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Varsity Jia1ictbat 1IPlatyers
licifuoky Fli-e at
Statistics have been compiled by IneligibEity Hits TIeaimi Hard But
Fred A. Hart which give the complete 'Candidates Display h God
record of the football activities of the Form
1924 Rutgers team, as well as a
resume of the records of the teams, 145 POUNDERS SCARCE
from 1913 to 1923 inclusive.-
Nine members of the Michigan bas- The compilation gives a graphic j In spite of the fact that he will
ketball squad will leave tonight for line on the great work of Benkert have to pick his mat team from only
Lexington, Ky., where they will meet and Hazel, the two stars of the team. 10 eligible candidates, C oaah Irk-
the stong Ky.,tuckye te tomrrowIt shows that every time Benkert er, Varsity wrestling coach, feels con-
the strong Kentucky'team tomorrow took the ball from scrimmage this fident that this year's teams wvill be
night. The team will be accompanied year he made an average gain of better than the one that represented
by Coach E. J. Mather and Traier seven yards or a fraction less. He the Wolverines in the Western in-f
Billy Fallon'o made 16 touchdowns and 'four points tercollegiate wrestling conference;
Tomorrow's contest proves to be after touchdown for a total of 100 last winter.
one of the hardest games of the en- 1points, more than any other eastern Out of the squad Of 30 c ndidies
tire season. Kentucky boasts a five player. His runbacks of punts and that have been working every day'
intact from their high school days kickoffs averaged 26 yards. In the i since the close of the football season,
when they captured the national in-. St. Bonaventure game, he intercepted only 10 men are eligible to participate
terscholastic title for Lexington high a pass and ran 35 yards for a touch- in comnetition this first semester.
school. They have been displaying down. Against Lebanon Valley, Ire Baker, winner of the freshman 117
,great form during the recent prac- scored on an 86 yard run from scrim- pound title last spring, is the lone
tices and are confident of defeating wage, and in the Franklin and Mar- candidate in the bantamweight.
the Wolverines who lack two of the shall contest, came through with a Karbel, of last year's Varsity team1,
members of the 1924 team. similar dash for 67 yards. Is back in the featherweiglht an
Michigan's st ad will probably -Hazel, the giant fullback, was sec- should prove a formidable grappler
line up with Landre at center, Cap- ond in the team scoring, with six for his opponents. Teopter and Kailes.,
tain Haggerty and Kuenzel at the
fardsHg t and oyle nzCerrat touchdowns, 26 goals after touchdown are the only candidates eligible for
s and four field goals. He averaged the 135 pound division.
the guards. The skipper has been ex- more than four yards every time h6 The 145 pound class is the one that
perimenting since the opening of the carried the ball, and punted 67 times is causing Coach Barker the most
practice season in an effort to locate for an average of more than 41 yards worry, he having only one man,
his best possible coibination and the on every boot. He passed the ball 21 Shafer, to enter the meets the first
five men who finish the first period times for a total gain of 476 yards, an semester. This weight showed the
of the game with the Colonels will- average of not quite 27yards on each most promise last spring, but the me
probably be the regulars for the rest ! heave. His outstanding plays include that looked the best failed to be
of the season. a 62 yard pass to Anderson for a available this semester. Rose, one of
Hutzel and Gregpry are both sched- touchdown in the St. Bonaventure the best wrestlers in the Conference
aged to get turns at the forward posi- game, another for 68 yards in the last year, is expected to return to
ins in asethe Mxpcthigpawer. tt csame tilt, and field goals against Cor- school in February, and should fill this
fails to show the expected power. I n eil, Lehigh two, and Lafayette. division in fine style.
has been a three cornered race for - -- Campbell and Maclntyre, two new
the extra forward position between
these men and Kuenzel since the start are Captain Haggerty, Cherry, Doyle, men who have just been added to the
of the season and one of them will Kuenzel, Gregory, Landre, Kresbach, squad, show much promise of devel-
be the regular before the opening of Reason, and Hutzel. oping and may add considerably to
te Conference season. The guard the strength of the team.
positions will rest between Cherry,I
Doyle, Landre, and Kresbach. Cherry IlCHIGAN-NAVY TICKETS London. De.c 18.-Former Premier
ands Doyle, both regulars from last I Ramsay MacDonald plans to start the
year fill the positions to perfection Tickets for the Michigan-Navy sea voyage recommended for his
but someone else will have to show basketball game, scheduled to health next Monday.
considerable ability at center before be played Friday night, Jan. 3, A YOU SUBSCR E
Doyle will be definitely moved to in Yost field house, wil1l go on - IA O ,ISC~hi~ V'''
guard for the regular season. sale at the Athletic association
Reason is expected to be used at offices in the field house, Dec.
the center job or at one of the for-,I 29, it was announced by Harry
wards during part of the game if cir- Tillotson, manager of ticket
cumstances demand a number of sub- sales, yesterday. The tickets will
stitutions. sell for $1 apiece. A Gift from Good
The men to be taken on the trip I
bigan (anlidates Await Steve
Frrell's Crll for Mate-
7na track iractice was held yes-
I "r 3av afternoon in the field house
Sne men whno have been holding
light workouts in order to be in the
best ilossible shape when Coach Steve
i'urr ll makes his official call for
(rack candidates, which will probeb-
3y be issued Wednesday, Jan. 7.
