THE WEATHER NSETTLED; PROBABLY SVNOW TOI)AY Ar t r { r Iaitjj MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXV. No. 75 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARLOR, MICHIGAN, TUSDAY, JANU4RY G, 1925 EIGI T PAGES PRICE, FIVE CENT) ... CHIAGOSHOWING' "I LAST NIGHT END 1825 PERATRIPI CAST RETURNS TillS MORNiNGI AFTER PLAYING IN 11 CITIES ON ROAD 17 DAYS Harlan F. Stone Appointed. U. S. Supreme Court Justi Washington, Jan. 5.-(By A.P.) -I Harlan F. Stone, attorney general, was appointed by President Coolidge to- day to succeed Joseph McKenna in the United States supreme court. The nomination of Attorney General Stone td succeed Justice McKenna, whose resignation had been announc- ed earlier in the day, was sent to the Senate just before that body adjourn- f his new duties as soon as the non ation is confirmed and a successor1 been named for him as head of Deaprtment of Justice. Mr. McKenna's resignation had b a foregone conclusion and the Pr ident acted in naming a succes within a few hours of its announ ment, after calling Mr. Stone into c ference at the White House. The nomination of Mr. Stone m referred by the senate to the jurisd tionary committee. 1erforniers Entertained at I)inners, I ed. Dances by Various Alumni Mr. Stone is expected to, take up O rganizations s After a seventeen day tour of prin- cipal cities in Michigan, Ohio, Illinois and Wisconsin members of the Michi- gan Union opera cast returned to Ann J Arbor this morning, playing their last CL IU 1 11 performance in Chicago last night. The opera played in eleven cities Uiversity Women Undertaiketo Bring during the holidays, starting with a the Color Orgai performance in Grand Rapids, Dec. Here 19, and ending at Chicago. Bay City,N TICKETS ON SA LE TODAY Saginaw, Port Huron, Flint, Detroit, Tohedo, Cleveland, Cincinnati and Mil- watikee , were the other cities visited Thomas Wilfred and his Clavilux, by the production. Five days were or Color Organ, will be presented by spent in Detroit, four performances the Ann Arbor branch of the Amer'- being given there at Orchestra Hall can Association of University Women and three days were spent in Chicago, i a r 'where the show played on Saturday in a recital Tuesday evening, Jan. 13, night and. last night, in the Eighth in Hill auditorium. Tickets for the Street theater. One night stops were I performance will be placed on sale ide in each of the other cities. today at Wahr's Graham's, and Slat- IMembers of the cast and choruses book stores, and are priced as of th show were untertained in each r's city by the Michigan alumni there. follows: main floor, three center see-I A reception and dance was held for tions to the balcony, $1.50; three the company in Grand Rapids, Bay I center sections under the balcony, City, Port Huron, Flint, Cleveland, and all side sections, $Y; first balcoy, and Milwaukee, while they were en- I first four rows, $1.50; next four rows, tertained at various clubs in each city $1; remaining rows, $0.75; and the en- d uring their stay there. Luncheons tire second balcony, $0.50. All seats and dinners were provided for the are unreserved.f cst at the different clubs. The Clavilux, invenved by ThomasI The entire organization traveled in Wilfred, has made possible the use of two Pullman cars, while a special light as a fine art by placing the three baggage car was used to transport I necessary factors, form, color and mo- the costumes, scenery and special Ition, at the command of the playeri properties which were used in the at its keyboard. The artist seated at production. the Clavilux opens a notation book Ninety-three men, including the and by playing upon the keys releases cast, choruses, orchestra, various pure white light, moulds it into form, comnmittee chairmen and eight union makes the form move and change in stage hands znd electricians, made ! rhythm, introduces texture, depth and tlike trip, finally all shades of color. Mr. Wilfred'is the only person in f the country who has been able to per- feet an instrument exploiting moving C, C U RESOLVES.'U light and color. Besides his numerous LIconcert engagements in America he has recently closed a contract to pre- PUBLISU PERIODICA sent his programs for a three weeks' season at the convention of the Inter- As a result of resolutions passed at national Association of Artists in the last board meeting of the Chain-Paris this summer, and a theater is ber of Commerce, a small booklet, in being equipped especially for his use th e form of a four page bulletin will thre l$e published by the Chamber every Last year Mr. Wilfred traveled with nonth. The