FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, ,1924 I HE MICHIGAN DAILY PAn R Fiv Ai-' PAGE F1'V~ ft :'npressive Ceremony Lends Christmas Spirit To Parties Carrying lighted candles and sing- dik.;on in which each senior woman ing joyous Christmas carols the rest- lights a red candle from the light o1 dents of Martha Cook building will the candle held by the president of the house and p~laces it in a window Join in their traditional procession was carried out during the evening. p eliminary to the annual Christmas A Christmas supper was served to b rakfast at 6 30 o'clock this morn- the residents and guests immediately jzng.following the ceremony. The Christmas breakfast has a Adelia Cheever and Alumnae house meaning and an inspiration all its have, also instilled the spirit of the ow n for the women on the campus holidays into the residents before . o have been guests at this affair. leaving for vacation by parties which 't means the spirit of Christmas, not are given every year. Adelia Cheever !n ely the merry spirit but the un presented a Christmas pageant at the prssive spirit of goodness which house Thursday evening which was penetrates deeper than the surface. followed by the usual candle proces- Beginning on the fourth floor ani ,i. Alumnae house entertained winding down all the corridors, pich- mcml c 01 the faculty at a Christ- in. up women from every room who :)s par:y Wednesday evening and Join in the march, the procession will Dm- evenmg was the party for ivnd its way down to the first floor the little girl for whom they enter- i .here cracklingt hearth fires, lighted tarn and provide toys. Several Ann rees and candles will mnake one feel Arbor kiddies are having their Santa t t Christmas is really here. It will Claus early this year as more than be dark when the procession forms 35 houses on campus are providing Idit the guests will watch the dark- clothes and toys for a number of city ~ ess fade and the light dawn wbile children. Just giving has made the various house residents feel that tlie carols are being sung. All that spirit-the spirit of Christmas. and still more is the traditional meth-s od of celebrating, Christmas before the residents of Martha Cook leave Change CoYYective for vacation. Needless to say, one :fOist see it and feel the effect to ap- Room In Gymnasium 6preciate the beauty of it all. "Other houses have also celebrated Increasing interest in corrective Christmas according to their tradi- glasses in physical education is ions this year. Helen Newberry heldf their annual Christmas dinner and1 shown by Ihe fact that more than 20 boar's head ceremony Thursday night. woien are taking this as elective This ceremony is unique and indi- work this year, under the instruction vidual in itself-it is totally different of Miss Louise Howe. from the atmosphere of other houses f o h t shteo te os During the past week several imi- but is distinctly clever and full of Drn h atwe eea m Christmas spirit. During the dinner provcnents have been made in the two pages carry a hoar's head into corrective room in the Lasement 1' the dining room on a large salver Blarbour gymnasium so that it now ii platter and between the courses the presents a bright and attractive ap- residents present the old English pearance. Washable white covers Malay, "St. George and the Dragon." have been provided for the bench I This ceremony is a result of fore-i cushions, and a ventilating fan has thought and work on the part of the been installed which can change the rresidents but it portrays the willing air supply of the room in a few min- spirit of the house. utes. Betsy Barbour house entertained all The walls have been decorated with a the employes of the house and 13 screens on which are posted famous Ann Arbor children at their house pictures which illustrate the dignity Sunday evening. Gifts were given to and beauty of good posture. each child from the huge trees placed n The spirit of the corrective course in the living rcom and the residents is expressed, according to Miss Howe, told stories around the burning by the quotation from the poster eulogue in the fireplace