Several of the Conference schools
have already gone into intensive
training but Coach Farrell feels that
as the men once they begin strict
training, are forced to practice from
January until the middle of June,
neatly six months, it is best to begin
the training period as late as pos-
Led by two members of the 1924
Uniited States Olympic team in Cap-
tain Brooker and Dehart Hubbard
zind en unusual number of individual
onference winners in their events,
? lciiian's track team should have
a uc cessful year, but a great deal
will deet cond on the showing of the
snplomores. Coach Farrell is trying
to develon a number of men to win
seconds and thirds in addition to his
iridividual stars. In the past, the
Wolverine squads have been strong
in first places, but weak in the oth-
er positions.
Coach Farrell usually maintains a
t ueh smaller squad than do most of
the mentors in the major schools,
with the result that every man is de-
veloped with a view to balancing the
TT rjT Week Starting
GARRICKSunday, Deo. 21
Box Oflice Open Daily
9 A. 31 .to 6 P. 1. for
Samuel Shipman's Great Comedy
'a r:; m a.M l W to $1.")
al; dd
Shola rs hip Is BAEDAj ir r ! Return Of Wal,,h
Gie al E~lahan IIN RuAnd Rockne Help
-a 0000To Irish Eleven
Roy H. Callahan, '26, captair C ect J U IA I~E IT rih E e e
of the 1925 Varsity cross country (Special to The Daily)
team, awarded the Marsh schol- ih4'Mie ine to y NInc (aauies South Bend, Ind., Dec. 18.-The
arship for excellence in curricular on Annual Sthern prospects at Notre Dame were con-
work and participation in campus e-IEd TIl siderably brightened today when
_ Coach Rockne returned to the team
tivities, it has been announced by the { after a day's absence due to illness
Board of Regents. I KENTUCKY OPENS CARD 'as did Captain Adam Walsh who has
Callahan, whose home is in Gibs- ;- been missing from the regular roll
land, La., has been a member of tint" i 'ht ames in 10 lays i; the pro- calls for sonic time. Walsh was
harrier squad for the past two years iam id out for the Michigan Var- trcubled with injuries sustained in
althoush illness and injuries have ity - leba llteam, on their spring the Carnegie Tech and Northwestern
hindered him both seasons. lHe is also n tr) troughl the South, as game, and has been under care of
a two miler of ability, having won the anneouinced at the meeting of the specialists at Stillwater, Okla.
event in the Cornell meet last year. Toa d in Control of Athletics, held Walsh's return to the campus
-:cncday afternoon in the field house. strengthened the morale of the local
0c0jhiban will oren with the Uni- squad bringing back much of the
TOUR VEiE8AN URN v rsity of Kentucky at Lexington on fight and co-ordination that has char-
April 11, the first Saturday after the acterized the team's attack all sea-
smart of spring vacation. On Sunday sn. He (declared that ie would be
SHIFT DIVOHED Ithl tean: will remain idle, but on able to pIarticipate in the game New
Monday will clash with Clenmeon col- Year's day, his injuries having healed
Veteran pitchers have been shifted le;e at Clemson, South Carolina, in considerably. His appearance on the
about the American League with the first game of a two day series. coast hinges almost entirely on his
abandon in the two meetings in which Tuesday, the squad will journey to I ability to get into condition.
that body has participated this winter Fort Penning, Ga., where the Fort; Rockne appeared none the worse
Stan oveleskie, ancient Cleveland Benning Infantry school will furnish off for the attack of grippe he suffer-
hurler, went to the Washington Sena- two days of opposition. On Friday ed yesterday. Scrimmage was held
tars after a brilliant record which and Saturday, the Michigan Varsity for th-e first time this week, with the
included a three-game winning mark ;will have the University of Georgia second team and freshmen engaging
in the d's Series four years ago. ods opponents. The games will be in a long argument, of which the sec-
Joe Bush, who bore tme brumnt of the. played at Athens. rhe final contest. onds had much the better.
Athletic victory in the big brawl 0 of the trip will be the game with the
Atyear ago rys gone to St.gouis ii iniversity of Cincinnati, on April 20, New York, Dec. 18.-F W. Wool-
yexcange fgor Uan oker, w luis nat the latter city. Tlra team will re- worth Co. has wiped out its bank
never been in the series. Dutch turn to Ann Arbor on Tuesday, the borrowings, paying off about $6,560,-
Ruether, who won the first game of t firstdy after the spring recess. 000 hort term obligations.
the 1919 ja, has also been sent to
the Senators. as e t AVE OU SUBSCRIBED YET? Yolr Subscription is payable now.
CUTprecisely according to
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in notch and shawl collar
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LUXENBERG way of fab-
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This women s store xvil be
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Dinner Suits
$57.50 to $80
Come in and see them.
You will not be urged to buy.
Herman, Mandis & Bogin Co.
Entire Fifth Floor-28 E. Jackson Boulevard
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