PACT EIGUt TI-Il Greet Muss( DAILY OFFI CIAL BULLETIN Publication its the Bulletin is constructive notice to all miembers of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to th. V:-esldent until 3:30 p. mn. (11.30 a. mn. Saturday, Volume a FRIDAY, JANUARY 9, 192. Nunmber 'iS University Women-House Presidents: All signing-out slips for the month of December must be turned in to the office of the Dean of Women before January 10th. Jean Haimilton, Deanof Wiu'nl. Pubic Lecture on Insulin : The second lecture under the combined auspices of the Sigma Xi and Junior Research Societies will be given in-'the auditorium of the Natural Science building Friday evening, January 9th, at 8 o'clock, by Professor Hloward B. Lewis of the Department of Physiological Chemistry in the medical school. Dr. Lewis will speak on "Insulin," chiefly from the standpoint of Bio- logical Chemistry, and the important lines of thought opened upl by the dits- covery of this substance. Dr. Lewis' lecture will cover Dr. Banting's work, but the latter in his lecture the following week will not speak upon Insulin but upon the general subject of "Medical Research." Students of chemistry and medicine are advised especially to attend Dr. Lewis' lecture in preparation for Dr. B~anting's. The general public is also invited to this lecture. Aldred Scott Wirzthiin, I'resideiit, Sigma 11. To thme Memibers of the F rcuty: This is "to inform you that the Dictaphone Station forhierly located in Doom 102 Mason HLall is now located in Room 101 South WVing-the room formerly occupied by the Treasurer's Office. M.Witchiureli, 1ead1 of the Dictaphione Stationi. Ennuis h Students: I shall be unable to meet my classes today, Friday, January 9. S. )Moore'. ICIION DAILY olini 'Critic Lauds IIRecent Book E ByGiiigerichi FRIDAY, JANUARY9,12 How U. S. .Debt Is Increasin; J"'4" I4 - . - I F 1 I- V -I I 'TI I The scNow York Sun recent ly pub- ii shed a lenlg hiy and very favorableK crii i si of P rof. S. F'. Ginsgotich's new book, -Kssays on the Romantic 1Poets." Th'le review was written by; Professor h1a rpeir of Princeton, who is the aut hor of a two-volume biog- rap~hy of Wordsworth and an author- ity ithis fie]ld. "No reader of hi s Oook,'' says Pro- 'fessor 1 ~aiper, "will doubt very long, that certin plhilosophical ideas real- ly determined, down to minute details, ( the character of Coleridge's poetry ja 'and Wordsworth's and Shelley's and yee yo'.PoesrGneihI- prodluces this effect without forcing the note, without exaggeration, with- out straining to see hidden meanings. "Moreover, it is really astonishing to observe how n~uch that is new he has added to the numerous attempts nmade Iby able philosophic and aes- thetic critics, (luring the whole cen- tury, in those matters," the article asserts. Washington, D). C,. Jan 7.---President ;Coolidge designated today three spec- 'A 1 :03inissioners to arrange with aE Mexicall('omnmisSion for tanl"eqluita- ble use of the waters of the Rio (Grande below Fort Quitman, Texas."' Wa\'tshing~ton, Jan., 8. -- DanielF , S3t oc k: to d ae y filed a c o t st f I clodtion of Sen. Smith W. Brookhart,1 Republican, Iowa. '0 to ;O 20! GROSS veer "M ow go 4m * DA & + s y 4s " 4917 t9lB 1919 19,20 192! 