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January 07, 1925 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1-7-1925

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F! redevey mono ig except :Monday
ta og hc f'in:ex sity year by the Board in
o ~~u f Student P'ublica tions.
NIlc nl: , , ofWestern Con ference Editorial
;.:,t'o~aell Press is exclusively ci-
tt C-1 t- .,s for republication of all news
ti~p', ! r, v ditcd: to it or not otherwise
r cl dtFe4 iu t'.s parer and the local news pub-
;-'cc t the po' t jff~ice at Ann Arbor,
MiLiiou a's on .I class matter. Special rate
of p~ta e gaFii by Third Assistant Post-
, ,~~: on by carrier,, $3.50; by mail,
Uc' s: .ii'arbor Press Building, May-
I uns:iu~tra 414 and 176-M ; busi-
itcIl: cnes 2414 and I761
rd~.............John G. Garlinghouse
e s 1 itor............Robert G. Ramsay
City 1,10tor...........Manning lHouseworth
Night Editors
WereX. Davis Harold A. Moore
Thomas P. henry Fredk. E. Sparrow, Jr.
Kennet} C. Keller Norman R. IThal
ts Editor........WilliamnH. Stonemnan
1:ui Jy dtor...........lRouert S. Mansfield
1,mvn' lditor..............Vernea Moran
:~~i nd l)raina.. Robert FB. Henderson
'fe 1rap Jitor.. William J. Walthour
M~iz arley ilelen S. Ramsay
MlIx artnBIarlo w Regina Reichxnann
le.slie S. Benets Marie Reed
%th (:ady .Jr. Edmnarie Schrauider
1 iluid I3. Crosby Frederick Ii. Shillito
"aillite L. D~avie~s C. Arthur Stevens
,,"GW. (<Prnamberg Marjory Sweet
Jo7seph 0. Gartner Herman Wise
hannirnz P:ouseworth Eugene H. Gutekunst
Flizabeth S. Kennedy Robert T. DeVore
'l7aiheth Liebp'rmann ;tanley C. Criphton
Winfield H. Line Leonard C. Hall
Carl E. Ohlmacher Thomas V. Koykka
William C. Patterson Lillias K. Wagner
Telephone .560
Ade&:;............... ....E. L. Dunne
A4ert si :........................J. Finn
A'e- t:in ...................H. A. Miarks
c \ fh rti-1 . ................II. M. Rockwell
I'c:rount...................... .[Byron Parker
Circulation ... ..........., C. Winter
I uliicatirn.......................John Conlin
P. W. Arnold W. L. 1Wullins
W. F. Ardussi K. T. Mast
°""r,: Il urris ' IL. Newmarn
'F. Dentz Thomas Olmstead
Philip Deitz J.( D. Ryan
David Fox N. Rosenzweig
Norman Freehling Margaret Sandburg
W. E. Hamaker F. K. Schoenfeld
t1. Tnunson S. H. Sinclair
L. H. Kramer F. Taylor
Louis W. Kramer
NsI ;t Editor-NORMAN R. THAL

