TUESDAY, JAINUARY 0, 1925 THE, MICHIGAN DAILY PA l.GE1,THIEir Ser ic, 5 REPRESENT UNIVER~SITY News From ( Gc i a l sltdents led fraternity and Ir [y Licr) b1)rs in scholarship in the J 2~a1according to the averages r tea sc lust week by thie (lean of Stu- (tm iar of the University of Min- i) (-tt. 'i altis was the second year sinceI I 1318 Iht Lfa tternity scholastic av- Im~; hs lagged beChind that of other _v'aaes of inen and women graups' w ye as follows: Fraternities, .1)8a; ' oi ie na tudents, 1I.046; sororities, 12, ;r elotr w omielL1.310. " 7 U i Needs 101'm graduate schools in li- birarilanship, the lpresent a dinin 1sfT r- tlien of American libraries, and meth- od1s for liibralry serIvice were og t he subjects discussed at the ni id-win- , - - . i, ter ineetings of the Antsrican Library F 1 Z 'ir can't u.1derstand the'' association, held from Dee . 31tl: l I i cc; ci le student's lack of in- 3 in Chicago. r~l~ereprsent tive of lie :..n ':11 'c ; in haepeare. Only 75 stu-1 'I'e rpreenttivs o t"1 lnivr- c,, . a atelded his production of 11 am- sity librarty who attendied i.. confe1-at Yi '-n atthe University of zebras-' once were MW. AV. Bishop 01) n,1,1' .. I fal'II0) itidcrstaidit,''de-! Miuss 1,unive Wead, Miss Esther "am1ithii e.U;c, epcalyi h 1'iss Margaret Smith, and l iibert. It.,,.,! D oane, assistant librarian.Mr. ish-t- ' a'atiflia e afe te olyr cep also attendled the 1)101in ti ty ' iaay1a u St emaeo h 1. n ia t : ~'~relay.~ mreetings of the exec:utive board sandI commflittees of which lhe is atiniber. The Chicoago library club, corn iloset ci 1- so; i r;o s ar e againT of- A large number of libtrarians ftorn i bn LI;, eni aeio ngineer. aat the tha t Vicin ity, ls ( tfiIhe (Iisoii asion t .,xt ;' of 1Kallsa 8. in accordanice of the graduate ,school for 1lib a2riatn V c. (a i f gun three years ago. sh ip, as 111i,,gr'oupI has made e n- ( t; ; .ibe we 'n at least unltil rive st uds= of thle fposililitifsr; o,' 1,\ ct i 0 meire Thmnan innocently in- anl institution. In 1923 the club) ,. ,m-ti 310'_d about this "S"1:rr'nl o" - ' aittod to the Carneg"ie cor,,^,:)z0~ statement of its belief that a graduat cooclosG ely affli at ed x 1111 n-of '1 mei2n uan wises who are inlfer- the lar'ge utiisit jo t1'he cit. 1ic ttellhoot was the conclusioni would fulfill will go toward the stadium fund being show that the large majority of stu- raised there. dents in the iUniversity are either ' fI members of churches or have a pref- Prof. William L. Graves, of the Eng- I erence for some certain church. Out lisph department at Ohio State univer-f of the 8,652 students who registered in 'sity, suggests that football be made September. 7.137 ate affiliated in some the subject of verse.:IHe thinks Vach- way with a church group. Thlis shows el Lindsay would 1)e suited to the approxinately eighty-two per cent of task. the studlents in the University have some church connections. Hip flask sales to students at the Seventeen per cent of the students Un iversity of Wisconsin will be in- of the University select the Method-j vestigated as a result of action taken ist denorminat ion, according to the by the Sophomore Lunch club, results of the religious census. Pros- h yterians compose thirteen per ccent Ring Lardlner's six-act playlet, "Tax-( of the student body and Conlgregation- phases of life at the University of alists follow with nin' per cent. Epis- I Wisconsin, an-pears in, the current copalian 3, Rolinii Catholics, and Jews idea Americana,'' coveing various coipti;, cigh.tlper cent, seven hOe' numbere of the Wisconsin I%'terary cent. andi six tper cent respectively.f magazine.j The al. ovt mentioned faith.. are the -- -I l highost rei iorls in rapresenta- ClerneSale Correspondence Stationery Leather Goods and Novelties Buy -now and effect a considerable saving. 