'NE Vs
:43 lx
VOL. XXXV. No. 80
In Big Local S moking FracasIIOGESDEINSjjw-ece
DIES AFTE~~~~LLl lNe S..rte h was added to the men and girls of Ann Abor and vi- A T R 2 E R A T R E E E A
' I ha itand to exemplify at all timesth
hihrin Ann Arboor the last few lpurity and high standardls of woman- i___
END AME AFT111 INCERIN 'flyswhen The King's Daughters hood; and that we use our influence to j w1, i)FNT 1('ccErrs i £SICN A. NOIINATION SENT TO SENATE;
EN!)C AEg AFTiYll EG111iN 1 yesterday took action against nico-;stamp out this habit which is threaten;! PION AF~TER FIVE DAYS EXPIECT PO311T ACTION
SICKNES TheCIresolutioniiiwhichi comes as;w ing to prove a menace to the morals ~N A ,E
sted1 Thelig resolutionan ig !r.
WVAS AUTHOR state by the Woman's Club of Ann in E L G P O N E ' I SW D E VC the women's dormitories, league- AP O N EvI. VD E VC
_____Arbor, w as forw arded to The Daily ":t r a wi h t e f l wilho s s an s r rt es y t rd y nd
Grhouses, andmsororitietyyesterdaysand
raiaeFrmLiieitAn WisIv tra wihtefloig note: last night. Many of the women of the 1Iigles To Rteeter hair; Kllogg'S Was Ambassado r to Japan and Miexic0; si
Memberof Faculty; Became "The King's Daughters of Ann Arbor ! Successor in London Niot Acted as Concllori English
realzingthe apidgrowh oftheUniversity take the attitude expressed IYtApits
egis~~r 90Ssmoking habit among women, feel it tby one woman yesterdlay in the Cam-I
Following an illness which has con- is time women o1f sterling character, pus1 Opinion department of The Daily,: Washington, Jan. 10. (lyA P.)- Washington, Jan. 10.-(By A. P)-y
fined him to his bed since last July, an whstn ataltmsfrte hodcrdtatheW a'slu Charles Evans Ilughes will retire from !Charles Beecher Warren, MichiganM
ifiner things and best type 'of woman- resolution was an insult to all the lawer andl former ambassador to
Registrar Arthur G. Ball passed away ;hood1 stamp this pernicious habit with women on the campus, the cabinet March 4, and Frank 1B. Juna~ oMxci ofl h
at his home here at 10 o'clock last their disapproval." Many others agree with tie spirit! Kllogg, now ambassador to London, ,cabinet vacancy caused by the eleva-
iight. Tfhe accomp~anying resolution runs of the resolutions, anid"conflict seems will succeed him. Lion of Attorney General Stone to the;
Ever since the attack, which result- thuns: "Resolved that the Good Will imminent, although competent obser-. Mr. H-ughes has placed his resignasi preme court bench.
ed in his confiement last summer, Dr. Circle of Kings Daughters protest vers were last night unable to pre-! tion in the hands of President Coolidge His nomination was sent today to
Hall has believed that hie would be ( against the smoking habit among wo- dit which way the tide would turn, with a reconirmation of loyalty to the senate where prompt action was Frank B. IKellog
able to return to his work. Physicians1;- exeeddsietefcthtewaiFrnB.Klognw
who have treatedi him have fought acttat h vrGvrnrGosewaso f raLndn Kh abellnw
steady battle., employing every known 111111 PnannOirrr IR iMiciga ovs epr estbkotoLnnwohsbn
ur i..Mihianwo asrereene by ( succeed Charles Evans
means, to no avail, lHe had beentrSeaoCoznReulcofhtSceayoftt.
