THE WEATHER COLDER; STRUNG SHIFT.' ING 'WIND)S poll .9dL J'Amb.. Aw, 14P 4hr 7TIA t r 4tlkan IaiItj MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS a VOL. XXXV. IN. 74 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARMOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1924 EIGIHT PAGES PRICE, FIVE CENTS . $ _ __ WRTE OxHARFood An oledot ppsEN CapitalFBth Oppos SENATE LEADES MEASURES TAI9tdn Puial'nishme nt MeasureII In Expi fl ~ lO E 9[TO SGT ON FRnPEETING Rests £ ~ ~ i ~AL [i iES C I~:nihmnt will o aso simple sentimental reasons. Without)___ ltlnogoinreetnfrsdedoubt, ta sth a nwhich it 1 OJarnet, L e os th ~~oray will be considered by the legslatorsE S X NEEB~i a . eeel nue NOER WOOD CHARGE! o la e ," stated Prof.A. 1. Wood Co the state and it rightly should belvOS I SH A SJ P N E BR K CLAPP DISCLAIS INTENTION poses the recent renewal of efforts ; "If capital punishment would stop,i INDICATIONS ARE THA~T FINAL HUG'(HES WELCOMES APPOINT- was resting easily y " OF REFLECTING O toPass a 1)ill in tli State legislature or even tend to stop, the amount ot 4 ('ION I L1 FOLLOW ENT OF _NEW AMBASSADOR Uig an operation perf INTEGRITY would restore this penalty for first degree homicide in the countryI HOIDAY RECESS FROM 'TOKIO accident had occurre first degree murder. Prof. Charles IH. today, then such a law ough t to be _ - According to Dean "WIL.. IVEPROO i popopoCoooyoolty somfdthetensameasodepartmentt boksalsovryonat>theOMstatuteUGHTjbooks REofUTOeveryMedstate,"l, WILGVEP O F se~d to the measure. is he declared. "But it has no relation CO P O IE S U H E E T R S L T o the Mcash oolr 'fThat no certain proofha ever been to the anount of crime and thushadndteltefi d Inoil i Papers of December 1l o hihwud eliey estab- !would be of no value whlatsoe rer. Scraf'ors Uderwood anid Norris to Administation Believes That Japan handtoehrwh Dealt With Muscle Shoal, fih any correlation between the ;Thus, without even considering the Folow Original ('orses Is Performing Obligatons two middle fingers, ar Leasing BRill death penalty and any lesser amount! humane side of it, the maximum pun- in 't - (c Am ret ntr igthnda( I____ of first degree homicide is the stand! ishmrelt ought to be rejected purely ____ -- of sight in his righte Washington, Dec. 18. (By A. P.)- 1£takei by Professor Wood, who goesl on a practical basis." 1 Washington , Dec. 8- AP Washington, Dec. 18. (By A P)- The eplosion ocur onlintotin ftategingthatoivhen istat shtbstantiatedtite "Althoughhav gien Ieshavet(Segivenades the subject thea- Dcisve meaclockoressuedte esdayenesa nigg Ar' ntninoimunnthmtiveniithis opnin y ociologists in of capital punishmet thoroug nate leoixad ierso a fidrn at- 1 cnrgisn esuite s tcasfanur e a promn oreeflctngt poithgitegityofgtnra. intdyesidirofssroColy!wengemteorfalatietfrdyfalvotsaidiitPraaintehescaero anAmrleyrwaspeforin ~~~~ on the Muscle Shoals problem, -al icn -Japanese estrangement w e r e He was adding lead Senator Underwood was disclaimed " My opposition to such' a propo- asked for his opinion, "I ami opposed itt~~rdtnih htfnl acintken today both by h diitr-mty!lchl hc today before a senate investigating sition is based on the fact that it is t to eymcytesm rud toiInvr uh h aegonsonteqetoLoldntb ede ion and congress. have inoved no dang committee by Edwin J. Clapp, authorj absolutely impractical," explainedI as is every other sociological student until after the Chrstma s recess. ced iIn a formal statement which broke bably radded so rapid' of an editorial appearing in the Hearst Prfso!od adntfrayIo oa. Taking dvantage of the parliamten- b o thebud f riayd l)0ton became heated,1 'hornng nespapes on ecembr 13tary situation in the senate, the groupI matic courtesy, Secretary Hughes web- ought not to have ca i oned th ppinmetofafewadfeainfwtltelenig ndr--of ;senators favoring reference