,sA L' KDAtY, JANUARY 10, 194F THE~ MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVE --~~r~ n Zr a __________ . 1 {'" ) 'A" .. ':" r p {; .. . 1t LM WAR M SWAM ( 1 ' h0OL)I ~~INHPLF (fi . ' <,\'rilnor~, i . I ias, "Ripon, C(t'Iw, ( %;a 1] iugtoLzi, INPIraska, Nevada, Du)ll- tv wn'e, Michigan Agricultural. C'ali" '_ orn i, (in enla ti, Wash ilgtil n-1tc~c -anrd Montana. 'The mna il1('5 are liay ('ii by comparing thelesult 1i t re hero;c 0111peting tennms during a ;;),ivcen t %mze. Some improvement s have been 1i'm le >~in the riflc range in room 2)0I, En- giiueering building, which was, usedf b.', Sboth mnriandl women ilast year. T ' is to be used only by thle worn"u ti :2year andi will probabily be rc 1id r,,1 use within a week. Capt. L. M. Bricker, of the 11. 0. 'i'. SC., is in charge of the three rifle 5e,,. Stions, which include 75 women. From this number a team of 10 is to he cho'Isen on the basis of high score:? Sduring practice periods. rAn association has beeni form( (I by the women interested in promoting Atthe Sport at this l'nmversit y. The of- fJicers are as follows: Aliss Ethel e McCormick, of tihe physical eduiication Oempartnient, president; Ruth Tallmnan, 2'26, vice-president; Lucille Wailsh '7. secretary; Edith I4apham. '25. Aun Mieeler, '26, umager; Malrry Alls- Shouse, '27, captain of the team. O PEN SONG CONTEST TO SENIOR WOMEN 'The ;long conltest iasw(el11v b tl Y'02ome's tuLgi iv;t)bec i01 'J ''l f com'unpetition Ito se,1161ot'()1))el a't as freshmnz, sonhizizorre, a ii ii b womlen. I'cl osing date i .:i' I ' c '.o {'gs Aulnnit''d i)u".t hr ') t'r i r,! -og ,1zittc zwe IIA A. (desk in !l1% Irur i~rlll The prize songs will be v) -! d ?.' t hantorn Night.. The"i willlyhe o'w' in length, pilt to malty>P and (expre,,iug class e tfi it> . NOT'ICES t ii l rI ' 5', iiil)1rld il t i k . CoI }aItltii5~ 5 iio ht -~ 05 { C ardd"li.r 10 in' 'spc en'- iitiri s5te;aidl: 'II .;s R vry jjolly Ithis~ ) lialilieli andi I ]lod( e v- eri'vbiody in fm)(iilohii is aS ai mya~s ala. r ' n I iiI l e lg ll'Is I;ivct Noiti i 'i'o:';FI 011 01il oly ly'Ose t1. i't'li?, (Iit rei''('(.miis t(l t l lik s1 t~itS ic I and1 (uiflt' pb'n iiiiiyslt.' j 11beicns ;wllcii(' asked IDami' e'r 1st: il t' i i i ha h1 I lts ltl l d I e'1 it '" ,hy '.of ,'t'V(' :5I w1 i' . ,'j n Ib lc itl< t'lt.I ll her, fwl he_;, lt';''' 15 al ,ays the ('()tllSLoiatI l c' I l: 0 l't 1110IcasYlwro of 'ver1pa at.S "il m3 v ' n oh' l,'vsoars I ..'iu're. Shakes- 11,r.I ~IAlisba om o', as t MUMMRs INITIATE Mw D lla Di)'ta Dleta hollse. After a iiti z i;0 it ;n ;,: v;ec tfl-'' niew "College Dy"IT IM 1PEGSAA U. W. Will Hold favorife Song tota Sigiiia Pi pledged( the follow-jF Luncheon At Union ii t !yI'r,3 o ius,1 iNg ollen at a meeting held Thurs- (Tay e'vening;' in the iBetsy Ba~irbouir Ile'w' S forget nay (ohie ;e d vs.'' pla y-room : Gail Nickerson, '25, Viola i:;e l1 1)I)AIII hi i' sonig ofl thle