0 4 T~IxSDAY , JANUARY 8, 1925 T-LMCIA AL v THE MICHIGAN DAILY 1'A(LE !VEN rr , ,_ w,'_8 - (f ; i d fil rp t " }ris i i.fi .! i i :. . i 1 , f, E i . ^:c, ritjart Via, , . o. E , rf, i t'. i tXIM ATD"ONANPEN SERYIC" Berlin Flockzs To ~Ct,.8hL h ea 1t C- 0-WANTE;D POSITION. Colored ln ~ clyour friend whto is having pniother colcessions gi itlrt.i )y I u oI OLM bflUVIF it LCOUM references .Experienced cooks. tobewa odeflftigadernmuet to discover Rhieli sallle . A D V E R T ( S I N G CT LOS S Ph ne 2915-.t. i r service you are getting at Perliin, Jan.,(6.-Berlin is having t cancelled because of un iulfill~ent 4r frt; e h p o il d i a i a o ii n a d o u d y h o t a t h e s r n e d d uo t..T o i s u c o s f r l r e d u l ;a d u a o .v sii - C od b s r a h d 4 ,0 . V-!h s e x l i ai n room, two other instructors in house; This service is recognized from coast ta'o otenwfr fetran outrce, thus aiding il eI~a)bji~dune now.tameshtonth nAvenue. Phoneertton-oast.emeat ae accruing in large; numbers. °of economic equilibrium ry, SLENOIC 194.I Bring pens which are out order fromon25 imsehbi es;n c ____,,___r____--__- ---__- --___------_ -bome. There is no better place to S m 5 im x ii esa da - liei- EPR AC E~RN XANI D.J4Iirlo cket. Address! hvellmae aie.cessories, and not a few advertise that; Mocow, Ja. 1.7. I Pro iitio11s are C-MEtYSaxaphre. Thasain eryn- OnX1llft[makes.302 . Sate. Box. ]ov IImaesre39,. it teiichigensaneca ha nde wy orobeyaceon I 2 strumentis a rea bargai._VeryO Onall________302_S. Sate.RBo. MichSHOPDailt.ReDmusical Sprograms mbrcaadcastaminbthecast nthhe; Ef theofetNiooli Lenin. The ThL rz reasonable price. Arnold State Sreet Jewele. - 'TV5~)~fl 302 S. State St. U'nted States. Privately the sales- cgt. days~ beinning Jan. 1 and end- UNIVERSITY MUSIC HOUSE eraetWvnan rcli LCS1T manwill whiper, ecsl olhoevet', that bneIto Jnd3,will1( dsignra edLein AflI -GOOD BOARD for three or four in L ---ITII must arise early-to-hear the wese k. a coinuenort iVA.sn iwi SAVE MONEY On a Sax. Bucscher Private family. 1007 Mlonroe St. leiaiitWvng adMrclig _________________________hemsphr, since the evening pro- "C Melody. Fine condition $30. MAN NDC. All kindls of trunk and door keys. gram: of New York are given be-; Martell 707-R evenings. I (ORItE8PONID@' TTINR r lorMi t Keeler Phone 2498. 1210 W. Huron. tween 2 and 6 oclock in the morning,I--- - -___________________ BIG CLEARANCE SALE NOW ON 1Berlin_________time.______ Buy now and effect a onsiderable1i SOFT WATER SHIAM4POOING, Ihenna --- - Jeln ie DNIN SLIGHTLY USED Long iiiod( Elue- svndehictig iataBa ~ ,L/ s{e rrmen$50Tissvs aig.Aicutn.Diata euyAt ebest, the music teacher's bus-_____-___ W you $30 T u 17yucpt o c0aN ickeit l s v sitO . O Rls' A ca eShop. 340 S. State St.R e i ' t e -- - anooucnnouel tns-sscl.-- -____--___ from__________new.