of te ontheheaponmnto anwsion, according to ci ando delnOihth edn nerEA D ur L111~~PRE SENT wolit aanpesieam adorto Washington 'ites. wood Muscle Shoals leasing bill. iiri1 LL'VIunw ioe th a commission movedl for-!IJaanpeded a ea f th mstcor Imeiael ate ward wward their proposal in the hopedilratosbewnthtoco -Y With the examination of Clapp, teIo fetn opoie ilrltos ewe the two con- hapnd YKsnrw commiteenonclded hefiquir or-tries. commibte e nateda the inquiry or-IrT IT[ ' l Both Senator Underwood and Sena OFN9 AmotLtIhesae imNhehoseu1.University hospital, feorytesnaea h eusto "lU-' ois, le-dAlmostthattthemasame timesothe househ Senator Underwood, who charged that FORii EST CO U il STRuENorsladrsiNtetwTaiH was smothering in quick order a itin hoedtatss I d1ueemin lati tolowsthxruheirsd eluionperforated withgls the editorial had lied about him. r___ uceSol atos xrs eolto designed to build up an hdw 'b Chiraairne epct anub lunSpencerCoes 11100Mle expectsitNw il utoizntoetrmntintub-lw houh hir anti-Japane algmn aog h adwsterbyac mit his report on the result of the. in- Ihrun g iferenry Conrs ,)4 iln Pro isio n ised BilnAur ig joriginal courses. The Alabama Sena- white nations bordering the Pacific1 In 'the operation vestgation before the recess o rngFftethonesIn; Pa0 sted enoure tor declared hie would hold the ques-; The proposal was defended only by I Dean Cabot covered senate Saturday for the Chiristmiasj Office hse by losioni before the senate until some ac- its author, Representative Britten Re- I right palm, which had holidays. Called upon te submit proof ion is taken, and Senator Norris re- Pubican, Ilinois, and found among it, with skin from ano of~~~~ tesaeetinhsdioilta TO RG NZ CLUBS ADD MORE OFFICERS iterated that he would oppose a finali its earnest opponents house leaders'hn na tep the Underwood bill is one to lease the 1 I vote until the subject was discussed1 who live on the pacific coast. bpecialists also worke Tennessee river development to the i Thirty-one thousand miles haveI Washington, Dec. 18. (By A P)- fully. IIUnderying these developments, eye. Alabama Power company, and that+ been coveredI by T. Hawley Tapping, Provsions in the navy appropr iation Udler the rules of the senate, noth- there was revealed a steady convic- ~ Dean Cabot stated Senator Underwood's ability andl ;l111 feld secretary of the Alumni as- !bill for maintenance of the navy at its g (cani le done to stop thne discus-, tio fronm highest officials here that, there was no danger statesmanship "have often been at the sociation, since lhe took that office on present stength of 86,00 enlised en i sion. Senator Underwood has thei ther e is no threat of trouble between that at worst the pat servce f th ralrods ad oherOct. 1, 1923 During the first full year! Were approved today by the house Muscle Shoals issue before the senat\Washington and Tokio unless, by po-1 both hands and sighti Great corporations seeking public lhe traveled more than the distance' Approval also was given sections I under an unanimous consent agree iiular agitation, imaginative dangers ; Kossner, who is s prl gep q huotyinge first intanem , ao n te w rd,2,0 mls Pea- roviding for 6,895 line and staff of- wrent for disposition of thne uestion ;a e miagnified into real mi ndr Ph . (l re, c n s Clapp uoted in te firt insanceliecrs in the navy, a slight increase 'and le an hold it there until March 9 standings.1Mih ng to Alumni clubs in the majorityMch from Senator Underwood's address,! of thel large cities of the United over the nunmber nlow in the service, if he chooses. There is no limitation Pideni~~it Coolidge andl those whoj a d in the second, he gave a long list Anxious to send the bill to the senate1 on debate in the senate, and opon share with him responsibility for ther of legislation the Senator had sup- States and