhe h im'ii handscome. The position, covering the greater part of his face. So Jack went to a plastic; surgeon and had the recalcitrant pro. boscis retreaded, with the result ap- 1 parent in the above portrait. It no longer wanders over several square feet, hut is confining itself' to that' regio0n reserved for it by Mothiet Nature. in the 01ld days, Jack was known a~t abad actor in the ring. He hasn't fought, in so long that it's hard to tel'i how he is in the ring, but he acts the 1same way in the movies as he used to TIE N EWEs, for well over a year; thle. ()t her sW o> ,rs himt as he lohl:s before thle caine r', 4l ie1i1cies of min :y tou h irgbat ties had lef't his lio. e in 'a ieanderingt I -LATEST COLOR in the ring. BIG TEN MAN N CAMN/P'S TEAM IN 18998I Heston First of Long Lind of Wolverines iBy Casrl F. 01ilinw-her, whose play at gulardl earned for himn Himschherger, famou t( 'hc kgo half- the p~lace on the 1924 roster. Nlaught- b ack, was tie lir:;t. West--ra Coufem'- ;or was the 1 th Wolverine to he so ence football play or to be placed 011 hotnoted, E ery oiie (;l the 13:plada(5 IWalter Camip',; Ii'St All American oni the mythical tar t eamn has ;)e(,n team, the Midway star makilig theF a pupil of Coach Fielding Yost. Al eleven inl 1898. ;Trough (_'eh George itthe has taksen Willie Hest on, A\iichigan's most over the duties of Ifid coach, t he famous gridder and unquestionably! famous "Wolverine veteran 1men1tor Ihao the greatest back to ever play ooti-; even Slazghter tundcer his gsillance ball, was the next Big Tren athlete to' for at leas3t oni year, make the grade, being honored in: The next man after H~eston was 1903, and again the next year. AWal- "Germany'' T1hiultZ, who wvas namedl ter Eckersall, playing; with the Chica-'cas center it 1907. Ichtiltz is recog- go team, mnade the team thie same year nixedl as the b)est center wvho e'vel and for three more ~;ec essive times. p~layedI on the American gridiron, sid Heston's attainment marked the, is a fixture cmn earmly oevery All IfTicn starting of a. long run of' Michigan Ikll Amner~ican toams. men maklg He ('amp eleven, the last' In 1909, lBenbrool. made the t .a of which was '"Butch" S;la,, ht cv-, at guard, andi repeated the nteat s a son. The las:t year of his competition saw ".titan" Wells named at end. Vell is remembered as the hero o1 tl*-e classic 'battle with Minnesota in ii awhli A ichigan won 6-0, due 1t0 the Wells to Borleske pass com- bination and Wells' line-,plunging. "Jiiime" Craig, one of the great- est of all running backs developed at Michiigan, wiade Camp's team in 1913. JIohnny l\Iaulbetsch, the "Germany SBullet" plunged his way to recognition at a halfback post the following year, "'Maulie" earned for himself a place in lichigan football history by his: :icelltr ling smashing throughout his c=+ r! r, and particularly in the contest a:gainst H1arvardl, in which he gained inure yards single-handed than were accrued by the entire Harvard back- ;ficlcd. In 1913, Frank Steketee, who wa,% Repps in shades light and dark, fine silk knits-an- an--ad-eveything, in fact ev- ery thing your, taste or fancy dictates. 1 Tie for Everp Taste' 608 East Libexty Street m Laundry Hom'e? ,r . ' " ; .; , _, .. . ., ...,. t . . . 1.1, Pi Fraternity and sorority 'U Group Photos The cost, the care, the final result cannot be more pleasing, more sat- isfactory,. than when it is returned from our efficient modern plant complete in the minutest detail. This, all this, combined with a ser- vice which you cannot obtain by sending your laundry hiomfe, makes such a course ,a really desirable in- vestment. Try it. "What is more personal than your clothes? They deserve a personal care." Our facilities for taking care of hour chapter are unsur- passed. I I cA cNoble Profile"~ The Bush Building, New Y'ACity IIELMLE & CORBiETT, Arcitects fHE TROJAN LA.,JNDRY 514 East William Street 4 TA~R more strongly than most churches, this great tower of' coin- rnerce bespeaks the real spirit of Gothic architecture--aspiring,. 1..1 }