bulletin, which will prob- only a three-manual instrument, but aly appear for the first time shortly I on his present tour he is using a five- after the middle of January will fea- manual instrument which he succeed- tire the work of the Chamber, and e d in perfecting this summer. will endeavor to keep the member-I Mr. Wilfred's complete Ann Arbor ip more in touch with the progress program will be announced in a few or the organization. days. All groups affiliated with the Cham- _ - ce ., i i !! I ( i i DUROI'NG VA CATIO Former University Secrefi ry Strich in Zits 9st Year D WAS CIVIC LEADER News Of The Day e A StudenWLTYHyo From Washington 1T ['hCity Te('resident's agriculturalcon- flAP TI~ Cit mission reconvened to map out plans n- n rfor farm relief. has "ello, Bill" and "Happy New Year,__ tho Hud" were much in evidence on State House leaders agreed to pass at this street last night and this morning as session a $38,000,000 rivers and ar- i hundreds of students returned to Ann -ors bill. nPRE)SIENT'S BAChE{S THil1NK Arbor for the opening of school this - IE WILL BE SUSTAINEl) morning. Although quite a number Associate Justice McKenna, of the sor 'OI)AY have been straggling in during the supreme cou"t, resigned and Harlan F.} ce- past week to do a little studying, the Stone, attorney general, was nonin- on- HOUSE W ON'T ACT majority of them came on late trains ated to succeed him. last night andl early this morning. ass IyTaxicab and baggage companies Minister Clementel's memorandum lis- I (Orbinrtin Py aise and Postal ,were swamped with bus4ness yester- on the French debt was transmitted Rate InreaseWlBeday and today and will be for the next to Secretary Mellon by the state de- Offered linstea(d few days until all the students are partment. hack and settled for the final five ~~ 1 Washington, D. C., Jan. 5. (By A. P.) weeks left before the close of the se A motion to recominit the postal pay _ -Irasident Coolidge's veto of the p's- mesfer. Feb. . Finil are shl'ndC bill, velod by reid'nt C '&lide. wa tal nay increase bill will be sustained 'to start Jan. 26, and the usual mad deieated in the Senate but final vote in the Senate tomorrow if administra- ru.h of studying and cramming is ex- on the measure will be taken by 4 tion leaders can hold the strength pected to start at once o'clock tomorrow. they were able to develop tonight in ' the first test vote. They are con- President Coolidge endorsed co-op- fident they can do so. Uferative marketing in an address be- ien The test came on a motion of Chair- IIfore' the national council of Farmer1 man Sterling, of the post odcehe coi- Co-operative Marketing association. mittee, to recommitt the pay measure! r r which was executed with approval last IThe War Finance corporation can- June. The motion was voted down, 30 ULceled and retired $449,000,000 of its to 52, but the 30 votes had for recoi- $500,000,000 capital stock as the mital is two more than the one-third $500,000,00 caia stc a- h - in cssarystwomretent thehme -sirdei-Faculty Members Attend 1924 (1on. itial step towards winding pin its af- he; necessary to prevent the nmeasure be-! vnhn;VnTn 'eet ais ed coming a law without presidential sention;TallTyne Presents - e - me sanction. arSenator Walsh, Democrat, Montana,3 'ke If the President is sustained, the denied in the Senate that there had house will not be called upon to act, EXPECT 400 DELEGATES been an alliane between Democrat n- the pay raise measure having originat- an Republian nsurgen telat ere ed in the Senate. In its place will be ,Decision to hold the next annual session.s s el; advanced the administration's comb'- convention of the American Historical n nation and postal rates increase bill, association in Ann Arbor was made The Navy department announcedl n introduced last week by Senator at the 1924 gathering, held Dec. 27 to scheduled flights to Bermuda, San Ju- rny Mones, Republican, New Hampshire, 1 31 in Richmond, Va. Reports and an Porto R th whofaiedin n ffot oda t pacn, Poto ico, te Canal zone, andf who failed in an effort today to place 1pagers from various delegates were either Honolulu or Europe for the air in it before the Senate prior to consid- also he:rd at the convention, among liner Los Angeles next spring. re oration of the vote, which were papers by Prof. C. H. Van I _A__x rn ld, Under the unanimous consent Tyne and Prof. U. B. Phillips, both The supreme court armed the in- le. agreement which became operative to- of the history department here. -nt esrang th e h ni- pa (day the Senate must vote on the vetos' pjunction restraining the Chicago 4ani- ith not later