r _ -
_ r
Air Minister
Influence Of
1825 AUTO SHOW NotedDesigner
Busses, Motor Boats, Passenger Cars Frank Lloyd Wright, Chicago archi-
Capital Skates
Declares Sutstaining Postal Bill
Is No More Than Sound
Business Move.
Charaterizing the action of the Sen-
ate in sustaining President Coolidge's
veto of the postal wage increase bill
as mno more than a sound business
move, Professor Thomas H. Reed de-
lared that the more efficient manner.
to bring al out the change would be to
mnke some provision for gaining added
funds either before or At the same
time that any wage increase proposi
tion might become a law.
"There is no doubt but that the
postui employes needs the increase,"
lie continued, "especially in the lower
hanches of the service. In order to
1aise the salaries of the rural carriers
and under-clerks, however, I suppose
it will be, necessary to make the in-
crease effective all along the line.'
This will be the only way to maintain
the present relative salaries which
status should remain unchanged.
In; regard to the question as to the
best source for the added revenue
which would be necessitated by the
proposed raise, Professor Reed stated'
that the various classes of mail should
)efir the epOe h keo ing
"1'l, ho a detly bfn
fitted by the postal service should pay
for it, not through any general tax- I
ation measure but through a raise in
t) postal rates," explained the pro- j
fessor. "If the newspapers of the
country find it impossible to stand the7
increase in rates they ought to chargeI
their mail subscribers for the added
cost of mailing."
Now that the postal veto has been
sustained and a new measure will be!
necessary before the employes will I
receive any raise, Professor Reed
would favor as speedy action as pos-
sible to bring about the increase which
he believes to be merited by the men
In the service.
Sir Samuel Hoare, Britain's air min-
ister, is leaving no stone unturned to ,
give his country the greatest of air,
services. HP has'ordered the building
of a dirigible twice the size of the
U. S. S. Los Angeles. He intends it,
to be the first of a fleet to connect;
England with its far-flung colonies.
Anid Commercial Machines 1
To Be Exhibited.
Detroit's twenty-fourth annual auto-
mobile show will be held this year in
the new Convention hall building dur-I
ing the week of January 17 to 24. All
the space has been assigned to exhi-
bitors on this, the largest one floor
exposition building in the county-y.
The Detroit show for 1925 will again
include not only passenger cars and
equipment but also commercial carse
busses, motor boats and boat acces-
ories, making it one of the most com-
plete exhibitions in the United Stales
Great interest is attached to the1
forthcoming event as there will be
more new models exhibited for the
first time than at any show in recent
years, according to announcements is-
sued by larger manufacturers. Several
new eight cylinder engines will make
their debut at this show while the
number of new designs in enclosed I
bodies is surprisingly large. Practic-
ally all of the late developments in
motor car design have to do with
closed bodies, which are being put on
the market at prides little above those1
of the open models.
A larger equipment and accessory,
division is prgmised by the manage-
ment while the motor boat department!
also has been expanded for the ap-
proaching exhibit. The amount of
space taken by producers of motor
busses should be of interest to the
majority of people because of their in-
creasing use in interurban transpor-
The work of making the large hu.'-,
ing ready for the show has been ;urn-
ed over to a noted firm of decorators
from Boston, which already is buy
installing special features dCesigrC I
especially for the Detroit Auto Dealer .
association, which has charge of t
annual event.
t1The show will open on S. ture: °
Inight, Jan. 17 at 7 :30 o'clockr and v.~
be open from 10 o'clock in the morni
until 10:30 at night. Many ,,peci
features axe planned for the , eek, in-
Iculdiin.- the annual convention,, of t ~:
Michigan Automotive Trade associa--
tion and the Society of Automot, e
tect and designer, who was asked to
come to Russia to assist in the new
work un(lertaken by the Russian
architectural society, Assonowa, is a
man of marked originality and un-
usual ability, in the opinion of Pro-
fessor Emil Lorch, of the architectural
"Dis work has had a marked in-
fluence on European architecture and
particularly on modern Dutch archi-
tecture" said Professor Lorch.
