It THE WEATHER V I-XTTLE I)PROBIBLY SNOW 'T!ODAtY fi* ri lan jIaitjj MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS ANN ARLOR, MICHIGAN, N'EI)NESI)AY, JANUTARY 7, 1925 Prepares For Post VOL. XXXV. No. 76 EIGHT PAGES EIGHT PAGES PRICE, FIVE CENT$ COOLIDGE STANI ON POS.TAL 811 PRESIDENT'S VETO SVIPPOli' BY MAA;OF 1ONE VOTE REPUBLICANS SPLIf Semalor Dial of South ('aroliia D~emocrat Sutpport ing ~A dntinu trative Action Washington, Jtan. C.-(B3y A.P President Coolidge's veto of1lie tal ;pay increase bill was sustai today in the, Senate by the mnargit a single vote. Twenty-nine senators supportedi executive, while 65, one less than necessary two-thirds majority no( sary to enact the bill over the v opposed him. With this action by the Senate, pay measure, passed at the last sioe, 73 to 3 died automatically. its place will be brought forward administration combination pay; postal rate increase bill, hut lead generally are agreed that this in ure has small chance of enactnment this session. Republican ranks split widle open the' issue of sustaining the presidf Opposing him were suchi leaders Jones of Washington, party wh NWadsworth of New York; Reed Pennsylvania; Moses of Now aIlai 9hire; McNary' of Oregon; .1ndlE, of New Jersey. Only one of the 31 Democratst ing cast his ballot for the veto. was Dial of South Carolina, but was announlced that Senator Iking~ Utah and Owen of Okblhoma,v were paired, would have so voted1 they been able to cast their ballot; Of the six senators defeated for election, five-Ball, I3ursum, Dial,T C'o rmick, and Sterliig-votedl tos tain the, veto. The sixth, Shields Tennessee, was absent and not pair Two of the three new senators, 11 lcr of Massachusetts, and Metcalf .11o&e lslaild, suppor1rted the exe tiv e, while Meians of Colo1radco posed him. Solving Puzzles Adds Efficienc, T o Typists' Wo), n President Burton Is Chosen- As Elector For Hall Of F3ame DEFICIENCY BILL n sr 4 r-i iniui ini~n V I ~:Ha:.~on~the 3 nch gild wo- nois; Dr. Grant Shiowerma.n of= he VI 11 11LLU~ L 1(1 L 1 ']l! ly (chosen to ac't as elec- U niversity of Wisconsin; Dr. L ewis < I(tos for 1the 1925 h all of Fame seloc- ! Perry, pirinicipal of Phillips Exeter whio ha sre'eevd an init ation to actlof the Universit y of Vermont.SSE BY UISL int.i~t apciy i im1), ~oe7t:In- ; '~,The omen chosen as electors in- I MREN('1 AP'1PRPIATIONFO1 I WOOd .Jobilsoll, dii odlor or tho~ in- 1 clumde Miss Alice M. R obertson of Oh-( I1 I.I i I Ar ~1; IX PEN DIII U st iuionIa hoitia, Miss Ellen Glasgow of Vir- 1(0115"F0 ";1:N 1I"I T be 111naA',cm CII of I lie h ail of gin ja, andi Miss Agnes Rteppllier of 1"amle is coniductedi by New York imiiiihiadelIphia . Art representatives are IT, vcrsitiy, ;arth1le (olohli:adlo vihich1 conimsed oIf Royal Cortissoz, New l R EJ ECT AM ENDME VILNT I serve',asw the actunal IIla ft is lI ned 'HiYork critic, :and(]'aissGilbert., arciii- - ___ O6nlg°; 0 l'ct I thecr fmu ae I h otr1.)Millions to be t ed ie~ti'r ef andlng, s-ixty-I wI)ofti li eectors whoOte inoi nme n-h rserIl~e tly Assessedl Internal tadtfor Ithe eof(letoln of 18111:.1 in 15320) 8 areTheodlore MVarbuirg, former Tminiis- IIlevenue 'Taxes~ lia 8ve consen1'Ited to act ap"ain, w11ileG tearitoi-lllu; Dr. J1oh n C. Mlerriam the 29 recer'i ly selected xwill servo for of t1he(Carn egie litsti t ion 01' Wash- W hng n Ja.6 (yA .)