than 4 o'clock tomorrow. Professor Phillip-' paper was on tary district from diverting from Lake -ith notaltterctsawithoSlavekLaoorrand.I of Under the parliamentary situation wPih Free," while Professor anMichigan more than 2,0,000 cubic feet+ new existing, the pay and rate ad- ''i ner dealt with the Ames-s n of water per minute. re- I vance measure cannot be brought upI can Revolution. ne immediately and there were free pre- ThenatorrGaryrofhRhmde 'Island,-in vasor Gary, fyRhheeprsgnd m sdictions y senators sicaking for the The pgram for the meeting which troduced a resolution asking Secretary he overriding of the veto that the bill willb e held in Ann Arbor has not I Hughes whether any foreign power. to would not ge Passed at this session. yet been arranged. It is the custom had protested against the elevation of of the associi tion to hold its meet-i guns on American battleships. 5G. ings during the Christmas holidays s nM aj r General the 1925 gathering will probaby In convene Dec. 27. It is estimated that W oman Governor qty, ;U S A4 dlegates will visit thi city for ed s it, i - the next conference. tf Force Too Weak Other members of the University y First faculty who attended the Richmond! uors - nmeeting were Prof. A. L. Cross, Prof.f hi ashington, D. C., Jan. 5.--The U. Earle w. Dow, N. V. Russell, George Cheyenne, Wyo., Jan. 5.-A climax in- S. air force is inadequate to serve the W. Brown, all of the history depart- to more than 55 years of equal rights 'BURTN IMPOVED IEXPECTED TO ASK IF RE(OVERY WARRANTS, PLANS MAY BE DEFINTELY MADE BY END OF MONTH BULLETIN ISSUED Saturday Is First Day President Has Left Bed Since Ten Weeks' llliiess While no definite plans have been 10 mfaT 'ula as y''. ~i is Ihoug l that r in,-deiit Marion L. Burton will re- quest an extended leave of absence from the University to complete his recovery from his recent illness. The President's condition has shown marked improvement, and it is hoped that by the end of the month his re- r covery will have advanced far enough j for definite plans to be made: The first serious halt in Dr. Bur- ton's recovery after the first week in November came at the beginning of the Christmas vacation when he con- tracted influenza in the epidemic which prevailed in the city at that time. No bad results followed the at- James Henry Wade, secretary of t University from 1883 until 1908, di last Wednesday evening in his ho on Maynard street, following a stro from which he never regained co sciousness. Fiuncral services w held Friday evening at Dolph's chap and interment was made Saturday j Jonesville, Mr. Wade's home for ma I ye .r4s. Mr. Wade svas born Feb. 5, 1834 Onondaga county, New York, whe he lived until lie was ten years o when his family moved to Jonesvil With the coming of the Califorr gold-strike in 1852, he started w his 14 year-old brother and a party 25 for the coast. The rigors of the long journeyi duced the party to five men and o woman by 'the time California w reached. Mr. Wade remained in t West for four years, and returned Jonesville by way of Panama in 18 For 27 years hze was engaged int hardware and mercantile business Jonesville. In 1883 he came to A Arbor as secretary of the Universi a position which he occupied un' 1908, when he resigned Lt'theage 72. His home has been in Ann Arb since that time, though most of 1 winters were spent in California. Mr. Wade displayed an activei terest in civic affairs, and his 1 trips down town were to register a vote in the fall election. He was director of the University School Music since its founding, and serv for a numntier of years as a region I director of th-e State Savings bank. Mr. Wade had enjoyed good hea until the last 30 years of his i when he became subject to chroi facial neuralgia, followed by an atta of neuritis in 1924. lie undrew( an operation and improved consid ably until he was stricken. i tack, but the President's recovery was delayed for two weeks by it. His present condition is outlined in the following bulletin issued yesterday by attendant physicians: President Burton has been showing signs of marked improve- ment during the East week. For the first time since his illness be- gan he has been able to leave his room. He is now able to be up and about in a wheel chair. Should we be guided by 1Vr. Purton's good feelings and the inc-e',d -n-r'v he shows we might permit him to do more ,than he does. Mrs. Burton intimated yesterday that President Burton will spend some time away from Ann Arbor when his recovery has advanced far enough for him to go. No plans have been made I as yet, and no decision which would