)"AGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, JANUTHARY 7, 1925 ~'AGE SIX TI-Ill MICHIGAN DAILY f ~e~~miw ____ ______________ / *... 3 " 1 + '.... a -Pam% _.._, .. l~nihPayment. MATHER IPHN6 V For Yost Field FOR NRTHWETERN sisAndLand, ()peniig Coniferenice Gamie of Seel-e i e I0((1( 1ale1ha(sys i eern t'i-ye year sa ;o ia, a cost of $450,000 _________ wc e, iethe i 'prpety of Ithe Unfiver- ' rc ezP cl mliI dbtedneCss. The SAME TEAM TO START I 5V(CiC(lw, ~ i creloved the $10,000 in- ('uht ,Oness on fie 40 acres to the Consderably encouraged by the ; -nt H oUt VerI2.field which will be showing made by Michigan's baskel- i l 1jlifutur'e athletic expaii~~on by t ball five when it held the Navy to aI the l niversil y. two point win Friday night, Coach I'Vim'Size of. football earnings, a-t Mather Mondav afternoon started in-l subject ci much Interestedl specula- tensive drill for the Northwestern It o), 1,1-)UgVhouzt the country, is 'dent-t h game tl o u e .hld Saturday nighlt inl ta d ce ry ee n ts o l the filros.b eebrdIlni diint The fiv'e men who weathered the prlizoViding 1the funds for b~uilding fields Nagy game will undoubtedly b~e thehiou ses:, and buying athletic fields, foot-c ones to start against the Purplie in , al earnings lprovide the fundls neces- the Conference season, opener. Everyry for other sports, most of which one of the quintet was at his best and ;show sizeable deficits each year. it was only a break that cinched the Football earnings at Michigagn have contest for the Middies. Capt. George not only built Yost Field house and 1laggerty again came through in. great iaide possible the acquisition of 40c shape and caged 'five field goals in acres of valuable, land, but in the ebtel ogtscn afwe etya lopoie ,0 d1 the' game was hardest fought. His tionial s(eat:; for Narsity football games, dribbling Was near perfection and his two concrete tennis courts, an addi- basket shooting was at its best, only I tioal b vi , all tlianiond, the iiprflove-j the great defensive play of the Navy nienit of south Ferry field, 'extensiveII team, regarded as one of the finest; repairs; on the south football stantis'j combinations in the country, kept the and increa.,ed the seating capacity for 'Nolverine star from a larger total.- baseball gimes from 3,000 to 12,000 t IRed Cherry, star Michigan guard, I personls. kept tagging the visiting forwards un-)I - __________ til the final whistle and was diubbed R o. T. C. iei "the greatest guard I ever saw" byT one of the Navy stara after the end GetPa Checks of the game. Bruce Gregory show- I Pay ed great flashes of form(luring the Ihesttligmr hn$, opening period and got four field g~oals as hifhaeo fte oils nsit f010.00 are being distributed at R. 0. the close guarding of Leggett, Navy t. ' edurest dacdsu captain. Ed Chambers p aye . (ra Y £etiP in thbe University unit. The pa-- defensive game at forward and sneak- I roll is comiposed of 107 men who are edl in .a goal in addition. Dick Doyle in tlixi second or third year of R. 0. played a reliable game at the standing- j T. C. woark. The present pay is the guar poitin ad gae Mchian ilefirst of the year, covering the period advantage on the tip off during the { 1iofiM Sept. 23 to Dec. 31. entire game. 1lie also made the pret- tiest shot of the game in the first hallf istock has been considerably boosted when he netted a difficult overhead Ianld p: ospects for a Conference chain- shot.! pioni hip are brighter than they have Michigan's Conference court sched-; been in a number of years. ule will open with Northwestern Sat-' urday night, followed by games with Nights 0 ~50: to $2.60 Ohio State