Aln ih the ever-increasing LSIC(t
popularity of radio as a means of en- OASTED ftOLL M US
lightmient and entertainment has come AND l AH ] d:idd~/.,'fFw."Ii.,/ ./*d ,
a movement on thte part of coleges'D AA ~A1 J p p d ~~adddd" +/ '/dd d
and universities all over the country IR ST ODAY: R1 A _"______________________________ Ir" r 'r"XT
to capitalize this method of giving ,i'7
service t their communities and gain- Caeudrsmtig0:~hrd- "NEA)IIAIElAlIIL"-a
ing publicity for themselves. "CIXI(-41A1: 3a~'IIE G Im h,
c pi h atrosyn h rp.!w, Y ei On the outside,,scarcely de'gning to '1i h atro aigtepoe
cosdrteopruiy bt jo thin~ to the customers at the proper Comedy Cltub is presenting for its
service to the people o1 the state and j iecmn u hswyo u auaypormwa elyaons 1
fo ulct s~ ntltinfary 7-but if we may safely assume ;to a very cnide~lrablelC honior, the fist ,^1,/.J..f"Ad+*'e
lernpiin tas ta n i sity n of 0df//dfad..dfd d .«
learingstans te Unversty o '.that while we have been writing noI authorized product ion in America o
Michigan, ~colunrns outr customers have boon 'The Admirable iashiville'' by (ieorge B o th S to res/rd+ditr"d.E ,te nyrma lsrenbrrain oclmn hneertigt iBradShw\ensdyeeig, , j
of the Pig TPen which cannlot lboast a Bt
rai tto tison naddall righto. January 14, i Sarah (Caswell Angell
doincentive forstio Michigan ofit 0w~ fal in lane r An so- Happy New Ya oal'al __________________
readersnd contributorself s a rkindbraf bu-nidd dd The^e"play* "itself. 'r"is aJ +"rattle-brain" " J hur-r r*1'z1- r.idd 1 'PPB/- ",
an eev h enft hc hdandi relations of this department. Most lesque o~ the Shahespe-aian tec- I". M. S. Pina fore," the production - --- - - - -
iight. be aicciujgis lheii'i'clii an -i he is to present Sat urday evening mi
nounc(metitthat . A. > ~ * of all the other beautiful things in life niqu, a perfectly medeln story of a;Ih hte etr sii'marh( l1CTN(IAl~~~ N
the ai"with her c , :actiw rer i come by twos and threes, by(d0zen s pri'leh ghliIem'w ih iall thle c ha racters I lt'1''iu(lill~wlt~1AN RO
antd hundreds. Plenty of roses, sta rs, pattIlin g in do ;ji Eel -lizabethan;tm(hsePoutoftoban i
stat ion WRAP iWert Monday. snes iieeans ~~ft u .~~I1((~a ~f cs were u nt intedl by commercial Stu I
The present situation is largely (Le' pidi y. TPhe lyrics are subtle, sat ire,
to the repeated refusal on the part of only one mother in all the wide etc. and has;iec marhe;! (ist citwlonolbing the linisiablean sintllteL.Jflo el
Cowles, you grow incoherent. hlays rn.,-oh'' si ilest most b11w liv r iyteBor fRseu nalw n p inaes ubl ads.ntlat idi
prpito rte (recltion and main-' parody of lngh L mb tanners. Tihe hero,
pritennce fo rdtbe odcsi That, was out better self taiking as anr examipe, heart ily, fran~ly (it- TeNwYr ol eivitvtT
station from this Uiviveresity. 11t is e;i- then. Whenever the col makes sense I iie his moter who lighted his !iip rea a rc
timated that aln appropriaiton (ofabout it's his fault. (Now he interrupts to honorahL profes-lion whlen she t aught the "H eay cost of producing a newsva
$500wudbsmiintomthpe-say the last sentence was cribbed from him, instead of~ the coivent ioal AIiaper should be shiared equitably be
f2ecti oufldbequteb c stin fle'oMkeBliv,'wihtspee 1.('s per-hY'"ss 'ct r twe-n the readers antI tieadverti-rs A ates o wl idtems
struments. in case of objfect :ons to feeitly true. Our better self is a pr et- lanmle.."' The heri iera chigti u;assices t eln ~iet ahoal tlsi itrsis
the employment of men to opeate the Ity honest fellow.) i ntgci ol itsiideil 'vm sr ue rebk.ls ices -isligpiet he :fsinbesye nwne tls
cents. These poor metropotanjW reyu'oso n n npc
station some elan suim' to that usedi * * * the author's citiics with her swet,
by the University of iowsa whcre the Por le sport -- il n leohrcirc raldiis
dlean of the engineetring college is theI By the caption above, our patrons ptpp! s fronc I li%l~vi f withi hisas the many new designs.
announcer and student; in the same lare to deduce that we lhave dipped sf fcficai- t ~cai n te Wat wdufith oral ndin formale
college pe~~ror the cimer u ,ccessary Into 'Thie Green Hat,' the one book a1(05miS~ittt al lCSa flilar iofca ittso h
duisas a nart of their regiular school boy must have read to get along in n grandI manner poe to its most on at dt oftheFrnchgovrnmnt n
work, might be Initiated, society. And inasmuch as a kindariialpfetounnghrwrdbtoheUtd \S
______________________________States, one can hardly tell what the
Objectors to the proposition cyni- literary friend tipped us off as to thejFrnhaeposigtd,
sull poit tot~i fac~tha; Soe o thepropr eontnrit o mae onthebookrouh Stte t. iFrenchloravee proposingtiol to .do.i
mcal~po ts ndthe fct taret someof theif oueromnt to ae onerdtnsyok))~Su iStieS eodFor oe alrsee
pear he r.":ill niot permit tier pro- we are in a fair way to make the For; RedmheW nt A
gram s to ire broadcat-d. Unles s su ch un red by Jun . th e 1i Y -- a n t--.- --,
opponents can show that ani over- Just say you think it's 'awfully r::.::::: -,~

