v SUNDAY, , JANUARY 11, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDY, JNUAR 11,1925THE ICHIAN DILYAG IV I A 1-;.17 ( n r_ v ANNUAL COSTUME P!IRTY ST FOR SAT. ; Directors~ of League WIill Lead Grand March at Fancy lPress L'rty .. PRIZES AWARDED The grandl march at the. annual Fancy dress party which will be held ~aturday, Jan. 17, :n Barbour gymi- ~asium will be led by the oard of di- ~,actrsof the Women's League. The. mrhwill begin at 7:30 o'clock and "VillI be in three divisions comprised frof groups from 4 to 9, 10 to 15, and 1 ;.And over. As the groups pass in re- 1view, the house presenting the best igroup costume in competition for the wrize will be selected. ',Individual prizes for the funniest, , i ettiest, and most. ingenious cos- ~ttiines will be offered. Following the grand march the three honor societies, Wyvern, Mortarboard, and Senior lhon- or society, will each put on a stunt, 'These will be followed by stunts by each of the four classes, freshmen, Ssophomore, junior, and senior, and a prrze will be given for the best stunt. The judges for the occasion include: Mrs. M. L. Burton. Mrs. J. ItB. Effing- eMrs. A. S. Whitney, Mrs .J. A. L Pursley, Dean Jean llamilton, Mrs. S Amy Hobart, Miss Grace Rtichards, Dri. Margaret Bell, Miss Ethel McCormick, and( Miss A. L. ake. The Kappa Sigma orchestra will furnish the music for dancing, which iil coi nie until 11 o'clock. A admission charge of 25 ents will be +made for snectators, who will find seats in the gallery. Committees in charge of the party are: Elizabeth Tompkins, '26, gener- al chairman; Dorothy Cline, 'Ni Sstunts; olive Ilymra u, '25, palroness- cae; Elizabeth McDowell, , refresh- 4ments; Alice Powell, '25, posters; Harriet Abbott,,'27, houses ; Jean K - er, '27, prizes. TEAM MANAGRSPLN BASKETBALL TOURNEY Plans for the annual inter-house basketball tournament will le made at a meeting of all the team managers, which will be held at 4 o'clock, Wed- n esd y,.in 'Barbour gymnnasiuma. Any Smanager who cannot attend should tsend a substitute. The managers will ~draw for opponents and dates of play- Iing. The meeting will be short and ,the regular practice will be held after- w';.aar(Is. Practices will continue until the be- ginning of the examination period. The first game of the tournament will be played Fel. 11, the first Wednesday 1of the new semester. The houses will compete for the silver cup which was e4won by Delta Gamma for the first time flast year, and which will be awarded ' permanently to any house which wins it for three successive years. DISCUSS MODERN BOOKS Various modern books xwill be (1is- cussed at the regular mieeting of 3 Athena literary society at 7 :15 o'clock rrilestay in the Athena club rooms of Angell hall. Matilda Sommierield, '28, will talk on Alfred Noys' "Aspects of IModern Poetry;" Norma Green, '27, t will review Stuart P. Sherman's ¢"Americans," and Katherinie Matthews, '28, will sperk of Ben Ilcct's Kt "lurnpty-Duinpty." A general (iscus - ion by all members of Melnc~en's "Defense of Women" and James 1B. t'Cabell's "In a Santung Garden" and 1 "Straws and Prayer Books" will follow the regular program. ~' Announcementl'Ims beeinimadle of t he Imarriage of Miss Fanny Wiseman., Grand Rapids, to I:. W. Ilarelik, "25M. 1-farelik is a memiber of: Ph Lambda Ktappa fraternit y. Trhe marriage took j-lace during Christmas vacation. Deans Join Fun At "Kids'. Party For Ilonor Counci'l I OUT PROGRAM FOR CONVENTION a,1'in lf~lrtondl& an -)f \voiiei, and~ M rs. A my H obart. assistant (leen,l added to the fan of the Honor Coutn- Kink~'s TAiizghtli and Sow; Orf:ier cil's "kaid" p~art, Friday afternoon in! WillII ld ('eiference at Ba~rbour gymnasiumn, when they played; liili~l "Fa rmer in the