SUNDAY, JANUARY 11, 1925TlEMC INDAL THE MICHIGAN DRILY PACE ~SE~VEN lainBUIBINSl~sPower In New WOK ~Vienna Cabinet!CLASIFIETHIS' FOLLOWSOLUMNUHEDULLI _____ COLUM p n CLOSES L I CLOSES fs4i !AT 3 P.M. ADVERTISINGO AT 3 P.M BEAUTY SHOPPES Permanent Waving sknd Marcelling MACK AND CO. 3rd Floor Main St. THREE EXLPIRT NARCELLEB.S Phone 2939 for appointment. DIMMATTIA BEAUTY SHOPPE State Street-Above Cushings SHOES HARGIS BOOTERY Wuerth Theatre Arcadle. See the Style for youirself. } Y ExpcCLtto (.Complete "Nell Schlool by Middle. o Febliary M~iit e 1011, FOR SALE LARGE ORIENTAL Rug 16x12 feet. Very heavy. Suitable for Frat~r- arts l1illy or sorority. G. ^11. Patterson.j at one MATERIALS .ARRIVE W~ih materiails for construction ar- iN0(TI CEk J.11011 A-OTIC E B~ack Combs and all Novelties quarter off reduction-Now t. t j4 t , y << . . r .{ ;, , ' y y t F , '';'. 4i1< I C 5 4$ Ii lia YAy V~I f. DD~11 t4 2101 I-ill St. Phone 2214. ishe__mtobufo_______ "______-^___ riving rapidIly, work onl the new Ufli--______________________ isteim tobyfr"Ho. versity hospital and the medical build-- " OR SALE A Remington Portable PALAIS ROYALE "FOUNTAIN PEN SERVICE" tyewitr..>.:.'egstr,60;E 109 W. Liberty. in g is proceeding on schedule, accord-_typewriter.__Geo.__S._Register,__60_ in totelt1 eoto iebid Madison. Tel. 1509. Bir1tlday Cards. Tell your friend who is having pen ig comthelte. reprtef teheiritj Friendship;;;s:;:Card>:; . trouble what wonderful fitting and irgCmite :<::"'SAXI PHONE C,-Melody Buescher . repair service you are getting at Copeio fth tdca uldn ile lcondition at reasoal j Rider's PenShpYowildhm I price Phone 1256-R anytime Tally Cards.Shp Yowildhm i,3senb SII i 15, and Ithough all __________________________ ple rs and us a favor. equipment will not be in place by that FOR SALE- New and modern~ sixI 2 Nickels' Arcade.; This service is recognized from coast tmcran dprens ilheroom house three blocks from the'-_____to__coasTUDN. tiecetindeatmnt il b LANDLADIES- STDNT rinc enels which are out order from; read foruse.Marbe wokersnavecampus that can be bought or $750.p dow. $5.0 pe moth.Cal 248.DON'T Overlook the opportunity to homie. Tfhere is no better place to started fitting marble, practically all _, hv l ae eard of which will be placedI on tlh(.'first aeo ayhueodnc!CROME Nickel-steel hockey skates, saeo nayhueolncei- aealmksrpied flo.Tile patiinsae l up a' ties at The Economy Second Hand} RIDER'S PEN SHOP 1101' ixittloiSareal Ui, ndsize nine shoes attached, canvas Soe 209 N.ManS. Phone 789-M. 32S tt t plasterers are completing this waorl(; *.'{ - ankel braces, fur lined tongue, utin-11we sell what you do want and buy !J2SSaeS as rapidly as lpossible. Sevwral ship- -usd $6.50. T. Hammond, 71 owhatii u nk y u wilh v armeing e oo recte lci1 1 miacrriataa(i]onaofthe Monroe, 3019-R. 'CIGARS, Tobacco, 1)ipes, Gilbert can- 3Iftrouble and water xwil notwash i Much of~ the equipment, which is strong men" ot the new Ramek cab- FOR RENTde, soft icnk le cream, and( out. Better be safe than sorry. Our being made in the Universcity shops. met in Austrnalia. lie is minister of iesar d rinkls, special fountain pen ink if not con- has been moved in and i5 being ars- Itoreingn. affairs. FOR RENT 7 Monthly. Apatment H rPMBRS taminated is always satisfactory sen4)ld. not4ROS.n and has a rich color. sille.It willno be fastened,1 suitable for4 adults.Phn 15- 514 E. William Phone 1981:RD'RSPNSO however, until everything else is ]j S uyray aylbrtr ae r ] 1J.ature. Ralph T. Swezey. RIDER'pju n MMOGAH.32StaENSt.P read. Mny abortor caes ae a-~V4- EL'Eg U- k)/L4<.YDouble or single room with priyate IN ready up. ll o theequiment'it believed) will lbe fr edy y F n I~riitr ; Po ry iaugnt, family. 