THE WEATLRHER 'UNSETTLED; COE TODAY - - -A fpl- --_-qqmmlmw Q 4 1 r fri a atlH MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS Vol. XXXV. No. 77 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBO0R, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1925 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, FIDE CENTS noMWEIIN Gargoyle Appears On Campus WP7I~~~LJ~PII obbs Characterizes U. S. As 'PPU II.S ItI ~eOR LIIKLUIIIIN Featuring University Women ,IIILIIIU UI The Shylock Of The Nations" TO GIV E ADDRESS 1Cargcy'e, campus humor publics- Class of '49, and many smaller con- ALEXiJ. 6RD ESBEC K IClaracterizing the United States asI tice. The case may be very briefly r n-hylcn o th Nations," Prof.1 summarized," said Professor Hobbs. n "aulyTe" yAneM.ilbreth, L. I.IHbbs ofthegeology depart-i W e i 94the Great War brt r o the caimpus toa. In this is-, inpt exprsse hi opiio in a stt u hIolou iilattd L W TNS EEj2(i, opens the list of editorial con- 3 UUU t xrssdhsopno i tte pn h oldEu ofca attd slM ETNueE practically all the editorial mat-:trib~utions while anmng the chief of! ___ nent to The Daily yesterday, "That was that of the 'innocent bystander! Y t7! AN S'10)I S E' LI-B we h coe r omig hvenall of i(ln e otClrseare "The End of the Chase" !RESOIITIrbo PASSEDI) F STATE; a very considerable element in our imfi partial in thought as well as in A[ 1ASCHOBLY ILL PENt Su Il hl h daig'saeal encoe! re EsrMec, '28, "Ten-Tmic (!MIIE population, and notably the intellec-1 action.' With its causes and objects 1y(in 'ug"b she erc,12,"we OF PARTY I ta group, holds that national self- we were not concerned. We bet heav- AlPRIL i y m.tieth Amendment" by Juna Mary seeking-tire traditional custom of ly upon one of the rival, groups in the j The ove , d ne n fu uri tic sty e, Bar es, '25 an "A ost Chr stm s !driving a hard bargain and 'letting! struggle and we loaned large sum s of SUBJECT UNKNOWN Ii from the pen of Mary Lou 1Miller, Letter" lby Carol E. Dixon, '26. HOUSE IMMBRS A CT I h devil take the hindmost'-is now nIoney which were very largely spent '26i Other prominent contributors in On Jan. 14 a dinner will be given ati giving place to altruism and to self-i in our own country at usurious rates ' hgh Scool Instructors art wort, are Ruth Norwood. '26, Mar-I the Union by the Gargoyle for all con- Hlinted That ('onimnniations Ha~vel sacrificing concessions in internation- enriching our industries and paying R College an ggt ,s1aiet Lcobkc r., 25Ed, Alberta 11. Hlor-!tributors, through courtesy of the Passed JBeween LThusilp { al affairs.f out to our workmen wages never be- Expected To Attend Three ton, '27h; and Hlarriette C. Smith, '26.! Board in Control of Student Publica- And Washiington " The official attitude of the UnitedI fore dreamed of. After two and one Day Session D~rawings of women predominate. tions. Cups will be awarded at that- States with respect to the debt of ihalf years of inaction and of stub Among the drawings are the fern- time for the best editorial matter and Wsiington, D. C., Jan. 7. By A. P. France should be an illuminating rev-i born refusal to make any preparationI Dr. Alexander Meikeljohn, formerly