camn- Irel~ke,'26~. Lidla Thatchzer, '25, and 'Is, if thle judgmenut ar1ti(1ecoi'e or, Miidi'ed James, laboratory assistant the' Junior w\omenlOU ( blii 1)1' Ia i s; inthe ('hemistry department. Mrs. al~y imililcai 51. AIoI'e t h ah, Iof tieP' Philip 13. hladley gave a. talk on the I SVIIu Is for the1Junior1 (Gil's play, who slllbject of "Dental Caries.'' Ashort '-?gust a1i' 11wii' trem'Ubl ig voices before business meeting followed the peg 110 ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ peg COl u ' i lava eetding service. -(Acilege Days" x\Ni Ic ''Di-'eary ___________________ thei"' heldit close seconld place. New miembers will be received into ~oigs ('10 elet 51 ~co'uhili ~ he nu1.ses' Y. W. C. A. at 7 :15 0'- 'I w' t ype c rparit bin g tried (MS tai'. Iak ,ia a heNr-e'dormit- 7ib e demre little Iadlies wViIo)Mck 51gW-atth Nrss for the luncheon at 1 o'clock Mvonday, at the Michigan Union, which will be sponsored by the international rela- tions committee of the Ann Arbor branch of the American Association of University Women. Mrs. J. F. Plour- quin, 2241., is receiving the reserva- tions. Prof. C. E. Griffin, of the School of Business Administration, will speak on "Reparations and Interna- tional Trade." 1I A V F TI SUR.WRt'IfIi I) F V'9 lied a desire for ith" e feii inc lead put '*'AIRr, VU .iU *DIN/J111.1 their hearts andi souls into tlhy' touch-r ing ball d about "Ale and the cloy 4111111011fl fII0000I~l01000010O 00#101il1i1111i010001 11'r;end." , 'vei'a .'l ho asire to tik(' - gi~l at ag"ast"wt ;r tI;uto. Others, with. no detillit(aan - o J nu r Special at all in view sang "Loves Old Swe'et . Song.'' One or' two of the muore am -.=r ilious tryouts even put theirul c1V1fJJLfr1011h1=~eo hadm d voices into the ultra serious rhc -= Silk andi Wool i-osC or$1.0. "hlaeo admd Lor~lis Mndfu of is On."T cckys and Nighties. Lingerie Clasps, Flower Examine Women Ornaments, Handkerchiefs and Novelty - For PostureC Grade Garter's, all at a Reduction in Pricc. Semiester (examibnat ions in t he dRe- parltnient (ot physic'al education are' -- - beinig hlcd this week with a series of'---f- postur'e tests which are being given }(- interegular classes. I astut.i t1 09 \etLiberty S. receives a gradte of C or less in theseteshewlbecldbakfra - Don't sehematograpli , or p~ostur'e tracing, and a complete physical examinat-ion1. Thi s system. wvicli'hh11"-sbeenm intr o-1 duceth(1ii s yeari, is Pfo' the mi l'lo oo . (is(oveliag 0as0(soonI ats osle tior recastii and(1 remiedy 11'I.anlyfalie:ti respec~t to postture. a Exat illatiotviil l td iea w or'kof liti ind~oor' 5(05011 will be held ,Jan. 114, 20 :.1, and =2.Thieor'iginaltl iatl("t' i t, c ,'I-ig must ailso he presented at d I i1a1 ldine by Ithose enrtolltedl in 1 tilt-'~.-' i l'5'.Anyone who pi'4 ~~ fs to iitake Uilich'rdance to sonic °' a ictti'ola 'rcor'd will be allovwed to use/ 9 I c i' e;ord(1l1ofi [le dan1ce exaililna Liii ii $5 SJuslnillg hats that were for- mecrly priccd $10 to .