for the chil- which hangs just inside the door, "It dien's amusement. The candle ser- isn't the load that breaks us down, i e, Betsy Barbour's Chrihtmas tra- j it's just the way we carry it." Introduces Sweet Potatoes In Armenia fr} . EAGUE TO CONDUCT EUO:NTOR FES IlFE MEMBERSHIP RIVE UNUSUALOPPORTUNITY SJanuary 1. to 16 are the dates set Clark's American tour for 1925 for the life membership drive of the promises to be the most interesting Women's League. All women who in the history of these tours, accord- have not already taken out a life mem- ing to Mr. Frederick J. Haley, of Newj bership vill be given an opportunity York, director. to do so at that time. I T9is year the party leaves New jSolicitors will call rt all the orga- York City, June 28 for a nine weeks' nized houses in order to explain what ;trip through France, Italy, Switzer- a lice membership in the League ! land, Belgium, England, and Germ-. means, and to accept pledges. Women any. Germany is being included for who do not live in an organized house the first time since the 'war. Plans, ersity graduates. The director is Fa or Repayment Prof. Helen Patch, A.B., PhD, of Taxesarn n Flolyoke, and the assistant director is Of Illegal Taxe, Miss Tiera Farrow, A.B., of Columbia f Those desiring further information Washington, Dec. 18.-,An approp- concerning the program or the mak- riation of $50,000,000 to be used in ing of reservations may call Mrs.' repayment of federal taxes illegally H. W. Cake, 1145 Washtenaw avenue, collected was reouested of congress the representative and chaperone yesterday by the treasury. igan. Secretary Mellon estimated that be Announce Engagement tween last Nov. 1, and June 30, 1925, claims to the amount of $94,000,000, The engagement of Dorothy Albon, in addition to those already adjusted. S.ofM., to Alton Ammerman of Belle- would be allowed for payment. ville, was announced last evening at'- the Christmas party given by Mu Phi Epsilon, of which Miss Albon is a Read the W ant Ads member. Campaign Workers To Hold Luncheonj Detailed reports of the local fall alumnae campaign for the University of Michigan League building and En- dowment fund will be made at the formal closing of the campaign Fri- day When the officers and the various chairmen will meet for luncheon at 1 o'clock at the Lantern shop. Team captains and workers have been busy this week in an effort to obtain special gifts and every local alumna's pledge to "Give or Get" $207 before the final close of the campaign. Any" houses who have Christmas trees they are willing to give to the hospital should call the social service department of' the University hospital and they will be called for. All women who are going to be in Ann Arbor during vacation are re- queste~d to sign up at Newlerry hall before noon today. New York, Dec. 18.-Bank clearings on Dec. 15, established a new high record at New York, aggregating $1,- 615,000,000. Don't delay-Pay your Subscription today. will be given an olpport 'nity to se- nc1udIntg a ouse party n Switzer ti- .cure their memberships at a booth in3land, have been made to insure a the Linary or in University hall. happy and profitable summer. _____:___ The object of these tours is to Mrs. Anna W. Strum ist, W. C. T. supplement education by travel un- president of New Mexico, recently r the guidance of tour directors ruc hthseffD n educational directorsf and guides cRon c:d.I"t:e::::::-ff of:::n inithe larger schools of eanig. N. M. his deputies, the county school ast years grous of 135, represent- superintendent, assessor, treasurer i 3s yegs anduniveresna SHI~S Phyllis Brown and a dozen other leading mien and i ing" 34 colleges and universities, wa tI' iliBo~iada(oe te edn e n received and entertained by the heads 1 Armenians in the little mountain officials of the town have enrolled as oe e at schools of re. Id village of Djelal-Oghll, Russian Cau- honorary members of the National W. home they were received by the Pope casus, believe Miss Phyllis Brown has C. T. U. and Criy ercie beenendwed ithsupenatral ow-and Cardinal Mercier. been endowed with supernatural)0w- -""-In the women's party are