I It was then pointed out that Wright
is the designer of the Imperial Hotel
of Tokio, which was able to withstand
the last earthquake. In this hotel it
w4s Wright's own idea of the founda-
tions that saved the building. In this
way Wright attracted international
nolice. Professor Lorch asserted that
Wright's work in the United States
has been too extensive to be named.
Ile humorously concluded that the
Russians must have thought that "an
architect who could design a building
tl. t could withstand the earthquake
could design one that could withstand
conditions in Russia."
Prof. Moses Gomberg, head of the
department of organic chemistry and
one of the leading chemists of the
country, was recently elected by the
jury of award of the American Chem-
ical society, ro receive the Willard
"bb-s medal in 1925.
The gold medal is awarded annually
y the Chicago section of the society
'o the nerson who, because of his
eminent work in, and original con-
tributions to pure and applied chem-
istry is deemed worthy of special
recognition by the jury. The medal
was founded in 1909 by William A.
Converse, a prominent Chicago chem-
ist, and the jury of award is composed
of twelve members of the society.
The medal will be presented to Pro-
fes ,o "Cem.ierg at. the regular M''ay
meeting of the Chicago section of the
societyv, at which time lie will deliver
an address, this being one of the con-
;tions of the awuardl
Prof. Leigh J. Young, of the forestry
department, returned recently from a
conference in Washington, D. C., can-
ed by the U'nited States forest serv-
ice, comprised of representatives from
all the forest schools in the country.
The purpose of the meeting was t(
discuss the possible changes in the
examinations for technical men alcl
changes in the method of handling
the men after they entered tbe forest
service. Although there was consider-
able talk in favor of eliminating th
usual civil service examuina tion, noth
ing definite was done in that direction
and the present examination reia ins
Anot her outgrowth of the confer-
ence was the decision by the forest
service that in the future all men en-.
gaged in forest research problems will
be required to hold Doctor 'of Philos-
ophy degrees. The tendency of the
whole conference was to raise doecid
odly the standing of the technical mer
in the service.
The foirest service has found itself
in a difficult position because the I
amount of work requiring technical
handling has increased since the war
while the number of technical men in
the service has decreased. Civil serv-
ice examinations have not given the
forest service enough men to fill these
vacancies, and they would like to take
twice as many ien each year as they
have been doing if the schools ear
furnish them.
VWinnem e in th e r arand edito ial
',ontests ci. Chinnes, campus opinion!
mionthly, which closedl just b~efore va-
caitin will be announced in the Jan-
uary issue of that publication appear-
ing on the cam pus January 15. Two
prizes of ten dollars each will be
Chlaniges iht
TIechnlical Exam~s and
Mfethods IProposedC11by
Colintlnication On Phonetic Research
Printed In Official Organ
Of Science Body.
A letter from Prof. A. I. Morris of
the rhetoric department to Dean A. H.
Lloyd of the Graduate school appears
in a -ecent issue of Science, the offi-
cial organ of the American Association
for the Advancement of Science.
Under a section called "Scientific
E'vents," the letter is entitled "A
Laboratory- for the Study of the Philo-
logical Sciences at the University of
Michigan." It explains the movement
for the teaching of rhetoric in labora-
After telling of the proposal made
at the last meeting of the association,
the letter goes on to say that "after
some preliminary conferences, seven
departments have taken steps to pool
their resources and to offer their con-
bined equipment to any one wishing
to make speech records for analysis.
By this combination we should be able
to provide facilities for recording by
any of the methods so far developed
and to provide material assistance in
the analysis of eurves for the study
of tone quamlity.
"Tiv, seven departments co-operat-
lug are the psychology, physiology,
physics, rhetoric," phonetics, mathe-
matics, and public speaking. Our pro-
posal is, perhaps, only a stop-gap to
serve until something better is de-
veloped, but so far as this plan can
be made to advance the laboratory
study of linguistic problems, these
seven departmients are glad to offer
their services."
