=r R+fIDAY, JANUAi RY 9, 1925 DETROIT PREPRRES ANNUL AuTO SHOW (Oiie D) is, D)edIicat1ed to Convention ;QPENS SATURDAY NIGHT IAvct d- vI or ilia 24th anneail Dr- I.sN auto sh1ow~ gill have It special :,n i fcinHe. 11. IL. Pt usit, ifli a ge t ~ 1f tho ;s10w, will have "someicthinig # 00MC~g' faune t he 1timei thle show opens nl i:7 8olneIoc, Sal urday, Jan. 17, imi- il it Oww's at 103 :0 o'clock on Sat-. lrt'(la, Jan. 24. As has been the pracic(e for }-cars. tiro flvt ight will lie kll iI as ''Op- 4 CMaug niightI." t lie shio \V iuig formally' 0 ji'.a byC]ti a c'iy or01 st ate ienitarx'. I $ Un Spud vla thle shIow will be i('8t ured? Al ly the atedn ~cie or jobbler's andl nma - uIa tarot.; of :tccsories and c knownx i iains ufltomtive C'Cllillfliun dray. D et roit and thce AutoC shrow aros 41 t. eallly hlionored this5 (ye1r by the an-i * v'.ira I (iiiven i oei or (lie Society of An- It ioW 01ive c'1 gieel's wvhic'h opens''i TnS-- $ dcicy andt conltinueiCs unt(l Fl iday. Mani- 1 t, er S iia rI has'. arranged with ('rock- ('I Ca Vi0uufl genel cain loager of tb e '°nw'i'Iy, to) halve 'i'1e5C1;iy givei C over to the e Cchniical lenders andS kin i own as~ S. t A. E. Cday. Wednesday will heC Michigian daliy at t Ihe showv. It is as markedCC by the, _I ffth annual convenion lofl0 the Mien-' roan Automol jMib Trade assoejal ion. a Tho convent ion sessions5 will lhe held' in the llotel Stat icr. Edwardi S. Jor- f l an, pres identI of thie JordIan Mot or C~at comipa ny, (ClevelandC, will ;pea k a i 1Ihe hala el- in thle eveninag, his subls ir-et becing. "Wha: is going to liatpiuei 6the antomolbile indusiltry." Since the abandoning of Thurs''dayt '~' asSociet y day, it will he knioweri as Pcl roil day. If usually malrks the'. q revord Att endan'e (of t he week_ Wti tl 41 t "hum per (T on" of I let roilr r s F'ri-- Q;chy is Mann farl urers' clay, set a side t 'r " l c m e r m t e f c o i s a ii rd a y , t h e f i n a l d la y o1 ' t h e s h o w w i l li e knmown o8 "Buiiy Your Ca~ cl ay.'' Puzzles Fail- To It Arouse Interest it Of Psychologists #f Whve l thCV Ile pisychlologi'al loriie. of itthe Clow05-wor d Puzzle may hie, t hey it pre not. effect ix whvleni direct cd a gnialt 11 i the psyholligy deparitment itIself C1 Not a, member o)f t he (lepntltwnt (oil li y; ,ounid who was an adleiic' to the l i; fifr7n j)4 olijecl in i, 1 s xnri'C NI Yuzzle ,' sau hI rof. MV 11~.P MIi ury. tt each of the depiartment 'ri, ''it haveiyc t ,~1~ rv t heeorne jut ei'esl ed in tc em icy-' (if qite fthe opposite. 