PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILYr MAKT F'RIDAY, JANUAi_1RY 9, 192i '5 r diiliY Yi111/i1r1 .... _. .. i - _ .ii. iF Gf l ..a NiAMiPRYYi114WVA YNS1MbIAY " u^qr w w.nLac YIYO fR:A. rty , WHERE TO DINE IChinese or American Dish( Luncheons Dinners I 1 i' I es r l i f I { i I. I 1549 m A T s 0 F Q V A L T y When Quaity and Service Are Combined 1,he result is inevitably 'a pl;a~inry one. You will find that these principles are the foundation uWon which our patronage is I -uilt. ( )ie trial will convince you. M E A T I., 0 F Q U A L I T Y New! Ice For all the 'essential Grocery' items necessary to that big Sunday dinner. Stalks, of snow-white Celery, luscious Cranberries, new Squash, Pumpkins and many other choice offerings of fresh Vegetables. Also a tempting array of Carned, Bottled and Package Goods for the big feast. Priced most reasonably., ^fROBERT A. STOLL Phone 6-J 1028 East Uni hi Five Piece Orchestra (940 nri (6arbru American Student Management OPEN ALL NIGHT CALL 220 North Main Street IPhoIne 310f) andc3l10 j .,_. L .. ir..w iG .ri iiw w ., . . ... _..._._..... W7>fX~l 'f~i 1Y titi:l1 a V e yo u~ L NJ tried it? Delicious Candies iJat w You'll like it? aA -Are alasobtainable atPrkt' Sugar Bowl. Our confectitons are I. - made from the very purest ingredi- ents adRndr hemotIavral I onditons-tdheyt can be surpassed ExthraPc#10 -Don't forget that we specialize in Floridafre rich ice creams also. Try one of Quality __ our tasty sundaes or sodas--you'll -__ ____ surely enjoy it.0 R AmN C E S w ~Floridas sweet and 0%oA 1 Vmn ialr - ~~~full of juce .~Aptz UVVLWe elier t ai pats o th ciy ~Supply of Strictly 109 South Main St. Phone 967r The C ity Frt t' and egtbl~.1rs1 ~ ALA Sarket Delivecries to All W~E HAVE A WA S337So utlh iMain Parts of the City. PLEASED Fi eliI leain..........1 4c iiv~rsity i Fresh, Salt and S moked Meats Sausages. of all Kinds Poultry and Fish Butter and- Eggs IIOELLL4 IL, I T"(, 'FoleIimes ID,:'7C2 201 East Wash. St. r .u_ . .. ...... _ ..._.... Qualty.Bakery Goods I For the best in bakery good -----patronize T0UTTLE'S LUNCH ROOM 338 Maynard Ferry Field Lunch State Street and Packard _._- i w . .rriw.Qa... Yra aw ,o:wcsauvrz -- asc a w.*va.rrr z urr ar - - - - - - . ..®..__.. t Blue Pk Perch ..... . ........................................................23C the City Bakery. You are sure of the Trout ............. WVhite Fish. ........ Halibut ania Sal on.. .27c .28c A I0c hipjh quality and putrity of their produc-L4, F reu equsel CITY BAKERY At Meal TFime and Bet WI f'f'. n M n I i i MlVilk Is Your Best Food. .. 4 of It, But Be Sure It's -a. [..Use Lots ire. Select Oysters, $3).25 per gallon. Sold also in quarts or Pints. Canadian Fish Co 60J7 Detroit ,St. 206.212 E. Huron 5t. "tee are as rear Your phone." Just1 Phone 1 56 to you as call ;3504-.NI WHERE QUALITY QUICK SERVICE AND QUANTITY COUNT CLEAN SURROUNDINGS WHOLESOME FOOD Phone 423. Ann Arbor Dairy Co. Home of Pure Nilk m - -.u ..w You Will Be Rewarded With the Highest Quality Goods at Lowest Prices by Purchasing From Us. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT- Our Service Is Unexcellecd- MAY WE SERVE YOU? You Will Do Better at .a-. COne-half Block AffWA-shtenw Ave 530 Forest Ave. Ilancy Spare Ribs out, of home killed hogs, lb. ........ 16c ancy I lome Dvessedl Chickens, lb. ... ....38c SLeinbie's Little P~ig Sausage, can't be beat, lb)........33C 2 Lbs. Pure Sausage or Hamburg, l1b. for ...........35c D amnon or Conner Butter, lb. ............ ..... 45c Fancy Snoked I--lams, whole or half, lb............ 30c We have a full line of Meats, Groceries, Frilts and Vegctabieq. Four Deliveries a Day to All Parts of C.'ity. ".1111lllllillllllO l-llI i lll lllll1lllf~ llllli~ l~ l!l1 / ~1 N 8 -- - .- -- --- - it Butter, Eggs, Staple Goods i R ESOLNV To Start the New Year Right EAT MORE f 1l6f Ili16lI If ° .Y4 ! - ! ~ l! Poultry and Vegetables I IFI 11 Iii E i