tispiece by Miss Smith, "My Co-ed at1 for the best art work. The judges in lvMichigani repulblican members of the elation to those who think that con-I for what was inevitable, during whichJ president of Amherst college will ad- M'ichigani" by Miss Horton, a page of the contest are the managing editor, 1 olise at a conference to-dlay decided siderable changes looking toward al- time the cause of the Allies came ih dres te Micign Shoomater' rawings by several artists called assistant editor and art director. .o urge upon President Coolidge the truism have already come into prac- (Continued on Page Two) nif cu metn heeigeeaaseilyselection of Gov. Alex J. Grosbeck ofre onu ethem ing ofere id ye Arl 2assembly . ;iF~ TF rP f fl u au r Michigan, .s United States Attorney o the Union. His subject is to be an-iLIIUlJIRbL LLU IL LIJL The delegation arrangedi to call to- nanrir'iiPT TO SP[A none ttefrto etmnhimomrrow at the White House to urge ' st when plans ef. or ~t e dneto grmwl eem~tdadprol- teonmnL PH E0E 011[E1jbicspalrty of Mihigan, th rugh r covnto 10iCGE i rou~~~iuJW ft1t * IS SETTLED IN AMVPHITVEATER" anshd'4 reUivriy-- itor iit ~ i.statecAttra orneyteer al. A eontsnalistlto s jc I - theigovernortsrtseesuccesoretonnual +her ondrdsdistinguished educators from'ot Lmon intruen ousrecoby thefcomitee e tntext , Cmeeln,hicagoandt otheprctesiometn onMjreemaC.Tenw2-nhojcieorteiwi'lnddheovrfrhis Pa, Cnereis, a mo-y AfP-thReA- Deanto ughc a b oet ofthermedical are eovpectedJ.torbebpresentnialso.e ad 4 r. iversnithepchiefsosek pani Gve n ited ofate siEnug L amuo nt t elescop e, hc ws testedIlglad exctv blt wl eslxeran dfe rence Over eP y - sc oolwilSpeon'TheBHitoricld tofreene( o h eeig ewllo h . s i l fo rce rfDWlim driute CristmaHoliday swil twied Atoth re idnGSenr A orsDvom-1f prtin frStn i arriveuinoAnsArborinfamonthyorfCozlns ad Feris. - t(tite ndstats oSorwauibheBlder t0occktngt om eea nAeia dctoa .Grado h eoatcleg i eka ona diinlm-The rin resintwaCoofirdb eli danmganslim eevitaletamhtetrofthnei ceesoferonte ae nc d AthughiornecIg(lPAltmenTchaACEzed theno asthysucisortther expert hihgicasworocanbetmpleed, Prof.ODEEDIN194H.aln S n, sadop t stel hat etledCONCtESSIrScAlEbuildNga iStNEeCURSEonaTI Cenland, hhasohandallhisedca-estiomtiasgxceednlyaoGneratlvC. T.husey, ircectfo ie- thechGovnenorhasGoamply sohoniissdaDoeaenewHcuse Caoductmedyalha1o aroe feecxopheAledfnnecis n tmedIitedb Sttestenigntltigouahtltesrsntamofre. l) Iatiy noncdyetr i itesfostchihoolia la' b m wAphntinllooarles-b fis rwadte 'relad A P rindequ pateht'inalpointe tr nber Thismonttljecoe, hhwassr ered ele hilwrand euiacco ilishtsyn swichlmet hreetodayin"anheHicatofrternity hrt. Wlliamsn ,;Mte iefoekrad ehicld m r d lae.yarngoh his914. h ldy lentr~e d ichiga. umrsthattheGovSenor gualesin asi ngfermnue vr thepy es. Tiv e resof Olectres ftoe veti AolleghenyasantheriUneduity onera joGe er a l P fheark, iaddrenginthe ixneess o oalesesaofitisatye ightbesinltionewafo r edaby indst agoh scont i s a e rnessin romal y promietamhtemb eof the medialSei exeonfllharonered Alhong ordesecuigalrouentairc~ratrietheting isduealtorkth effclet f ate rcletdythseiewonthefisay ad expessedonfac