ir IVAOr, 'IG1HT 4 THE MICHIGAN DAILY WvOM'!AN BOSSES WYOMING _ 'CNAM EH _- _ _ RANGE 1TO ENTERTAIN 'K: CLUBSR TUFSlAY' DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice tc, all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the ,s~zident until 0p. mn. 01,30 a. mn. Saturday. Vol nae 6 SATUR'DAY, .JAAlY T10, 19'.214 uer r 7l To the Meniber% of the Faculty: Thils is to inform you that the Dictaphone Station formerly located in ooi 102 Mason fll is now located in Room 101 South Wing---the roomi oftierly occupied by the Treasurer's Office. 11. Whitchurch, Head of the -Dictaphone Statioma L'nij sily oft Miichigan Band: F4rmnation tonight at 7:30 at the Yost Field --ouse to play for the I rthwestern basket ball game. Seats have been reserved on the west side of tie court and a full turnout is rcquested. Full dress uniforms without capes will be in order. Arthur 31. Smnith. Men's Educational Clubi: ]Men's E~ducational Club will hold its regular meeting on M1onday eve- ning, January 12, at 7:15 o'clock, in Room 304, Michigan Union. 1 Ir. Clifford Woody, will speak on "Opportunities for the Trained Man inl Education," to be followed by a general discussion and social hour. All University imel inlterested in Education are inv'ited to attend. Wallace F. Watt, 1Presidentl. Freshman Lecture: ,Thre third freshman lecture in hygiene for men, will be given in Wator- man Gymnasium on Thursday and F'riday, January 15 and 16, at 3, 4, and 5 P. M. Uco. 't. May. Military Ball Conunittee s There will be a meeting of the Military Ball Commrittee in Room ;(t at the Michigan Union Sunday, January 11, 3:00 I'. M. 31110 0llpiant, VChairmain. t, ;C club wvill mneet at 12:15 o'clock next% Officer,; and (leletgatcs from C range 'Tuesdaty at the haunz ted Ta Cverni, 417 clubs all over NWashtenaw county wvilyEast Huron street for luncheonm. I is' luncheon guests of thet Chamber servatilons may be made by cl u of Commerce next'Tuesday noon. C race Rash, 2845-\V, not, later tIm ii TIhe, meetina'Tuesday will be the oc- Monday noon. ',f i cagion of she electioni and installa- tion of new officers in the various C range clubs, and it is exp~ected thiat mere thani 50 delegates will accept the nvitation )f the Chamber. State of- fieers of the Grange will also bel p, wsent. E.1;7. F.Nllls will speak in behalf of the Chamber of Commerce and a -walm, representing f the Grangers "'Business as nsuai'' is the sign hangin~g out at the Wyoming state house, where Mrs. Nellie T[. 1Ross, f1ir5 L oian .govcrne(r in Se -e cdiii ry' hishn01', fnow presides. Mrs. Ross, smairtly hatted and~ gownledl is seen signing t he oath of office a=; governor. INO to1)1 . ip. .1 udge Samuiel Taylo xor Safil Antoiiio Trex", her, rotller, Cearage T. Ross, sonl: CGovernor R os;:? INA or" e Tuiyloe, lier sister-n-law;v \William 13. Ross, son ; and Chicft J1ustic C. N. P~ottr, who iadiviister the lbmodli. (hiago where lhe will attendl the , ference which wvas held in Wa-shington! ele0venth aizuai (onference of the as- (lduring the Christmas vacation, at MIC IG L. T MELING cii o m ercanclge thc wihim temaeracademic= p MrIIN a reeom nd lWdniteteurewas 1)ea J 111 It LIAD 'O:(ift b'iiacad8(em~ic tenure of this associa- I reec d t he W\an t Ads itry colleg;e lON 'l'inr~~a',1whlheto:tion w-ill report the results ofa con.