-' to flI-: 1, ideilt Amonthos ae Ioii n*(iingt on ; senators fRoed inioot and Os- A rcignj dfcwybl Ar.y n lio -witi 'N1-i0Tt Inro11110 W. Underwood : William AllenAneei eic cicnybllarigI ine(d Davis, ,,,vid Jaiy 0 1Hill, and11 Braind' White, and Stuart P-. Sherman. These $1 51,000,000) Wichl will lie availabile .1 of' Whit lock, former Amiercian amlbassa - ien 1 have all 'signified their willing-r for ImmIiediatec expenditure, was pass- do Is; D)r. J.)iie: , IRowlaindlAngell, Wass, t10 servee aetdyb te1010adsn 1 resOintof Yale ; Dr. (CharileOs W. Although the Hall i It' anie is lo- thset. N'liot, pc: lrien i.cii t usof I fa avard ; cated at New York 1uni1versity, it is Ithe IlProf. Williaml Lyon Phielps of Yale, directed as a matter of national scope. fly a viva voce vote, 11he house re-' ices- IDr. K. C. Ml. Sills, presidlent of Low- Every state in the Union, or group of je ed an aendnnf by Reprosenta-' veto, , loini colle'ge; Dr. lHnry K. 'Warren0f of 1 states with a population of 1 ,000,00thIive Rainey, Deriocr,111, Illinois to i ankton colleg;e; D~r. Kendric C. Bab- will be1 rep~resentedl by an elect or. eiiaeadvso o 80000t tac1)k, provyost of the UnTiiversit y of Illi- (Continued on Page Two.) cailstk1)'trne i- the aitalstook ofUUth-onew in News Of The Day From Washington The House passed a $157,000,000 Ideficiency appropriation bill. S President Coolidge's veto of the podial bill was sustained bly the Sen- In Supreme Court I , tE . Luther D. Grower filed a contest over tile .nat o senator Brookhart of Iowa- A bill designed to settle the Chicago fake drainage controversy was intro- duced in 1the Mouse5. ALUMNI OFFER MAY. ALLOW COMPLETION. OF SWIMMING POOL ASSOCIATION WILL GIVE TWO I)OLLARS FOR EVERY ONE FROM 11s't'd'ENT5 PLAN UNEXPECTED Pool Alrei" 1 tll~ '11po d Inl the andl (lei's t at . lenut. Sas [ip; of iliii)- I Ic !t it g of who re- Me- suls- s of But- [ of o1)- rk r i f A {f{ i S t I I i t a i I I . i An att in it wats,,made l1 y Chaiiriman C NB N ~ iL EA CABSOT v/ILL OPEN ;Madd~en ofl Ote apjiprjiiaflolis c1 N EVWI STATE S ENATE LECTU RE SER E the expentses of' the priesiden t's' agri- Q11tS Iit('OP 1ALWAT y'tR D IS RE-11EECTiED1 La~n~ng .ln. C- - ByA.P.---cna k. Rantinug',. iscoverer' (!1 "11ed icaIliRe search" PUBLIC IS INVITE Dean hluh' Cab)ot of the1 In~tlinon a pinlt of crder by Rjpresent atix'o 'msift Blanton, Doi nocrat, Texas. (P11 Major proviions ofttheeill, in adldi- dont~oth inandwaerwaty(corplora. - Iion itemsl:',iare'O$1I50),000,00~t0 t('tbe u le I)~ u iriI'funlitinteilrna'Il r ev~leueaxes; inedical ator Geol. e AT. Conbon of ])etroit vas school will speak on The Historical chosenz by. the unanimous vole of thle 1)evelopm ent of Operations for Stone e .ate inl ca ucuis here i~on ighli as in the ladder'' at. 7:30 o'clock Thurs- pres,-Watt pv0 o til, fol lowinig the wit h- (lay in the West. aluph Itheater (If thle d rawal from the r'ace (if Senator; Medical bulilding. iDe.n Cabot; is the Can ifet', wh olbadbeen lpromninently firstf speaker 1'onl aseries (if lectutres illegally s:essedl and(1col lected(; $3,- 501,200 for continunlg wori' on damn nunlmer 2 at Altscle Shoais, Ala.; $275,000) 1or1eradicat ing flhe reportedi Clpidelmiic (of Bubhonic lplaguo eamonig rats at. New Orleans, La., anid Oak- lanld, Calif., and $160),000 [or- repairing 11e coalst gu2rd Cutter ' Manning to1 make it seaworthy. An amendnflhIit, tolf ('iinlilnqte a c Chicago, Jan. 6.--(13y A. P.)--Cro5ss word puzzles "are a blessing in dis- guise to those employers wvho feared their distracting influence when they fist appeaired," aecordinig to Albert. M. .lohnsol, pr'esidentt of the National Life Insurance Companmy of the United At ates, wxho said thbat so far as ii is or- g~anizal ion was conermxed the pui/zle' xveie r~estionsilble for tnereasintg Clho efficiency of his stenographers 25 per- cent. R'tather than being; a. distrtaction toa the office girl, the ment al laboi' in Kolving them has made hier Casteor and more accurate in her work(, Mr. John- son found. "Noticing a marked improlvemnent in the speed( with which our seoveral hun.