PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, JANUARY-j1, 1925 ~AQ~ BIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, JANUARY 11, 1925 ,. p . TARKMEPRAE Suckers FormPLNT FRUArI Skating e HOLD -PMETN FGR- A ,I ,Camplaign, Ill., Jan. 1t}.-Skating isr~~i III. flthe latest sport to be added' to the ~ ~ tI~ 1'apen g014 only Veerani Dier, Jspor't calendlar at the University of illy > edAs . eseve 'Illinois. For the first time in th~e ,V, 4 FrSNecods or andidt Mn~ 1W sed A~ Reser I history of the school, the Illini will ir o eol n hr Iii 'rl~~ Relaybe represented on the ice this winter. Ples Four excellent speed skaters have GOW NOT TO SWIMT alrcady been clinscii for berths on the WANT LARGER SQUAD ; team, andl more wvill be adlded to the With, the swimming meet with M.( team, if the material shows promise Coach Steve Farrell will miake his.ConyaweaaCacBresflfdvlpig A. C ony aweekawa, Cach arns o devlopngformal call for track candidates at a hias begun intensive practice, to pre-! Marshall Sweeney, who has placed p ep mneeting which will be held Thurs-i pare his 'men for their events. The divrs ho efoe vcaton onfnedin the broad jump in the conference !cday evening, Jan. 15, in the Union.3 ther atenios slel toth sadus 1outdoor champion track meets for thec Captain James K. Brooker, Professor ther atetios sley t th swdut.past two years is a member of the ! harry C. Carver, of the mathemnaticsj landing box downy at the field house,1 team. Topper, a member of the chain- department, Coach Hoyt, fresmian! are at present dividing their attentions pionship four mile relay team last track coach, and Egbert R. Isbell, '24L,1 between there and the pool.ยข year, is aniother member of the squad. former Conference cross country and In this department, Papengutli, w~o~ Both axe fast speed skaters. Itoml hminwl etemi is the only veteran back from last The other two men who have be en twoiea chapioswilob the mainam year's squad, is showing some real chosen for the team, are speakrsgo the p vr8 e r ram ou ability and has shown constant ii- best amateurs speed skaters in the daily in the field house, the coach is provement since the start of the sea-I country. Juliam. Steinmetz and Edw- anxious to have more men sign up as son. Starrett, a diver uncovered in ard who have competed in many off this is a very small squad in compari-I the ntefraernty metis lsothe championship meets in Chicago son to the majority of the conference counted on to develop into Varsityan Lake Placid, New York, are con-} schools. After winning both the in- material in quick order. This year is sidered sure point winners for theI door and outdoor conference meets, the first time that the board~ and saw-E Sucker teamt.! and the Natioial Intercollegiate, meet; Rei3efufses Tolif Tl Leid Title Belt KELLRII TV To New Chamipion K'ansas Cit, .Jaa.1O.--Ed "Strangler" ILIIUIIIU LewVis. v.'h last. his heavyweig~ht L E~O Basketball Fans Favored With U ~Man Feature Games This Week S u i ii Witir the season race wvell under ing to Ann Arbor in tin Q for the Ohio a lv: waybyirea son, oft Ihe Baines early inl!game on Saturday. ii i I' ij t 1 I 'I ; i i t . t s -I _1 t ) l 7 lr jn hminhp Thrdyli' ~lltOI'''ItIiCI the w ^ck and last igh lt's encounters,; nvest night to Wayne (lBi ;) lun. former iWith Illiniois','('ticago Uhnisenvoerec bsebalfrity University of Nebraska football star, !And (i Oio tfivestllrwnCinoterecondaseblek Ioweya was rest-ing easily in a Kansas City= ie ilsigit hi eodwe fteya hospital todlay. Lewis suffered al HOPE FOR RECOGNITION!01 lly wt ceuei hc l evsb sprained joint at the base of the spine ;__I of the Big Ten scho~s with the ex- cago at th' ,vhen lie was tossedl out of the ring. ('oic~ption of Iowa ill1 be seen in action Lewis will not surrender the. $10,- (Mihians-eniontamwhthmee ~court. 000) diamiond studded chagipionship in Waterman gymnasium yesterday i) Michigan, Illinois, and Olio will M3iNa belt to Munn, it was declare! by Billy afternoon under the direction of D' .eatr the lion's share of the *work by Sandow, manager of the dethroned George May, mapped out a pr1ogram!; playig two gamsilO apiece dutring the! All sop) titleholder. The belt, set with 39 dia- for the year, and elected P. .J0501)h six gay perodl~. Ohio will ncet Wis-I! out for nionds, was awarded by the Central Keller, '26E, an excellent foil inan, asI cousin on TIueday at Madison, while I' in rhino Athletic ('hub here several years ago, captain, I he Wolverines are carded for Satur- t 7 o'cloc Lewlis also holds a lbelt awarded in Dr. May was in personal charge of day night at Ann Arbor. Illinois andi berg's C .New York by Tex Rickard. the team last year, and that team withi Michigan have their games scheduled "He lost the match undler protest no organization