-- DANGCING ' TONIGHT From 9--12 And every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday Nights Music by BILL WATKINS AND HIS GRALNGER EIGHT fGANESMADENIY WHAT'S GOING ON Notices to kappear In this co~uitit-iust he left in' thte box~ at the Do-l~y oftioc pravided for toaf purport before 4 o'cIoc!4 preceeding the di~y of issue~ PROSPECTIVE OPERA 8B11K j WRITERS MEET SHUTER SATURDAYSuet interested in writing books ~ deatetryutsfor the 1326 Union Opera were given held in room 302, Mason hail. a! potnt orcieai mfr 1:{10 --J-Hop cojmmjittoe, meets, room Illation whinch they dlesired yesterday 3 '~,Union. Mtroo nAimnes tlieati'ewhens F, 7 :30 .-tirtltiiw e t basketbatlI gamel 'Mortimer Shuiter, director of M1liuos, ini field house. I dramatics, conferred with e: ch inati tla :J,---DeiVrIf hopper opera at Whltt- n~~y theater. individually in his office, peIrd l3etwen 15 sand 20 1)(1men twkre all? of then( planning to sulbiitiit boolis. S1) >! 'The reiiuireineltits of tihe books sttub- if)3 11' yiurg ppoMpleq' t1assg sngs at initted. are that they should cc lUliU by-t er4n ,nchurch., at conipfete scenario of the pllay andl 12. fjl , i -cussion, . lasses nice, t two sentes fully developed ini (ia-. }' 5b~ t rtan church. loges'. one a comedy scene anid oie a ;fly 1' ovier Sun dny #sool at I're4- * serious scene.'This. according to Mr'. A)} te inn ohulreli. {Shu1t or, is to give those who rcadt the' a llt Soeitl D lour at Presjytel~rin!imanuscr'ipts an idea of the author'si cAtirch. _.a bility in dialogue, as there arts many C13%--Yotting People meet' at 'rreslby. w ritetyrs who, while they czn conceive tdrlan church, a good plot, are ilitable to write coni _____________________I ing dialogues. All inianuscripta arc idu, Satt iday. ehez S eaks Jalitiary .17, and are to be brougtht to - . . 1 I M. Shter':s ollice in the itt hues I hca- ''",'C, '-' a ter. M.i. Shuter is leaving Ann .,rhor1 todiay for' a short trip Eatst, butl lie Fi df i i , Sanclhe'A, of lie romance w 'ill return before that date0. Thme hliguages (lepartinieflt. spoke Tbubs- books will be judtgedl by a coin;ittee flay ; night at Tappan" hAIll on "Pio. compiosed of the officers of itrles and 1EarV,.a"gi ring the s amid lecture 5tevtral faculty members. -.r te.. = a ~~EUIUU~iUEUEUUU EnUOEN ENEOKMEKMKON N UaEmap= r- c'-VI ecrT~c .L Ei. i 1.5Ji c't' I S t K wFOR YC)UR OFFICE Handy Desk Calendars, Diaries, Blank Books, Etc1., Etc. A, "R9S UNIVE RQ AHR'SBOOK ST rp . . .. .. ,,.. . ,. , ,......, ... ... . . . _... . . ,,., .. . ,... rr,..-,. -.----------,.--- - - -...e FIR ' IAPFI ClIURCHI Its ~ ~ ~ 1) r J i il e v4ea1t te a ti O" 4t AbID U NAY S FVicEs at Ann Arbor Churches w)I the course . or t i u@i aunUU tne. t a nII"ees of -La "Sociedall " hispanica. iNJr..