- dIred stenographers were handlinig the correspondece to 100,000 policyllold- er's, I inquired the reason and foumud that we had the cross-wordl pl~u/es to1 thank.," Mr. Johnson said. "I discov'- ered our stenographers wore 'ro!,s- word enthusiasts and that thleir idle~ hours spent over the dictionary bad improvedl their spelling and recogni-, tion of wvords to a startling extent. "All our executives reported thaat the stenographers were taking dicta- tion far more rapidly; that they were recognizing and handling correctly Iwords that they used to stumblle ove(r. We have "encouraged our employees to play the game as it widens their tI!lti~li~ ot'fo the liosrt icrit. ; sp1 0tonre 1 y Alpha Omega Al phia, na - -Iion cararyin g I$ 4,(10t to play expelises 7Other iiiat te's taken unldet' consid- I iomial hionorary mledic al fraternity,' of miessengem's})r'inginug thle count of' eration by the caucus inciudled the under' the licadin g of extrma-muiral lee- Il(tO'lvl0 (1Wslmto a e uelecioral, votes ol' Den iiins t.nAl- Istires. ! I nmus uc fDni l A-lrs ect ed on a paoint of order. IRep resen- 9ward ais scecretary of the seniate, to This new lecttire seies by prom- ttv 'vc lpflcn ho t succeed hinself, choice of a serxgea tlCintiIet.iit 1311er1'. oit I 10 iiedicalI factulty 1t atmii, s'+stat pstinst r, nd hs ben lmamgmim'ated ~ OSU ofstpomisor ur gedtimtat tihe vote be tr'ans- iii it etl tiy 1egist ered ma8il as an econ-' app)1 itlit. 01 a ('011011itlt'ec of pa Iron- reluest sfi'oin the student body for aige by I lie cal m'an of thme (atuus,, :stch 8 ('urse. It is plannued that the ~*uesi'. !Senat om' Irowem' of .1 a Cks On. 501i15 pt'OSV it va 'ioirm: 1 iii 50501'of me Ii- fIlionuse,(devoteoiltheliedayemnt ireldy to lie deficiency ill1 layinig a side tin- A 11111 t~l 10('xl 11(1 ime 'Oi'Jlt s f ca hi itlit Ill bisinrow thle a rmiy :apjIply hill1. the sIta to body Ito Senator1' JaInots jAlthuhtelo ,e ilb I+1i1'y of 141attle Greek, whio is ie rioutx- snill bor undlerlgrtduatie m ediesl ly ill in a hiosphitat ini that c'ity, wats stridcnIrs, tiha public' is invitod to oc- ' '" - 118 ssed uti~ ilihli(Ilt.De thtip Il remnain ing a vail abtle seats.FRD i [[ I[S [ Senator I}larr'y whit ely 01' lowaiglae I ea i (' o's locture1will be il Ius- suitiget thfiat I. ti le 1810 mont hots Itte il with s liides. ta.ike is tojIs 11('a ng.,e the llt'osent mle ;'----TO HOUSE SPEAKERSHIP; Of' th10 ui MIUto which iIacos in thle I I)m'. rederic Ciran I. faniing of the 1 hianads of the lieutenant governor the i bm ivomsity o1f Toronto, the discoverer ' alst, ll-h. 1an . teisn powerof0' dpl~oinli ing 'omitit""os05to l or insulin, williec'tur'e at S8 o'clock a :i; i c h.,redn.B . ls fI 'espois n c a1-ry out I ine bodty's liii 511105. lIe rpllsdlay in Univei'sity~ hall on the sub- jwscoe pae f1h tl os iii~',cstOilI h':5I~l~xc shuldho llaed oel, "edial esc m'lm.' loctorof retmre:entlat ivez oil t he first hal lot ina the ihan ds of thle son I :m I e. ing w~xvill 1be thliesecond lspreaker 'uusle J eon~ i Iinacuushl onighit..M ei- - - - ---- - --- i a bte Alpha Omegta Alpha series of ed6 vlO. ls lly ot it op- n1 'R? S Suia Seeks id lec urs idelivedl'enltby scientiststroimi* pon2elnt, Roteese t l[nta tvive iC. .11 t'at son usai dcalocitem.1'of ('apa r erceived c82. 1f1. S. .Designert 'T'he discovery of' insulin, considlered the greatest imioical accomnplishmeont ''s 110'1W)cniae o 11 Ispeakership, lRepr'esentat ive J. E. C'ticaYe),Jan l; - Idic:itons th t thtlis century', gained for Doctor fW a i'mer 01ofipsilanmti and Repilesenta-a I' ca l o, .Ja is co In d le lilnsIImt 3I I n ng lie Nobel prize in 1923 1for live fled t. IMin- , xwithidrewv alft'r medca ie~lrh work. PreicedingiitiingplnsI il 11111 to i limilsI lal acetivity >aniid ni clreerh xvr.,'rcdn they had bieen nornliinat ed. The choice hiis great discovery, although only a of thlie aicmls xwill ho r~rut ifieldby thle adop i on, inl parlt at least,. ot Anmeican gtea i'di (1 r O(1'ltin homowentcnvoc-\Vdeay co:i2 i v (ial r ti('tl:o re \'00seein heregeealpatiinr1.ot atngMoswhntcnvesWdsay ii imeiitI~ltil coient ba Asmoaexperiliented oil (ogs in ll 8mieffort to2 ! l h ,Jolcmn ha.Asom~ - -- Iiissiis'r 1 litel t 111iaisociety ill determinoeItleeact Vive'inipille 0of1the M~osow lbad waitto n 1Frmank ILloyd I2' *uxatdoad9o aeesagehnsad t rt- AN C. uM~~ W -iglit, al-chit eel and enineelwr of this '111 ( ibts ltl iII UIiil i ciy s lgIiii11,OiOi usaI Doctor Bali u's discoveries, rota- ? 