ulyngwas bouhft oulecue of w t gren ungd him hs hadaeeri bega simt as iteeedsingty ona.sated gl, . assey fsfictor ofoge ni, tree w oeoas hita ysmpl whow liehoaxhagdpoaic ntantew dese o utd to l soe ain instU itad Professorttnoinpi tt gaout 700 ae p reeelltoIfmirecons. heibjctieofrceknw tatcom uniatonsha e a-ance i fte A iefo ia cnver s- hn bu eia itr.A rs osohy fom191-2 iewa danat bin te eric u t te ~rsent thevao telesced wastemade itnreysse betee the Whitfeera Hose betee JmsALor, Ote met thereisn ooorach'iadcourse trBrown FnllyhenbCamrnedent co s nstrutn bohingram anhat evn ermany. otical gass orbectelven s andkthedexecuieoie he. niershcanre rerettive nan inon Inte rricuumad.eeig henedc athe rst Wilim.Here yhe eained nunti dwt itehsnicdeomein thes plaesgt years ifoerfnt1.from thtuednthofrdina Mchgn.i -- r ha th- ovroragualsssonlstng4 mnte. hs ere o ecurstobni motalhv ofre hnrr e seilH use aroraftivstrugagle istomeworkhan d ru t amiosttf b taiigigaitvgo nsae ice t~aout. asrogtabutecueof due auapuo n Hsday ApibegorGrar cotnud "In IAIL[lDT otonwhcapepresvery fan Prset las orte onenio i- itsupemi a nt uande w a con dits g l o La icnt eeso ei y owe almo st MiIted bysm hi liedt nheqierpin te haex ha rm o do i tesetv arnd.S.W rhnPo.Frdrc coniplete, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~h alhuhndeiietmUUJrt J fircnibe ro otecn .Cer of. G.det Car ler ande- 2, at he nin;I lfrlowmtil caig tenterin Jto the ta e ento ha ben etfrhe ialw k APr.AbrtMBretllftemd-Ii opAenigsesiowhih ise toie hetldiwthtse ho ponint out the neceit fInihe ft' mrs cnava h ~ A E M E ncepricasscholtarvalsaon teicossen inteatron hsya ntedoitsghinn urar oc n hud ifferent froLLthTheuU.dSi, bydconceding-an-extensio t lh'mg lh a ruh i morning aoulformerby.ecbsel'vatoryrndemorerre nedeChurchUII~ iefortish ham e llof thet f whl itspsibe ha svrlohrs t On Fri- neverwok, omitst e toosmenrfcion ethequrexactoizdsitu-spctv ill ab . TepasSrtohaeaIa da o ning oratgen veetin ill-aiosuprnacy the atr omi itipo-s largesteLa tintelescope nteT atlomositroI~it e IteA eicnam f cuaofo et ron S thnavereof. onec i ceheld, withueto he udrssy Dr. l Pe s suo read otivy uedmIm tnt Unite te sacorinTtRPofssmUhTin lSsfm i cha teamVwillnot2irer to 2 apyearoted he a f ,1 'clcktDuingthhtotht odpeceianitat heioltiotsnt of re atitain o hrs aring ot, e.tkiG palc er the Wet m M, teik Unio n . cImfr ft. ilfolw te husy e li {I fr te Mi- et dbt, nte D ws pn r of n ute byn aproAlt Mat r red algon te mour. c afternoon theo te 22 or. ifeene cluenileeseparatelyhisto b d us fthe wf ontisout endamety f u bWenrompet tetelpataesopwil ilaehedatt4 ococthraeing Rliealasertainpercenage iltecoreti ininthahofthefattr.nonoeuenlyisshppedin ectonseoate nwfsa omnig n oMEE209 Angelhal. uner th Sab cnein etebnsionhil tiosbtatsevralhers a sprteialroblems adformdrawnupre-I heanoncmntthtrehaeantoryeabymoUnierst neaeded.tveeamwilt(e-e rtep ayrmenofthe otoy Yr" I naequa omtt prto feadnsitihe o mpeeteitllte Micfur h igan's p mernichisa kly o c ome ~aufrom wil se.l IIITIe1plan [ba r [ -ao- -1 Plymrin. eerl etig . afin ml tharyhemii atSotppobablyITba tWscfostin ereo te-nativde1 y I Belgium.o heaerge o oc ae Aragmnsfraohradelte