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January 11, 1925 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1-11-1925

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Publication In the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of
the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Pwesident until
3:30 p. mn. (11,30 a. in. Saturday.
Volume 5 $SUNDAY, JANUFARY11, 19) Number S81
To the Deans:
'There will be a conference of the Deans on Wednesday, January 14, at
10 o'clock in the President's office.
Senate Counicl:
The next regular meeting of the Senate Council will be held Monday,
January 12, at 4:15 P. M. In the President's office.
Frank E. Rlobbins, Secretary.
To Lie Members of the Faculty:
This is to inform you that, the Dictaphone Station formerly located in
Room 102 Mason Hall is now located in Room 101 South lying-the room
formerly occupied by the Treasurer's Office.
F.: Wliltcliureh, iHeadl of the Dictaphione Station.
The Ann Arbor Branch of the American Association of University
Womnen will present Thomas Wilfred, the inventor of the Clavilux, or Color
Organ, in a recital at Hill Auditorium, Tuesday evening, January 13, at 8:15
o'clock. Mrs. J. 0. Selilotterlieck, President.
All Choral Union Ushiers:
All Choral 1"nion ushers report at the usual time at I-ill Auditorium,
Tuesday evening, Jan. 13th.
WV. A. D~avenport.
Classical Jonrni 'Clap:
The Classical Journal Club will meet in L. B. 2014 on Monday, January
12, at 3:00 P. M. Reportsi of the holiday meetings will be given.
Janmes E. Jrunlap, Sec'y.
MUathiiemutical Club~:
The regular mneeing of Tuesday. January 13, has been postponed to
Tuesday, January 130, oan account of the Clavilux Recital.
WV. IW.IDentlont, Se't'.
Comedy Club:
The-licture for the Michiganensian will be taken Monday at 12:30 at
Rentschier's Studio. All members are requested to be present.
loiii lassberg'er, IPres.,ident.
Veterans~ of Foreign Wars:
Meeting of the Richard N. Hall Post, Monday, January 19, 7:15 P. M.,
Room 306 Union.
HI. D. Clark, Commannder.
R. 0. T. C.:
1t is request~d that thotse' R. 0. T. C students who are to complete the
R. 0. T. C. cours.es during the pres9ent academilc year, meet me at the P1. 0.
T. C. office, Monday, January 12th, 1925 at 5'00 P. M.
Thia meeting will .last' only a few minutes and it is desired that all thoso
whro are, to be 'comisi~oned in the Resf ve, in February, June, at the end of
grimmer school, and at R. 0. T: C. camps be present.
Military Ball Committq:
There will1 be a meeting of the Military Ball Committee in Room 102
at the AMichigarn Union s$unday, January 11, 3:00P. M.
Milo 01 Ipliant, Chatirman.


' May Become New
Envoy To Britainl

A uthor Throws Gridiron Game
For Big Loss In Recent Article



French Find Rumis1,
Of Battle Plane
Aniens, Jan. IO.-A French baittle
plane that must bave fallen some t int,
during the latter tart. of the wvar w.,~
found inl the forest .of St. Pierre-Va "