Dell," with the "kids.'' All the children were (lelighted wih TO HOLD LUNCHEON the refreshments of lolly-pops and __ animal crackers. The appropriate TeTetehAna ovnino prizes given in the gamnes caused muchI hilarity. A big green aeroplane was the Washtenaxv County Branch of the given for "Going to Jerusalem," so; Micigan Branch of the International that the homhewardl journey mright bej Order of King's Daughters and Sons swifter. Entertainment was furnishedj will meet Wednesday at the M',ichigan by Lois Porter, '28, who gave a readi-! Union. ing, and Helen MN-orse, '28, who danced.! The program which will begin at lRed and purple balloons ser'ved as; 9:20 o'clock is as follows: Devotional decorations when the. party began,. exercise';led by Mrs. A. W. Stalker; but before long thIe "kid,"h dtaken convention opened, Mrs. Albert R. Crit- them down, till at the end of the party tendon ; presentation of program, Mrs. D01 ne w e left . 1 'riz :s were awarded J. E. Emswiler; introduction o11.Ithe I to Chaz°Iotte Fralick, '28. and Gretchen! convention guests; ;M'rs. George H.' Schroeder, '26, for the best costumes.1 Prior, international ])resident; Mrs. Elizabeth B~otsford, '25 was general Dewitt. llI. Hunt, state piersident; Mrs. chairman. William Lahring, first vice-p)resident -- Mrs. F. R. Smith, second vice-presi- ir I (dent; Mrs. J. C. Stewart, recording LEAGUE TO LAUNCH f isecretary; Mrs. .B.Swy oe> 111L nding secretary; Mrs. Charles Ilor- Cg~ g ~iton i! CE. Bishop, Ms :avyHle,:is - ; Arthur Brown, Mrs. Guy Van Doren, With the (quota of 90 per cent in! Mrs. Rupright, executive board; 'Mrs. view t he Women's Leag ue will launch J. AV'. Strong, president of Wayne their canmpaign for life membership '-county; Mrs. Thom as Formsan, pr~esi-' in the XWom en's League organization dent, Mvacomb county; Mr is. E. 'T. Tuesday md canmt inue through Friday. Miller, president Shiawassee county; Booths will ibe staht~oned in nvest Mrs. N. C. Webster, p~residen t, Genesee hall and in 1he liltrary for lie *onlve.l ('coulnt. icoe o uni''nizl Mii~i rliee IA pia no solo by Donna Essestynh will }-tootles will bew open from 8 to 1.2 1 pr dtil 3irt0 h Ilsi o'clock every day diring lhe driive., ich vllbe ivn yrMs.NarI te', michi -a ii \oiuellstuidenit, are nirgedk ar(, custodian of hospltal supplie;, to support t his ('aitlia ign and take out 1 Mrs. F. C. Noy, the treatsur e hst-, hit,. a t life inhershi if' they have niot ! d ary Buffing ton, tlhe educational fund; done so in pirev ious yearvs. Approxi-11isDrtyKtb~isca evc nmai ely only 38 pei' cell!. of the wom en, direct or. A report oin thle old 1.2cted I:- onl the ca mpuis hold l1icem~berships H omec will be given by Ml's. ;)aah at the pres! enlt im'In d tic'., iit'Ilber Brore, pre sident of thte !board of' the is not, suafficient to c'onvin ce alumnae(01(1 ladies horn e; Mrs. Art bInu'f'rot,', Inienihers of thle U n iversi ty o1 Mic1l i- (nvriy'11hairman of' thle conlm ittee. g ainLau htsuensaca' v luncheon and social hlour will be and interestedP iinthle priogress of the' he ld at 12:310 o'clock, P aiing w Ii hl' Women's League. timie~ the ballot box will be0 openied. The alumnae camp1aign t'for fuids Music will he torn ishied in Hl"f1or'mnof for the University of M ic'higan League a tigdti yLcl okiy rbuilding is now being (coniductedI Pauline Kaiser and llosella Rd or. throughout the counlt ry and alumnae The meeting will lie resulned at 1 :30 ai'e looking to the active student s for {)'cloc'k when the hi'Ion of' the order sll~hoi' amd o-p~i'a iu ly i Kng'will he sung. An in formlIrec'eptionI out their li fe me'n lbe'l ships while in will then be h el d at . he close. school. A lif'e membhership in the Wo- All members of tile King's D aught eirs men's