$22.50 clear today at this sensational- ly low figure. Fisk and Gage patterns. Smartest shapes and colors.' All desirable fabrics. Sports hats, values, to $6.50, go at $1.98! SE~COND IFLJOOR GOODYEA'S 124 SOUTH MAIN Borrow---Subscribe Today. ~2 Plan Ifocr Annual Fa ncy fDresParl y pait ty to be huLdt Jati. 17 inl I> i -ou r :'\i~ii~iltaii eil' ivting to comibiel F thw andi ma011 ~lke9 finial I r'aligenl(C'n- for this nasty' wvhiell v, 'ill he on''., tie p'ettIiesit and most clever iaIS' ;alit on by the Women's Le~.aue. 'I'iit 1"anlcy D ress party is 'an t'a111Hit ifa sii "Wli ahe(t Totltlkin s '26, J,3s g' tori. withi a idramatie sko Goodman, '2G5, goave, a rew'j i?;. ' '' next meetin,,g of til' s OC iv v',r m'i t. tto phasei111Forirly at Iti« Atph'a l :ilioi NOi house. / ' r a ktif 9 U- L ea gue, hoii sea , 'ti io are t' LI'i til iln beconiing llmott)rSo(1I' brii r C' 1111-, cil ar'e requestedl to sendIIiiu a ru-po oif t hiir honor p)oints to i1[a seare Dixon,ph 11 11~ 4- W, I,'re Ad ea ti; T1hes~e poinlts incluide t ho:;e gal ;. iI indi vidu'al mllember's as wvell as tI hi : earued by the house as a whole. Second 1a1nd1la st triyoult-s P')'r IJo Junior (it-Is' play Avill bo l''l{I frn, 9J to 11:34?J o'clock toda10y, ini Sarah. (",swctll Anrg(ii hl. All worn-i; , v r b rill;; m u s ic t o bl l- 1 y o'tl s l~ w l l I erei r t e y ' r i r d t e i l " ( 1im i Ii whlich they wvish In g iv's thit 'S iil Ixuni t. Lonug narrow slirl s shiddi not1 be vWorn. -~ ibiiii II Water GuanR1tjtecel ADESBEAUTY SHOPPE @,.pf il l arvl flinig .111 l air Cttinjg3 i anu . rSale 4SILK DE'E Regular $3 and $29.75 values J1u~t arrivedi, for a ape- ('lal gale;, rie" dre14, - lAdviaiewi late nI'i1'i' bssec~ ran e . 9 styles thatwiltk bran n1e w. i-vi thouareo prl& A Sving of 75'- Those Thoicli 701h ivcwaited to bi a aind d rcsS arc l uck lji!! It's hardly possible that such a value-giving opportunity will present itself again in many months. For it is not an ordinary dress salce---it's an achievement in IbuyiI?, such as NveI~avc seldom been able to accomplish, for they arc lacing sold at absolutei-- less than wholesale price. 4(n The Lone Survivor Give your pen a drink of Will not clog or gum the point and makes the best pen write better. F.} 5 '.,jny rI i . t ' q ' ._ . S :. t4 M4aterialIs--Satin, Faille, AM'cca,, Flat Crcepe, Crepe-back Satin Colors-Cocoa, Malai), Navy), Blackc Remarkable Vlue A Chance to add to your wardrobec at slight co t. (BASEINtT STORE) y p. Q S n ' . II r{ (Q{'y oo "7G71 d- S + 4 s7J}^J 4 The 46 Special at $5.00 and the Student's Special at $3.75 are fashioned with the same care and attention to detail that has made the Sheafer the pen of perfection. \ N 'me 'Pencil I a , J 1 5 '. 4 . is q~y thi e Creators of the L f etii A611 Sheaf f or pens are tipped3 with the hard- Dot native Iid-4 .i ' , , 11 .t t,1 &1