W 4 DNT',SDA) JANUARY 7, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNSDA, JAUAR 7, 925PAGE TTWrM Y *, ~JDIKiThree.RusanLeaders 3Angle 'wmI[T'[R,[H TFor ILc>11 ',7, 4?1ce-1e. P o e pVI-U AIIIU N 1 Ofi o.101'.5tg41 dl(IPrt ATTENDS ROAD]T UUI~hE ,rk ViLEING 14 0, - i rr Ar~ 164' fl, ,', .. ;& .. 4<,. P'rof. I toward l'i)(lps of Ithe 11,1 way engineerinig dep ,rtmnenii. of tI 1 Mtate Collegetof* AV,- 5111 fltoni, w 10 took the Christmlas vacation ,shio rt cour'se iflth11e;highw~ay engineel'iln (12- part menit of the (d iversif y, lcft he(ro, Saturday to att end the C h ica vo (2Oi - vention, of thle Am erican lt ead I'mi lid- ers' .association <111c1 thle Cood Rtoads rsz )W. IDuring his SAy,,?Y t Ole 1JiV' P'rofessor' lzl)1 115 8t(11'05cd ,ethe (en- gineers 0on special(conistrulction proi'0 cesses used by the high way (lepar-t- ment of the western state. The engineers who took lhe grad- uate short courses were froin the United States Bureau of Public 11.05(15, and from state, county, and municipal1 highway departmnents, roadi contrac- tors' organizations, and dlealers ill highway materials.t Professor Phelps' particular inter- est lay in the study of gravel and l quarry plant, and in gravel and bro- ken stone roads, condclUted1 by Prof.t Roger L. Morrison, of the Highwayc engineering department. Iin east ern Washington most of the iniliroved Highways are of gravel or brol eft' stone.[ The high cost of construct ion and maintenance of these surfaces underl the present hnavy traffic makes spec-'l ial study of such roads advisable, and it was with the intention of studying methods applicable to construction of'c such surfaces that Professor Phxelps Dame to Ann Arbor. During the convention of the Amer- ican Road Builders' association, theU latest advances in technical methods of road construction andl maintenance will be outlined in a series of papers. They Good Roads show consists of1 about 250 exhibits prepared by gov- ernment highway departments, mlate- rials organizations, and in sob incry manufacturers, filling the Coliseum building. Air Mail To. Link European G, ties lidinbul g, Jan. 6.---London, Amst cm- Iain, lailburg and Maimoe, Swveden,I will be linked together early next Y(",,, by a daily air mail and pas cng^' ,service. English and Germnan i!a- chines will beC used. Spain has r600,000 titled persons, or about one to every S38 inhabitants. . _ I i i i i r lossless of Ziiiovieff and the cold(, keen (let Oiurinaftionl of Stalin, Kamneff is jw:5505esed(of a kindly spirit and al tpliilosophlical nmind., '1'hus Kamneneff serves as a sort of rest raining influence on the other two,a especially in the exhibition of the mildness of his fanaticism. lHe is a mian of letters and ha~s the fa culty of digesting a prodigious; mass of niatorial andl arrivin- at. a :rllple eoncl'iisioii. Moreover, hc, is a. con vival individlu- alt who does not regardl matters of staite to00weighty to1)permit. indlulgencc' in the tlleaLter~l' 1(a gla.ss of, winoe with friends. From these Ithree \will eolle jI u'siW3' niext absolute ruler, it alpears. Ho0s~tpital Secures X-Ray Svecialistl . Pres 2 to0n1 . 