', 1

"Anaesthetic for vaccuous, bore-I They would gush in triple numbers to n, swa edikVnLobl-ihsi hs eealwdo
authr ad hstoian thnks' aoutthe northern banks of the Rio Grande.1
authr ad hitoranthins aout "The strong virile he-men, eleven
toobal, acorin tohisrecnt r-(or hundred if you count them in the:
ticle on college snort in The New Stu- subs) out of four or five thousandt
lent. "When ever I contemplate the candidates, nine out of ten are mutts
somlbre mausoleums that stand in with heavy muscles, sajoled into an
Cambridge, Princeton, and New Haven academic career lby the promise of
(andl sose (lay will stand wherever certain indulgences compared1 to which't
three yokels are met together in the the indulgences which so upset the
name of Higher Learning) T feel in- honest soul of the Rev. Martinus
dined to regard them as the tomb- ihrwr noetri-hcs
stones underneath which repose the Luthetweearinnocerainchks
ancient andl honorable idleals of the "hl hyaeudron hti
free Commonwealth of Students," is1 commonly called 'training' they are i
one of the interesting statementsI fed disgustable slabs of red beef and
mavde hr the author. are therefore unable to (10 any-wr
"Mind you," continues Mr. Van Loon, which requires concentrated attention
"I have nothing against the stadia, or j'such as the learning by heart of the
stnaliurses or whatever you wish toI multiplication table or the statute of
call them in an un-Greek age.. This 'limitations. As for the golden future
is a free world. Go ahead and build which waits these Crusaders of the
all thie stadiums and hooch-factories Gridiron, I- possess no statistics but
you wvish.,Ibut do not build they ox cffhand I would say that :host of themj
ten tnvtlls. For those temples of I Iecame in 'after life what they hadI
-roed ,ir er- fetedl to other gods than 1boen in college, rather amaiahle butI
those that ought to be worshipped hopelessly sacond-rate, white-collarli
within the confines of an honorable slaves. The few "01(1 Eds' and BigjI
lepubhic of Letters. Wherefore, in Bills' who are forever being draggedl
my simpule mind, I condemn them from ot as an example of what-fotal
ftalnow on and evermore. will-do-for-yota are not exactly the
'Of course. I know the usual ans-j sort of peop~le you would select as
wcr: the cheering crowds, the gay jsp~ecim~ens should the Good Lord ever
sigahts, the strong virile he-men, idol- ask us for a few contributions to his
izing even the stronger, more virile 1 Museumu of Representatives."
he-coach, the grand young future be- I_____________________
fore the boy that makes the winning -
punt, admitted straightway to a prom-I
inent position as bond-chaser in Leej
Iligginson's well known counting-
house. "Suppose that all these things'
t4ere true, which they are not, what in
Cod's name have they to do with Iln-b
irersit v life? The chieer'ing crowds!
t Ihe football gamies as an anacs-
thet ic for their own vacuous boredom.j

ast, near here. In it were
tons, which the military
are trying to identify.
Washington,. .Jan. 10. --
Coolidge believes the g
should reduce the interest
$350,000,000 the raiiroadIs
jest after the war.

aithorit ii' - i
go vernmnen t
r-ate on the


i v.-,1Ji

Due to excellence of the
tuliity of their Chinese
Rugs, the Fette Factory
inl Peking, China, has
grown in last two years
from an output of six
hundred square feet per
month in 1 922 to four-
teen thousand square feet
in 1924. A gain of over


jJames M. Beck(boeolit-
general of the United States, is 3 'chill-
con sidered hy the President as 50


Betsy Ross


cessor to Frank B. t eliegg as ambas4- v
sadlor to London if the latter retires, it
as expectedl, after March 4.
Not ice's to aptpear in this cultt tn nMust l cti h o tteD Yofc
jr''vidl for tat purposetei'for e 4
oclock prcceertii tg thr d;,y of issue
S0 :30- .Young peoples, (-!a'4s iIwgS :11
Presbyt erianiichurch.
1'?:1t[}---1icussloll c(!n..4s IIIitelt at!
Proesbyt eritarichurtchI.
3-G :C) olLovei' Suiia Scool :at rh;
bxterian church.
3: :---Mcet :Itg of a iliifa ry ball ('om.
n ittee ill room °02, Untiion.
S:130---Socalhd haor at lFrt-,A)Ytt-rau
40.30-young Ple ~' Ine't at ine'-jjy.
tf-rian c1':irch.
12 :30 C-omecdy clbiiio:{~ Lar "pie-
tt'C at. iRentsebiler'sstu n foi r ViethIt
iganen sian pictuare.
3:1 -'Fhle Cl:aSSical ,IIIrnn I ciaa
rneels in room 2t11I), An gl 1 hall. ;'
4:15-- --Semite (couincil ilticiinP'ei
denlt's {0th ('C.
51:10-All It. 0. ''. (C. si ilcaat scttIaaltlphi -
in#; their conurse during the :tectd-
emnic year neet at the 1Z. 0. 'T.(C. oi'-
i7:15----liWharil N. TMall post o. V. 1v.
Mr. meets in rectla 30f;, Unio~n.
i :1i Me's E! ic.tt lnaldll ub teit
in room 304, Uniion.

2,300 /. My business for

Marines Oiganize
A.: Arbor Chapter
Any student who. served inl thel
l a ite .Ma1 tes(' marine c'or'ps at anay .1 iiac
isi-i'.;loto tmemblershiip in th(I Miar-;
C5~(tmjI league, a chapter of which;
iii- a ogu wlin Anti Arb)or. An
ltt'li lt el ing wvill be held at 8 o'clock
(o010 tr() \ night in thbe basemnilt. of th lie
city h1,11.
[n'i t y el-mnarines comnprise t he chap-!
Ifor li vie, and it i; (lesired to secure1
evcr mL tana in Ann Arbor as a iem-j
;l'Who lias Set'X'( as a marine. For
we v ars after the war an active
.")lV 0of ex-mai:trinles Vwas mainita ~ined'
in A im Atlas a. This society was; L rge-'
cvuiompoetd of stitdeni s.
\Vs~in gtoil, .Jan. I C).---lie land o'c'o-
omitlc ShI ver' beinag ('ondAultte l t
1l ii iga 11 was re~olitanetided to other
'Aa(es ty (the Untited States (iepat't-
11,wiltt oftagriculture.