vrhelmning majority o;f tMe attractons
and other activities of~ the University
would not be available for radio pro-
gramns,' a real measure of success. is
Michigan has shown a tendency to
accept most forward-loo1:.-ng move-
ments with accomp.,nying growth andt
development. In many she has beena
1pioneer. It is too late for lier to as-
sumne such a position in radio rev elop-
ment but she at least ought to con-
sider becoming one of the many insti-
tutions dispensing and receiving its
Mirs. Nelly Taylor Ros>g, wife of for-
mer Governor Ross of Wyomning, was
inaugurated to that position yester-
day-. "Ma" Ferguson will soon take
over the reigns of government in
Texas, drenpedl by her ousted husband.
rApparently it takes thme wife ofa
governor to be one.
According to yesterdiays 'Daily tMe
holidays are over. Astounding news,
lto say the least, althoughm there mnay
be soma students who have not yet
realized it.

- x 4iearnings are yearly con-
ticamned as an indication of profes-
sicmamin intercollegiate athletics,
i ehuge profits, the enormous
crowds, and the scramble for tickets
are denounced with some truth as ele-
inents which tend to make football
csntes ts great public spectacles rather
than games of essentially university
Yet at Michigan there is this justi-
fcfiat: the profits -from football
3ai c1 possible athletic recreation for
thousands of students and competition
in other major and minor sports. It
should be a matter of. pride that our
entire athletic plant with the excep-
tion of the original grant of land for
berry Field has been provided for by
earnings from football. The latest
evidence of this is the last payment on
the debt owing on the Yost Field
house and the final installment of
$10,000 which removes the indebted-
ness from the tract of 40 acres south
of Ferry Field. Michigan is now pos-
scessed of an athletic plant which can-
not be surpassed by any college or
university in the country all because
the returns from football games have
been enormous.
That ths is so is (Iuc to a very de finite
and far-seeing policy on the part of
the Athletic association. The ex-
ccutive heads have insisted that
profits from football should be used 1
to further' competition in other sports
and to make possible a comprehensive "
progm'am of intramural athletics. While
the work dlone thus far is admirable
there remains much yet to be ac-
comliished. No glorification of one
sport should be permitted to divert
the Athletic association from its con-
tinued expansion of all athletic activi-
There have been many unverified'
rumors concerning a new stadium,
one- of the most prevalent of which isI
that some of the funds of the Athletic,

Anonynioas eiuninications will be
dikregardel. 'Ihe names of co('lli-l
~ants will, however, be reigarded as
confide'ntial uponi request.
STo the Editor:
In reading your editorial in Tues.
day's issue I surely and sincerely ap.
preciate your feeling of commiseratior.
alt hough it is not exactly what wf
need. I a ppi'ec to more becausre yot
i eem to have 0i vd' to tee otu' Viewv
point as an Amerf'can.
It certainly is not daze to time fact
that we, the Cinese siud~emnts, do no0
hav~e your sense of humor, maybe wE
use too much of oir brin, while c-
joy ing a humor o1' tht hind; we hav4
comle to voicte our I'esemitmn('imt. Nov,
juist perm'ifit me to lake yoiU over "tc
China and s;ee a play ill a ('in es:

sclever-just a little too cever, I I:~/.K::-----~'.
y thought'-and thenr put your thumb in
- your ear' and whistle three tinmes, soft
D~on't wink.j L V
It appears in the papers that Pro- fLAEC TA
) *: * Qli*llri11lilr11lt~atclllQ[~o il iu il~ lQ~lil~~lQ1QQ~iQ[111~ QQQ1Qt~~~tilll
t fessor Angell has been investigating 43
al the intellectual status of tie campus,
( and that lie has come to the con-
-so boys worship football captains, otherf
s captains, and editors, he says.
They worship humor editors, too, i
iwe believe. All the time guys annoy
-us while we are at womk-they want j
Sto do a little worshipping, if it
J1 wculdn't trouble us too much..
eAnd we-we're just young enough and 1 nugn nuht tpNo~ n
l inugnInuhtoso o~ n
l1 let him have his way. M
We have long held a perttieory i at. _ t (r;( ll 111ii ' liShaw
prohibitions would never have been d tn
e passed if alcohol had surviv'ed- long Te itrfrm01 ewiliie itthi
enough to fall into the hands of thelit bperloi (I iiifoIt)owin ii i I som'
toiey modlern advemtisems-thte men t ii(t. t IS I i di(II
twho now advertise 1)uniill piped, Lis- f WilliaminLulr Yeats' "'Ai the $
terine, Black Starr and Ft'osm, and the Ilhiw '!i Well'' antd Pc iel c AltI it'' Si
Packard automobile. Or iti it had simm- iTh e 1y,'' but wvhil~e t bets;wert'
vived long enoughi to see a; comrbi us-'tagic, sineiialvieu andthrtc(iot!5 'Thre
- tien of the liquor interests that woulil Adiniiisbh'lo Ptsliviih'' is an ohn,'ott, ThmsWld(i i ncjw
putt on a national camupaigni like tite(-, a vt ii uii~leitStax'
tricycle manufactur'ers, or thle leather ntobet s1ap--t iclt tyl C': 1all Ite 1um'I
Idealers, or the flour-m akers- o r de tb ona5 litt(ta0lv re v-el 1In1 thifft c heatmk r - o r d nc e b c c e ~ e r s o s m o e t t l t e t i ai y 1iI11 ia I M P R U
I ly leathern, eat more bread. We might' re ca t for the prodlutthou wi i-! THmf' aehdantonlD~ln ek rne.tefloig ly
,- Drink More WikyandEa More Casbel 11y-,n--------.eal valn
I~~~ Whsky Eaord Worth ington ..- John H-as ber er , @
-_ Free Lunches. The boys who now as- I Th MillT er IG T em'fSo n
sueus that wherever good felos ydia Cr e---------- Mi~
and true assemble Cliquot Club p t h ntrm n T a lys LG T nta D on
gerleiswhat they demarnd ; and the
Iboys who exhibit a picture of a lot ofL' tmian W1ether . .. .Iiobrt l lendet'sonI S nsr o n s ]~~ofc tr
-]natty lmen and wonmen pledlging each Ad dla id....... ..illad l a r iSo y ithouso nds ~idefli sofc lr
ther w~lth Coca Cola--think what~lcimi-----ili ;~ma( ~C aees rvlvu oin o a tsi om
they could have done withm Black andr PaT'adiSu ......... ..I lai'u'ood F.iVgIA bt Yno E cs~ r
White, or Haig and H-aig! For iproof (1i il I hr0.l4l'e;It-11 l l rge w ie sce n
we lsb atitthis onadvertisement sm n efronm TI N E?( .(l'T JA f V IU ~ e n
theIlustatd Lndn Nws-flt'befit. IWUH ('ONTI TTi11 -fIT
looking ad that has ever conic to out'r tvam'llo-ilist-m , rodlniticn of T swh t a pe W fl il fAS vi-
e attention in an English lIapi. It he Qiiil'tos' "A Summ" r omrimn, fe,"in i h rt o iRt st
originally appeared under a swanky i'ehi ma' tuthe I itieix-e r Rictm Aeh-j rd pion e m te A to I2 , sts dowvn
drawing of 'Simpson s-in-the-CStm'z and' g:i i tI, t m'llgaeD'mti
with a gang of refined waiter's ruin -(ote -'(et hlttNo'hetm at the keyboard of his instrunlent, the Clavi-
sing around: iTntivem-si1l y, failed to plat't' in the fal y(
1 131Dicusngif iv'ont . Tis was dim in part , Ino ' lx, or Color Organ, as it is commn only call .
- d roubtL, to an umortinate= posit ion on
lI "Is thirst unwomanly ?" askedAIrs. heai initl ild. C 1Nc ntin
Br'own~. As neither' her husband nor v Theiieigl ,ofWstVrgna V rXfrnlssw itit
1the waiter seemed anxious to ruishi ;won te 'utntm'k ('tip andI its prize 4 ife
into the controversy, slie contiud: ofd $250wi it teir proiuton of John plus all possibilities and when MVr. XVlrd t
+ ''One was certainly brought, up in thtat M\-illinpgtoni Syng's ''Riders To tie1t
belif. oda, hweve, or sx hs ~inventor,mo e the keys hie bends the light
beifdody oevrIucsxhssa," while theime Utnivrsity ohor Kaina-mo e
ubecome emancipated 0ontihe drlnk placed seccond wittBohTiii into beautiful forms and mnakes them mlove
question. We no longer have to (li's "Beauty and the Jacobin" anI
choose between a sickly-sweet wxine the g o m South ('aroblna College foto 1 i1
and a melanchmoly mineral water.' t i r vtm'il0 l~X~s)" n\m ce n i }i
r""All this," observed 1Ice-vyiBrown,."is racefullyleaoverupsow ronn i
"is prsmbylaigit)t oe-TIFO1CI'AN HE(VA t No music is played with the ClavihLj. x
e'hig. Tient ' 't !tm't, ramuin tie Series o
''twudsrv owrgt i tldxeekly orgami ecitala given by Palm erI
vp to Dry Monopole of the most ox- t'itnniesyorastwilbaeth a -e tofp sng ""o e'
jI Barclay's lager accor'ds far better' hum at 4:15 o'clock, and xill includt'itbeautyceberthistofren
wihti-Dcme lmms fmie" tt' ollowing nnbc'ms: \s
"Me too for Barclay's," said Henry' Suite in E ninor B.....orowski
as he closed the xine-list. ti a lmeril avciato-lei H ILL D iT
sml.Scherzo-Pa stora Ie.. ....Fedetlelnmm1
t l ir(la}'4 Lgr-T il'i )rik Aua i'toies...... ,... .....Dtpart'
forit wiiinter 1l0rt ii'stTo. ata ant i Fgue in D minor. .-
>jNow what do youm think a girl's; .:tar Mm oni(11 ............ ('ope'in Il
.gonna do when shie reads that?. ITIiel-sstiaunt................Lst n
If you think shie's gonna ato any- hap sodieC (atal an .m..........ontT c es 0,75 ,$ .0 15 °
thing besides go out and buy a bottIle *- I4l
of beet' you're crazy. 3F 1 LFlIO!PlEII at Wa r', rahams, Satr'
'.IMr. Jason Colcs. IThere'm is scarcely athling, n> en- 11