aetm Iassrkn te- aretrefratog theesatopreeinttie !te2aiers oI2ayear,_ otaind_ _A rbeedinmaeh. ThddessAnnyAr.bor onstouthi e laifveparationpor RylOsrvtratCaeTwadnRslettaecptiaeo highnte scolocetaadcorsWltrsaigpac.Ibleeom f the Afrca, in ato ofesorne bating ngage mih atea will entofirea MOrTORn t ersi bNIESIT COMITcE (ai lc n h etjm Mei~eoh at11o'loc, urngthetotht o. eaeandtht he oltn i on bsrvto'yoweI bbt e pce olteMdWs dbtsgTmhtete n atng n or giveranoncte22 onfrynig o hteat 8:15 the mostrm ortfa ecntib futi ndopLCnionifnSouheatanvasinlCogressshouluhavetheby " e cm ltetoe eecoewllWld1e' ecl rat4r olyk afterdani inubHill auditpriutomlditary ha o e ater. ConAfrical Johanns- powercertain th'colatr.Absesme-tis e( ftogti h ugsinburg.hYapedniestiaso r epsar-maffimatie voein209Anpulail.eueren- thWiththeaappoitmentof special ofphanelorlordnofobledmtan annd sttin idteasuthrnpem-rem- wilhe tmenubectupncwichntl IthLatflEVwecomiteeon niersty f ichga (n n h lcino fieso oduiesti i iiewniont eeetdb h nvriyi hgn's aflJ UL IV teUL wll deaffaiSH NmaeSly iutSoP EoreK atrdymrigilocuethieaeltartherepabedeslshe ee rsetvemmeso h atinlgluyesterdaylkethetocniversity onvetion afia peacebl atptmn tile national: cass w'illo i b euredax t e spegachv Begim thiitnto fbigtes at r. redme rs eitnents oofnteradrss1vtersametftme assrkn pun hr retoeea rposetcandidateam will e IlinoitedatoIlaiive'only arennbeingmarof.ow.. TheLyndirectorlofotheoeducatinaloinstitutioniconsidere hihsholocetr1nhou il oa bsraoy tCp Tonr in ut e so rse onat exet insu e ~ oo tiv laboratories willTT codc warnig asecasomtel c school at inesdle inthe Upeving tudy . anI leven oe ofuIU:n ddtoa iefo eutl Pie aninula, is ni Frideyn ighof te lu: ton of prbl msthreateningvaory intd y 'ter- i ivainCngbr s o ~e V rit e es o ests onsurtsuaropane tieeoher staeen rma sc oo s i __-___themoupont foiinsunoli- n fIuthIAfrialthann- inerth ecMid-estrnyouftran ElvavecostrctOn.Th ESCuTS con si r n il utrumcmplimtryt o . 1 bld of shoughapotoeddrcty'ikestitesHp thegvnfrmteeru f ucssusrousuitghsmoogsehsavetriSntrPenyiscaranonh tinepsoholrtstnrto,.theirinrelative imp rgu Yon lednes y sand sThu rsd ay a irmativponevtoturnnout afterulightreferbodyWith e Soienat owathpenry flDo LCtancello Consequn untilany times ing and the election of deoonftimerpoblem iof pr station ofnatcelstae crds, ac-(um, lcol, etrnedsu ect lfonfilech suimrohecopayias tee erense et dihgna thenvesti sspiehakeuphr.posetv bmeso tedbtngW L E E E afar ad yLet.Gv eog .h I coring o anannoncemnt mdeilNew orknityuhereheeatenddeaaskedprofesortayat helethe. behatsolloedsightsenaorssereyefin America's~~~~~~cas need of antoascolitrainlc-prtothnnafethmetnoftecoitevryiorneiedtn spcith xu-IRcnlereied a moo anwthstecardans he ips. iba greattionhi- fostegdertioasgeent Ibyesedayaternoo.l'r e pr c nati e mmillteelof tedAssoiai !of ,theehelptofcaifewfstudentsewillyshortly Mr. FlrecoJffrds, suherint esecanto ntinIanl tdeuaelfpearngW. tcetE7.0,iayaso,) hudairColgiteScoosofArhoefue. beinwok fovertime ftechnicalpsestudylent-! inuedsoreo Lesbetwt;euaiSnlA ittu ti no sideLred scyoos ted in the lecft hpeonyy- r i tudyaddefese."f this IE U - OPn ditoa ie o ebta. auo oie