421 Benamin. Phone 29J1Prmtl1n nalydn b xpr _____________________ DpI ONE+ SINGLE ROOM ;.so per tiee :l. I encedl opera'tors at coni(Irai'r LATEST BR[UNSWICK{ Record re-' Similar progress has been made t, pr'Ies. the hospital, though it xii he spring O_______________________ . 1). M1OIRILL lcheas yINo.Jc67 hs r before 1the b~uilding is completed. rF(). RENT=-~2Large front room. Also' 17 Nickels' Arcade "iO~a 1 N 2767.Y" Practically all terrazzo floors enl the That tihe subject matter and method vacancy in suite of south and east Th~e Stationery & Typewriter Store' 'HFrP N )$11 fifth aind sixth floors have been lid, Iof treatment usedl in the high schools exposure. Steam heat. Plentyr ofyfirE.LbtyS. and grinding of the floor:, on the len -iswrgadtoltetiesgvn hot water. Phone 1194-M. 422 E.11 BANQUE YfS, DINNERS, & Luncheons 1iELbetS. er levels is complete. About CO ;er Washington.i at reasonable prices served -by ithe '1°sFltfl{ cent of the ornamuental iron work hes I the l studly of nature in the grade- -. Aid society of the CHURCH OF ~1I~t d)el(one, it is estimated. Several <}too01s, is the opinion of prof.4,1(,x- LIGHT, roomy suite. Stingle beds. No CHRIST. New Church, nweup F2 ER fmcaia xei shipments of interior wood trim havewander G. Ruthven. (director of ttheer oe83R. Nearcampus. 1:an4thient.tCaylu,02a-l also been received and work is beintg University museum, which lie expres- 1 ede. 3jR A loaf of bread enc meAn-Man yhitoeyoupall- in his annual rpr to the BoardSUT of two rooms and bath Aeeat ing onl all mixed machines. Assembling of sterilizer equipment ofRgnsAeotsprt pound of meat fR et.from rest of house. Private en-' A. C. STIMSON is expectedl to start soen. Doors for oftecussoerdin- trance. Half block from amnpus. And all the mustard you' 308 South State Second Floor ther refrigerator have been shipped to IMs fte oreofrdi ature study- aind zoology in the public Phone 3015 ask for House Mgr. or anl eat jOnly- Typewriter Store on State St. teUiest.schools are failures, lie believes and ITesrr at adds that peope have a fear of ani- NCL UNSE tdn peIloe p.Eg rh FOUNTAIN PEN EsXCIIANE Auo L bo ar ials, often referring to their natural niW Devr ear of snakes, and~ they attribute for housekeeping and single Call Cal W-M Oen .Deliver xcag ta isi enfra ie 1167-J.________________________ Masterpten. 'We make a ood allow- Given Four Cars poisonous attributes to any unfamiliarj 17.J ,A nefo1 l sadrdmks Sf,,,,41 animal. I ANN ARBOR Wayside Inn. Service, Yaffles-^- HneEoYalstnar aks I "Perhaps thle chief (difficulty rests' satisfactory and Reasonable. Roomns y J6Rb7/% o ne 20(r44n cpct in the fact that teachers ore moved1 by day or week. Ph'one 2520-W. Also MfaPY!tuerpnfrteEasadalte Four gifts approxinmating $2,500 have( to teach what they have been taught," - -___------- --- Coupon ooks y' asterpnfrteEam.n l h been given to the automotive labors- Is:ays Prof. Ruthven ini his report, "and( LARGE suite with two single beds. - There are many reasons why Rider's tvory by mrs manry manufacturers of as a rule, the c'ollege: do not offer 1509 S. University. ,C A w;'unrr~s ;, Masterpen is so popular. Call and casdrigte eete.Teyaegaddistutoni atrlhitr.LUNCHle us show you. arsBuristnarthe hsem s risSteIItisa cristtingintnaturalhisetory.FOR RENT-One double room and one R~ lt HIDER'S PEN SHOP a~~~~~ BucItnlr-i hsi.Sul-Ii sacrostigta hl h for a student who wishes a rooii-I30 .Ste t baker standard-six chassis, a Chevro- I teachers come fromt the colleges, the mat.2all71.ArorSt.ore8St..1 let miotor, andl a Jfordan sectional biological curricula are not designedlI Uoxrst umotor. The last is cross-sectionedl to train high school teachers, but MODERN SEVEN-ROOMED) House. a so146M tawhn(renyanttce athrclgetahranineta- arg.1404 1V. Huron St. Phone l j~ I CLL FOR INORMAL elcricmh n d ie otor thme working ipartsc are tors. Similarly in n r a s h os t he 14-M O O A O RS AI SI O O E in plain view, training in biology is usually