- , It




the same reason has in-
cre.ased nearly 340°' in
th.% least six months.
Come in an dse


of our st ock of highr quality
leather goods and trunks, af'-
fords as wide a range in choice
j as can be found any whterte.
h Iere you will find all th e new-
' est articles for travola.._i Ihorse
use, and many novelt: of the
j i nest workrnanship animnmateri-
als, at surprisingly mo~derate
3.45 S. 3.Min Stt.

l ii -- -. . . . .


Phy~ies Collo uilm:s
'b'hae Physics Colloquiium will meet at 4:15 P. M. on Ttaesday, Jan. 1:31h.
in Rloom No. 141 New. Physics Building. Professor 0. S. Duffendack will
;sneak Ion "Some Pre perties of Excited Atoms." All interested nre invited to
a ttend.l. I. Randotiall.



4; Iv)

Read the Wa-Cnt Ads



Veer W iebe Cites said Mr. Ver Wiebe.haenscol
B a ckw ardneCS3 Of I at all and those that Mixico does have
Schoolsre situated' in the 50 cities of the
M' excan S h o' country and, are supportedl ly the
wealthy class of these communities,";

made Mexico backward in most lines
'of endeavor, the tropical climateC
'Iwhich seems to discourage endeavor,
and the temporary form of govern-
ment as the chief causes for Mexico's
'lbac'kwardness in c(uication. The situi-


Mexico's educational system is very; Mr. Ver Wiehe said. ation is improving only slowly, hut
backward 'in the opinion of IMr. VerI "With the exception of a fev who more progr'essive steps are looked
W i cmbe, o f ,the . geology .departm ent, ca mne to school in the U nited States, ifor now th at a b usinesslike ad nm inis-h p n l e t r e y a s p e i u o 'a 1 f t e l d n e f t e c u t r f o a a e v r t e r i s o
1923 there as chief geologist for the r'eceived their edtication abiroad in government.
SielirOi cman. ~eray, France, or Spain. Since the t
" tlaing university "that of Vier war the number who have come to! Redding Calif., Jan. I10.-- Lassen
ico City, is on a par with a first rate American schools has increased."j Peak, Amnerica's only active volcano,
high school. of the Ulnited Stet"s, and Mr. Ver Wiebe gave unprogressive was in eruption thr'ee hiouirs yester'-
its primtary schools. are' very poor," racial chairacterisitics whichi have day.

ewU UU UEa ~E E fum UU wAIlummu . u IU

May bring roughened
hands an~d face.!
No need to be so an-
noyed, even for a day.
T~he' soothing, antiseptic
and astringent effect of

r FO0R





r hit


Hrandy Desk Calendars, Diairies,
IBlank Books, Etc., Etc.


UUUUUrrUUEUUUU5UUU...,,.. .0*ma m aa a
I AIM"""Y~i~ltl fY~ilmflr Y1I~i ' 311,a 6YL i ItYYa

Shirts laundered by White
Swan have a softness and
whiteness that only- expeni-

r ..
w ;


S . .-::i

Skati ng Tonfight?
Then make it a good night's
futn. We have the sort of
hkates that the expert as well
as tha novice, will- most enjoy.
B~uilt right and of steel that
iiririu the ice. sure and fast.

Now's the TiMe
to Get rL.,,-t
'Lectric Heater
Just the thing for the bathroom,
the bed room, or the breakfast.
room. And they are so light
a-nd handy you can take them
from room to room, The p~rices

will bring sure relief or
Made only
Drug and Prescription
Phone 308




Yon (an (10 some work more
quickly With a, pointed shovel,
andl other work better with ac
straight, square scoop, hut the
shovel ,should be of p~roIer'
shaping throughout. Of ri ht
ti oio-lt inaOtn rod tel. hatt is


modern equip. etcngive
thlem., Send u yours next ti ae.
You can sate 15% On your
laundry by bringing it to our
station in the Press llldg.
One day sert'ice of desired.
Phone 3238



. 1






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