1JH P EEIE city, assis iIlnenteto coe'o t. ,:.lve to the applic'atijont 0ninisulin as 1 ( rcnir ea 1i - .1 .N1. x's r to ti re for i' abeltes, were accomplishr-IiE f ;i 7. E I genaor,.8((1.tstakedtheedit To Finish trading insurgenlt senators out of the,"_________ Repblian lary. .. *After repeated attempts to raise .. money enough onl the campus to com- S Thme agrIcultural commission con- plete the swimmingpointeUo, tinned consideration of relief plansagoluionhasbe n ffed nbyoth for the cattle industry. Alumni association of the University. In a letter from Mason P. Rumney, Harlan F. Stone began to clear his - --- president of the Alumni association, ildesk preparatory to retiring as head Harlan Fiske Stone I to Hlomer Heath, general manager of ot the Department of Juistice. Washington, Jan. 6.-Attor'ney Gn- thle Union, the association guarantees eral Stone began a farewell drive to- to raise two dollars to donate to the Officials were informed that the1 day in an effort to leave his depat- 11p001 fund for every one raised by-the visit here of the Bank of Englands' ment of justice desk cleat' of all ques- stuents on the campus. A large part officials was to future restoration of tions that possibly can be decided be-,! of the alumni money has aready been the poundl sterling to its gold parity, fore hie takes tip his new post as a raised. member of the supi'elr~e court.. The; The offer of the Alumni association War Department recommendations White 1house remlainedl silent todayI was unexpected, as no such' plan had for redctions in the rivers and har- respecting a possible sttccessor for been formulated by the Union before- hors bill were placed biefore the House Mr. Stone. I hanid. The proposition as presented t'iver: arid harbors committee. (IIby the alumnxi is as follows: $16,000 j (* i a~r is necessary before the 1)ool can be The Department of Agricultutre an- I M I 9HfhILHI f completed and under the plan, if nonimeed no information had been re- IIII I II NEIa $5,333 is raised otl the campus, the eivedl to sutppor't a comtplaint that 9 remainder will be supplied by the wheat is beiANOTUEDubecDECOvigDO jalumnfi.1 I okhsbe oeo orous speculationCnieal ok a endn n (((jjjthe pooh aiready, most o the work. GU M Y R R IEconsisting or laying the tieo the Olymnpic ( amploim Lowers Indoor sides of the tank.' Contracts were let TO 1 1 C NO E I eceived, and .at the present time over TCUAL IE N TE EASILY DEFEATS R AN hall'of the pool proper is completely tiethe draining fixtures have been installed, and brass ladders have been Answer TThought To Branmd Extension1 BULLETIN placed at each end. The balutade of Oeeupation As Breach of Madison Square Garden, Newv around the gallery has been complet- Versa~Illes Treaty j York, June 6. -Less than two ; ed and the lockters have also been In- hours after lie had beaten the pick ;stalled. PUBLIC WVAITS FOR TEXT of American talent in a mile race, All of this work has *been carried IPaavo Nurmi tonight 01n(ed11Is Ion with the money that had already Perlin, Jan. G,-(By A. P.)Gerntany's Amrcniom lbtwt n been raised inl former pool campaigns. to cuui fouter world record victory .n ie jitI the alumni ilan is carried out sutc- inimtial reply t theconif amblas- 5,000 metre run