aoaorewl time.arnig ~caicm ite iIc leinks".ivreent Pof.te loub rfso ehrtepesdte PtosadPtoesso h 11 tatwo ieUiest fClfr iIonio onbha etmsUnteates hasinte- Prsetiemer year Vrstydaveaseiebeenetsonselectedan te the and comlmim-lsan s this year. sarhatind pecmac. dvlomn in Prsdet time(bn Regnts tire neot ofgil Almto ofemtrs A id affort Po rciyftollgs nldigM .Q ar CgOSEN I~IS S li t 8eoeclo c khlastdnig httnttimetClendeat'sv a lvur ao n strufa cilitieseforrsie ntificJre-spn gse sixtico u pleslin clu din getim Prfso atw' icsin i tengoernmdee tlaoatcorisu fiet ime seerl spnoroanI ol e e b an g cas wllbefome pnishaing j" OUSP OELI.'Scidrle robe'eevomel rArsntdbysvea. in .4.,. Moitron tootheir relative iiA,. eemal as oimeipac e ofH ! safe-a y aised xetrvi e sat Mcookf ie Cce otimend Litlnd!uer uDr chol rtunev rcenlyfrm!fildea hAsume t he. 161coM mayhste eeslcedadI h hku gumdn mna rcrsbcue o honey tieme reon the mprNavymdofpressaiofsa ccpthe nwie cs. ,Aoa egiatluwregtn r w here toda. B t~~~~~heir~~crdn ton man iontoniiliatonemmenison ande inw tore (Ceta mwhmene of aerend- a THEe APrcIATor O ay THE hel Thtpeigsesonwsamlw.v America'snautica ofnAinatioinalf the cohlcg I fte h eeigoItecm iteA ey m otn m eigc Lteeeu - eetyNercivdam to n ith ffi r cc pie s.iel wthof her pointechniaum tutim yin ff greeoa h fserniitrntoaldsarem n ffys er Ptrnoe on Th ric UNIVERcm ite o heA sit of Ch IGep faNformaltiesnofswearingsembersyi t tnr caIl records, was the1 aint es tILpec sl ,* t~~~riv Musa h e ikt, 70,wila b it C lle iate SchoolsF ofIoArchndtteetrareictiongfithwSenaeI ITDERrCOUNCIL ACCEPTS PLAN OF ALUMNI, FOR POOL $l6,0t}9 MUST BE_ RAISED TO FINISH UNION TANKi; GOAL SEEN DISCUSS BLOCK "M" ecommendation )lade At Meeting Last Night To Grat Tuition Refund To Womno Conmplete the swimming pool, was fe text of a mresolution passed last fght by the Student council at its gular meeting. With $16,000 to raise which'tie alumni have offered to ye w10 to every $5 subscribed by :udents, the council by the resolution Lcepts the alumni challenge and commends to the Union that it hold drive among its student membership Swipe omt this last deficit" Women of the~ University will re- ive a refund for class dues beginning tim next fall if the Senate Committee Student Affairs acts favorably on a 'commendation made by the council. hie recommendation reads that "In- 3munch as the finances of the three ewer classes In tie University are woted almost entirely to men's acti- ties, the Student council of the Un- rsity of Michigan reconimends to the nate Committee on Student Affairs' iat they accept the petition of the 'omen's League asking that a refund nimade to that body by the class ,esurers as follows: 25e per woman the freshman class; 50c per woman i the sophomore class; and 75c per ooman In the junior class. The student council further reco- Lends that beginning with next fall u 'accountant-preferably one who is )flnected with an office in the Univer- ty-be designated by the Dean of udents and approved by the Student auncil to handle all class accounts; Tt, to him all money collected as lass dues' from the various classes of i~e University shall be given immedi- ely for banking; and that to him [I bills must be presentedwth vouch-' s by the class treasurers before pay- ieft can be made." Another recommendation was made y the council, to the Athletic Associa- on, that only freshmen and first year en be given seats in tie Block "M" t tme homecoming game each' year. 