sinking slowly for several weeks, and state, and the Michigan delegation ini
Symptoms which pointed to his death JE[ ANUARY PIANM E F R .kIIGP eYS erred to the judiciary wami re-i
have been evident for svrl(as E E1I IIUUUU i h ss1cus.cmitei ING AI E
On November 25, Dr. Hall was mor- F RPndn eaectoonhen i-JI I I
ed from the University hospital where edn tnt cino h oi
Farned "1 Tm h' 11l111 y" Appea rs As E Appileat ons for Opera P&ttance nation to succeed Associate Justice
hehdbe ic uy ohis home N iihr(nOio ~IAsti111h lhe olodi~1ele~nni resigned, Mr. Stone will li
on Oakland avenue where his (leath !Lo rgrm(fAcetne'oiut fhe to hold his place in the FNh a ensneJlt ub b raoia sai"Wl ehie ohlesILIG II
occurred last ight. Mrs. Hall andjliuPigll.oAetn s(elJP.I
three of their c'hildlren were with Di'r, h elcin fM.IarnteLiut. Harrs WillSMa
flall at the time of his death . is l OTED AS TIUJMORIS F BRIAKFAST AT UNION ! Presidenit adds to his advisory council' mercial Applications,;o
Helen Hall Is, in Tours, France, studyj a mat who has had much experience Deelp ns
Ing' under a scholarship. George Creel, the uumasltoed "UncleI Arrangements for the J-Hop per- Deiivheeulcsericeadnhofo
Derit,Hand was a memberte o the n Her"o Colier's, editor, auithlor,' forian'e (f the Uinion Opera, the Veu:hs been one of the, leaders of S'VF R INS
vorsityi and wasiurnorira, illmber' orfre1*hs - tErhis party. npoited Republican n A O EG
ractilty before oisfwilacceptingafas thehe positn ftioth
tclybfracetnthpstin1as the neat speaker on tilt ie )t srica I onalommnitteeman for Mchigan i
of registrar in 190)8, since 1 bat ime associal ion's season ]rogi'. inwhen Ihe, inceaante nlrue on e tiona 1 ? h srvdfor eight years assist-, Lieut. Harold R. Harris
h1e served irnintorupi odly iint il July. wil"Lothsas)~t ove'Ie(ingM'u the. 1926 1101), were concluded at aig in that time in revising the pro-' irpaetdyfo e
The funeral which will be private ri'e, and other perils." M49r(Creel rne(tiig of the comimittee yesterday i cdure of the party organihation. near Dayton, Ohio, bring
will be held Tuesday afternoon at the i After lie was chairman of the resolu-e Arbor official air service
Oaln vne inswill speak Phr~dy Janury 15, .n afternoon at the Union' flight films with which t
reiec nOkadaeu.FinsIhill auditorium lion. committee,he had a large part
rrreusetooiflwr.To the mre' than a million readers +- - - ------ !_____ in forming the platform adopted at his lecture on "Commerc
Arhu Gahm al wsbon t f olie'smgain, nce eny~!Cleveland last June. ions of Military Developn
ArtphurGrahamgallDe. w 9,asd eor natoCo llimgaine, "Urtnce hey"ICKT PL AOSMr. Warren's public service has held at 7:30 o'clock tom
was eh r M ian.f Dec.rk ,B1nedi ,t and n e s n ut e nr d ci n h I I T AP lI' T O SI'in Natural Science autra
was te so ofClrBeeitad.'i(5 ' articles with their -poited I been wide and varied, bringing into'
Agnes Graham Hall. His father was {jiiis~l)~(~n1 ~c Tickets to thre 1926 J-Hop will} plvhiknwegasaayrad Lieutenant Harris who
~i superintendent of schools and fit:umran i xpe'ig h ihlo' e Agiven out to all those holdingI his attainments as a dilomat. Besides te ligscino h
that capacity moved frequently -fromr viewptandivisinros themir1serv5
oneatw'cet anoher. cardtof from ----to 5 a cting as counsel for the governmentdisonfthar eic
9r t~ important meni fattopics of incnrves ih ra-rian n on those recent developm
netw toaohr otof i.Ithe day have been amusing Collier; j oclock next Wednesday and i otoes ihGetBian n
Halslring ih vcolust mr glaontributions t1 Thusdat aftenoons is sur- harles Evansilaigls ns amassadoi' to Jaan and Mexico, nary aviation with a corn
colege, however, "wn.s4received at the.Celha nlliieIisedaor rsreeipts riiIust be shown (i .~ a evc ntewrdwr n lcane, erphar 'Lng.
Il~ighg col tthis jt, time:i linit('I ie f~tgnerally was credited with havng h nlec ftc ol
University in 18583 and in 1857 received . vsieac;li b ini ifromltol other 1tsrviehaatn
a. B. S. degree. Mathematics and phy- ( ii muh a m omi' etaiieBuing work whichimade'PiTe ambassadorship of Mr. Warnviewpoint of the BalngI
ics were the subjiets in which he hmau- aprmienfgue urn Applications for tlie Opera perform-liVteif.- -. rnIary irv hmi'
----ti-e war timehperiod..E.ualsuf+,rag.,anc,,.have beenrmyraprre(s andmWill b
PURPL BY 29-16
Cratne Featured by Close Guarding of
Both. Teamis; Baker Outstanding
3lan For Losers
I By CarlF. Oh~iacher
'Michigan's varsity basketball team
sI opened its Conference season by easily
defeating Northwestern, 29-16 Ilust
night at the Yost field house.
