.0 THE. MICHIGAN DAILY PACE SEVE THIS. MICHIGAN DAILY PM~E B~V 1 "Big Bill" Quits; fl1AQ1rE wI Prefers Prison OLMNL @@ [I I LUMN To "Red" Russia AT 3 P.M. ADVERTISING AT, 3 P.Ms, 1 1,Iw )(1r ('I der, .tot teredl out of Russia, ragged;c~ and star-ving, anld announcedt he w as. going home. !\Vhen iI Olywood went to Litssia to escape serving a. term in the federal penitentiary at Leavenworth, lian, for "red'' activities, he was given a sinall official position by the soviet.. flne( Commiunist intoernatic-nale paid hin a. meag-re salary to act as adviser to the Aminerican pJrop~agandla.sectioll. A few months go, Zinovieff, hecad (ot F F~OR SALE C -MELODY Saxaplione. This fine in- strument is a reail bargain. Very reasonable lprice.. UNIVERSITY MUSIC :1hOUSE ' tSAVE: MONEY On a Sax. BueselierI "G" Melody. Fine condition $30. Martell M0-R evenings. F OR REIN t TO I ,NT 'aglF~e room in private home. No ofther roomers. Tele- phone W2932-M. "11tiL RIE LARTE Exceptionally fur- niished dlou-blle rooms. Reasonable ' prices. Convenient to Campus.r P~ackard and State. 711 Arbor St. the internationaile, ordleredl hiint to iVe- i ito tlhe l_ :iii IedStatles t)o direct 1'eY(lu icnary ) )pa gnda among;'the .1(4rp(e5 '11w nlani was to smiuggle bi; into Georgia on a rm runner.' xiHaywood 1 efusCel, and was kicked out of his job. He left Mloscow on foot. Hie is readly to sergye his sentence in, l~cavenwoi ib. "I'd rathier live in Leavenworth any time than in Russia. It isni't a white man's country," hie is (juotecd'as saying:. 1 UIII EATIORIITV VEDE CLOTHES FOR THE COLLEGE MAN The ULSTER 09 BIG, full cut, rugged coat to ward off Winter blasts. The rich woolens, both imported and domes- tic, endow them with dis- tinction as well as comfort. $3950 to $4950 N2AT LUXENBERG & BROs.j 841 BROADWAY, NEW YORK Cmus Bootery, X0O4 S. State Janry 29th and 34th Ou} style memo. book sent free on request 21519 no Don't Borrow-Subscribe Today. January Clearance ,Sale During the present month, we will hold our customary January Clearance Sale which should be of interest to all of the students. Numerous attractive and clever articles may be obtained at greatly reduced prices. C I t,9sLIherTYUSpeD 00 ong m,1odel s uae- L.ARGE RI: 1OOM49 for one or two in pri- sce Tupt-6. '.Ti svs vote fanily. Meals if desired. 1007 you $30 and you can not tell Nit j Monroe St. from new. - UNIVERSITY MUSIC 110USE FO11lENTI 70) Monthly. Apartment '' ' -----; >iitable for 4 adults. Phone 158- FOR. SALE H-ammond mathemiatica I I Ral ph T. Swezey. fchemical typewriter. Good condli-?! tion $35.00. Call on thirdl floor, 914 SEE TlLS~ ROOM, 610 S. tate. F+our S. Stae rly venj-iings. (1001's south of Union. i{ I if D arling & Malleaux GIFT SHOP 1; A A FINE TRAP DRUM Outfit ready to play-buy this and let it hay for itself. 'UNIVERSITY MUSIC HOUSE NOTICE NICELY FURNISHED Student: rooms 1'o. hoAusekeepinlg and single Call' MODERN SEVEN-ROOMED House. Garage. 1404 W. Huron St. Phone 11046-MV. MODERN FUIRNISHIED seven-roomied house. Garage. 1414 W. Huron St. Pihone 1046-M. ty ' i i sH t i , ' P .i y 4 f, , w' ' V c/k F. K{5 °", ,EXPERT WATCIJREPAIRING On all makes. 302 S. State. Arnold,: State Street Jeweler. Inrlia n students in the University' ae considierinzg the establishment of "Big' Bill" Hlaywood-from a phloto was, suggested by Mr. Knliharni, 'a t tkeua in Russia Hindu who is teaching at the 1\ich- Constantinople, Jan. 6.-Soviet hopesj igan Agricultural college, and who of fomenting trouble among disfran- was vresent at a recent meeting of cised negroes in the southern half of the H-industan club. the United States became known when Mrt. Kuiharni pr'oposed that the In- - ______ dian and Hindu students here pilr- SSHOIES chase a suitable house and obtain t lIARGIS BOG'I'E]{,y- tc inity. t ;uch an organization, lie Wuerib Theater Butildinig. 'sugge~cst ('(, would provide employment !Educators. Price-.