192?2 1923.19,241 49/7 13/ffe 19/9 /92 C' /92/ /3Z~~ fY23_1924 The pub1Ilic deb~t of the United S iac , is recedin-,.'this chart, prepar- IJ after examination of fib urecs give j out by the ti easury departuiut , is; ;graphic portrayal of the rise and~ fa'l of United Ststes (debt since the first: Far of American p~articipation in the World war. "THOSE WINTER SCENES! LEAVE YOUR FILMS WITH V Wec will give you cxpcrt developing and p)rinting ;service. Although many piris of It aly «r, s ci lng 'vith anti-Fascist distulrb-- anco , .11replier Mussolini Iiss no!, lost his i)(Dlula tity in other sections. He iseen bein;g given tn enthusiasic iw scwnouis he arlrives in Mlilan in Inot- oriiflcostume. possible so thatl all frat rn ili'imay have taken act ion prev ious to the lnc('t- ing of the C'ouncilI. 1For the lbenelit- of t li ee frat ciii it ies who were nlot represenited1 at the last finectili g of thle (Couincil. it .lieu] d be expIlained01t haIt lie proposed1 constitution was drawn up ;an(,'prrieleLl byI Olec Jutd iciary coiiit tee. Its adoption was rciOtfl uif'lecd byvthein. EBE1 5.RBAC H & ON CO. 200-204 E. LIBERTY ST. French IM and 164: I shiall be unable to meet my clas ses on' Friday. .. 9 . G. Canfield. {b~WEE ummmuE. MEUon Mman u~ WEEEun i Mid-B'est Debate tryouts: 'Trtyouts for the Mid-West Debate will be n1eld in room 302 '1ason Hlall at 8:45 Saturday morning, January 10th. ]rive-minute speeches will be givenl upon the, subject, "Resolved, Thzat except in the case of invasion, (Con greys should have the power to declare wvar only after an affirmative refer- endun,." This contest is open to all University students who arec chgibit) to participate in inter-collegiate aetiiities. G. . D Ienismore, falculty Concert: On Sunday afternoon, January l1, at 4:15 o'clock a concert by inr. tijm'l MIrFs Samuel .P._ Lockwiood, Violins, Marian Struble-Freeman, Viola. Ora Larthard, Violoncello and--Maud 'Okkelberg, Piano, will be given in hill Auditorium., 7'i eneral public with the exception of children under ten years of age is invited. No admis sionI charge. Tite.'program is as follow~i: Quartet,' Opus 11, Di) ajor (Tschaikovsky); Allegro and Allegretto (Beethoven); Trio, Opus 49; D minor (Mendelsohn). Cliarlers A. Sink, Secretary. University Club of Ann Arbor:- Club night for January will be' held Friday, January 9th, at 8:30. Mr. George Swain will giv6 a talk on the Excavations at, Yalovatch, illustratedl with photographic glides. Leans Ifolirook, ('lhalrimin of Program C 'oun ifee Craftsnm en: T~eewl en etn audz.Jnay1.Tee-ilb tSaturdauy, January 17, at 7:30 '. M. in the old Masonic '('iple. Arthur iR. '['trner, Pri-4leis . to all ;?rrtlities, Mlemttlr.r of lIrter rnmily ('otncili: Copies of the proliosedl new constitution of "the Interfraternity (Council Are being sent through the mails. Attention is called to the fac't that Im'M; constitution will be discussedl and action taken at the next special meetig of the Council, the late of wshich has not been set as yet. 1house p~residenlt. t'r, urgedl to bring- this smatter to the attention of their groups as smOnl as Thomas E. Fish-f., see'l'. :FO YOUR OFFICE -1 STAEREPORTS SHOWA DEAHRATE INCRESE: I\'sslgton, Jani. - awt i c of '-w cin thle tdeathirate --ill 1929I 11:: . 