0.- D. MORRILL 17 Nickels Arcade The Typewriter and Stationery Store I Open EveningsIN This year's ,church census was com- iElt11"11t111 11111Eli11lfltit iilili1 rifiillMlE pieted just before vacation and gives a. complete numeration of students. connected with the various churches. The dlata is compiled with the aid of registration cards made out by every stuodent who enters the University. ----- _-___---____ = These cards also form the temporary. " directory which, the Student Christian 1OA NYIMT 2c VNN association maintains each fall priori-- tthe putblication of the student dil- A- Film Drm of JX~9L4L.)LLeILO_ rectory which appears in 1November._ and Splendor _.,. Religions of foreign lands, such as i. Hinduism and B~udhism, have, their followers in the University. In addi- tion, almost every reoligion wvhich ex- ists ini any part of this cottntry is rep-- resented by at least several Michigan f studen-ts. - ':. ' 2r:" - Gern'vzn Merchants To Visit Mexico hlanburg, Ja. )- A party of G~er-'=#, iman mezrchanlts and min ida; tu 'ers v.1illeav e her e Januar y M for Allexico, whlere they, will he given an ofin it 1 Flran .le welree. '. Tlv wtll Itour i'1 lxico for L'C) -l : r1) day", viziting the ilnd3.stri< . ,mining'" So~elhrlal S o- ci and oil re'gions o: i ht? r, ,IaiicO. M T IDE Y- - -- .,N~------- ms*nx.+aw..rvaew Starring ait '- r x . =Resplend-ent Paris is height of y > , fufolly. T h e of e biling , PtCU homas Boxed Gifts IPlace Cards FAVORS IPICTULRE AND PLAtCQUI+CS APLIED ARTS N-ead the Wanet . r' W- r r i .a Ihad, 'em tipir a ig out of ii F.4- 4 3-.F ._, Hi TODAY ii P s V ! -- ,.. 1 their seats all day, yesterday!I DIVERTING? umh, hum! Up) :1114 downt Broidway - in filie Garihl ILighat of the Raarlmty tCoaust - and at Last in the lJepthi of l s~huai u- -9,670 Mlliles on1 h le l)owii (Gu'ide -- and Il enl the Long ]'sIIalt Bck. -.1 IEI I uj ITHEN COME! W. (OVG j11 " M..xi ; A c i7i Phy sical Fitnes! YGood athletes are made, not born!l Given all the inherent qualities, the star runner, golfer, "baseballer," etc., must be carefully, thoroughly trained--both mentally and physically. So the methods of trainers and athletic experts1 are of interest to aIl n And it is significant that an --_i _i: tF 1 is almost universal as a part of the pro- gram of developing the utmost in physical fitness. Mufflin Alkohol is available to you, too-for this and many other uses! Find to soften the beard, before shaving; to cool ancd soothe the skin, AFTERshaving. Splendids elief for tired, aching feet; great for sunburn; an efficient antiseptic and germicide. Mifflin Alkohol is denatured by a formula which actually improves it for external use. College teams and many other athleti organizations use Mifflin Alkohol regu- larly. Be sure YOU get MIFFLIN-in the handy-grip one-pint bottles as illustrated. /1.9 Uh1 1ATCH! w iainy .. l t 1 ar., 7Ae ~1 llow c i25c, :vie the '-4f ar A lhv Ilov('r A iip A tI'P Wil for' elvc @ wlif i-- friend hus-bajd stand'ig the bill! JULES ECKERTDMN'S Play with 0EORE a Dciwty kail Ai //)r Bobbed hair--tii1viai of itscjf--has started zatny a familytr row! Especially when the hw-band does not like it, but---tide husband's friend does! .....m Mifflin Chemical Corporation PHILADELPHIA. PA. Saks, Agents: HAROLD F. RITCHIE 8& CO., InC. 171 Madison Ave., New York Toronto Sydney Wellington nwu N FALKIOHLJOL 10e, 3i5, , ))c New / C 6O®, A Gam - GEORGE LIBBY -Also- Pres nt.. Aesop Fable "The Rad o au eville" ~artoon Song Dance ' rvesty G IRLS!" Featuring- Leo Comedy MARLEY- .°____with Ti lf]21T dlTI'-- i 4 ,.Vsn -ufV S r % >11IDV)fl' AkViiafhS"i HIARO)LD RJOAC'H S~IOWS 2-3:30-7.S:30 ICES MI 'FF,LrN - 1111 I ! I VIII II