The visitors were unable to pene-
trate tihe Wolverine. defense, and most
of their shots were attempted from
gg 1 long distance. Only once in the game
ambassador; did the Purple five i'ush the ball under
appointed to the Michigan basket when, after three
Hughes as' unsuccessful shots, Kershaw dropped
t in a basket. The Michigan attack, on
the other hand, kept the play well in
the opponents' territory throughout
LMI most of the contest. When they lost
L MS the ball, the Wolverilies fell back to
REa ;live-man defense which had the
Hi I Captain George Haggerty continued
fhis stellar work, leading the team'
attack with four baskets and three
k on Cor- free throws, bringing his total to 11
Military points. He and "Red"Cherry formed
a combination which started the ball
down the floor, and through the op-
ERVICE posing defense with consistent suc-
3 will fly byf There was no scoring for the first
Cook Field,j four or five minutes. Cherry"sare
;ing to Ann things for Michigan by dropping in a
and worldI free throw. Gregory followed by scar-
o illustrate ing another from the foul line. Greg-
lal Applica- ory shot a basket and Cherry made
nents" to be 'another free throw, giving Michigan
orrow night a total of five points l efore. the losers
rium. got started:* Northwestern's first score
is chief of4 camne after three unsuccessful shots
engineering from Immediately under the Wolverine
°, will talk basket, when Kershaw finally sent the
.ets in mil- ball through the hoop,
imercial sig- Gregory and Haggerty sank free.
particularly throws, bi'Inging the Wolverine total
1 flight, up to seven. Then "Moon" Baker added
uss the im- two points for his team by shooting
.a m'hitaryj a basket. Haggerty and Chambers
bomber, the( each shot a basket before tire end of
p-lanes.- and' LI itii wrhalfI xxrcore,, was..,,,,10 Ak
specialized. He was a member of the sc dao'las ndmncpa e aie ltall thosn pepwhoe andllbaten
Argonaut staff, one of the student icidlbrlwadmncplr-iaie oaltoewoeapiain
publications at that time, andl'his- form are several of tire movements in? for~ the Ho1p1 have been accepted. After
which Creel formerly enlisted his aid. ths epehvIhda potnt
torian -of his class at the commence- itheenly001)0 have lt(atanCoportunit
ment day exercises. ence . sol 'enl htCelhs to reserve seats, those remaining will'
Aftr gadutin hebecame a teach-' confessed the authorship of thre humor-' be offeredi to the rest of the campus.
Afte grauatigheotis page in Collier's. Long before tihe <"Tickled to Death" will play at the
er in the high school at Laport, Inch di- iyo UceHny isl vs hte nteStra feno
kana, and xvas principal of the school 'ideonithof"Unced-entimepltwas Winyo ,h atra feno
from 1889 to 1891. knwtesrw stmt fpltc after ,ie (lance.
Helet ha psiin o etuntoiundierlying the anmusing satire of thie; L.ek twl esre ntemi
He efttha l~siton o rtur toarticles drew wide comment. iefstwlbeerdinhemn
the University of Michigan until 1891 udgn fo ilO't501;n po 11111 rig room of thle Union fr'om 2 to 41
as an instructor in mathematics, '^nd .iu etrs reldsly i o'clock Saturday morning, arid will
tebeaeatahrof physics a 'os "0i' ,Cdel(illashsinclude various entertainments whichr
thenbecae techerversatility as a speaker as iilliantly,
the Grand Rapids Central high school , will be announced later. Anyone
for a year. a i e'omswt e.Iwisiniii to attend1 this e'xtr'a f"'ature
Leaving Grand Rapids in 1894 lie of the weer:-end, may make app~licar-
again returned t his former position ; 1 1LonfIrsrvtosbDsen r
in the University, remaining here until ;UL OLOGY LHUBU LVV tioProfor itr'e eVnions hbyeakgasr.