Don't delay-Pay your Subscription
been a fraction only of that of France.
"it might well be pointed out that
Poring our I olotrnary War French
iiitwtiitiiahs- a ;:cicd nhoney and mun-
itions to the American colonists at
critical periods, and that these were
probably in part at least responsi-
ble for the favorable outcome. Rec-
ognizing the debt, the United States,
practically without credit, claimed its
inability to pay these debts, made no
effort whatever for many years, and
then paid only a fraction of then
If some of us are ashamed of our
early record during the war it can
avail us little; for we elect our execu-
tives and for their nolicy we are re-
The reflecting pool at the Lincoln
Memorial is now a solid block of ice,
affording sport to thousands of skat-
ers in the national capital.
- i
Warsaw, Jan. 7.-Poland is experi-
encing the warmest winter of a cen-
tury with temperatures here of 60 de-
grees fahrenheit.
- :
: -
- -1
Have you had your
Hobbs Brands
noon lunch
U S, No special plans for the eclipse ofE
(Continued From Page One.)
rflore than once close to utter col-
lapse, we overnight reversed our pol
icy and discovered that the war was
a bitter struggle between autocracy
and democracy. Although officially an
'associated nower' in the war, we stil
beld off six months before attempting
to nut forth our strength.
"Having failed to prepare in ad-
vance, we squandered our treasure on
a scale scarce credible, but without
contrbuting materially to the fight-
ing equinment of our armies whose
equlpient by our Allies, thus retard-
ing the issue in the struggle. When
war was ended we had ready and
nearly ready a stupendous war equip-
nent which, being now considered
usless, to a considerable extent, we
scrapped. Our weight tardily made
effective in the struggle none the less
decided the issue, though only when
a state of exhaustion and of physical
ahd'mental depression hadybeen
reached in Europe which my yet ne-
suit in chaos.
"It is because of our failure to bear
our due part hi the Great War that we
emerged from it the o-ne rich powerful
creditor nation, which now according
to Herbert Hoover is entering upon a
period of prosperity beyond all prece-
dent in the history of the World. Eur-
ope, on the other hand," continued
Professor Hobbs, " is in the utmost
straits financially and on the borders
of bankruptcy.
"During the great struggle Mr.
James M. Beck, now Solicitor-General
and spoken of prominently for a place
i) the Cabinet of President Coolidge,
speaking to great applause before the
New York stock exchange, advocated
tie cancellation by us of the debts of
France and Belgium, declaring 'they
have paid the debt in the blood of
their sons.' Later during the war
Professor Hobbs in public. addreess
often quoted this statement of Mr.
aud alwayrs to applause.
"How different is the attitude to-
Pa," said Professor Hoobs. "Our
Secretary of State, Mr. Hughes, in his
Now Haven speech declared there is
no connection between the payment
of reranrations by Germany to France
and the latter's payment to us. This
statement was widely acclaimed as
the acme of wisdom, thoug the yeri-
est tyro is aware that France is with-
out the ability to pay unless repara-
tions (not the mere fractioi included
ill the Dawes plan) are paid to her. It
is further insisted by us that though
we came so tardily into the struggle
and suffered so little, we must be padi
nor -i r army expenses jn occupied
territory before France is paid in
"Itseems to have been the fashion
for Americau economists to slur at
Fra nce because her budgets have been
regularly balanced through including
upon the credit aide reparation pay-
ments due but unpaid. It was the at-
tempt properly to balance the French
budget by raising taxes twenty per-
January 24 are being made at the Enginee1. I awarded.