-S~t Iih16 gave a discussion' of the! t(Ne en 1. )ool's of- the author, and i cad se'ural extra(gts from leis works. -01'orulio del Toro, of the romance' Th n u.gcs., (l('1aitx t; t, wil2 lhe 'tlhe iicxt' lpeturper on the otirse, speaking Thsd ty, Janz. 22, on "The Laist Days oi 'p ninAirc. Mlexico City, Jan. 9--Ti eia governmncnt is to devote $42,000,0l0 lb is year to piayncnt of interest on it3 for'eign debt. F eut(.ii o)'i ci a I 108115 xxwilraise 10. --is iS 1U-v Ilit~t ;;lt. i Circles thai.t the GJer- thle tariff barriers Jan. IIA to: i;t \\a''sl I I ti'. '.h 111p a)1(1 sermiion. IMri. t ('br:s' ' (i1 Dr1. Waterumland11[1 iii i,'t'eac'her's. i (01"CHiRIST (Disciples) TRINUTV INtiLISII LUTHEIRAN CHIURCHI I lFihthi Ave. and Willain St. R1ev. L. 11. U I ' I) ERM AN, Pastor . i it' 11 ( St~u h iV'I': lot'wpI l''r. I )~vi u;' I \l'''ti~;'. Li'.- KE-NNI-;t'l B. iiOIVE , 3lisljr' M:111 t iipts - (.1'1£'. T pc i'<':rt) tn Ettt.: T'tplc,' 0:85 St dent Soial 'aiii hll, as tonl street. 6i:30 -Stud~ent Forum. , :3 -t1Sunray School. to : 3( 'i-cchuin1g service. by the Pastor. bicrrnoii I FIRST CHURCHI OF CHRIST SCIENTIST 400 South Division St. 10:30 A. M.---Regular morning ser- vice; topic, "Sacramnt." 11:45 A. M.-Sunday School follow- ing the morning service. Testimonial meeting Wednesday evening, 7:30. The Reading room 608 First Na-M tional Bank building, is open daily from 12 to 5 o'clock, except Sun-i days and legal holidaysI Hour at Washinig- li (AN iLH1,11 'ION.t~ 01 AL (iss;r1J1(CIl ITSA DUNKIRK Thc: well dressed: man is always particular : about hi. personal appearance, for he realizes diat in this wcay lhe can showv best whiat goo0( taste hie posssse. The one particular item w riche he must'uach most caref ull is his hat, We 'are offering at this time the very latest ini hats-made of the best of materials and high- est quality, worlemanship. Among the many featlures' are the curled brim, of ten called the B~aloon Brim, and sille bound edges. - These hats are priced reasonably at_ $5.50--$7.50 '. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CH URCH ij--oiiSynod) Tlhird will W t ba eron Strelets CARL A. 111AUFII, Pastor !}:3o -Sermon, 0German8 I. M: 80---SIudent Bible C'latis. 11 : (t) Sermzon , 14ng1lish). Subject: "'I'lle Spread~ing of Zion A moagsl Ole Gentiles." O: 81-StutdeottYoung ipeople imept at. parsonage for skating pa 1tY. 0:3 3) 7 :2,O -- Supper andl discus- 0-3O1. I Huron at D~ivision RED'. iERLIII. ANDJERISON, I. 1linlter. LEWIS C. h1EDIlANN 1, Fie'y Men Student-s MRS. '_ELLIE B. t'AI)ELL,, Spv W omen Student';h. it):45--Morning worship."I Ake Tolile'.1IsIt C i4'ible'I~1s It lhIa ,,'l' First 11 iii c"lCof ''crilnoils lihV i'ctiuo," 5:811 -i od t(1 1 It'2-i'artl Iton lc I(11r. .. U 6:15 "oll Mill will F;p ,Ik (IT) 11h; work ill 1' , [ "-Iic! to 11.1:> 1l;St! (4 mo ioil pictures. 5 :30-- Social Hour. All YOUng9 people invutedt. i, , " .... ., .., , . .a ., .. 1 ! , f . .. . 1 t - , 4Jii ..), .'E .1t. ill Jdl(ZIIL. l-~x s. m oig fa l itn lr'Jrr 2i oi o 1'ciion, pis There at CorrectScl of V-l'a ' If '49, IV kit Is fit'." ----~ I I- ZION LUTH~iERAN CHiURCHi S!,11111 I 11110.t! f'WIslinigtoni St., 11141 Vfil hA rP. L. C. STEMLIIOIN, Pastor I. ; ioo A. M.-Bible study hour. COR1tNER-2CATHEIlNE' and DIIVISIO)N S'II"TREE HENRY LE WIS, Rector. RACHIEL IIAYLATN), Secretary for' Ktndeiut Aork. IIHII m I C, All i Al I-In1Kr( r mm ninn