1903. Obtaining a leave 'of absence will cost app)roximnately $1.00 per'
from 1900 to 1902 he became a scholar' SPIE'ITIflP N'TT G tIP llate
at the University of Leipsig where heayU !Jfl .A rmeet ~mg of independIent,; at t.( 1.1(-
receiveti his Ph. D. degree. in~___ju the flop will be held from 3 to 5
A year after his return from Europe Reiewsof.trea .,. o'clock next Friday afiternooni,diii ioomn
he accepted a position as an assistant 'lt''i'iti liesocitiesanwhi c in t2o h lin tti ieer
professor of mathematics at the Ini- i - W(evcaio'Irod'v~e given. i of eninwillhmi adethisthinar
versity of Illinois. This office lhe held idepre i act~t JC'td\V''egivnIrndmentswillthe adWfrhewl 1 in-
for two years aindi then became a pro-,. XIcay night at the nicetimig of thedpeetbohswic wlleIi-
fesso inthe ame curseat ~ Geological .JournalI club. Prof. NV. 11.; lied to 12 (coup~ler]pr 1)0th.
university at Oxford, Ohio, for three I iobbs and Russel C. I lussey of 0!n
years. During that time he also geoogy dcps rtmmeit disc tssed thre mm IA TlA l
served on the Rhodes Scholarship ineetings of thle geologicaal sec(t ion of, HIVII I TO Wll CHlIN
lomnmittee of Ohio. I 11e Aaneri('Sm Associat ion for the Ad-''
Leaving Miami university in 1908 lie vS1i(:('mii('mor (t S'imce :,it. Washiiigt oni INLBRR OE ,
came to the University of Michigan to sI), C1H TMH .
b+ cpme registrar anti professor of Th;etig t ielIieaoia
mathematics. Mr. Hall had been r'eg- ' society of Ammericra which were held
istrar since that time, but because of ' at. (Cornell uniiversityv were a tnet Cbd( Iicago, Jhan. 10.--Dr. Arthur' E. Bost-
increased (duties in that office lie was, by P~rof. W. "'. A ut of thle uminem's- wick of' St. Louis, will visit China
obliged to give upl) (eaching. logy de(part rmenlt. Ilie told o1 time con- I arily in 1925 to eonfem' withI Chinese
During the war he was offer'ed a I (dit ion of the equlipmenit andTi abom'a-y librras dctosad lii fi
position as% district inspec'tor of theI tori es at. Cornell and disc'ussed seversal "eictm' n ubi fi
S. A. T. C., but because of the durties of the Ppprswihich wOee preseniltd cial on the Chinese p~ublic lib~rar'y
and complications cauisedl by the S. A. at the meeting. movement,.lie will go as thre official
Thme presideint ae(')ted the resigns- ; itJpan ('overedth re periodof 1.tue jtechnical dfevelopm'1ents wahich have ichninwledng.esoe a 24
tion,, expressimng regrets, war'mly; Washington arms conference and hris ;p ihgnlaig
I'iraisedl lhe rt'timiu secr etary's mrecor~d services at that time were understood arisen in the air service.i Northwestern started the second hralf
tohvebe Lieutenant Harris gradluated from!I with a rush, scoringtreponsi
of ad'conmi ishrmnrt since le took ohv em regarded by the Hard-, he onsi
( ag fteeut'ysirir far ing ahministration as of the highest the engineering department of the Uni-' succession on a free throw by Greaves
four' year's ago, andihelhie for' him ; aue e was apitdin J er t fCaiona n11,Onitn and two more by White, bringing the
a "wllpfneeted appoeito.12,byPeietHrine d Jue i with the U. S. air service early in the score -to 12-7. Two fr'ee throws by
Ani asa~or eloggprb,'~l wil d "I Mrc, 123 fo prsoalr o- war. On his return to the UnitedI Haggerty and a basket by Greaves
cameto ashngtn son t sty fl. san, iStates Lieutenant Harris was assigned I brought the count to 14-9, tim'e closest
come ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ale tooWashngtoublic tosstyvforsons.to McCook field, acting as test pilot I tesoesodfo htpitt h
Ia few weeks in the stale (lal)rtmnent Cleio h ulc evc gain ,tesoetodfmthtpitote
befor'e lie takes his new post; in Mar'ch.k withmiin two months by President Harty- jfor engineer'ing officers. Upon graduia- and of the game.