-Ladies $6.50. Aen for 0110 or two of the poorer studlents; $3.50. and ill case there were not enough BEAU'TY' SHOPPES Inian l students -in uanyboneuyearlthe BEAUY SIOPPE imre colil e tunedover to the Uni ; Qn-it y until the deficiency -was supl- Permanent Waving and Marcelling+ple MACK AND CO. Wlhile no d(efinite action on the niat- 3rd Floor AlIain St. re has been taken as yet, plans will SOFTWATE SHAPOOIG, Ieum''e discussed by members of the IIin-' SOFT ATER HAMPOING, enna it;an club at their next meeting, a dlyes, haircutting. Dimattia Beauty ;~ofclockSna nLn al Shop. 340 S. State St.ckSnyinLehal IJAVE YOU SUBSCRIBED YETI 224 SOUTH STATE STREET .... LOST GOOD BOARD for three or four illI private family. 1007 Monroe St. CORRZ ESPONI)EN:CE g'TATIONERitY BIG CLEARANCE SALE NOW ON Buy now and effect a considerable saving. 0. D. MORRILL 17 Nickels' Arcade SIGMA CH1 Fraternity pins. White gold. Win. H. Stoneman engraved in back. Phone 236. Thanks. TORITOISiE SHELL glasses in black case. Lucy Wilson. Betsy Barbour. PAIR GLASSES in Health Service case lDec. 18. Reward. Call 2246-J. LADIES Gold wrist w, tch-football charm attached. Finder kindly re- turn to box No. 47 The Michigan Daily. .._, A ;, FEWV GOOD VALUES Left from the Christmas sale. Specially priced. THlE QUALITY SHOP 303 S. Main Phone 1861-M. Not merely the economy of e a ting here---mp-ot merely the superb. foods---it's the combination that _attracts such big crowds every dlay r TYPEWitITI N (and YNGA Promptly and neatly onwed operators prices. 1 1I1F G~iAPI'H- done by experi- at considerate RWA1RD $5.00 for finder of 2 five andl ten one (dollar' bills on campusi between Oakland and State Street. 1Phone 1.602-M. LOST PAIR OF GLASSES Friday Doe ceniber 19th on or .about campus with tortoise shell frames and gold earpieces.; Call Joseph Finn at 357. WANTED TYPE WIITIERS PH1ONE 866 For Typewriter Repairing (All makes) Dealer in Woodstock typ)ewriter's, Sundstrand and Portable Adding mnachi ne s. Ann Arbor Typewrier ,Exchange 9 Savings Bank 1W. ' lcxi co City~, Jan. 6.-I~eon Salina, i' cier :li-Secretary of the I rva suy. Aha:; beer), a !-linted Mexican minister la pami. F. 1 .. , } 1, t - t,. k , (' k $. ? :y Y :. f. 0. D. MORRILL 17 Nickels' Arcade The Stationery & Typewriter Store LANDLADIES- STUDENTS DON'T Overlook the opportunity to gave on many household necessi- tieg at The Economy Second Hand Store, 209 N. Main St., Phone 789-M. We sell what you do want and buy what. you don't want. FR1ATE uNITIES SORORITIES ILet CONNIE'S MICHIGAN MEN I'lay for that Party. F'or Enigageimeunts Call 284 , 11 PLOWV'1IRS Our moderate prices mnake it possib.le for all to have FRESH. HOME 1 GROWN FLOWERS. A2 FLORAL CO. ANN ARBOR FLORAL CO. 122 E. Liberty. Phone 1630) 'MANT .rA 'flab,,. j TYVE WITEIS JREN'TED) WANTED POSITION. Colored mian L. C. Smiithi, Remington, Underwood,. with references. Experienced cook. Royal. etc., 3 months $7.50 upt. Ini- Phone 2915-IR. tial payment of rent applied on theO WANTED TWO) Students to awash pur chase of any typewriter. dishes f'or board. Three mealy per' 0. D. MORRILL flab . Call the steward 13 17 Nickels' Arcade Th'le Stationery & Typewriter Store. TRY It' TODAY I-ot-Hot-Hot" 1 ICE CREAM0 IT'S GOOD FOR YOU .CE CREA FIRST YOU'LL LAUGH. THEN YOU'LL LOVE IT. IRVNGWARMOLTS-, 0, S C, GRALUATF AND RF:G1,TIlRFlI) j Chiropodist OrthopedIs ~707 N. University Ave. Phone 2652 Upstairs, Cafeteria .Vic ke Is A r cade4 -'4 ~Start the New Year right. Own a Corona Four. Easy payments if Sdesired. 0. D. MORRILL 17 Nickels' Arcade SThe Stationery & Typewriter Store TJHeadquarters for all mzakes of high 'rade typewriters. TheSttioer & Typewriter Store ~.< MITY NICE3 - HAMBURS r 1 Eng. Arch HoursI "- 4LP.1.to 1A.M. Call 790-111 We Deliver. ,SEE Mc INERNEY of the Interstate t~Tailors at American H~otel for a Ssuit or overcoat. Prices $24.50 and S$29.50. Perfect satisfaction guaran- teed Phn13 SWILL PAY Reasonable amount for 31 °r hlop ticket. Call White at 3010-R if you have one or think you will. Pr I, III 9 I)RUGS li(owi)RI i I CalIkins Fletcher :4,4 'I 1 1i Fraternities and Sororities Some of You hlave-Mrui7y of You Will, Experience Robberies This. Winter. One Theft Costs More, Than a Good B~urglary Policy. I. 4! /~ ~1 'Drug Co. 3-DEPENDABLE STORES- 3 324 South State St. Corner East and South University Ayes. Corner State and Packard Right here to' serve you. Let JTs Show Pecure Proper You How Protection. to MR. MUNDUS With 11 11 l 1 I I''