'f'it, havex( @ 110 psychIologicalI aspect, but1 Simpi lly 11 jifer ain enter.Ci'SIiiig fgaile, eCn misn' ' Tth the educaional a~lillai;1e C; I'.al 1111g' fl(W words.'' #NWc w~ri''d ll v ill'my ric'' sawic Pr ofl'. V1. -1 jtit Its, "a tid sC) far as -1 t lanow thex' ha ve never hi-e d.Clli1'ssse1 it at meeting's Cf th le dC'i18>i '. O if the tarn-famed ('l iss-wod Lati slCs1: * 1mchCll ogicol influen ce, iI is c'vidoi aI t hat 1 syclioloCiisI t hsiIves. :arc' imi) Norway Applies For P128 Gamee Nnrist ianm ia., Jtan. S.- t i :x' A. .> :ni way il akuig anI (oor tCo get. the r , illter shorts of Wfe I Dm28 Olt lOpic v rate 7, 'lTe literl'1 onal tviiipiu 'cflh~ato hc'ladi Sxxilz'l'lmnd ill liiiii aim the 10(111n fO or thec xvi yrt i' ' iCI't . kll. Norwxay hloller tom ]inud Ilse mieet 4;.li lcs I IcIC' avitise itsvi' at; Al idel'c 'wintiei-sjiort land. T~in] Jannanx' 1 ('.hmm'isa'a is Ito Ihe ;atIst '1r1f le Oslo, wvihi xva thelC ( i_ mieat o 'xxegiami nameliC of thec C'8i~t,l. 13;' Aati i'i'1jg infterii." ioiii8 gatllcien g's toa - (1510 tilre oNo gialt givernhinllt I o(pos 10 bin I tlie new name before-: 111t_ - W '"oj'lcl. PAGE TURfEM THE MICHIGAN DAILY ..... . ......................... .... . ... . . .... ......... . I i IIi f i ', Directs Tests Fisher Scores ~ LazineSs In U. S. Colleges Lost Priest r Ci ~ ,'c ('c'LC: Slo('llll, of the vant (1 11:'' 5 i ,2' ,2 (C i'y, i icletOiX', Co(l(in1., C' 5 C11t.* of0 impti'iit'JAI- l'Oliliic- an' lo: fs5 V. !ic;(it w llt ujic o ('Cidlited in cecCit'' i 'xi h 111(,he1:a1 (,clipise .Jani. 21. tc fii " k"uma Aepti'1m4sai''ii il" fori1 Atin Arl,,ovAddreIsses5 MVEIKLFJO HN WILL SPEAK I'a 'voii ihi re ,poitses rirmainvita- t c s i( p 'ispeclive I Tiivel-sity lec- tlii'C-i.5 i1~1' iw co(lilllg *x":ar, xWili) fex ti' , ,i a lVC been ri'(CCvC e 'ee, a ad H ie- spe:.Len'stHeat 'havC thus fdr beote Mecii'. I 'cll r('elit :n iiiogram Hl'atl w'ill cowl, ena ha e ge part of the hat1;l ie. ~alteddy aceelcitheir in illiols,_, ble 1". h?.s Ilo5(11.noted,' (? iI, i ' I ci tlt~iz. in ;t 1:lit 818to ithese speak ers, Sir ' ;i'e1'c C; 5 1i' a'.'sil ' , 145 hic' si(T' ld 11ie' tl i II r:;CK( 111t L- ' V~'i'iliiiiton lhrl,1i- J.OhIi ', ' i (i':Ktt. Cli o Anihiersi 'O~:-'CV.A x:HAnnc Arbor to speak t fov ii iiiA si i1 Clioolitiastey's IChiti ", 41". I oi 1' tl)-tuA I stling ('lvelI- ~ i-c; i;'!i Lo OCil t.hle I.niver- 1',ile.iof'' ,i iIlie S wecdishi GCenetic in;1i~ a 1 "a:1p, 1Land. Swodoln, a:lie i'tl(tl'. } it'. . CCC1iCln ii! Or t to r rof ilai':- El .'ie . ' C'iC iniL'iiiS CA IoiiiCi' I 1i:! . ' t il'.Ilix'ei'sjl N' of itMai - 1'', - . iilt. ' :' t-iA msi('A rI bor111y', i'vi ix a i' nlrs. Singgr viler, i S c 5iii;'t "(;.v,1 ive an jut en Rl ome, Iciilt41 441 x,'l!: his li('ti orti3e i It. A. Ti. Fisher, former minister o1. education in ILngland, in anl address which he dliver ed Tu'esday at tie ant-I nn I'conlfeience of educational a ss-( ('cia ions i Lonidon madeli e Cde(hclra- tion) thiat. Amerilican nn11 ivor'tieS lack thoroughness and are too easy. di. 