lead to the application for the leave of absence has been reached. It is quite possible that a formal leave may be granted by the Board of Recit's to cover the period of the Presid ent's convalescence. Saturday was the first day on which President Burton was able to leave his bed in the ten weeks of his illness. In a wheel chair he was moved from the room which he has been occupy- ing, and has enjoyed the slight diver- sion every day since then. During the weeks following the mast critical stage in his illness Presi- dent Burton has been keeping in con- stant touch with world happenings I and events on the campus. lIe has seen no one except his bhysicians, nurses, and members of his immediate family. His older daughter, Mrs. George R. Stewart, Jr., who was called from her home in California at the 4 ast nd a of ved I Ilth nic ick ent er- country effectively in a major wart emergency, Major General Caprick, chief o the army air service today told the special house aircraft in-c vestigating comnittee. Abor', 700 planes are needed, said the gene-al, to bring the strength of the service up to the present construe- tion program, 2nd even with these in comnmission, he thought, the strengthj would not be equal to a struggle for air supremacy under war conditions. The U. S. at present, he testified, has only 25 first class pursuit planes and 91 first class bombers, and lacks entirely first class observation planes, ground attack pilanes, training and ment, ail political- a paperc of 1824." TOIN d Prof. E. S. Brown of the I for women in Wyoming came shortly science department, who gave Iafter noon today when Mrs. -Nelly on the "Presidential Election Taylor Ross formally took over her duties as governor of the state. IER OF COMMERCE NEAR TRADE HEA mr:ugu ral ceremonies, short and light in their simplicity, mnarked the introduction into office as the firsti woman governor of any common- wealth in the United States. Calling for "divine guidance" Mrs. Yale Is Seventh o m will Ibe givenI .space ,1 F4.J l4 To Totransport planes. As a result he said, in the bulletin for the purposes of BelRemoves To Fall To Navy reliance must be placed to a great ldngit was announced by the --- extent upon absolute obsolescent secetary yesterday. Annapolis, Md., Jan. .5-Fresh from types, which, however, he described as Brussels, Jan. 5.--New Belgian triumph over three leading teams of probably superior to anything which Local Societies road traffic regulations which go into the Western Conference, Navy tackled foreigners can produce. "Technical- S upplyJ Food For effect in February provide that a Yale on the basketball floor here to-- ly," he said, "we are at least abr ast speed limit will no longer apply to (lay and won after a hard and cleanly with the rest of the world." Stricken Birds motor-cars. Motorists merely must fought game, 28 to 22. - In a effrt o cobatthe ata avoid driving in any fashionwhc The victory wa~s the sevenith straight LM T[' ME5 F Imay endanger the rpublic and pedes- for the Navy this season. effcts of the ice storm which has ' trians must get out of the way and. eld sway in Michigan for the past allow cars to pass. Berlin Jan. 5.---The University of ________art ps__was_ Berlin, during the coming winter, will E rNRENCi three weeks the Boy Scouts of Ann Washington, -Jan. 5.-An emerg- give a course of lectures on "The Arbor, backed by the local Chamber distributting hun- ency deficiency bill carrying $157,- United States and Canada; their Posi- m111,700 was reported today by the tion in World Economy and World Washington, D. C., Jan. 5-With dreds of pounds of food for the birds house appropriations committee. Politics." the text of Minister Clementel's "per- ini and around the city. Heckley But- sonal and unofficial" communication er ' president of both the Chamber to Ambassador fl(,rick on the Frernch and the Boy Scouts, recently issued a ill Laboratory For debt question filed for information cill to the citizens of the town tocon- i with the deist funding commission, tribute such food as they could in an R hetoric S u y NofSem ester ocials atWashington turned atten- effort to save the birds and smaller !y py t m. animals which, have been unable to itiontodayerincipally to the more de- reach their normal supply of food. atfinite development affected with re- More than 1,000 pounds of grain, Installation of equipment for the Modern Language association" Pro- lation to the status of the American -suet, and scraps have already been new phonetic and rhetoric laboratory f fessor Morris said. "At this meet-!thatlsub gtinsthsrman k wh-n received by the Chamber and