found ers. This is because, by the use of Pay; yo,1' iaily WuIsci'tion. girls from high school age to un American agricultural methods, she leas been able to increase farm prlo- duction in their community. Among ner achievements has been the intor- duction of the vweet potato into Ar- mnenia. menu. Chrisim is VShopping7 Miss Brown is an honor graduate of Vassar college and a specialist in agriculture. She is in charge of sev- eral model farms established by the Near East Relief to teach its orphans d be done i Ann Arbor. and the villagers modern American I;At Darling & Malleaux's you Iamn ratcs will fnd numerous clever little t ,.n~u a- gifts-such as Bronze Book __ Ends, Paper Weights and We Extend Calendars with the University Our Lest wishes for a very Seal. If just a bit undecided Merry Christmas and a as to the selection of an appro- most prosperous New Year. piate gilt, call on us. We shall be pleased to help you. Permanenthaving Marcelling Manicuring Stoddard Darling & Malleaux Hair Shoppe Gift Sho 707 North University Phone 2652 224 South State Street Phone 3102-R -*" "T" l .."a r " ' - '" Subscribe for The Michigan Daily Say "MERRY CHRISTMAS" WITH FLOWERS tiTHE HOLIDAYS are not complete without them They represent the choicest of gifts and are always appropriate. Send them as your New Year s greetings, too. A Few Suggestions for Your Gift List Cut Flowers Corsages Blooming Plants Cyclamen Poinsettia Begonia Cherries Lilies of the Valley You will find our prices on Cut Flowers, Plants, etc., I for Christmas listed below. PLEASE PLACE YOUR ORDERS AS FAR IN ADVANCE; AS POSSIBLE PRICES OF CUT FLOWERS PRICES OF PLANTS ETC. For Christmas W For Christmas Carnations, all colors, per doz. ... $1.00 Cyclamen, specimen plants ... Roses, all colors, per doz. $1.00 to $5.00 . .$1.00, $2.00, $3.00, $4.00, $5.00 Narcissus, per doz .............$1.00 Poinsettias, per flower ..........75c Snapdragons, per doz..........$1.50 = Begonia............. ......$1.50 Poinsettias, per dozen .......... ...... Jerusalem Cherries......$1.00, $1.50 Lili.s.o. ... $3-00, $4.00, $6.00 Primroses..................$1.00 Lilies of the Valley . . . . . . . . . . $1.00 Boston Ferns .........$1.00 to $3.00 Violets, per bunch of fifty ...... $1.50 Whitmann Ferns ... . $100 to $3.00 Orchids, each ................$3.00 Our famous corsages, each ......... .... Combination Plant Baskets, the gift de ' 9 ................$2.00, $3.00, $5.00 luxe . .$3.00, $5.00, $8.00, $10, $15 ' Red Auto and Window Wreaths ....................35c and 50c Our collection of our own made cem- Extra fancy Holly and Boxwood etery wreaths are second to none in wreaths ...............$1.00 Up the country. Every plant and flower sold in our store is grown in our own large greenhouses on Maiden Lane. You will find at the above prices that we are not raising our prices at Christmas.c Ssssshhh,! ssslh! Sshzh, GIRLS! Can you t.i 8. 0 keep a secret aoutsomething in connectiont with "/""I'.J". "".~ "'.I d ' J aieA". .e"". f""i'err'r '". "'al '° ar' .il~. +'". "' . J".r!" "'. ""aI '"". ,t ' This is a good one and 1 promised not to L. breathe a word to anyone--ut you know us girls, and this is something you, will all want to know 6. Today I was in Jacobson's nosing around, thinking possibly I might see something in an evening gown that was different, that I could wear to the J-Hop. Did not want to buy one now, but wanted to get ai idea what they WERE SHOWING. I live in New York, and have shopped in the most exclusive places on Fifth Avenue. And at Jacobson's I found just as lovely and as exclusive things .as I have ever seen any place. Now here is the secret - Jacobson's have made arrangements -to buy the entire line of a very large dress importing firm of New York, and after January 1 st will have the most elaborate display of gorgeous evening gowns, creations bf the most famous Paris designers, as well as gowns designed by some of the leading American designers. A little inside tip-If you want a gown for J-Hop, wait until you come back after the holidays, and Jacobson's will display the most elaborate line of evening gowns you have ever seen. I