observatory here, according to Prof. ' __ _ _ _Judges in the editorial contest were
W. J. Ilussey, director. The eclipse ! Blanchard Speaks announced yeerday by he Chimes
-R.o.a.d edit o- The are ('a sIepn .i Yost,
will be plainly visible in iin Arbor "HR .IUIJI E Ii To Road Bu*jders editor of ,t A( Globe-De
early in the mormting of the 24th, al- Ii'rat: i: a P. a edir dire
though the zone of totality lies northo fl KI.IIII A I B h P
Profohurtheanhity: Prfa. con, '24, Ilimisg;imigedlitor of1 Chimres
"L ci y . Roger L. Morrison andI Prot'. Roy S. last. ye; r, i t hi41.0 e (aiic \to;-
'"Eclipse work is largely specislized --'tya h eCdln
and needs special eq-uipment," said elolvwits, scholarships, aninloan ofie highway cngineering comi.paAy
Professor Hussey. "Observatories en- funds which are available at the ini- Lment, hve been in Chicago The awards will be )ased on tlie
age isolarwork that have the versity at the present time totlrlyJa. 6 attending the convention most timely and thoughtful editorial
gageoin ola wok thtmhve hecvnnlyDetthenDuilndtimrsotl-narl
- necessary instruments are making ad- i 150. Of these more than ,i are pro-( ti- mu lean Road Builders asso- on some subject of college iii frest.
ditional arrangements for work during vied by the University while the re;t i cratin at the Congress hotel, which the contributions being limited to 50'I
- IFditona arangmens fo wok drin vidcdby he Uivesit whle he estadjourns tday. Yest~rdlay morning words. Tile prz-inn ('ioia
the eclipse, but we have no special are supported by friends who gener- rinessordBlanchard delivered an ad- will be published in the iJaniarp
*plans." ally have specified what field of work lnhr eiee na-wl epbihdi h aur
_ dress on "Th'le Evolution of Highway Chimes.
Yerkes observatory of the University shall be pursued by the holder. Those Ff They r e xcte to res
l of Chicago is erecting a. special sta- offtered by the University are for mem- 1at i roh c lty are expected to re- --
ticn in the line of totality, and will hers of the Graduate school and cover F tu__mor___. The successful man not only takes
endeavor to olftain special photo- nearly every line of advanced work. -~---- advantage of the onportunities that
graphs that it is hoped will add to The University also offers this form There are now five classes of auto- come his way, but he manufactures a
the information on eclipses known to i of aid to graduaztes of a number of the mobiles i use-n ew, Second-hand, few of his own.
astronomers Ct present. collegea of the State. used, superannuated and near-junk.---
There are 24 fellowships whwd-h ar lbany Journal. A utomobile accid"Ints, drow';insA
-1 ! provided through foundations given by ; ---- andi falls, a re thle Only causes or ja(c-
A. . S.i EN of the Univerty and 15 Don'tdelay --Pay your Subscription dental deaths exceeding in number the
Added tTo 'us 1dcu,'n; o'arship; , which depend on 'the I 1ay ones due to fire.
same provision. In addition to these
there are 14 loan funds which have I it1 1 11II 1111111111111111111H IM illi11111111111111111111
' ,Fossils of anImals, many of which been provided by different graduating
aio e tfnct, are contained in a ship- classes of the University and 54 which^-
ment recently received by the archaeo- re offered persons interested in the ''NT i . . 1 B ank
logical division of the museum from inistitulion. There are also a number F ir 1N N ati na1 Dal k
tthe American School of l'rehi itoric of prizes which are offered for essays r f
Research in Europe, to wbivh the and reports on research work. Organized 1563
museum is a contributor. While the majority of these funds
Several hundred pieces are in the I are provided by individuals there is a
I collection and were found in associa- large number which are provided by
tion with human remains together manufacturing concerns in order to
with artifacts of the different stages ( promote research in their line of SAVINGS DEPARTMENT
of paleolithic cultures. These new work. Several scholarships are offered
acquisitions of the museuni are from by alumni organizations for partic-
the Mousterian, Aurignacian, Solutrean ular high schools and also a number TRUST DEPARTMENT
and early Chelean stations in France. ! of other ortanizations have given
{ --- fundls to aidi research anti advanced
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College teams and many other athleti-
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