<, rag Mr Warren ws commitionertl ihe was made chief of flying see- Michigan ran the count to 23-i1 be-
IHis suiccessor'iat L olo has not1)bee ng r arnwscomsinrt
elce.Mexico. In thnis mission occurred timh rn n rea estimigallaesfore the Purple five scored again,
seetdeds ftre none negotiations which ledto resmion submitted to the government by con- Crsmngtabsete w
mealt a('eutald tiere iunici' of a, I of diplonmatic relations with this coun-! tractors. { baskrets ly Haggerty and one by Doyle
b~r'akr withiitli(' Whitt' TIemise whichr try. Subsequently, President Coolidge W 'hile chief. of flyiuig section, thef ended the Michigan scoring, while the
followed all resignations f romn the, appoiiited him ambassador to thme Sisga- n ome a eelpdadh losers added two baskets and a free
capta, lmi irneof hee rpots p-ter repmublic and~ he served in that; was assigned as regular pilot and' btrow to their total.
hieam'edl to carriy a color' of ari thentic tv .capiacity fr'om May, 1923 to August, ma riie o 'Ci(5Crying ;r1he fast work of Captain Haggerty
4:1924. I heavy loads. It was also (luring this and "Red" Cherry was invaluable to
for herehr-ve ben nan~ ovtlenos ____________-period thmat Lieutenant IHarris made the Wolverine attack, their passing
Stat e 1rit nd isOil as~erety; II froma irplanucesfllin
h fate ire onlesidentiinIris secret yL N O P hefms ucsflparachute 'jumip being a feature of the contest, which,
onalh IC hisil ft 'ii ) II W iom n a'e fllngstructurallyaloghmtas entialste
on:il rai ctrste~ o f "i~ oli EGON HLPS n heaim'. ;lho tContinued o n Page Two)asth
('y, but that Mr'. hiugltes was consultedi Recently hre was gi'anted a years ( ___ Page___ Two)__
by hioin f l t2ri75 on amy (timestioni'; 1HM M E HIP' leave of absence to take charge of the
of om ie pliy.I Huff-Dalanid corporation dusting oper-
Tire letteri of r'signaion mad e pub--1 tin. ls ak osit.i evlp-UK GROGP or i0 FOR
at or . H s t s o s s s i e eolc a i e W hile I u ctha p residen ts fi'e- F ver'y effort is b~eing mxnade to lin- mig m ethods for dusting insecticides
II er'~asee membershipoftihe local frmu planes for exterminating the boll- mi
spu ecep to rig n' 1-eigna iorsas:7 h f Th ~ei md te etuctv net. MIVD-WEST DEBATE CLASS
1p0:st of tire American I 'gion. Te wei n te etutv
101n(11' date of toddy3. i'niesmpdiexhihoee ih Ti activity is said to be one of ____
Lik Air.lir'. hughnes, Pr. le r, Imeme ngo oe hn20e-e-the first important uses of the airplane! r
a lawyer oit wire e tplulatisir who i Out of 53 candidates competing in
*g iepili''('gliioasa vice men in tire Armory last Wiednes- ourtsid1e of thme transportation field, h andpbi :cgrfotaa;V1r the final tryouts for the Mid-West de-
mi'It prosecultorne'ir T'laft, and hlaltr dray nighit, will reach all of the 700 ex-I bating class, 16 were chosen to form
isa.seatr ro Mnnsoa.Insh =sevie eninnnAro. th e tco- Calls Red Grange the gr'oup fr'om which a affirmative
seinate, he di:;played :a patl hula r' be'nt taining a summary o h accomplish-;;' and negative team will be selected to
f'or for'eign affairs and iw:is a It'adei' ,ments arid future plans of the' local I Prince O Wales,- debate the Wisconsin and Illinois
of hegi~~u ofol re7tr4 rtian' e-audi national organization have been !.tas
plic(amns ini the fighrt over' tl~re Ia;1i :rmailed to all prospective members. Of ThiS Conntry 1rThe -following men were chosen to
of nat ionis. lie wis in intim~ate pe I Membership duies of $3 include a ,----i form the inter-collegiate debating class
sonmal friend of )'residenrt 1lardig and year's subscription to the American; "Red'' Grange whro set the style in: wich, will study and debate the ques-
I nrot long after' 1\11'. ls r'ding's death was1 Legion Weekly, the regular- price of end runs for the 1921 football season tiomi, "Resolved, that the proposed
I appointed by Coolidge to the coui'tof' which is $2. For the convenience of was presented in a new mrole by J. child labor amendment to the national
t. James alter' Ie hrail 'von reelecetioin the ox-service men, applications andj E. Serack, an official of the Inter-j constitution should be ratified by the
to t he seiiat e. tires wvill be received at the Ann Ar-' national Association of Clothing De-; sever'al states": N. C. Bowersox, '27,
NewFrk. uges i ri l to re nds hebom' Saving bank, the State Savings signers meeting in Chicago, when he Joe Brady, '26, Frank Deans, '26, J.