I threater' tepicting imurders, roijerhes
and scandals o1' any kind as typical
:of Ameican life beloi'e a Chine-te. pub-
lie. You, as an American citizen with
national pride, wvill perhaps be able
to understand our f'eeling, To tell
thre trutth, there have ben'm such cases~
in China where thme d'.piomale rep~re-
sentatives of the countrtiescstoncernled
expressed their resentmnent.. I an
willing to see thme Aim(rican viewpoint,
-butt I.1.'-c mope that memmbers of this
costtlj: -!: an imstit utiom 0' lann
will 1m za, alittle snorIe t'espec(t for
hIm vocimmg oiir resentment: we are
by no ians-chaging any individual
Ior organizaionm of tdoing such-lua thing

association will be diverted in thisj intentionally, but. we dlo xvant to iakve
channel. This should not even be cont-I sure that the tuliic will not taki- such
sidered, we believe. A new stadium nimisrepresenttimm as correct informa-
may bra nearly a necessity as the only tion abouut China.
complete remedy for tire ticket situa- I anm'routd to be a Chinese, Much is
tion, butt funuds for its constructionI the temuperaument of Chinese , people
should be, providedc entirely by alumni and I am going to abide with it. If suich
and friends dntil such time as more misrepresentation' is unintentional as
necessary equipment is assured inm I am willing to believe may I fur'ther'
concrete for'm. The University needs suggest to all canmpus organizations
a natatoriumu, an adequate hockey and i thrat with your kind o-oltert'ton to
skating rink, and more tennis courts.-j avoid mnisimufornmatiomi about China,
Thre can be constructed in the near' Just leave ht'r alone. We will appr'e-
future only it' the funds of tire Ath- elate more to be ke t unkinown than
letle associatioin continue to be used, to be mism'eresnted. It' itn any case


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