'his will reduce tie size of the "M" lightly belt will allow sophomores to it with thieir, friends. The Student )uncil of tie University of Michigan elieves that the Block "M", formed rnualy in the west stand at the omecoming game each year, belongs a spirit to the freshmen and first year ien of Michigan. And inasmuch as tie Student con- it furth'er believes that by forcing cond year men into the Block "M" a ardship is worked upon thenm. It is hereby recommended to the 3uslness Manager of1 the Athletic as- ociation that beginning withi next fall hat all freshumen and first year men, lid only freshmen and first year men, e given one seat each for this men's lock "M" section, and that the size ,f the Block "M" be determined by le total number of freshmen amd first tear men enrolled in tie University. Winsdale To Talk In Battle Creek Proi. W. B. Ilinsdale, director of e a chaelogical division of the zoo- gy museumi, accompanied by Emer- on F. Greenman, also of the museum, ill represent the University at the eration preceding it., shown as mmc}) Newtos 1' ' o~~P uzzle ouin ° , n osIofcascoe ntecui in this moernt age of enlightemmed luxs- sett s Institute of Technmology, ansld Nwt~JiI1J~ HJLSBRD ..,~. ndIos ofcal hsn n c J-. c,.H c.t(us Tuesday night. 'There was a fiury 1oialsuy sinayotmc' irktaie~st.i ~l bunnianI1in the Senate whmeunan effort was made Fi''ance has long had an institultion -'I D 5y1) mn i(11 god OiTUUH BURNS. xa h txyo ok nte"~oo'dseadol lrlsaentuul ';! t raeajitser fo iestd fbok nfueP l Ie'maidov uige 'ehtmsma[ i.I.o.;,oo.s"392. for both branches. A resolution pro-' de Cares o Prsan EglndUINES h Iy associated t oget hemr, but thme('cross- I j SMSYo= (eChmtsofar. nhEgd iiIIt word piuzzle is thme explanation for i R .~C posing t~he committee was offered upn has mecently establishmedla similar iI N . A aaathcoolerln" , by admninstration leaders such'as9 school In Imei"Institute of Historitcal T W HO111flf vrv urnMIT thiem nthis time. A certain sporting t +^ ai ereit or MchiuiUaO, jSntr Boe n onobt Research" in London. Professom Pae- TO A l~ f~f~ got)(llOstoe ofdesn this townm ntevised this NNRV w. mOust s".~ Ann Arbor, idici_ n, immediately encountered opposition, I towvurgedl that Americans should re- :Ameansof when hey pub lshed this puzei etra imr- EOYJ YEDear o. Lr; lead by Senator Whitely, and was tom-, pair time damage done by their former I nzlinysedymr- S"v1.