PACE EFIGHT ___ TE IHGNWDEDY AUR ,12 THE PAICHIGAN DAILY SVFD\Ta)8T)-\ , JANUARY 7' 152!') DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to, all mnembers of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the P-esident until 3,:30 p. m. (11:30 a. rn. Saturday, Volume G WEI)N ESIJAY, JAN VA Ii, V7, 192-5 dumber 74; Public I.edl re elf Insulinl '('le 5Ccond lecture under the comb~ined autspices of the Sigmta Xi and Ju:nior ]tc earth Societies will bo given in the and itoriuam of the Natural Science building Friday evening, 'onnuni- thle Y. Al. '. A. through a. conulnit teea ties in every state( the observacnce was! whch rt c ilt. 4S xwell known n.-I act'ordiiig to a . )ro-;ram planne l lls ltional, ci vie, commlercial, edutcational re m'esentativo loc'al gr'oups. This in-i andl religions organizations, ineltliiig 'chided , the 1924 report shows, a1 the American Bankers associationl, largely increased use 'of newsp~aper 1d- Amer'ican Ried Crioss, Associa t ed Ad - veil isin g, Sna ce devotfed to cairrying to ernai ver tisin g ('hubs of the WolId, Associa - !iIlions of raa d f I'S pratctical I is 10ira- a ti1Y i. t i f Don't Borrow-Subscribe e :*FOR YOU91R handy Desk CalBlnBo 3 A H'S 0MEUEEEEElrnEUE®EE® si o a erie ofitineraries tourS of 72 o'('loa'., by leading Liners t ime miedit'al every few days leVololmne of0 urn ililf'mtrad lwith drigseason --..........- RATFfrom 255 dlii, ~ ~ ou wrs(ei eek~s all expentse tour'visiting Pns, ________________ Versailles Brussels Antwerp, Lond4on, etc. Ol Our Reputation is Your Guarantees y ~THOS. COOK & SON CHICAGO 203 So. Dearborn St., cor Adams FFCE -925 eridrsDiaries, ~, Etc., Etc. UN&oIVERSITY 'BOOK STORE- JAL icing stock in our small goods department, and\ st wonderful values ever shown in Ann Arbor. IN-FLAT BACK................ 12.00 A\NJO with Resonator and Case ...... 37.50 passed.Ia cj. p~ Portrait Photographer 319 . I-uron961 -M ANIOT E Iin IThitsIt AND NtLsanToToU each CuS tie T I N K ER0ANY ~ z 4' p io N iY rp 13 zit 117 z9 r *7. y8 t 3 K Zs y L3 3 G 7 S ,., 39 art ]. S. 20. Ain lgyptian goddess. North ern steamship (ab).' 1H0OlIZONTIA L 'Senior member of prominent business firm ott State St. 6. Junior muember' of samne fimt. 10. An article used by -a player in outr national pastime. 141. An ('Xclaniatitoll. 15. A co-ed's name. 1f'. An English saloon. ITo endeavor. 4. 1 reimositiomi. 5Shirts, ties, 5socks, collars, r'eefet's, Esc i'fs, h ljut fkrchm's, e. We car'ry a 'oumplete line. G~. The isnakes. 7, To bull (Sctotcl)--juist up- sido down). f;. To set tire to (standling on head). 9. "They conme in polin, broad- c'lothi, ( xfio4'djs, flannel, of which we have a lat'ge sel- ect ion. Spe iirrniir ~ - offer the mos t UKELELE. -~ 7 / MANDOL I ' TENOR B1 24. A slang expression. 23. Reed Kiddie Kar (ab). 24. Line (if shoes xvw(' ar'ry, 26. '4 astern Union. 27. Something that goes arond~ your tieck (niot a. noosie) (0)- 29._ Ouri 'onmpetitor in athletic t0. Maud's owner. 31. An owl's gurgle. 33i~. A vase. 36. Footballs, basketballs, golf and tennis sup~plies -- we carry them, and the best., 38. Recede. 39. Precious stones. 41. Coverings for the head. 44. Facility. 47. A Greek letter fraternity. 48. Decrepit bunny. 51. A weight. 52. Chtide; scold. 54. The dent of a wild beast (pl). 55. In a short titne. 56. Public thoroughfare (ll 58. An African aintelope. 59t. Man's uticknamte. 60o. Long, flat board bent in front. w, \': e of a street in Ann 11'l. 1 2. 1 2i. 14l. A lontg walk. Js 17i. 1. . To bllaze axvay (obi le Long stick of wood, ciai on one end .(One too in: i's.) 22. Spanish for good-bve -- leoiters transposed. 2=1. Righlt 1from the htog's lha(' 25. A fence buster (pl). 25. Kicks. 29. A little manm, rather f'at. 32. The moon; the eye. :4. The eg,,gs of a fish. 3'7. A nlechquiece (1)1). We 11 them in pllaid~s and stni imiportedi and domestic. 40. Came in which a net is u. 42. American Travelers' A ciation (ab). 4:1. Freshmen mmust xvear the 45 . A itolecular unit. lN id w 0 ,Not large. Txveity-?otii'bottles. A metIal lie, runner that te;ns oil the shoe (PI). . P9 rved PR any 9 two IN k. 'ave 1)05,5 lied. i;t. our AC), saulltSte. ma rie. :r{}. NvI'dol0't1have 0110 oil 53.l A('co-ed', narne. 11 I