League may be subscribed by a ciricles of the city and c(o(unt y eite- woman in school for $50 wxhich, mayvVitedl to attend the meeting and lunch- be..paid i ntlmoso $10 or.i' ioie. eon to be held at 12: 301o'cloc k ed- Thew cost ,of illein)ershiil more than nesdlay at the M'ichigan Union. Itoser- quadlrupiles itself if' it is taken out vationls10o' the luncheon mray lie made after leaving the University. Last prior to Tuesday noo01, hby telephloning year the alumnae memblershilp fee was Mrs. J1. J. Kelly, 24l03, or Mrs. W. ID. $207. Mclean, 2563-W. Constance C'larks , '28 is general -- chairman of the campaign. I Don't delay--Pay your Subscription Iowa Women F orm ~MLADN HLS Portia Arranges New Association'!IW American Program' Repesntaivs fomthe athletic rIN ~JNIOR G.RLS PAY' tMthe regular ,mteeting of Portia associations of 11 (colleges in the state 1- Literary society which will be held at o1' Iowa have formed an organizatiotI.'Leading roles ini the Junior Girls' 17 :15 o'clock Tuesday in the Portia for the purpose of considering local play have been assigned, and the 12t club rooms of Angell hall, an "All-1 prioblems. III a letter recently receiv-1 wonien who have been notified will be-( American Night" progiram will con- ed by Marianna Smalley, '25, presi-; gin rehearsals at 4 o'clock tomorrow,; sist of the following speeches: "Do dent of the Michigan "W. A. A., from in Barbour gymnasium. ;'You Speak English," Loretta Cooped,I Iowa State college, the plans of the! Approximately 200 women reported; '26; "Slang," Marion Gool, '26;; andt organization were explainedl, for second tryouts, andI from this! "Modern Mnsic---the Effect of Jazz,",, Several of the schools belong to' number 150 chorus parts as well as Doris Slingluff, '26, A general dis-'i the Athletic Conference of American the leads were filled. The women c'ussion of these topics will, follow the College women, lbut the organization .chosen for choruses will be notified by regular proJgram. also includes the smaller colleges who' cards as soon as possible. All jun-! cannot meet all the requirements of I ors are urged to watch The Daily' uAT F.You lsvnlsl'juiwp v:rT the A, C. A. C. W. but who need the for iiotices pertaining to the play. insp~ation of the larger association.s Practically all of the xwomen who; it is the aim of the Iowa State college,I participated in the second ti'youts pre-f whlich instigated the formation of the sented specialty dances, some inter- association this fall, to have ever-,' ;rrntive, soine toe-dancing, and chiefly j college in Iowa take an active part. of the popular stage variety. Norma Bicknell, '26, geneiral chairman of the _ ------_--__- --- -_____-^ ( play, reports a wealth of promising'I C material."' ATOTW S 1 IPATRONIZE DAILY ADVT.RTISERS I Parainount in the Fas~hiion World Senior So( cv y will iee~t at 7:3O0'-' s C(olor-thie Music of 1,1911t. clock tomorr ow in the playroom of Both the variations and liar- len N ewbeiry residlence. monious combination of coloir ar'e readily compar'ed to the liar- The boarid of directors of the Wom- ji monics produced inl great music cin's League will meet at 4 o'clock to- b~y skillful, studied combination ioiwinli'orgynsuof the notes of a musical scale. wit j___ It will be' an interestinig ex- than The I'ellmn Grls Gle cub ill perience for stuldenits of design TheFreItmn Grls Gle cub ill to attend the faculty concet hold a. regular mneeting at 49:15 o'clIock th.atrno.f~ltepr Sw Monday afternoon in the parlors of forniance of the Clavilux on La Baroutr gymnasium. Tuesday evening. I WO( W omen wvho have consented to work sKil on the life niiiembr:h ip campaign 1Sa ('Ohno ~ilttee of thle Women's Le~ague aire Scar m'('(uest oP to meet at 4 o'clo(ck toniori