at Ann Arbor, Purdue ________Kt.50cto S51.60 - Sat. Mat. 50o to $2,0 Lafayette, and Wisconsin at Ann Ar- FRlANCIINE bor. Following their showing against LARRIMOR.E the Navy which already had, over-,~~ ~I~~oI' rlai whelming victories ovcr Minnesota l2olto ailtn's iiedynt and Chicago to its credit and whlich"AR ST " has since beaten Yale, the Wolverine-sA AST S TRACK TEAM HAS RECORD0 TU NOUT 1,itih So 11(,11 orhint ( ut, Farrell S.1(1" Larges4t S,,I (! in) History N~vEW MEN PROMIS"°'NG N itlla e h .e ll (1 etl ' t nI(~O ii),f. to() oa il ~rtl FR 0Men 'Survivet I2 £11LI~Final SlasheInz DG~KY M[IIN~Yearling Squad E1 4' W i !,;M te a ull BarssMet .heal f's cIhDmoi';:'srn of Year's Flans 11 a a '-vN to thel firs. call of the S",eve Fit reell , Ai ahiganl's vc'tervaii :-' :1, ;!) m eal1 urned aout for the tract.('oach, for (daily lirct i e the coach hi.-5 the larg;est track squiad in the schools history to work with this year, But while this numnhei- is a record breaker for Michigan it, is small in comparison to a numb~er of the1 other Conference schools, and it is hoped that this numiber will be (con -' sidieraibly, increased before the end of the week. Practice before the holidays coni- sisted mainly of limlbering11up exer- v i(ct iig i g ch was held last ~irght at the Union. ('o.1e Joseph Blarss, Varsity hockey coach, and('. oach George Little, who is; in charge of the department of minor :,,ort: presided at the meeting, which was held primarily for a (is- c(tsi ,: of vlan s for the year. It. - announced that the first practice of the season will he held at 7 o'clock tomorrow night at the Col- ('cach Fisher's final cut has reduced lhs freshmian ba sketball squadl to; twen-ty candidates. Nine forwvards, four centers, and seven guards now imake up the yearling personnel. The following men are retained: .. Weiss, Nathan. Barnett, Titus, Soder Bury, Mloskewitz, Dlolton, Nichiolson, Glawne, Mvartin. M~cRae, Shaw, Ilone, Miller, Petrie, Schroeder, Woolbrock, C'ush-; ing, andl D. Weiss.' "Sammy" Babcock who was an all- state man in football (luring his high school (lays wvho won his numerals on1 this year's freshman eleven, and who also played forward on Central high school's champion basketball five, r'e- ported to Coacch Fisher at last night's practice. Babcock is shifty and fast andl may (develop into a capable has- ket tosser. PATRONIZE DAILY ADVERTISERS this toturnament. terfraternity meet, who is rounding Entries should 1)e nude as soon as into great form. possible at the Intramural office or at Previous to vacation the coach was the handbaill courts in the basement i mainly occupied in teaching his pu- of the Waterman gykmnasiumn. Lov-- l~ifs the proper' spring and formr in the ing eupis will b~e awardedl to the win- racing (live. A great deal depends on ners.i this drive in the shorter races,,. es- ______________ pecially the relay, although a, good start is also an asset in the distance (lmnastie s~luad p~ractice will j races. If~ the men trying out for the be resumed Thursday at 7:45 I relay continue to improve, Michigan o'clock. 11. C. FELVER. ' w~~ill b renresented by a quartet every Captain. one of whom will be able to cover thei 4L first ten yards in three seconds flat. JIANDB1A1LL 1±itries for the annual all-campus! douible and single handlball tourna- nment are' now open. Th'is toil naIment ought to provye interesting as a wvealt h of new material was unearthed in tihe recent fraternity handball competi- tion. Sonmc of the leaders of former year: have been unlseatedI by 3earl- ings and( many upsets are exp~ectedl in Varsity Tankmen Resume Practice At Y.M.C.A. Fool Michigan's Varsity 