at the IFinnsht cesftlly, the, remnaining -workt of in- ,oidirs' note r"egarding the Colognej Anefricaui ganie. lie defeated 4lig teflrtotetn n occupation was handled to the alliedI Willie Ritola, a fellow coun~try- 1hingpatwl ecmltd anibassad~ors here tis evening. The lai 4mnte,4 - e- hIngcoplantill nbe opleed Duds1, a newv wotld's indoor record :I ometn o hffrmd text will probably be made public on' by the Alumni association, IHomer Thurday bu itis elived hatthe Madson,,aI-leath, general manager of the Union, Thii'saybutit s blived(ha th I adionSquare Carden, N. 1., Jan. nade the folowing statement, "At a note characterizes the extention of 16.--(fly A. P.)-Paavo Nurmti, famous t tim-e like this, when the work is go- file occupation bieyond January 10 as j Finnish Oypcmreoee his ingo l h posc-n fe em a h indarnental breach (of the treaty I .American indoor campaign vigorously Well worth considerintg. It would be of Versailles.I a ine thing to have the 1)0o1 oompet- It ts also understood that the reply tonightxxhen lie captured a slectac-edaIthsbnhnggfielg t ejec(ts the right of' the Entente to ular mile race in world-record time enough. I am glad to welcome any piostpone its evacuaticn of the bridge i from six rivals in the first of two plan that may bie successful in get- head on thte grounds of the alleged races in which lie was featured to- I ting the money to complete the pool." default by Germiany cited in the am- night In thte Finnish American games. In the letter from the Alumni as- bassadors' preliminary note of Jan- Nurmi won by three yards from Joie sociation containing the offer, Mr. tiaty 5. Ray, former American mile10champion, Roimney said, "It is very gratifying to The Betlin government's answer, in one of the reatest indoor races ; easprsdnofteAu i asso- which was drafted at today's cabinet I ever held(, and clipped a full second ciation to hear that you have let con- nmeetings, is confinied to a formal pr'o-t from the former record iraide by Rlay tracts for the partial completion of test againist violation of a treaty prin- in 1919. The Finn's timle was 4:13 -r).h nonsi~tlt )0.I elta c'ipal by the allies. Specific discussion Nurmi conquered one0 of the fastest ilieti api en oetepo of the algddefault mentioned in fields ever gtee oehrin Amer- wieti oki en oetepo alleed atheelltogeheri should be completed and that this can the allies indictment will lie deferred !tia, and in demonsrating that he had doefrapoimtlI1,0 until Germany hias received the ant-: lost none of his dazzlng Olympic abv n vrte mut o o 'liassadou's' suipplementary note. j speed in his first indoor test, set a 9bv n vrth mut o o The grounds on which the contin"- l pace so fast that t wo of hitsrial have available.. nation of the Cologne occulpation are were forced to drop out while all butt I re ta ojihtb bet based0( are branded as flimsy by the Ray and Lloyd H#ab, Boson A. A, "'ontinue this work and so complete German newspapers which continues who finished third, were outclassed. 11)0 1100iniunediaelytoeraiselfas- to designate the accutsations of the al- Nurmi faced a field of six Anercans ;oito iludraet asfo lies as tieing intended primarly for andilo0ne other Finnisht entry at theits nemiers, $2.00 for every $1.00 that foreigtn consumption. start. Ile set the pace for the firstI the students will raise on the cam- - -six lapis, when Ray chlalenged and i u, provided the money froim the su- shot out into a 10-yard lead. Hahn! dents is forthcoming'in timie to con- followed Ray, and Nuri ran in third i timite the work without delay." nnn( auma' tt' 1( conimand and won virtually s he!I ia r COMMUNIST'S Pr~l l pleased, lo oking back over his shotl-'CR BB ofCM EC 11ii 4M4MVNUIIII APPEAL er and appaenty having plenty inCIRVD 1O ~M EC Lainsing, Jan. 