A 1I 'Y A flT , 19 2 5 THE MICH-IGAN DAILY P'ACT,! SrV rI o a a r er irc I TW-~ 11 MANy SIPHO MDBES f 1 1;110 -I 3' a LU Nt CLSES hT 3P.M. ADVE1R FOR SAS Y vitnlon(is ;.ta r a l ai;aiji. Vr sier T'i'r injsl-_$65.00. 'Plus 5ac('S ou S30) awil You call 1not tell it from new\. > FOR IISALt. Ilaniuond tin atT7 a t ica 1 Cimittiical typewrliter. Cool condi- tion $35.00. C all(onltir d floor, 91A S. State, early evenings;. A I NEl rJ')Aj1) RUTM Out fit, ready to play--bray this and let it pay for~ 1tself. UNIVEMSITY AMUSIC llElTSIN 1 A ltf V'(11 iENTAI1 1 reig I 1I2 feet. vorylheavy. Suital", for I a tcc - p . ity or Sorority,.(e.\V. tat crson1. Kic>II f'n " $ 5 . I 4rveicc, (21I Mtie 1 9 { 3 {} 5 { }{ {F i y F } 1 I f ! 9 1 1 y S { }[(ti R '3 F . 4 i f [ S i } 4 S 11Oil 11N'I' FO(~R RENT $70 Monthly. Apartment initaijie for 4 a duls. P hone I 5- Ralph T. Sweze. SEE TISI ROOM, (;Il S. S t ate. Ior doors south or u nion. Diouible or ingle rom Withi private, family. 421 3enjanuici. Phoe 283-J, OINEISIN(I '.I. !( b O~f I .per wee. 925 Sr. Stae. 1Fior Typewri er Repairing (All maes) Dealer in Woodstck t ypewriters', Sndstrand and Portf1able Adding machines. Ann Arbor Tlypewrit er Echan e 9 Savings HanklB''Y. TYi1.E'lUTIR R IINTEI L. C. Snmit h, l&'nin gton, Uderwood, Royal, et., 3 months $7.50 up. Ini- tial payment of1rent appliedl on the lmuL'hase iol'any typewriter. . ID. MVORRILL 17 Nickels' Arcade The ;stationery &'Tyewrit[er Store I P' 20 Y IA S o1 merli a i experi- ('lic wean tiuy al inii onyO, (cll nio at ;lu '-M1for t~J)('1Vrite~rreicp<'J ing ol allied ilichinite . A. C. STlLIMSON 368 Southii;slate Second loor (hnlIy Typewiteiir t ore on Sate S. IJ'LC;--l. rown hg .fromhiitaxi-cal. Name and initials,- C. W. C. Phione 242-W. Reward. ILOST 1c(ree mi hie 'TineSb a fe r oln - lin polu n (l(Slius. Rewa r. I found cell 1 57-M. l,(st A Paikei' ItInofoHIIpen. . alaed( by ownier :askeepsake. II *l ti o LO,{STi'A ( oniliii 'olrmt aiim IPenm o WVi lizias 1st ween iSt atecand Y. NV. C . A. (Call 5S2-M, He IleiSchmiitt. LO ST'I' mi trwnScotch C( ol lie. Collar ha:;istip;gma rked Chii I 'ni. File ('all 21, A ItICIITHIANICl') CLOVE, Brownm wiiihhiied liig, size7,Wednes- day. 1L6ftvc at ichian Da)ily. lRe- wvard. MlAN"SGO~L)WAC'(l IMonday (ev. Ownver many ha vi same by cll iii 2563- J or at 90S iMonroe after 7 P. k M. BEALITV HIIOPPEMF Permanent Waving and Marelling MACK AND CO. 3rd Floor Alain St. Thane 2939 for1' ttlpi)iimnt 1)IMIVIATTIA1 A EM'''Y SI l()P1 E' Slate SYte-Above Cishinhgs \Vert h Thea re Arca de. Se the Style for youself. r COLMN REPORUT TO STEV (Continued fromu Page Six)I Tn for the past two seasons (oat-h NOTICE Farrell should have this dephartmentca __________w~il taken cre of this year' \V it IJX PERT WATCH REPAIRING Northrup who is capa ble of t ossi v_ On all makes. 302 S. Stae. the wand 190 feet on the suad. "floc S Arnold State St reet :Jeweler. is an excellent prospectin the br can. - --;jmpnI also andl it is Steve's intent ion f OIIESPONDIENCE.STATIONERY to use him: in this deparimnen, with BIGI CLEiiiii :^iT:{:" y t " :vr'i: -r:::1{1}Yi F{:7t{:Yrii7:;i:"i:"::i; 5i':::" "'r:7 ik . 'tip:::'::::": r{ ." { L!.1 ""r f4ti L ".