PAGE STX THE MICHIGAN DAILY 'R D' A' Y, J' NV A? 0, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY. .IANPAR~ ~ 1921i 11.1 y111" V111V i i' iVA.if) .: . . . i , y°" ' C ll % NOWM . """ ! N-141- ;016 - wmm- -a.. .. ,._.. H [ 9 0 1 Iio U- H ~i~al~ .iah iItMii I ul 3 n hi on Ii I a N. . (oii TO TAKE R EST SOON m.-M-4 Oppoinents In Mixed Scrap MA1N Y SOPOOE 1MEN TURN OIJ T Opening Play In FINISH FIRST ROUNDOof 0.LPDRT TO STEVE FOR HOCKEY TEAMS Hou~ sketbeall FRTERNIT1YTOURNAMENT c oach Mather(1'putthIle va rsitly bask~etbiall team th rough the final \voI'koit prepai'atory to the ripening of.tHie Conference ('ouit season yes- II >:"' Today the squad3( will lbe given a I : I{ ccai plete lyoff in order that it may III he rest ed up for t he imp~ortant game ll with Northwestern tomorrow night. i i! l ' Michigan will p~robaly go into ihe i N vort hwostern game minus the ter'- vices cif Red Cherry who has been 4I out of practice because of hinesS all ' r" :;:;;I:I opener. The star guard had his first <". practice of the wek yester day after- iloozzn an is still in a weakened con- dlition. Either alndlre or Rasnzick will probably get the call at the run- ;; ing guza rd p)osit ion. Ili its final workout, the sqluf~ld ,.howed the benefit of its two weehs (W' training since Christ mas and its hard workout in the gamne with Ii(e Na zvy lastS~aturday night. The samei teamwvork andl indlividual talent which I- °." held( the Middies to a two point vie- M wk~l e Walker (i f tory hzas been in evidence during the past week and if the squad shows wlaiihei' 'andl \cigiie wereC thelO pi' the sanre ability tomorr ow night the :n ight INct N.k . .1., in which the f Con ference season ought, to be open - a rrctwspapl) l ei lioni over hiis oppon ei edl witht a comfortable victory,.wigt it le-holder. Waller~ rushed Il With the exception of Cherry the'111 I I theI -t~ri bot: , 1,but was55unale3)1 eant ineup which camne aear hea I ing tj~ defens.i ee skill and longer re ac 1he Navy will probably take the fo001' - - to i" t be Wolverines against the Plurple.isamo asltasigeryan ('r lainGeoge 1laggrty311( EdkeO'i 'up to( top speed while he is in; ( 'ham hbers a te due to start at the he lila.x Lit liai LLindi'e or Ritsii ick, furwai'ds with Glregory playing de- thlgIi hlazckirng the experience of fllisi ve ceinter' anidDoyle and cit hzr he r are d n ,d, hl ?ri~ve Wl a 1TaiiofLs ie ~he",s L rMed Wth Liii' h .hal a i at y~' in the interfraternity basketball race V.!1-41i v Wei il I oh i pii'a ii v il ''.A 1 c Vo Wl aes!il daug lit011, Iiie g m bing I ee played last night, the games be- t i1's i~i~ltfice l Yk i t by des a 11:1 i'),d ,lay 0e1 ig eatured by hard fast play, before liii_____ 1good cowds. From all appearances II! 5 ( 1' l ii s u a l i n ( i d e i t a m i' a s a s - t h i e r ' a e I l l b e m o r e i n t e r - I ~ ~ ~ ~ ... SRINTERS PROMISING SCHEDULE IJNCFWFUJAIN kt-)l'al gies camie about we h sigta at oeo h ia ;f~j II L p:'aAl lia(Peated Delta Siga gaes whi(h were played too late II I~los 101 temon te qud eprt "o V-c mn l,r;(' to C oachI i27tti for tie results to gt in the paper ing veiy afternoon to Coach Steve Brs ,I, in uh:t \ei egs ilesorsfAiw KpaSga sa'elOt seilysrog; notably ~tI1 Deta UpsiAlon, 0; Trigon 16, Phi the Beta Theta Pi; and the Phi Delta I a to Fild ous, her usli li or iie 1151hioke ll' (Ii 'I'(,i8pnl o V7; Sigia hi 0, Alpha Theta games. oNver 10 men ar'e