______ Lear to dance. Start now. Open; FOU1NTAIN PEN ISNK"W UNIVERSITY MUSIC ROUSE Fr CORSETS and BRASSIERES, __________________________________ daily, 10:a. i. to 10 p. im. dult clapss - Fes Stock. All Kinds, All Stylcs IeeyMonay anld Fiids; . Ffteen FORS SALE hammond mathemtatical eey''EZ AIYSO N If you ure vicious ink you will have ceia -orlsosfr50,~rl o. < hmcltypewriter. Good condl- I TEQAIY lO N rouble and wter will not twacshit -orlssnioi300Prl o tion $35.00. Call on third flour, 914 j ___30_Sothlan -Sret-- out. Better be safe than sorry. Our I GAR tN S. State, early evenings. BANQUETS, DINNERS, & Luncheons speciarl fountain pen ink f Tot con- i D I iAN IG STUDO ___ ______ treasonable prices served bythe tamititeci isaAraadeatPhoneor241-1 A FINE T AP DRUM Outfit readiy Aid society of the CHURCH 0?F and has a rich color. u2 WurthAfcaaPh ne 24-f tor play- buy this and let it Pay for (CHRIST. New Church, new equip- 302E RStaENSt.P - - itself. merit. Call 2025-J. 302__State___St._____m_____ UNIVERISITY MU7SIC I-lOSE -1&_________7_ IBirthday Cards. - hS .r od F'OR SALE A Remington Portable Friendship Cards. Th-be-rbc MadGo( A yp wion.Tel. 61409.1 ally Cards. L harm attached. Flinder kidly re- i n a d lco sb re u Applied Arts. turn to box No. 47 The Mliciigan Wici. XWten you're bun FOLRENT 2 Nickels' Arcade. Daily. _____Y§OSa e 11Surely beSatisfied. T YPE WiIITIN(A and IMEOGIRAPI. LOST-B~rown Furlined leathier glove C learance Sa e !+ 'HE LAG xfpialyur NRtrnoDiyBxN.48Rwrd01fe be , nished double rooms. Reasonable Promptly and neatly done by experi- 1 l Packrd and State. 711 Arbor St. prices. pe / l~aereturn to F. G. H. ati - 0. D. MORRILL '26 Soutfh Unron. Plioumo 167-W. ______________ FOR RENT-Garage for rent. Cements 17Nbagls'Corre espondG7e1neNoStatioe ry floor. $5.00. 1319 Wells near For- The Stationery & Typewriter StoreI LOST-rw a from taxi-cab.Lete God adNvlie est. 1716-M.I Name;and initials C. W. C. Phone Bu nwidefet acnsdral saving. I4 FO1ET17 othy prtet LNDLADIES- STUDENTS 24-.Rwr.i ~nw ecacnieai FORRET $0 onhly Aarten DON'T Overlook the opportunity toI REWARD $5.00 for finder of 2 ive It °i A$ /1C I l suita~ble foi 4 adutlts. Phone 15- save on many household necessi- and ten one dollar bills on campus : ! ° IIipi' n.zyt~ tTeF~oyScn -ad between Oakland andl State Street 17 Nickels Arcade Sto e, 209 N. Main St., Phone 789-M. phone 102-M. SEE THIS ROOM, 61) S. Sate. Four We sell whatyo do want and buy apee.Fnna 5.TeT t °n ttonr tr doohasuthofUnin.on't____want. ____LOST PAIR OF GLASSES IridayTDc-T Open1eening -- ~~~~~cmber 19th on or about campusOpn-eiasS Double or single room with private RUGS SHIAMPOOED or dust clcaned. I with tortoise shell frames and gold family. .421 Benjamin. Phone 2893-J. Ann Arbor Carpet Cleaning Works, jriecs Call Joseph Fn t37 Phone 50. TYPEWRITE Is . PHONE 866 Our moderate prices make it possible For Typewriter Repairing for all to have FRESH H-OME{ (All makes)j GROWN FLOWERS. Dealer in Woodstock typewriteirs, A2 FLORAL CO. Sundstrand and Portable Adding + ANN ARBOR FLORAL CO. machines.-- 122 L. Liberty. Phone 16301 Ann Arbor Typewritter Exchange/ + 9Savings Banl: 13!i-. Feminine clothes laundered by handl. I I ____________________ First c lass home laundry. Phone - **Th elph n T'YdEY'R ERS I:ENTEI) 2567-f. I Ip (r uixri ti tn al ea] p. .. h..l............t.e.c.untry. are "5,000 miles oft con>crete mim Uited StMates. Caifior-nia 1281mle;, the larg; e t mileagc st :ate ini the 71).iomi. -a-"" E. Walker, Propr. 