more - ______----- -1]e The Buick and St udebaker cears will ;nearly that which a igh school teach- WANTED StartlthesNeweYearnright.bOwnha I remain unitil the endl of the school o r should have, than eqCooiamFur. Esyrpaments icallnshanbeenintfoutmaylhko- ya]wben they xill be replaced Iby Iinstruction in the lforrIWANTEM--Rhisanonsianelfor informalsiro-.I ya lwe grades. WANTE-Roomsfors7sellowsin thdsired _ newer models. The-('hevrolet coin- "Another dificulty in properly intro- one house. Call 1510-J after 5 p. in. . D. MORRILL takiicturwoenson the ac-s ~pdny has signified its intention of re- dluing natural history in thegrades ,'- NIDJ it CalV 17 Nickels' Arcade Itvte fwmno h aps gATDJHgTcktalWl particularly athletics. They placing their motor with a later model is that there is on the part of school ham 351R.Th Stationery & Typewriter Stoe shudebrgttoheMc- inmed iatel y. b oards, superintendlents, and princi- Headquarters for all makes of high1 gnninofc sso sps Acodn ocniin fteofr als, litte](general understanding of I COOK WANTED-for fraternity. Must ! grade typewriters.E sible. Any expenses incurred the Buick may be used for nothing i he scope amnd importance iof the sub- I be experienced. 341 E. Liberty. I I w~ilp itwih i i I s i Anything in the student supply line may be obtained at the Student Supply Store. You'll apprceciaic our service. 1111-Soutli University Avenue Phone 1160-R, WE HIAVE ALWAYS PL A S ED1 T"wUTwTLE'S LUNCH ROO0M 338 Mayn arid OPEN TODAY 9:30 to 1:00 4:00 to 9:30 SILK, CREAM, BAKED GOODS COLD MEATS Comfplete Stock of Groceries Colleg~ve Grocery, 5106 E. William PBone.£6M J IR Careful Preparation Just as a meal at home is carefully planlned. so as to be complete' in every detail, so are the menus at Cutting Cafe. That is why i is a satisfaction to cat here regularly. -THE CUTING CAFE CORNER OF STATE AND MONROE PHONE 1358-W .; i i. I , ,'J 1 Iii 'i I I. , L ; , (' I C, ; 1 , y ' but demonstmration purposes to give { the studlents an idlea of its method of 7 operation. The Studebaker and the Chevrolet, ho wever, may be usedl for any tests that the department may Il wish to put them through. The latterI which has been in the laboratory for' six months has been used in generali performance tests. The Studebaker wiil be used in somne road tests as, soon as weather conditions will per--; mit, that is its acceleration, speeds, fuel, and oil consumption xiii be care- fully recorded with accurate instru-I ments while in operation on the high'- way. 0 1 The Franklin Motor Car company, has authorized its engineering depart- ject, and as a consequence, it does not receive proper atteni.ion." ' We conclude from these consider- ations that the biological instruction needed by the child of public school age lies in the field of natural his- tory and that there are -three things to be done to provide that instruction. First, the character of the college course should be changed as far as it applies to p~rospective teachers. The second requirement is that special teachers be appointed for biological instruction in the grades. "The third need is for a closer co- operation b~etween the public schools! and tihe colleges of the state. The teaching of natural history may be i FLOWERS SALESLADIES-everywhere to sell Our moderate prices make it p Pic-Wic house frocks direct to wear- for all to have FRESH- er;" no investment; easily earn $35' GROWN FLOWERS. weekly; all or part time; write to- A2 FLORAL CO. day. Pickwick Mfg. Co., Fort Wayne, ANN ARBOR FLORAL Ct Ind. 122 E. Liberty. Phon LMiST Read the Wan LOST-On or near campus, ladies'l h vn gold wrist wvatch. Reward. Call _______________ 2058-R1. 602 E. Liberty.e Possible HOME Paris, Jan.. 10.