5wimm'Jng squ ad resumed practic e yesterday at tihe Y. lM. C. A. after the Christmas vacation lay off and dlid nothing but limber up for heavier worK, Coach B~arnes is enthusiastic over the teaml lecause of the large number of veterans reporting and the show- ing of Samnson. star of last year's in- cises id easy runs with emphasis } s-ceo. The wvorkout will for the pur'- placed on form. W1- spent each dlay on ti will receive hardlera have lbecn handed on On the squad are a men who hlave reeve: ence competition amc the team makes this a large extent on hox through,Coach Farre give thicse green mci to (develolp as possibi Hot- H ICE C] ITI'S GOOD FIRST Yt ile timnic ill be he latter the 11en1 piose ol (ldeterminling the amount anti quaifii y cf the material on hand. Coach -. _. .. _ _. ,.,......a. .. _.. "As"°.1"". ".I". ,". r., .. "«v" . '" ""«'d'", a'". ". ".Q",J,". "./.I".. . '°.d'l1. '", I". .s°" .I": ".. "./"./..I'da/".I"",e '. r". "..r*"..0".1"". : tlgWhi tney JA. 1 HmIl l Iilli Nliii' gI!'ill Inns I I 1i Hill /I M7r. Hopper # " as "Dick Deadeye Cast of Ietropolitant Favorites COMPLETE PRODUCTION ~i~Between the acts Mr. Hopper wi recite "CASEY AT THE BA' SECURE SEATS E tRLI-AV0JI)1) ISAPPoINt3iErRNT 111111! 111114 Im;! hEIIIt ' 1111111 . Ill;i%. 1!11111 . Ilplu 1111%.. i UIIII IIG!II 'i IN1111 nurl ! A' Ie i 1111111 IIIUU IIIL':i Ii%1111 ',. Will 1111111 1111!11 1 , Ilaifl , IRIIII ''.. IIIGII ' 11:1111 1!!114 '.. 11111 181111 iud I Illial 111110 111LII '; IIAI: IhISI 111;111 11'1111 mlr ' lop! 1,11111. ' llill!I 1%11111 VtIII i II mm ll l:i, ' IIIC11 ,11111 ruo Ild(II 1lilLi :it t: 01EIh iuq Illilll 1111111 Hl9l1 Hlll;l IIReI i It8t;1 Il'rlt 91 6:.If . IIIIItI i IW!q IBilll i 1111111 III%1fI '. 1111111 11,1111 111111! I!uill . IIBCt 1!11111 Illilll , Illilll k91lll L,{Itl 111111! '. 11(1111 Id lll 1 IItNII . 1,9111 ! c_ 4 I ssignments than Ia, ;s announced that all menCf who t up to date. Were,( unable to get to last night's large nlumbe~r of mleeting will 1)0 expected to report at 1. runf i iiouer- the practi e. Five veterans are avail- t d as the shfowing able this year. They are Captain Pet- yea' depends to ic-nan, Weitzel, Reynolds, Lindstrom, these muen conic e iand 1bevi. The first four won MN's last g '11 is anlxicils to{ yea, wilie Levi is an AMA man. 1 ni as much than cyc Announcement as to the schedule l. will be made at a later date. ot-L-IotTRY IT TODAY FOR YOU OU'LL LAUGH. THEN YOU'LL LOVE IT. 1 CENT DISCOU NT S Noil' ill Effect on Ouir Entire Stock of Oxfo rds Stt Stre!, Ot'r (Calkins C's th IIC lottcst PMI Ala in Yown--- Foxc Trot. ot, Hlot, Hotteltt--Fox Trot.a Beattie Ki-uci:jc r's Orchestra ello 'Tacky. ouble's a Bubble._ A 1 Jolson eamer of Dreams. - y Pest Girl.- N c1i' Lu cas iH SHOPS'I i16 E. Liberty 110 E. Washington - NNOUNCE the placing on Clearance Sale of two hun- dred suits from their present stock of clothing. Thisincldesmaterials suit- able for all year wear in the approved models of the season. Overcoats in mnedium and had weight0 _In both double andsingle breasted models are also on- sale. The reduction is 33 I-3% $68 to $45.50 $65 to $43.00 $62 to $41.00 $58 to $39.00 $52 to $35.00- $48 to $32.00 IDue to the exeto hsrdcin l sales will be for cash. Alterations wil be charged for at cost.A GREENWOOD ANDKILGOREA i .J'w .i/"1. °,faF.fiI'"/F.I ".oT : .r °« 'ab"', 6"miA ,. .. Iii ..+'./J1.P./lJ././1. . 1./"1.l1.rr. /'°/'J. /.rP.0aI".I°. . ". .C asowws* w.oai - +.A' i i / ' i1 '/'J!:' i z \ f _ _ ' ,-, , , ,", , - II III ,.. r , iirf +{ j E s 1 r i j f I ! E " E - I-1c - He M3 - P; Clearance On Sale Stationery Novelties Correspondence Leather Goods andI 01