being rounded into 'of(the yar. Captnn '! m' u.detiil.A ' ;Pi 'i1.Aa ;Si- Tesoe fth opee ae 1),uo Is en n' Ve z l go l o hii2, Phi (!si 10 .,to I it I Sig-! Theol iuw lel ft he j'sii,~ ~u 1 i'dis t orHe large nnoor raoh' , -I" )d Iw istie01)11111be o 0pi- ronfr11', l 'h'ae 'v iyais I'122, 1DeltIaAl h a psilon (rfeit) ; plli Kappa 12, Phi Mu Del- I mo1re per1foremers.O' P ,05t ;A I i iau(Iiea20i~ paEsi- it a 7; SigmaAlhaEpsilon 19, Zeta ~~1li I u ~ pei'lolorning'fo work,. TA' v, dt('lo, a 9'~~); I'i l \1ps1,Al ph aSig- lPsi 1)' Psi Oega , Ta EpqIon 4; W Vithii on ly tw o for the 111in l point A i i n Il t ea p n'l SI'(l'il' lha;It! l p a P IS 1 , Z t a h e t hi 1 , P i I e a D l a 11110 5 10111Coach Chuck loY'S vet elai a 1,1 evrsllI(f 11I lnolt i 111011(li MApha hiAl ph :1 CAlii S9- Ps'i 1 pilon 13, Alpa Kappa L abda W lstyeal''s powerfl yeai'lil reg aggrt"" - all shiowed ood form Ill ile s (lr I. l psIeI 'hi G eaTn1;XiSgaN ,1lKappa Tau Piilliof' fst Year 1101 ill school, 011e wolkomi Ititm w s given I 11011. AI h3 8;Ta, llI ii 8,Sgi Na0,(o il eit h 1ap s 2 lh 01 1li I 'ogets~usl (f 051 i Ipek o igbit-ha Ilted pn('k( ia s(1'9 7: 11'hI appa Alpha :'2. [Jlts igmna (!Ii Rho 0,. (fOi'eit ) 1 )ela Sigmat I oea P 118'l1ever to report oV sSh fVii'i _ablt[is(oth Il-I', Gnll 'i i:IulI ii I tIla, a 0,IJell;ig i2, leio ig a0;Alh R p t O 110)W lt ~ 0 1 0 o l'etU'ii o fewari) lt, 05abiliy 'i oahlt I i r.Ill del i pl y l l a 0: 'll iil lek 1,1('1,J 2 Ia Sg .a j I Jf~~~~~lff lare %usit and let ev. St(lay ijl1will beli givel m~ l ientin im 1, 1e I)iJf f iso 0 il h i]d ee ' i f X1,Il i a ).111 ; isa' h 16 )~tlT 11, ,l R pi 1 , Ph e1 f'sln 3 'tI'ei woeii. who0511 iilastoyer~i.Ilo', 5few1practicelle, rducedthalfd of IS 1(chool are'd illar01111' l ster. tl('5 ir'l t l rsetl -ill lbes l at te ('(15( U)SSri Is anthi st 6 re il( s evoel may gi V'wilIlehd n at tninht0 'l "z'-d1 ocaio y i il es s bS iii 11(f1 any ' tki t twho el oras ili'sI lte 11po-Pii e C*O 1 ' ati Lris i l eli.o leefsthiepssi i] fity e d rli 501e le Iui no vt * -. i at ht' ay ('1111 to t~ltio t le st' en completed qo acrdngto coach!I ) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -n this Mike M 11WIia W017111(t thet('t 'I., e"reLiI 0,dietro 0l orsotM ( a r 'o h~ u O liIUSI i( i~l i', 5101 ii (II O1 Illi" u t.X l rba l ealiiin o nopaIs il Iho I~i1e edii'-daN'heeiiil y I151' (351)t isiool Ile sec- 1 well com ltedg'.. rdl- o C li! I ildit' W(l t'ON! e 1 oIndt wnwsft(,r.iiXVe(orgo, Little, directo(r 11 xlSlili1114by bos kqA [thath arglsWshindfinhlle ut, Xn ' lb islite, V orI I U;11gb Iii'sVX'- ill '11111 i a l(ash 111111whoI i i r- i0 u tie h rtXo'om XSSI l o istale. ei ' ~b~i'1 aog o;'4 Aliiiteolympoc' yic lshldo toea~s lni s fi It)5511' . tl~'i~HIiil~to \1'- ('Ihld li Iax~ trih ~ltrying 'ouit for te Shoes111 o a no t, , ; tuhi . If lie s at fl' to WlI11. Ilil b Ceii' first. nigit of p r's - gtt Mco ie 10yearilns 5lOe 'lsesof oIi fai dCIpst he Cshould be just 1re1abilityand one ori- two he rca ityrinith i wAapefomowed heglo tiea Iiosi,''le-hs s blmnI~ ctd ih(''o'lrin 1 Leortel he makings (of futre Varsity nmate- 31 t ge aisy o ii(' lV Iaiti : iiia'O Itdti:4inalwls. Anlltier lastspri'iit- rill t 1ace for'il (in o ll' Ia (5 tlil;, r' o r o p0101t is Seril' 1111d i' e_________ ________I l'rosp)(u ' s ttr is, ':tIi1I A:t' i t'Sl ie ht~w t llvelieit 1e0(fi ihll ast Kiev,Ja.13a,8.-Fift ell 111(111 s of the! !!:,;Dli