1 key, of1thI lie 11- versi ty hospital, has ;-Inonced t01w ha the U n iversity has secured D~r. A. E. ['Ohl1ie, of Cleveland, as assit ,ant pro- 1es.sor of r oent genologry. TDr. Pohle is e:,qect (Ml to assiume his duitieOs in Ann Ai bor , with i e opening of the new hospital. X-ray lthera py will be rte suI)jcC iplltwhich' Dr. oie wi!I ,Spcjalizeo wvhile hero. 11-l h's hadl wide exper; Sonce in thIiis field aln(] is recognized as, a national authority on methlods of ' X-ray mleasurements. Dr. Polile ha~s :;et several years studyinlg in Frankc- "c. i.Cermany and while there lie vas assistant to Dr. Dessauer, of that city. JeeParker's Cafe Spt~cal .Evcning Dinnlerb 6 19, I1 Music and 1Dancing H' 's'he FOUNTAIN PEN INKJfor ALL PENS Tonight, 8-lo FO0R * Fountain Pen Ink I'S PERMANFNT li Miusic by BILL WATKINS AND 1a aI..1 , -A7 3 L 1a . J 21t2P2./---H S 1 \.a R I 1'T G RANUE RS ACLLW'ENY Rca.i( 0the Want Ads I~ellii Us1.t8. 11 . ; :,h< 221t'il: on iy Cn(2'd t1he political and go-.'- ti lilt' I,;e\: 41 e 12 ('1nt a 1 iiach ine2y of the en tire >2a Aii ( irll )h 'O l ,,(12 I e o l': :ir # Soviet; domain, but. since has keottia by a die ttoz.r. V011ot' tU' I ' , ."I firm grip onl the power Which that i!~;r,... -isvs l biiaalt asdI org~anizatiollyielded. Greg^ory r Z i ;vef i .; si xii ii; o'r lie is a GeCorg;ia m i with a son~wt~lieiisa (:ormltlent usil (:I p0ioti slo his 11 norilw;, ilat(T. :l itj),1: Ivoi("o a1(1(oPlueten~il and l xec- 10o L"'lliaI. Iamcll(,Y formis Ea sort 41 i o 1r,'. eg i; -ed as inferior to elevenfor th e othlir t o. ieis i e h?',is tIwo associates. only onle of thela wllo h~> ml-' One of his chief funll 05(5 11Kr5 bee i >g. to u1,.'.e'tske to tstir a Red ri'iri{)~' 812111 1 (xlber e(.:)4:i1I2-':c(1'11hi,,il viri 1:2 lt v erO];,c(utry l~ly itho in 'l si~iit Fas an e( Xelti~ve sId 111- -world. iti n, ;and bec"Iuse lie 1...thIlin %vho,'Likelit 1illili, bw l <; :n keen d( e;ir(';o as (stlniS s' of' Nati(SIl5, organlized 0 II'i . =i~ifl(iist ionoll o' l;(ov; EWi th 11fl:.l' .cvaiol 100l5 1i2id115 )11110r the iov(,!.0 () 1: 1:"ileit cglh1)1 ,01; is~v(o wlok' , ;a m l1 Illii1 r;!.d (iithe b1st' ;':i''. ' F N taut t ,h'ew I(3 cw A ?t ° , tXV. Il('l't il m( lain ,fl ;t j -~ x i}N~ { 1 a1' ;t. i iRXI!('l' P"oe 1'(- ( ' 05c r _. -_ .vc, +r fi q ff ..r.. t' P4 TI N , In li t ?(plil ofemSI a imghu i - 9,6704) (ISM on ra ill elV I lfil B#u Supplies for Even' B ranch of Sport 711 North University Ave. . t' N 34 o Arcade Theatre -1 : -- 1 .o. ., ["etisWiQiBTIS.M IAN H'aat39n:. i pr ._ Ad .,wr.;,.,a~ , ... ~ ..,.. . .. ; .. . ..a,_..~ , .. w. '.,. . ,-.,, , ..p . . S..r-N41N4- fiit STARTING WEDNESDAY MATINEE Ann Arbor's Good Lack Star With A Jillion Dollar Personality -din ': r, , i a ( . ! \: CFS Q L : y.", ' t - 5 }I ! 9. ' K 'I; j i +l ' d t iI Hl i , i :. aI Overcoats TIESE sale are in our now. The fine XV(In dowc;yy (l,, fs and the fine ly s ataic he; to the greatly lowered prices certainly do coax thy: value seekers in. And the rmao° value Judlgment of u!ti seekers do coax these o,,er-- coats out. Average s o7vmlg3 Of than 2W5) at l.thse T I. r' prices of $50, $55 and I1;&) Values $38.75 1' K' 4 ii I 4s A JfJ1 , t i Awa ft 41 AN, _14 n-- Y . C "7 r - _../ , , r :. r - ' c c ' :! . > !" " > t t }, .. +e~ s a r; , E" f i 4, .: . ;., ., A' ,Y( , A y,, J V i r r i >> p 4 , ..~ Except This ime --He is s GREAT . cldued. iE veil 119iMU .. YOU CAN RNKON 1Cvl hI 'x Iog' UDavis' Series 'of Van i ,l,bc i 'Stories Al.; N es -Orehestrut -, Ey Ei t 7 ;01i .:3i. y"l. ,\ 1. t. i? V, } .{' { :' . \l . z?: Clark )tLaciarie's last 0 urOtad by Jtt'YIu lb III su prt( e 'atiuiS hbest. 'Hi a RY an Of Peter t no el, Onabery. M P'ercy star. If Ile 0 li herG h wC ti= : Y 9? o ; l# GOODMAN"SPlay witf a 4' . "R l s- , b ,,a6 : i ;ya y ? a : e ; z6 is , i Just meat receved a of Blue Coats, all neCw sl}IP)- C orlu roy sizes : 6F , 'i4' n : ,.; i h T.,£ 9 ' v trJN t . 0M% hy Ia1 1 $10 1) Pill 'HAROLD ROACH . ',Sii_17S.II k I I I 11 11 lilil RARRARA LAMARR Hill