PIDAY, DECEMBERn 19, 1924 THE MICHIGAN DAILY . AT 3 P.M. ADVERTISING r,i, F'OltSALE 1Ot}It E MAN'S 'HN KEWPIE Oppo '- -- E g. 4 P. X. to CallI7 lye le __a feast of, I . 4VV 01c ages fr vx rI.T:':m f;, iv'.t i r . O{ lg--CIdCl7ltfife-Ilight, ltrch-l ;: i.-. until today. Christnas is a feast of light so ahtuncbnt thoat can Le toned, cola-ed, direct-cl -loods the 1 orne with Holiday cheer. Wec havre ,reries of lights for Ch~lx seas tree decorations in bothr carbon and nitrogen bulbs, III all colors andr~ designs~. No tree iscmlt whihout these lights. Ligh t up your tree and n~teit glow with a message of peace, hap- p~iness and welcome. LamedeCo Up-to-date Hardware iht N'HREE Passengers going through Columbus, Chillicothe to Ashland, Ky. Sedan. Leave Sat. A. M. 2512-J. SOME ONE TO Read about two hours a day during Christmas vacation. Preference will be given to stu- dents doing work in Etnglish Litera- ture. Furthers inforniation call 1270-J. COLOl ,ED MAN' Middle age, would like position as chef in fraternity. Good references. Phone 2915-R1. cade, MICE3 URGS SiteI Arch ars S1 A. N. 799.31 diver. *~. J~J~. LA.A&LME C Wuerf ITheatfre 1Bldg. Fii'st: lor T712 We sup~ply the increasing (lemfld fear good shoes at a fair price. I'lafies Dress Slippers 2-::i Mcn's (Col- legiale Shoes ExYclusive agency for Educator ;hoes. D] Take a pair home to Mother, Dad, kid j I alt sister or brother for a Christmas girt. Open It A. M, to 9 P. M. Phone 2240-JI CLUE LUNCHY 2Arbor- Street ite and Packard Sts. I -h~e Want Ad,,; IL All OccasionsI 605 Church ____Phone '115 4 i I $ E 3 ' s _ I . ....._ , 7 s ', a i i i LOST LOST or stolen at the Arcade Cafe- teria a set of drawing instruments. Notify B3. Beraway, 3'01 N. State. Phone 1363-R. GLASSES in leather case Dec. 17, on campus or State Street. Call Dorothy Kinney, Martha Cook, 217. LOST Young black and tan police (log. Answers to name "Eric." Reward. 1105 Oakland Ave. Phone 2343. LOS'T White gold pin-set in diamondls and sapphires, Friday night at Union. Reward. Call 3319 or 816 Hill. St. L. Lake. ALL KIND) of trunk and door keys. Dell Keller, Phone 2498. 1210 W. Huron. FOUNTAIN PEN REPAIRING IF YOUR Pen fails, have it repaired by penmakers at RIDER'S PEN SHOP It costs you no more. 24 Hour ser- vice or better. WHY Experiment. Buy your fountain pens of Rider where you can get adjustments by pen specialists. jUIDER'S PEN SHOP 302 State StreetI BEAUTY SHIOPPES MACK AND CO. 3rd Floor Maidn St. Permianen~t Waving and Marcelling CHINESE RUGS Give her a rug for' Christmas. New silnipiit received this week. Mrs.I H, B. Merrick, 928 Church Street. RE WARD A REWVARD of $50.00 will be 'paid for the arrest and conviction of thet persoin or persons involved in the theft of a Paramount- Banjo and Saxaphioiie from Phi Chi house. 1219 Washitenaw. NEW VIC'TOR RECORDS--DEC. 19, 1.924 RED SEAL RECORDS 101)2 Price $1.50 1 0) 5 1 Price $1.56 1 9 5 0) 7 Price Price 7i 31 gaoaa--". a(cnnis-tu hec pay..? ~(Kuiowest Thou the Land?) Louise Homer 1Iigiion-(Gayotte : :Ie voiod ~aus ~sofa boudoir (Here Ami I in 1Her B~oudoir) (Thomas) Louise Homer Lil1acs (Rachnianinoff) Sergei Rachmaninoff Hlumoresque (Tschaikowsky) Sergei - Rachmnaninoff DANCE RECORDS aany-F"ox T]rot George Olsen and His Music .No One Knows What It's All About-Fox Trot Jack Shilkret's Orchestra Samx-o-1'hiui-Fox Trot George Olsen and His Music Hey! Hley! and Ilee! lice-Fox 'Trot International Novelty Orchestra pj.:ncc o' Wails-Fox 't'rot Ralph W illiams and His Rainho Orchestra G~et Lucky-Cldv apn) St omp or Shimmny Fox Troll Ralh W \illiams and is Rainbo Orchestra c _ 1%' r,- air a' C_ " :_. P ricer Right 310 -) OtILI St-ate St. - Servie Prompt VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL RECORDS I 'LOST Small dollars, onc Chemistry1 roll of bMills, about ten campus near library or building. Phone 1920-J. 1 !l 5 4) < Price 75c 1 9 i,4) 0 Price Vie 195093 Price 75c 1 9. i> 0S Price 75c Al 1one )Ieniory Lauei ile anI t he Boy Friend B~ack Where thie l) iffodils Grow IYig Bad 13ill IUkulele LouI Tandy Ie M1y old"_ e've hl~aiiipslire Ifonie Victor Salon Orchestra Victor Salon Orchestra Jane Green Aileen Stanley Billy lMurray Frank Richardson Shannon Quartet Peerless Quartet NOTICE $10.00 REWARD To the first pers5on furnishing in- formation~ leading to location of KIMBALL PIANO No. 1, shipped to Louis I-I. Clement, Ann Arbor, Mich- igan. KIMBALL PIANO COMPANY 1436 Broadway, Detroit, Michigan. STUDENTS ATTEvNON We will be open evenings starting Dec. 15. Special attention will be given to all Christmas orders. .Arnold Stavte Street Jewelry Store 102 S. State Street PLANTS, FLOWERS, Bouquets and corsages are all appropriate Christ- inas gifts. Wire: home some holi- day cheer to mother sister or even your SWEETHEART. DO it now'. And avoid the irush.. FLOWERDAY & SON Nickels' Arcade SOLID) Mahogany Martha Washington Sewing Cabinets. Finest grade at KOCH AND IIENNE CHRISTMAS CARDS of Distinction APPLIED ARTS 2 Nickels' Arcade Opp. Sub-station} CHRISTMAS FOUNTAIN PENS Make Dad happy. B~uy hini a Rider Masterpen. It may be the first sat- isfactory Fountain Pen he has ever had. Just bring a sample of his writing, we can fit him exactly. RIDER'S PEN SHOP 302 S. State St. , SCHAEBERLE & SON, Music House Ma South 1I STATION I E I' C ANOIEJ o AT 1 rul l o f OU % ST ( )Pplfls D I STATE at JACKSON-Chicago" * . ,r >. * 4 s. ,s 0 * ISIthe >T S ES C OL L G E;- ' B RCFEL wl>b hr drngth oldasred a toSo outenwetii> i*orptrlnIA n Solving. the difficult problem of pleasing everyone. becomes a happy experience here. Handsome and practical gifts-from Perfume that will carry the breath of June to some lovely Miss, to a Shav- ing Set that will be the pride of some lucky man. TOILET A PJJiCLES ldrient 1 '4, Co LO-ATE I I I I