22 East Catherine Street oUse Soft Water and Pure Soap No Alkali or Acids. Always at Your Service. We call for and deliver. $5.00 Cash Cards, $4.50 Phlone 2721-W ied -meat sand- Igry, try One. reur 1~ Follow-u f F R 4 - i e. j '. k f f '- I 7.7 f i L. C. Snmith, Remingtoni, UndIerwood1, Rloyal, etc., 3 months $7.50 uip. Ini- tial payment of rent applied on the pur~chase of any typewriter. 0. D. MORRILL 17 Nickels' Arcade The Stationery & Typewriter Store (Oy ANPN XIA( I CORONA FOUR Start the- New Year right. Own a Corona Four. Easy payments if desired. 0. 1). MORRILL 17 Nickels' Arcadej The Stationery & Typewriter Store Hleadquarters for 1llsmakes of high gradle typewriters. The Stationery & Typewriter Stoic WILL PAY Reason ible amount for J- 1101 ticket. Call White at 3010-Rl if you have one or think you will. Exchange that misfit pen for a Rider Master'pen. We make a goo dallow- ance for all standard makes. You need a 230 drop.} ink capacity Masterpen for the Exams and all tihe timie. There 'are many reasons why Rider's Masterpen is so popular. Call amid let us show you. RIDER'S PEN S1HOP1 302 %'.. State St'. ISHOE S HIARIS I3(OOERY Wuerth Tpheatre Arcade. See the Style for yourself. °n CoXupns iBooks Y CA I, So. Also E1 L f s l ' RTTE 'S a' 1117 University J "Famed forca de Special. Peanut Brittle We Also Have Something New--Something Different Nut Goodies at 65c a Lb. Take home some of MacDiarmid's Candy Next to Arcade Theater JL %JAL V. 1 PC sil ab ( an to th al N~d HC" WAiii and legibiliy "he Wahl Pen was designed for vriting ease and legibility. It is a )erfected, modern writing instrument vhich will aid you in acquiring a }ractical hand, a readable expression , your thoughts. All metal construction--gold or iver for permanence and service- )ility-gives light weight, fine bal- nce, increased ink capacity, strength D resist wear and abuse. And brings he designer opportunity to produce .pen matching the beauty of a hand- omely cased watch. Prices in gold filled or silver eodels $5 to $10. Made in the U. S. A. by THE WAHL COMPANY, Chicago 'nadian Faiffory: THE WAHL COMPANY, Ltd., Toronto Manufaaurers 15U WH{hl Eversharp and the Wahl A1"M t41 Fountain Pen 1. .1Lx.1114 %W44LLJ .. 0 SALES EF~FORT AND ADVERTISING Keep b iness g9oing- pu t the en- livening kick it trade by using Long Dis ance as a consistent fol- low-up of ales and advertising. Two Detro t automobile- firms sell. cars by tele 'hone.' A large aut obile manufacturer urges his agen s. to sell by telephone. A cleaning an dyeing house in Lansing gets bu' ess by telephone. A Saginaw dealer sells tires by tele- phone. A big match comp ydoes practi- cally all its whol g by tele- phone. Financial houses se stocks and bonds by telephone. Many other concerns bu d business and keep in touch with their field forces, by telephone. The saving of time and oney to producer, wholesaler and etailer is reflected in lower costs to the consumer. MICHIGAN BELL TELEPHO CO. BELL SYSTEM One Policy, 0" .Spasm UnivastWJSovk v,~ 1Eversbarp is made in designs matching Wahl Pen PI1N em9mm ' * at J -0 otr tI r the 1l101 i T~rmm1l MUSIC BY X- L t~p 3 .. .8 c Ai Ti ckets' on Sale at