and little eqtuipmient for Wednesday and Saturday nights. j and I ami willing to submit my argu-. was offered contests with three big! On Wedlnesday the Illini will clash nments to any board of arbitration! ten schools, notably University of fi- with Northwestern at Evanston, while for settlement," Sandow saidl. linois, Chicago, and Ohio and also M. 1 Saturday night, the Suckers will be "If :Alunn thinks he is going to get IA. C. Fencing has been a minor slhort at home foj' a game with Indiana. T'i that diamond belt he is mistaken forE in these schools for a number of years. Wolverines journey to Lafayette, In-1 Read he should have been fouled out of the This year's teams with 30 tryouts andi diana for a game with P~urdue, return- bout when hei threw Lewis from the better organization than lasi. year'si ring," is planning to ask for rec ovmutien I___________________________________ ---- from the athletic association, thereby! - } ~gaining the lpriviledge of having a. Not Da e Sraregular parid coach and meets with 1f Im proves Slowly1 conferenlce schools.j !Te team has a number of pro mis- I.,..' ing candidates. Besides Capt.. Keller ifoofoi SanFra chcoJan 1!0.-TimCro~ ~ i in the foils, there if, Peardslev, who!A ha~~~~~~~~~~ cihdsa fteN~eDm ~i as campus epee champion last yeai ve iity football c leve, wiho has beenI Benham in the foils, Fulver in the ;Ie a J 1 i ta S::n Francisco hospital since sbradIol.Te otpo i last turdaty, prob~ably' will he able i-atewh a a w o hur toeothwkBCownes cnditione iyears experience at Culver, being cap- is satisfa.ctory, although he is recover- ta1hr uighsls er xug his ;strength slowly.* The Notre 1 !tame player collapsedl after the gamedj11 v it i Sanlord New Year's Day at l1'a'ia- !R ad iean2 0dsPER other week endl battle, t he of Minnesota, who fell be- in the first Conference game r, will try to redeem them- taking the measure of Clhi- he Maroon court. 11t SPORTS TRYOUTS homores wishing to try- rassistant imanagerships ors sports will report at k Monday night at Wein- C Coliseum. I RITTER ILVVINSON, Manager. the Want Ads U1 I (ust landing box has ever been used * for the, divers, butt the results nave, been very satisfactory, both in develop- ing the divers and in lessening the confusion down at the inadequate Y. Al. C. A. pool. In. the plunge. Siedman is perform- ing well and is improving continually so that he ought to be able to be counted on as a real contender in Saturday's contest. The plungers arel. working out on Monday and Friday nights at the pool. Gow, veteran of last year's squad, will not be, back in time for the opening meet, so tha~t Papenguth will probably be called from the ranks of the fancy divers a few nights to' limber up in the forty yard free style, so that he may be held in reserve as a relay prospect. Captain Kerr looks better than ever since returning to school after. the holiday recess and should have things his own way in the backstroke. Sam- son, uncovered in last year's inter- fraternity swimming meet, is progres- sing encouragingly , in the racing events and should be a consistent point winner. Bethlehem, Pa., Janm, 10. - Percy Wendell, former football coach at Wil- liams signed a three-year contract for $10,000 a year to coachm the Lehigh; team. He was allowed $6,000 a year for assistants. The annual all-campus wrestling meet will be held in Waterman gym- nasium Jan. 13, 14, 15. The weights will bel 115, 125, 135 145, 158, 175, an"I heavy - weight. Contestants will be ailowed I to wrestle in only one class. All contestants must weigh in at the Waterman gymnasium any time beforef 6 o'clock Monday, Jan. 12.!' The length of the bouts in the pre- I' liminaries will be five minutes, andl eight minutes in the finals. To, earn' a decision a 0~ second advantage will be necessary in the preliminary bouts, and a 45 second advantage in. the finals. In case of a draw twoF two minute' bouts will be wrestled to determine. the winner. Th extra final bouts, in case of a draw, will be. three minutes in length. Intramural sweaters. with numerals; or m~edals will be awarded to the winners. Read the Want Ads at Chicago two years ago, Michigan!. slipped back last season placing sec-l fond in th~e indoor meet and third in the outdloor. The team took many first places in every :Meet last year but lack of men capiable of coping off~~ the 'second and third p~laces was a serious handicap. With a large numz-;, ber of stars again available, the coach- es are anxious to eliminate the weak- ness that was so evident last year. A Vauan Herrick, '25, track manager has made all of the arrangements and will act as chairman of the nmeetin-;. ___________________________ !tDon't delay-Pay your Subscription todtay. 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