~s carelessness in timh ee rv to I D ettll a Sigma lIk, ptroleSionml }rulst-' D iE LSi It is vt~ gratiynP to as 1porarily sidetracked. It pro bo bly will It vaubeHeod yetbihn ess Irat emnil y, will award a }ke.y Ct'iIT si s eatacacos-hITRRJSEi reeident of the university o£ Michiganl Alni be taken up again Thursday. f aubercrsb iistngan-1lf1 h is ieta aC0R ITRRJS oAccain oha htyuiv~e otat tineear to thtcostudeht grathatiyo fh-me, let for I I! tlnnaischoolfor hitorica studword puzzle has beeon used for adver- I{ e u.t the partial whiltunsof~ thle i one th~~a th ahntoiDC.thle school of business adnministm'at iOI-i tisnin n ro. riep'oreos TUTERS I fel tint while tis work is being done that theI I iC soVetaTtime fzhirt upno neeam'vc,,..o~tshieoo aS roxiatelyJ$',000 over and above the amoits you nPU Tt N TEAUR Mexico City, Jan. 7:--The work of doewti h.coo.Ti wriovetepzl ilnoncsaiy T N~a(NPAW."11 hae available. will be imade f tor thme fir's.timme in thi ~ 1w uncovering the ruins of thme anciemnt . bmlya f ~5~'Ile time w~inner, limt that. iin case of ',hj in or ^r>t' ~t '~n bessto le ya fistta of yeiannrz in Y19- 2i moe one weorm'eo'te at ammwe to cotiu ths oratiso comlte the pool Lmediatly,IAPR RAT N VOE cayan ewil be resumeFeb. 1,ind t-1CA~ih-SB Iinotan on Timrect nwrthe edl- 1a...otl.Au soito will lndertake to kaise, from its 11! Y iJ1111J l l Ca~tan will be A o'ashmdpriz. of}, an(}willibeitorial -Istaff of T e Michmigan Daily 0, "m.members, $2.00 for every $1.0 thait the students will raiseI wilrqm tla t yas1or Iiii 192(1 lby Itrt, Schaffnem', amnd Marx I e awrde is om-ti $0.00 t orthcomiid t in time to continue the work withut d1a}', Washington, D. C., Jan. 7. By A. P pletion. Dr. Sylvamnus G. Morley, headI Co. for the best original tmreatise onm e__be________________ s .isANC'worth $R1o'I.00"ur I In the record tinme of 15 minutes, the 1 ofte(hngeIsiuinsa'hao:the belieftatlethoyo'wgs- iiIo NL">2 j Senate today passed tine $763,000,000 e losca nuss exctldpm'sientCales init'p)tttmtanicn'emt an' d thatm't Pa~7I4,5groprWfat-l,.1roi Lbill PRRNfor aproriaioi illfo th pstoile_ _________________________ .T a kes Ifr.54 DnxJfiI cI o Ma.III, o r...acn . uine Ip On f u onepoai' a onstr'uctive stndy of it shmould bedPi. o~hjoo~~'iooIad rauydepartments. One ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ DR oforhs11N ' ilhe ~ dVI1#,~,L PERRY.S4 contemporariestlctins il bet STUART Itn~a Because of its provisions for the; wisely said that Want ads that 1., I ______ocdan plcdnwrk__mitd__cp te) ed of two departments, the measure Produce best grow fastest, ALEw.hODichi h agetpae ieoprpito th be of high mme it amd a enumue David Wattem'worth, '23, of Port LEN.FOS i te ar es prpIto fprointslthtDiyCa- contr'ibut ion toward tegeea nd-r{Ii,n,_ ii efthio-yie 1"Ii i C,"'ur, ooI I illin histor'y, It carried approxi- n'humal +winter meeting of the Mich- gan State Archaeological society, vhicin opens a two day session today, Lt the Museum of Natural History, 3attle Creek.. Professor H-insdale will speak to- niorrow afternoon an "Cultures," ..and Vr. Greenman will also talk tomor- -ow morning, his subject being "Stone - ge." Professor IHinsdale is a direc- tor of the organization which gives as ts a lm the "preserving of the anti- kuities of Michigan." The session this morning will be devoted to an inspection of the mu- eum at Battle Creek. Prof. lRobert M. Wenley, of the philosohpy department, has just com- pleted and published a book entitled 'Stoicism." It is on sale at local bookstores. Marshall, Jofles, of Chi- cago, are the publishers. IOPERA BOOK 'WRITERS I IProspective book writers for neat year's Michigan 1j