Ne oklwtro'itiugis ons I bank, the D. U. R. waiting room, the declared that "Red" was as influential J. Dunn, '26, Gerald Dykstra, '27, John
She'mni, and Zwight. Except. for a ( Chamber of Commerce, and at the in etn tye ncoteIo h Elliot, '26, R. B. Fulton, '26, - E." R.
few bi'ief intern al:5,, bet Wearl his year's Armory. I young men of America as was the Gomberg, '27, Mark Herrington, '26,
of public work a.,governror of New j ____________ Prince of Wales. I Philip N. Krasne, '27, J. R. Russell,
court; special goverment prosecutor, 11111 AV loose hanging clothes, it is safe to Howard Wahrenbrock, '27L, F. P.
WorLAsocatejusic ofsupemeFIVenIturtage0 derciedt fhe in'tie'9LS.Sih'2,ES.Tsig'6
IRepu blican 1ir11,ir1ee0Yoor the hr esidiercy VIL Ii; dvnue ht5 prcn o h llni Weaver, '26, and J. A. Yeastings, '27.
TP. C. unit of tire University of M~ichi-
igan he was compelledh to del('ine thle!f
Hie mnarried Octavia Rosa lecm St il--
ing, of Detroit, Aug. 2, 1896. Thiey
had a son and thnree (laiglters time
'eldest of whom graduated from lime
University of Michigan in '19,
The first attack of Mi'. all's lles;
camne in Feb. 1922. I-he was oper'ated
upon in April of that year, and In
May lie was granted a leave of ab-
sence which hsli hdi rot. take. Duriimg
the early part of 1923 lhe. andl his wife
spent two mmonths in Florida, and in
(Continued on Page Two)
I NQ eterZn
Lawrence MV. CUo'ilsaid Janie s F.'
Pepper'of time geology (lepaitnmt VI r
pr~eent at tihe mreetingt! of the (1eologi-it
cal society oif Auncica at. Cornell aridt
gav(e repor't: omi timese mcccl ings beforei'(
tire clubt.
re(pr'eentati've of time American Lil
mary associat ion which made the ap-
pointmnit iin r'esponrse tto a req~uest
fi'om thre Chirese Nationral Association
fom' the 'Advanicemnt of' Education.
Dr)m. Bostwich will visit important
libraries in thre principal cities antd
universities and~ will seek conferences
with people acquainted with library
history and development.
Mexico (City,Ja.151. --.One' inaili
will suffice to cleari time comniiny of'
r10101, says tihe secretary of war.
_..... . ,n. .m.,.=.,,
of the C~ampisp513ore of ift
intellectual enthulsiasnm."
agdSeti 5ct of. ely iS hi ii S ot en-nrnr E tt 5hn
a i sc itIvsry 101ri aI ' ehs rtei - 31:' TvO U vt vi IMIN9UBE
1905. fjis serv3 4icol( our h ave been I
sollght. by (-lien!r; of suhl!st audimi r
thiat. led'hIas;felt iheemiy IClio financial jLondonm, Jan. 10.-The success
ellectual 1aapathy rather than. ,-;ariliie of (emit inmoiiugin pu the office. which Queenm Mary's dolls house achie-
---- ved as a gathem'er of f'unds for ho~spit-
1 nu lili i n n wiir n n n i u n Is, has encouraged three public men
r'ornpt n wlumunn ui i ei hnelie m r, A.. a. area . L~J~LJL~L A meeting of the prospective memn-
as fan' as Illinois is concerned the; bers of the team has been set for 5
style would nevei' be started. I o'clock, Monday, in room 3209, Angell
"As soon as a style becomes cohleg-I hall, by G. E. Den smore who is in
late every 'counter jumper,' soda clerk4 charge of the class.
and other working youth follows. If__________
a college group takes up a style it is Cambridge, Mass. Jan. 9.-Shortly
certain to go over, arid clothing mak- after Dr. R. A. Daly of the geology de-
ers aimi their advance models to suit partment of Harvard had told his
the fancy of tire campus header," said'class that the effect of an earthquake
Mm'. Serack. would have in Boston, there was a
". . . .and-,hat is Wvorse------hours and hours of idle
talk . . "
t) conmmission a famous woodcarver
to build anr oak nmodel of the Houses
of Parliamnt. This will be construct-