turned i om 06o Alwhc aiatned aoti that subject comes up this week be- e is taking place in room 2006 of Angell ! ing, which was attended by about fore the conference of allied finance over to the scouts for distribution. hall, where apparatus for the use of seventy representatives of laboratory ministers in Paris. continually being received it was thirty students will be ready by the phoneticians and practical linguists, stated yesterday by P. P. Woodbridge, middle of the second semester, ac-1 chief interest was directed to the de- staryofethed Chambe. h e , d- di of the I velopment of the laboratory technique M IKSO secretaryb of the Chamber. Thefeed cording to Prof. A. R. Morris of the for research in teaching. Two sec- ing will be continued until such tm htrc department. Tables havetistgthrdcddhath a- as it is thought that the birds will be ealready been installed and chimo- oratory method was now established, ilSHi" able to reach their natural food graphs have been ordered. The ap- I and were of the opinion that the ques- sources. Iparatus being completed by Professor tI n was now one of securing a stand- -- Arthur . Gilman, chairman of the Ross, heavily swathed in mourning time of his division of trade and industry of the for her husband, the late Governor return to 3 Toledo Chamber of Commerce, will G Wm. B. Ross, stepped into the place I on Thursd speak at noon today in the Chamber made vacant 1y his death less than I university of Commerec Inn on subjects related three months ego. iMr. Stewar to organized industry. Mr. Gilman is Tears came to her eyes as acting- following t regarded as an expert in the field of Governor Lucas, in a brief address, I industrial organization, and it is ex- pledged to her the fullest co-opera- I pected that he will spend some time tion of the state officials, called upon a'ter his talk in organizing business, the electorate of Wyoming to stand EgI professional, and industrial groups. solidly behind her and paid a glowing, This is to be the first progrem of tribute to the virtues of her husband. the year and appropriate enteria - -________ moent will be provided. Students in I On I the University Chaber of Commerce 14,000 Cases are invited to attend the meeting. Docket In Paris o e i Docke hi a~rs i'of the Ame open the d Paris, Jan. 5.-The Paris Court of is being m ENLS RA FAS Appeals has well over 14,000 cases on he address its docket awaiting trial, and the prin- men at 7: cipal provincinal courts of higher;in the Ar FXEEO MILiON MA : jurisdiction are in much the same sit- have been most critical illness, will Berkeley with her husband ay in order to reach the of California in time for rt to meet his classes there he holiday vacation. CHIEF TO OPEN EORMEMBERSHIP DeRyke. president of the trict ofis c *-higau branch erican Legion, will officially rive for membership which ade by the local post, when es a meeting of ex-service 30 o'clock tomorrow night ,mory building. Invitations mailed to 700 ex-service 1 i London, Jan. 5.--The number of persons in Great Britain who have taken out wireless receiving licenses has passed the 1000,0000 mark, and is growing steadily. It is estimated that the actual number of listeners-in ex- ceeds, 4,000,000. uation. At the same time cases are men of Ann Arbor to listen to Mr. added faster than old ones are de- DeRyke's address on "The Past Ac- cided. complishments and Future Plans of the State and District Headquarters Washington, Jan. 5.-The supreme of the American Legion." court today declared valid and con- Roscoe O. Bonisteel, commander of stitutional the Kosher laws of New the Irwin Prieskorn local post will York. talk on the plans of the local post 1 for the future. Speakership Race In House Tightens Upon Eve Of Vote CARSE FIRE CASE ~STILL RMINS MYSTRY LaningpJaPn. 5.-(By A.P.)-The FRATERS Ye Are Welcome We receive you with open hearts and sincerely hope that all our Morris will also be placed in the new ard laboratory apparatus. Iowa, Utah, Washington, D. laboratory and will probably bO ready Michigan, Columbia, Dartmouth, Tu- I President's agricu at the end of the current school year. lane, and Hunter will all attempt, went to work today Professor Morris returned Satutday with the aid of the Western Electric immediate relief m from Washington, where he gave a company, to secure one uniform stock industry, paper on the "Line Length of Free I method. 1 After spending t Verse," before a section of the Amer- "All agreed," Professor Morris con- 1 the day arranging ican Association for the Advancement tinued, "that rhetoric and literary change in views TT.. ...:.i i~hn nF +'h