THUTRSDAY, JAN'"ARY ,12 SUMRAU*F 19 te To Ca roPL [ gT1&,ff [W JVM useumrn Rcceivc's 1Thiel, Jan. 7.-Anton Flettner's sai-1 i' Ibourne, Aus., Jan. 7.-The fed- (' QCd i ec i lss, indl-driveix shin Bulekanester-i ral government. intends15to prevent an d- ~(ay attained a speed of nine knots in nvflux of imnpcniottuinnnigra n.e r ttf ._:::. .... f .. .. :t, Ss ionWll C"tse4Il NEW PROFESSOIRS COME Copey for1 the carnp~us (Slitioi) of lhe r I I summ111er' se'ssion1 a nu1ou11 cornell t. l u been p~la1ced in the hands(1 of hec pub- li shers. It willI be availai)Ie beciore W~ork on the n~ew theteri'i which is to he ( 10(51ed l onthe D r. aeigh tprep ('11y al, the lheadl of I tib'i1y oil 'Nto! sireet will he Started in the -ri, It Vwas 8 lloilli(,''Ml byBut 1 iieid al- E . w t e lud y U de h aleanage men t as the Majest ic and Ar- j e de I 1e1(8e02.5, 1 ill'11,,w Illovi o lllUSO ivili suraws aaythin g oln' side of the linetlarol ii I ce lianhoue heler xx-ill be caIts; ('i18 Pthe tCal~oi or I li (ICnijlis anId Xx-:1WIi ("1Q yto upon i V nexi;t January. The Iasi ''Foto new uihlingc(l1 for a $4000t)1 :1ru ci rv, eqni}ped style of all1(1 W~ll IV1 thle mutilIt l10.- erin motvie fuili~ de. A(, least 1100P pe~olJe will I'b e (')1r la:ted l in vr t ie ? o oljit , 4,r ? wili als o h'' a iI mh of r K an id tf Mpin'(5 Jfl (8)'iCi olt. * 'r " I ,: . -. , ni -0t 'Iy studenlts enroll for th1e seondM1 5115 ter so that those who expect to att en I the summer ,;,-Iool may prlan I in' is Scourses. .. Tis announcement wxill(~ta Ih courses given ill ea10h college an 110d d -- partment. They wil he mtui' oreanil the name of the p)1ofes,,or who will .,have Charge of I 110 cour se will1>c *{given. The final announcement con- ,tamning full informat ion conlcering :.the courses which will be given will not be lpublished until afteor [1we S-c"md semester has begun. The' increase in the lmd,,:gel for ilie :rummer school, which wvas grant '(Id by th,, Board of Regents, makes it. possible for thle 1:125 summer school ,to offer the largest num her of col rses which have ever been pre .-Ic - O at is summner session, accordiiig to is 'an Pclwaird IT. Kranus. . The facultyxwilliiin:cle ,several' pr'ominemnt professors ftroul n YIeI"i(Yi and colleg( s throughfout. the cmmolt ry. * I r il 3tehO t101o tile c ('ii r' itvt atrial in a heavy sea. Flattner said spriZn. To th , l't it .a (:'or;: 1s-:c'l11e(ted over a period of li e was satisfied with seaworthiness of regul ati which"i:e'is ca; y ti he hit' James He-try Wadec his vessel in rough weather. Thurs- h Ie i ';,a hs>,however, have I i'tKneai iPiyt as the coralsiI E C T-&E A I ae e l i 1eDurIiinghi IT'S GOOD FOR YOU hid is M. Wde ws e~e~iglyFIRST YOU'LL LAUGH. THEN YOU'LL LOVE IT. ('oh% lcd 1511 ins ; re e un! touched for _________---__________________________ severali years prior to Mr. Wade's tI, ..e it a week zago. 77t77 . 7§7 . VL ~I1V E YOU SUBSCRIBED 'YETI'SATlulu IIII11 I ,. I III~f I P 'A T T ,U0 7-1 WF ' j 111 All tra tern itie , and ooii X11l ~ y 1t1um!1t.I ave their groiip pic'tures' for the t9125 Michigaensia 111n r -- ! "'I b_ COMPLETEe J)l of ,T:« ~c~ry Tllce wil b no < tt11^oY1 f li ) I etooha Fvrie mm PRODUCTIO narices:l } "1, $ ...f 1 o r a [ I I nn twu te at s Mr. LFWppcr ia r'c 'i"CSEYATT 4 V9 BaT" [ENING S * E E ET ERY-A rh1ISPO e~N P~k war ua Read the Want Adsx 4 iGi WJLii E .. .. sitc II~i(1~l IL ~~g I :iliII) ( '1C 7f 1a . ' IPi: S Wl(5 I # - i t, (I11 lE3; 11.x ()I1 :5Ft wtI reti' ~,s ls.ll of. M2ichigan, staff. M4fore than 3,000) cards -*from the summer SeiSslo: ~ rt-,,.the..Clhristmlas vacation1 -5~attended the 1924 session: In any of these h-ave be Many of the cards beside dents who intend to re ., ,~ , summer school this year namies and add~resses of b. elieve would be likely 1 lxT [ i [a cf c 9tt :n f' . . . . . Y } ' i r I ? i i I k C 1. r ; N i : P x fi ' d.: R.. arc. ,... .... NINE REPRESENT IN CHUMCHCON iepi Is t ng -,(vI ii~ the city and thle Studentf sctciattio, lni 11101Dienarea first national annual c<, chiurch workers in univei -now being held in (i Chicago Beach hotel. r1 l;i extends over three (days; Morrow. John TDiekhoff, '27, tit" from the University who the conference, will sepal on "As the studenit see., worker on the c-ampus." Thle- purpose of the con dliscuss5the work of (hin ,,which. is being carried l arge university town. A, this conference in Ch ica go there will he more cool tween the various religici tions in different universi H-al C. Ceffinan, secre Student Christian assoc Homer GIra fton are repr- Student Christian associa delegates from Ann ArVi Uelrhert Jumip, Rev. A. Lewvis .Reimianni, 'tG,Jfow; mtan, Donalcl Tiniern-an, Elliott. Panama, Jana'.- The~ plans to observe next year rary of tile first Manama convoked by Bolivar' in - 2 :U{)3 : ~ . lac, 10C WCI' :E I 11( ll i (1 OdifF (h t-9iFF kT Y1, ! n 4t mI to those who )f ' E{ rat . j u.> isll a StII'4 w dy ' .- t -",. I . -- Au15( faoe the *_e 'l-*o;ra a01 I'le f otheris they t ne1 1 o tlP e ,I'811 or ti e3Iff.II to enroll, w w x'savsi-:; uail illng LS at5 ;h('(Ll-~(X~Obi ta'lol) sd'c _-- f'1tl1,t rit-t eI t-soiianc10e room local tle lv(lii tra l lc)11i a (13i Yti l1in, en: liie to ; (i1 h1'1 v i do b eEo r his I lg a~ 1t~11 l' he i 1)010'le"tC' fi' earh wxhich ',at i 0111lt(- -xasso e l d t a c o s il ug . oh t FA :' '"FII il 1<1 [j n1l1 l( o n i s \ a t ' iv n iy[l c t:g) atfi'oil)thei-n s~o me rsltdin. ,oltih<21og o-- rooms if lie1(11 in t c 12'r-"0.1f1 milova'. ~ ~ ; onyS'1d'n1 0011 5asoIS c'i5lL( - ~1'8 tiandlly iii enl ieelield 'ere teren('(' isIt" ]0) :1(11can)1 e ( ' "P'. on.%0 peratiohtn h]o-""- f(( only\. nf1('2IIooll'' - 11CI;A - 'es atting e ft, t?-' a t el ar h1-1;iiIf ('1ii(i- tI: il f5't l ftev l'rs ' so"Ilt': s' Iie 'V ing lopii('i the 1,. l a~h _ (a 3 l e > C !('IIII I O I CU I e 1: }151 I. II - i t 'T! Heleiset 1,es. i affight. -r- x ' f),__it__is____l_________rc___I_.____e____'' N"fKJk r 1 -g )'er-ton h - ° "1a k 1115 lite ___________________________________ etc ry of liU ,- - , -'-s AND SU R~ 1 tI~ : am ,lete Stock mWakunImm eees ; o vas ;h' rt S::T a{, is , ;t r 1 , "{ ; ' ,'1 'S+; Tam Calls It Mec-han No, Not, 'Wee-gaau -- Ii-I AN Anl {ixphai hs that. 41I h "W is excess ati (WI t ograh'ii IICly sil"Aalimg, and is carried i og r. - -. - - , .., .,aJ, . , = -- kI Ii I I THOMAS r , ' EIGH., ,G TODA a,, 9ara m ou3 l ^ G/ a~ '.- '-'5 1- : I , r an ° 4 . . I' 7 t r A vSEPH ENABERV P .O~U C t it4 P tax i ,cnao~igh solid 6m-a iil"'folinies of Fhn, ,_'to ~nij ievcr has ) K 'tian had :i .-he that fitted him ,sothor. -with N ~ 'z~~ *- 1 - Ill V/e-U. of hc Y~7~L~O1'LUtkCt i EL"r ANOR BOARDMAN -- PROGRAM EVEINTS ichard Harding IDavis Series of Vani Bibbers Stories "THERC"' _i INews .SUNDAY - A Story Off Thrills and Mystery I "SANDRA" Viuder the Persoinil IDirection of Arthur H, Sawyer " Co-Starring Endless, hil n4s of :er'ror. Dreamy, languorous Argentine nights. 4,ii- justice iat his heels. Thrilling, dramatic, original. Nights of flight, OS Ill 0 i 3d.3. STAGE FEATURE BARBARA LA MARR and BERT LYTEL. -.,m.. . rSA 0 due roo-M U ~1#I~Y1;j 5 11411b $TTW WY X % VL A XTXT" "1 -' --7 II 0 I