I i'owv i the parlors of Barbiour gym-. nasiuni. Berlint, Jan. 10,--- Prieidrich Bartels,! Sociatlist:, t:, the new piesident of tha Pi'ussian Diet. - 222 Nickels Arcade Prof. E G. Burrows To Address Society Theta Sigma, honorary journalistic society, will meet at 8 o'clock W1ed- nesday at the Alpha Chi Omega house, 1004 Olivia street. Helen. Ramsay, '25, will speak on "Women a's Featuire Writers," and Prof E. G. Burrows, of tht School of Journalism, will address timle society on "The Day's Work: for WVomen in Journalism." Dutes are payable at this meeting. Read the Want ,Ads ERE'S warm, smart look- , ng attire that will make :er sports more exhilarating ever!. eaters ........... $4-s10 ther Jackets ........ $15 oA gloves ......... $1.39 ickers ......... $5-$8.50 irf, hat sets ...... $2.50-$5 124 SOUTH MAIN --_ t ExclusIve Styles For rfhe i-Hop Order youriI gown early. S "0 3 lay'irdm St. Phone 3070-Rt j i i F r i I I I 1 NOWA I 1I ''4 7 NOW! I L.. Jump on The Band Wagon!Y , F t i k i tt t t i i i j 3 C i 3 tola y. " git -1 11 11 - I I I ,, Don't. delay-Pay your Subiscription today. Like a Megaphone!t The Patented Tone Ampli- fying rim magnifies each note that is played, result- ing in a clearness of tone, a volume, a carrying power truly marvelous. yNI: Tone Amrplifying Rim This' patented rim is an ex- clusive feature of Weyinan Orchestra Banjos. It is but onie reasoni why Weyimann Banjos are everywhere ac- i claimed the World's Best. Into every instruinent that leaves the Weymann factory goes the very best selected ;materials, the most skilled workmanship and a half century's experience in strinigedl instrinent manu- facture. Weymann Banjos-$30 to $350 'Varsity Banjos, $10 cep Other Makes up It will he a pleasure to show 'yon, our eomrilete lite- RIVALS THE BEAUTY 1 OF THEI SCARLET TANAGER I The Black- tipped Lacquer- red Classic ;P Handsome to Own -Hard to Lose Jewel-Smooth Point Guaranteed 25 Yeazrs F Ran egven start this Fall with your classmates--a little ahead of some, and as well equipped as any--take along" the $7 Over-size, Duofold or $5 Lady Duofold or sturdy Duofold Jr. Every theme you write, every test you take, every lecture you note down, I I will gain the speed and clearness of this I 25-year jewel-smooth point. A pen you can lend without a tremor I because no style of writing can distort i its point. The Pen with the Press-Eut- ton Filler, capped inside the barrel--cut of sight -out of harm's way. The pen with the Duo-Sleeve Cap--an extran sleeve for an Ink -Tight seal. Its strong *Gold Girdle was $1 extra--now noI charge, due to large production. Whichever you say--flashing plain black--or lacquer-red, black-tipped- though we recommend the color, for it I~pl II * makes this a hard pen to lose. At al good pen counters. THE PARKER PEN COMPANY Manufacturers also of Parker Duo fold Pencils to match the pen $.5 Factory and General Otiices,JANESVILL., WIS. I( Re~d Ld Black } Dolor III Mom, r I I I i i 1 f i i I i OH! BOY, What Idun and Thrills 'S L it )TX itSix usanid (Thousand ar 3) Funny ughs Feet w Op I Live, Love and Laugh!1 I if 1 fill II V.:. r=.1 luncheon o te Sunayigh 12,5SuhTyer* A a i Doug was in the horseless, drivel-less cab-a gunman wvas chasing himrn --in the wild, hilariously funny ride the cab just missed 79 obstacles and then ran smack into the honeymoon boat on which his sweetie was waiting. A R ib- Tic kfingJoy Ride ! Also--- I S haeberte & Son, MUSIC HOUSE 110 South Main Stheet The Wo rid's Best Banjo All 'wcyjmann : instruments bear rde -marls7 sho-w$ 2:00) 3 :41 5:20) 7 :004 8:30 1 Gay Youxng Blade Causes Keen Laughter! Mack Sen nett Preets Harry La ngdon i ., dFickering Tout ~~.r- Pices 35ie loe Wa tihe 25 YearPoint .111 i t f I .: ". M 1 t I -I im