1 wriT'i 1010,t0t0t) population, i .!23 itc sca !'". a long withli eart diseases, i x',hoopi ig cough, diarrhea and entecr-I 1 . s. (Cancer, inl uenza and ncphi it is showed a dectlline. In fo ntat io)) regarding I lie vit(al st a- 5 ii. iof c] verys';ate' i I lie l1 itlare ,ciii , 1'hc'ifareil anud ill Le ( I I as it Y i r 1.II o " i a 11 m Handy Desk Calendars, Diaries, Blank Books, Etc., Etc. t 9 2 5 An ll:t4't iii i'ildz c-; icy ;stat 1> tic:s ref-Psiv? ctnaf' nie.hi i by Ia' fupr t sor' I iUtal', T'isz''wli, 1>cuix'vanisnn Rthode llt ,':Im'v .1'Aatf'S tlie d( at], in tllric'', sodI'' tt'es e0inone, 1 '[11 :l the ideathi rate in 1923 was 947 1' jp'f 1)0,(00) hohmuiat inn, as; 1 ~fe'l 1,012 in I1522. Thois is a coit-iiifor. by Il'e (le:reas 'in hIn'IVU , iid. t13 flu('na, 1:pI)( iii l:' tv ihi U s i diphthferia 'ledst sT'yliffii izlt I ;sisr typhoid, on I he ofth " h-11o1.'J .s'it':'I Marylandc Iilinsiitcpssi 5131 1, tfll{?tll)'I!3 :5 ,, '3.t [ Fl mu i;i. d ' ±'s; f If'' 110 1' 1 t 2 315 L 1 ? t' s O,;^;1 an it- pnewjisciisia, heart f .s-,it ess ii('lhii'ki, (51)0(1'. 105.5 ,andi : illo- funly iifpor.'lant is'iu-'cri 'm t'5)l'(l5-f Stat ist ic's rmI _'S :'" I ni l'-1;f S S h AVVAHR'S UNIVERSIY n om m u"m i*sW MEN R* M M M M MI M I M M, M*RE ".E M mw l I. Reule-Conlin's January WH-AT'S GOING ON Notiee# to appear it, this csolumn. mnust be left in the box at the Daily. office prov'ided for tnat purpose before 4 o cock preceeding the da~y of istsue FRID)AY 8:00-I'Prof. UH. B. Leis speaks In Na. tural Science. auditorium. s ;$0-1lr. George Sw-ain addre-sses University club. SATURDAY 8:45 a. m.-MINd-West debate tryouts held in room 302, Uason hall. 1 :40-J-Hop conmmttee meets, room 302, Union. Students Will See I Electrical Tests Through the courtesy of the West- eml, Electric company which is in- stalling Ann Arbor's. new automtatiE telephone exchange on Washington street, the student branch of the Am-, crican Institute .of . Fle-trical engin- eers will have the opportunity of'via-. iting the testing of the new apparat- us' three days of next week. lec- trical students wishing to witness the tests are asked to sign their nam~es on the lists posted oni the institute's bil- letin board in the West IEngine~ring building. Groups of ten mhen will be taken through from 3 until 5 o'clocl'. + Jan, 12, 14, and 16. Dear IluZ-9 Oh mne, oh nirP but it is difjiiJ! Ift 011;cC again resume rmr)p (l'lalci carcer. Undoubtedl~a Vou heard o-f 1/ic miserable tlicught of hat. mishap to mp mfuch W4"ell I nevercr 1ca ntw'l I would be able to replace it, so you can imagine myp unbounded joy )whcl I Found just what I wanted, one of those classy collegiate affairs, slight till, silly brim and everything that 'M so necessary in up-to-I he-minmic h 'u4 - gear. It's a Dunkeirlk and don't tel! (Prbody but p>ou can get one (it Wild's. III i ;., I' 11 61 1] ii I i' Clearance 1S furnishings you'ye seen giN most- sensational itsn suit, overco4 in mayyas rh tm ping the values to buy--and save--is. now E 'E SAN NOTICE jlain atWashington t- era r' Opportunity IS still bein of- S fereq to pay sabscriptions for- S the 1925 Miehiganeuslin. The ! piriec( for those Who signed pledges during the campaign is $5.50, andl for all other; $61.00 1Payments are being received at jthe 'Ensian office in the Press? building.{ THE WILD A,111 A.