-Strict regulation of j the -ale and lieeping of. firearms is. ,O. provided in a bill approved by thie ne 1630 cabinet, (drawn because of time recent - Communist ag;itation. Alds E PATRONIZE DAILY. ADVERTISERS i - ------------------------------------------- ------------ ----------- ---- ---------------- ii nient to send an engine to the Univer- assisted byv the loan of specimens, lit- sity for experimental purposes, ac-1 rature, lantern slides and other equip- cording to Prof. W. E. Lay, director of monlnt. usually possessed in abundance the laboratory. The Reo company hasi by thme higher institutions of learning." also made known its intention of send- Professor Ruthven concludes his re- ing one of its new six cylinder engines. port by sayinmg, "It may be added that the universities need not fear the ef- FL'inish Assembly ' feet of such instruction. We may say what we will of time old way of teach- Of New Turbine% ing natural history; this way pro- duced not only great pmrofessionals, Excetingfor fewmino but great amateurs as well, and itl pats cannot fail to develop a general under-? asmofthe new urbne egin standing of biological phenonmena and at th nvriy power plant is com-ma'plcinatr. plete, and the machinery is ready for _________ use. Time turbine has a capacity of 1,250i Shepard Inspects kilowatt hours of current as complaredl with 800 kilowatt hours from the two' JPublic Buildingse other generators combined. Both 0ld11 and new units will be retained inm With a view. toward l etting ideas service. for the proposed museum and admin- istration buildings for the University, San Salvador, Jan. 10.- An aerial D'r. John F'. Shepard, supervisor of passenger andl nmail service betweenI building plans, inspected museums time Central Anmerican republics will 1 andl pulhic buildings in Columbus, be inaugurated soon. Washington, New York and Boston -I during time holidays. - Pittsburgh., Jan. 9.-Manufactured I Tentative plans for these two build- "snow stornms" to be used iin extin- ;ings are now being worked out. guishing fires have been developedI at time Mellon Institute. I New York, Jan. 9.-No husbands will be permitted in "the first apart- Newv York, Jan. 9.-Edward M. Mor- mnent house ever built for women ;an, postmaster of New York, died to- ! only," now nearing completion in day. West Thirtiets street here, Miss Ver __- - - - P~oggi, who will he superintendent, PATRONIZE D)AILY ADVERTISERS has announcedI. LOST-Browvn canmeo pin surrounded by pearls. Reward. Phone 1325. LOST Green Life Time Shaeffer fours- tamn pen on campus. Reward. If found call 1597-M. A RIGHT-HANDED GLOVE, Brown with kinitted lining, size 7, Wednes- day. Leave at Michigan Daily. Re- I ward, KEEP an eye open for a gold watch and chain with H. W. S. engraved on time hack. Call Sililoso 1104. KAPPA Sigma pin, name on back, Call 2710. Reward. jLOST-Left hand glove, fur cuffs, knmit xlined, Friday evening. Return to Michigan Daily Box No. 50. Reward. LOST-South Bend Watch between campus and Whitney theatre, Dccemi- her 18th. 1065-R. NOTICE NATIVE FRENCHMAN Will give pri- vate lessons in Frencm. Monplaiser Christopher. Phone 276. EXPERT WATCH REPAIRING - On all makes. 302 S. State. Arnold State Street Jeweler. C'ORRESPOND)ENCE STATIONERY BIG CLEARANCE SALE NOW ON Buy now and effect a considerable saving. 0. D. MORRILL 17 Nickels' Arcade J -HOP ho us'e party favors of a distinctive type are obtatinable at Arnold's. You would do well to place your order at the present time. #1##111#11111lliE111111111111-l 11##~f1111t#Hti11l~ lU! R ~ You'llI like ourM specials. A new one each week. 'sa =- 723 North University 219 South Main 217 North Main : #1#1##E{1~lEIE11111#11111#I111E~i#1ElitU EJ~ltllilllll111l11111lltlltlllttt!ta Don't Borrow- Subscribe T oday. ARNOLD'9S State Street jeweler RUGS SHAMPOOED Ann Arbor CarpetI Phone 50. or dlust cleaned. Cleaning Works,!; 302 South State St. Phone 889-R .. ... FRATERNITIES I,: I I/ *e i i C'T71? (i TT13 1:3 Tc'mTT TF CLUBS