6-The state supreme Over the last lap, Ray tried d es- HAS AI~ l~ L A court, late toiday dentied tlie requtest perately to catcht the "phantom Fifn" of Chtarles Ruthenberg, convicted° but the little Amterican, (despite one of communist leader, that he be releas- the greatest maces of his life, in which( Arthur E. Giltman, '14, of the Toledo ed on hlail petnding his contemplated' he also bettered the time of his formeri Chamber of Commnerce, spoke before apipeal to the United States supremne worldreod could not catch thefnI the Attn Arbor Chamber at a noon court. His request for a review of; varier, luncheon yesterday in the Chamber of (iof the judgment passed on him11 by Commerce Inn ott the subject, "Biuiid-' i Judge Charles E. Whtitie of Blerriien .-nrnm Dai n N . I I lug Through the Camber' of Coo- county was granted. .I'HIYD iA ~ merce." Mr. Gilman graduated from jThe court is expected to affirm his ; LI 11 ~lIJL the University 10 years ago, and for seumence anmdheten11 may appeal to i 111 fI jlf the past five years has been affiliated thde federal court. WILL IU T MUHRW~I with the Toledo usiness organiza- Rich ToTalk OnI MEETi ~ton. He is at present in~ charge of I-h-ivso of trade and industry. Ric ToTak O Freshiman gymi classes will le re- I "To buildl through the Chamber of Sta e A ou tic sumied tomtorrow, beginnuing with'thte Commerce," said Mr. Gilman, "this Stage iicou lzcsclass at 3:15 o'clock, Dr. George A. [group must be recognized as a vou- May of thte physical education d- tary business organization through SProf. Daniel L. Richt of thte physics partment annoutnced yesterday. TheI which to Work in promoting and safe- department will address members of next hygiene lectutre, required of all ' guarding the best putblic interests of the class in theater arts at 10 o'clockI freshmten, ill be given at 3, 4, and 5 the community. The retail merchant I Thursday morn'ling htinUniversity hall. o'clock on Thursday antd Friday. Jan. 1 and the mauufacturer' must join to- gOtlher students not, in this course who 15 and 16. 1 gether in serving the people, and an are intter'ested will lie velcomne, ac- Pr'ior to the Chi'istmas recess, a enlarged circle of interest must unite r cord(inig to Prof. Richtard D. T. Hlollis- umass track mneet between "army" and! all." Pfter', whto is in charge. "navy" teams was staged, bringing Mr. Gilman compared the Chamber I1 Professor Richt will speak on together 1,200 freshmen in six events: of Commerce to "the labyrinth of the ".Acoustics in the Theater." le is rope climbing, standing broad jump, I psychology laboratory," and warned '11 It o ei 5t Ii('t l' t . vY I t 11 U, jU n iit fimst Of all in1I lhe de Siglting Of Ed tduring his5 spare 'tinge, spo~nsor~ed if the 'Teiipe o Wok,''whih i isI fy a t'utud.amnenrtal intierest in research Signed coul i acts fr'om thle Bensort i 11i't011t *eruiei wok. iO0Chest's of (Chicago, Arnold .tohnn- llaiulled to) build it M4oscow as soil- This heeltre is otnly Openi to I htose son's Hlaurmony Boys, and J1ean tGold- ItIi fa1111iitei Otl'ei i whioihaye phiiitchtasell (couirse t ickets, kel to'sOr)Ichestralhavye ieen 1recei ved Czarismt and Ithe hirmth' of toiler'rlmee- of whilolt thiere are 111) more( available, by the muisic onnnomitt ee, and the ap-. doi-- Ilpearanice of these or~ganiizationls at the Ir oh (lii 1 11111 .-11(11 is assuredOi. The budget for the I 7 0 t "LEWIrWIr SP9KiN Hop has also 1)e011appirovers by theAi c u tcsfSnecomteoftdntaar. Q O S The entiu'e J-lIiop conlittee will In argr"R oms DICOVERY OF 5INSUL i neeot at to'clock this aternoon in ---- rooum 302 of the Union t1o arrange (10- minds and improves their speech, as To better acotustics in some of the' -9 tails for the dance, wvhich is ntow loss well as increasing their office efl- lti m rons