'Asller has ju st ntlrlielto ngI a uc from a xisit to, the Unit ecdStat f's. iC "deliveredi a seriesi of ectures lst 11l11 here at the University.j ilfr. Ftisher :t ated that America,: is ileginning to s: he-1 lf il t is geet 1ting value fo1'r money'lavishly con- bi~lded" oli its (educa'4t iol systeii. Tie piraisede lii'Nx'n 1illI1hepri a r schlool s of A mci''lea 11but wcorl the Sec ondcary ilIstil 1io i l5 nd(1liiixi'it;I is of l '.e country. "In unilverl sitiCSsomethin~g' V; Loims dlone Cto ecf(ouria ge and foIst1e1('1r12S' 'I IO onitalent. 'The dCle-lim i' e ec ('at ion or thle elit e ag e vey.''1'owt parl l' vher reason o1 (f the eniormous size to which1u1niversi ties have giyand~ acC in xview of the very'sml elh c.u ifuenf of ('lltur11e and(1 (11owl edge whiI, t ostf ofI the stud~enit s brig up tro it he hiigh schol(Is,"'Ali,. Fisheirei' a id "Mu~ichl less xwok is done byxil c'ollege stuidet in Ancric !alli~i i required to rech'1 honors im i aniilard uI1ncivrsitinllthe old ('oilnitry. IH goe at a pleasanrlt , easy pace, tiet by flit,- necessiti1(s of thea vrage pr'codum C,'of thle Anim ri'.'31iblic ;shool. Manyit cf theC .11 11 ,oets lave cars. Onelcan'l pot a cheap mlotor' cardinill AmF x ~1 the equivalent o' 15 tpound:, anmit'-O whole piopullationl dives about in i cc 1 "I renienibr visitig :;great foot ball1 st adium ichvi ('was ieillg huimlt. amid noticing thenairie nl aron'd ])lc'k withIicars, I askred iiy xTii'ell what was happening, and te rrpiv was, Oh, these are Ithe ars of tile briciklayers, Th~e alliaxe thm.' "'Al toget her, youmg mmina-il xvwomen in America havo m. very hap~py 01111 in eCellege. Uinder the('syvstein il01eo2 edilcation, xvicih generally preva is, t here is a less intense intelectual a(,' tivity than would problably le the c'ase under a systenm 01'segregatiomc "In manny of tie Westecn eoIlegs young xomcen are saicd de(fiitely Ito look to college primarily or the op p)otuniity cif leetiung limir fmn'.eliii' liand~s, acrdi only ini vriy secondar'y d' grceeas 1a lae'd'for edulcatlion. "No Cone. howxever a CiVcal ''afit a bolition of'' tiesyst em. Itit i. 11 ie' as a pa rt, of thle order of nature Infl ro'ost of the rofessomS withm xvlom )I spoke hold Ithat thelier~iIs of co-edium eat ion outweighred its eect r ~senanandta ill mi reasonl why the Amierican has fWillhrll (rcl~acc;oe I 41 th lat heIr; nla1izc's fIr 1 . ;' : es S il, iivim oi'' whi'.!' Hiak es o(flice di ffere'nt 1'1H''soasinrgi i' people and i:'. nioiC4c01'.l c'nsi-iSC "1'l'>lek'aI i, iithec'great halHil-l 1;;ei', the mnmtion nmake r, thlie(sent ia ly Amcerican thing. "''10theP'l inumler'oumsthle ilihnug t a' i'3ofl f'siIe mor01e Csset ia 1l econi S thle task n!' thIe edmci lor. We have mnot ril'e samne incenivle in thIis ('011111 ly. Rinl I 'i K !Nights "80, ot'S2 eO GAR C 10 )Wed. Mt Soo t $ 1 50 I ~Sat. Mat. 54c to S2, j LARRIMORE 1mmat"Cosmo iiOlumiill on's Bra llnnt New C(omiedy ( 'PARASITESv educational finance. America is far ill front of England. Where she fails is in intellectuial thoroughness. In that. iresleC't no Amervica~n high sc'hCoo car (''hrI le'nsee \Yinclh icstc or St. ~aml'si, and niCo iiel'icall 1livx'eril x' can xvio : x itl OxPji'w o cii' ('rneidice."' 'COSOMOPOLITA1N CLUBS 110111 flINUALMEETIN I 1 1) \ IntllRensiss ':!<2t', 'xc'1' t ll! cgi'i'i,1l delegates A; I4'i i:45 1 icc' ighteenth an- - \i,:'c1)! {,I ( '''r ' t .illit4tnc lub's1115 held X77 1 =' 2: 2. 'ixx''.i It 1!li'v entities F am'dil{(cll('<"'.5 x 'icIcT lli'c''!ontcd with 10 omtOS ';Cli, ;1!m('s u" nmany visiltors 'l'.' xx'Cu h ofi111oc CC!Iveil ion coln- is(1 ?p '.1144111'iltg I it" c'Cicmtitntioni - CLIfptse;'c ut ( I r 2'{if1."[ ' 's.It :' delails. :!( M ic'h-iaii xx':tc - C' C i ii;' { c''~'i cili ,i: ; t it~. ct' -i : ; ' c '' i a[,C c ' tendlci ,) Ic is- e'N I !1 ifCul t -l cinvi'it ion ill t' ill .1ih' t t I r'ba ca. This _:-. ,~.e 1''- olsd i A-nn-Arbor. f E' C' I i i I . i ' I F F I ! 24 hours after Iii; inauguration a11( took: thle oath ias 'Cited (ciStait t'5 ell at. or. New York, :Ian, .8.- Sir (terligi' P~aid" prl1omnhiCit :h3m-i ish -i cia i 141 thr~mity and edit or of thle ILonrdon i:tat- Hartfordi, Conn., Jain. .-Gov. lii-! ist, ha'-:.:irei cl he.r etelrouite to am Bingham resigned today, less than \ sllg ii IOC Ily FREF DELIVE'RY Sandwiches-40c 1Hard, loft or 'Cear Salilli ('iears ('igarettes 'uh .'su. t ' t T.) Nf. _ i'... 1 t! 'it tt( s 01) Ii:V.I'I I l'cm'.e ~:~'-M 10c 100h . _. ____...v._.. . . . ._.., ...... .. .. A wncl'sat ion hea s been ;c momi'.4(illt It4 1'2r Ea~ ;'C.t 1) v ftl' ii. ''iil djsa;i'.C11 '.''cofI tin' Ta s.i i It 1 spmiritual li'aid of thle {PIlilhistsi ' iTi taf el 'hi!;r)'tuii ' '' cif It'' I S 1114, conc'of tire ?x''s tillic e'< eI''.I, i ; I(ho vx. (1124 pit thlat irc'.2i'v~it iitofCioli' mat l aulini dividnialiCx'cieeiil 1ds Iitii I lie iiiai- teltai1 OiC ' l itsia 11(1,1 c.is ''it the lange of lien pedagoic~al ex-. IleriAneits in material equipment., anjA inl the-tt' iiion o~ Cf lienrnexm and hnm-, -ollilc' cIlcliCirimuilciniigs, Anteric'aChit - s;t ines ,ill ceoiupe't 1(1's. "'llimall Ithese THan ic'ui'.ii'1cif salh'1lEiil tee. EV x- 111111 tilll°_u 111011 - ''1 ' x " 111CC ', fl U ll . k, j MINAi It IIIII- t IN ASTUPNDGUI .L~. VIL 0 u1111 A II Beue h csMr oprw ect CSYA IHEBper I ~ ~ meU .D i k e id y - - - '-'--- ---I i'.s'.:l ;icc . lect. s rr, miec t1ci '4 .5 '.sI~ at Il i .,'t; A i IVING WABMOLTS, 0, S C, GRA1,.AI'.A13AND) PEG1,STFERED I Chiropodist OrthopedistI 77N. UJniversicty Ave. Phone,26S2 - - - _- . ( M E r Do you know that you can gret a R FAL three course (]inner' at the "Marbruck" for $1.00? If in doubt, do as wise men do. ' \k~ c lifw'timer '2",bQ ' riugi « e YoU illf'AJf -)JTis .4bsorb~tfg 'Rvf)WI(c y odrama with Your Si'ec hcno il. I' i ~~Wfr. iiiabnrk V 6132 FOREST 1--ON E 2641i-R (ee P trr 6LYi_"t C.'1;5;". LeLC:iY ,:..:$ v-"d)!Y.'L "v P°? 4 'Pf.:x.: ",1'." hrx .'' ;y ill.'^ >itJ;: ': .-vSli .7ma[v3 'J.2 iVL, Y i4'^ 1 Km - _ - .. lfWuF N sl -7° ,iy. m° p-,{,awss'ii.aY' rG' '+ _L.J..rr l"_ " ______-__ And- erie Eoi Van Biblwr Stories4 caJI'll E RACE" ;dories, .1,i141 iris ai~sor1bi m-;ro- rll ii lae~netlodr~il ra prolives . gain thamt r oiac's soe pihiler. VBessle L~ove "andi]Elleen Percy are. seen ill flme big cast. 'NowV ShowVing 3w,:ikeW IN Always Wholesomely r yf~fl Starting Sunday 1I Chemistry Blast Victim Improved .hmnIles L 1C'e1{os'ume, .r'4t wh. o x \lmc 1xx+ iljlml ('mlii 111nc (',hltsirli r iii C hI' C weldm Ilabotaory 1of' lie t0 'henli: triN I~itiiit-'wxxhsI' l I4ltc)4.itig :41 '''ti'41- 1mCI-it Coni \VdI(-scday, hIeeemiil'.ei'17,Im: -C'onidIIhc' v l inlpi lI'cCrl 41. Ao I)lean lmig ii ('b)1t1 of, thtc' lii cl1 t 'hidiol. At thir, tink o1'(i ls' cch'n! C Ww, xva'. (re5'l 11Hint tr(::;'r ii'.i;lll k10 !Ipt grt in"ii' 'eo'.i1Cd hest i?' cl hose hboth hands nl lt : I til'c reenit tun ila'there is cevril'lmt 1111 o0In'- lic''cC' 1hatItis siit xxiI licitotcChe i :Sl'.'irC''i andi thiatiCe xxil111''i5us (of his righit handt acCcrd1 in g ii IJ) :1 -1t C'abot. Dean To Resume Duties Mondoy ELEANOR BOARDMAN With BARBARA LAM'.V P. a. BLE p: INTET ;_L t; i WithlI IIIIA NELSON in v°it ifira tll, ; A ndlrme R20 J:m. : m'cis, Helen StaInley Teddy hh l' I' lU i ,. .*'ADDITIONAL - 1a "X e't of thle -' Vaticket" U it Aiainimii ~ar'niIrid i'e5 'ry iC'M'PiI h- Coming! Coming! Comnig ! f;I S WVith Modesty and D~ignity After Months of Neg'oiaton, A V by Special Arrangement Wle, Herald I Sl Il -Jo5CI'.1 A. Bur'sley, iDonti of.1Sill - thler 15, whIz: a Sbeeii ('(i-nod11C1toC Iis hto'.ite l pa11st week W'i iha sevc'i'e 'WATC FOR ', k k+ y> err X76 ,c, tr 1tl ]ay o Yr r fi _ w, NAM its Alarming 'llagnitude Oll I I , I