organizingniary groups. fbeeire Christmas of t'e nat1onnlook ported. This total will be increased ~befor Chisdtas recess, whih be- , are at libety to discuss thre bill rinrltoso h ainlo E D pored.Thi toal illbe ncrase bygins Saudy h house set a fast . as long as they wish. upon their contemporaries in cases EN I ER With respect to the statement in the' several thousand miles by next ~,,,pace today as it completed general Advocates of ~he ommrsission plan of Power across the Pacific as can- editorial that President Coolidge did March, when the field secretary re- debate on the measure. declare that if the fight in the senate d]id expnents of international frend- not, want "another Tea Pot Dome turns froni the western trip which he Before adjournment, reading of! should reach the proportions of a Ship.IN scan al i h app tatWsig-,i planning, leigAnnAbor the ;more than half' the bill had 'Peen con- deadlock, they expet the major! It is the belief of the tdinistra- I ,SHO0RT I Inplted and Representative French, Re- forces to turn to their prps liion that Japan ispefrngaih hehdntitne.ocne n h oa f3,0 ie nteps putbican, Idaho, in charge of the pro- search of a compromise. So far, the1 fully her obligations nunder the arms Mfore -.than 7$, Men II] Impes.o> tat+hee ,asany cn 5mnh ae entreeseI .o.,, wscnfdni oldleput leaer's bhind ,the lUnderwood Bill atreaty adteWsigo gemn aeToWe sprcy aoo n oncto wt ~rp, h ls o whc ascmpe- oa vt tmrrw have shown no signs of yielding their relating to the far east; that hear go- jT'~s~r Muscle Shoals or that criminal mat- 1 ed this week, two into the borderline Ono section of the bill after another aohto ad limthtthaUdr-sponetrstrit aresllt1ke ters were involved. H-e said lie sim-i states of Virginia and West Virginia, ;was readl with amendments in order, oton bill(]wimvetuallt epsed iaewt the newerorder of intetryna-eaRnestlTto'kee pl wswrigtathrwaop- one to the southwest ern states of Ok-i but few were offered and none Seao1ors o h te ad inlrltoshp;adtaEIS portunity for an exhibition, of care- lahoma and Kansas, three to the adopted. Sento Nrrsoi te thrmen, pon ibre leaers w;andthothgTEbut lessness that might become a scandal, ot eta ttso inst, ~__________ declared hie still believes les govern- epnil edr atntigbt northcentrlstaesofMinneota,_l-' ent operation bill, for which the amiable relations with the United! Preliminary estimate linois, Iowa amd Wisconsin, and three j IIIf Underwood bill is supposedi to be aL;States.; more than 75 engineer Repo t P oce ds ntotheUppe Peinsla f Mchi 13UIVILFJ Id DUDlED(:substitute, had a chance for passage iIt the governments are permitted to register Monday i OfY.V.S a Drv gan and the uppei part of the Lowr~nar~n to go along together, unhampered by gaut hr . . e lD ie Peninsula, as well as many visits to rgraagiatio and suspcionamonrth clubs in near-by state cities. niI i1Ai U L METERY I Faculty Advisors !two peoples themselves, it is the bye-! engineering and high Totaling 5,000, the mark which wasI On the trip to the Pacific coast, 1 ~rh nle fte rsdn n i dIsosduing the two week pi st.aaqutfoth tueclssiMr. Tapping has sent the following ( roveWo tyhatebstfinrainlrl-: 22 to an 2. Chita eldivtecmuiyitinerary, visiting clubs in the sixth, Tarryton, New Yoik, Dec. 1.--Sam- 'tathtesbetcofintenatinalheia Chrstasisma saldrieth cmmniy P armacy School' tionships will rule between the two Teecuss h service committee of the Y. xW. C. A.I seventh, and eight districts of the uel Gompers was buried today, on a ; capitals. periods of two weeksE Almiasoitinitlnwlilepoloee I 1 months from Decembe has made $5.0 for the Red Cross, ac- AlmiascainIitekoli leyHlo ee Faculty adisors, similar to the But they do not conceal their recog- I cording to a report made yesterday Jan. 5, Des Moines, Ia.; Jan. tr.Hsbdy6, adt es n mnoso teegneig olgntoitftefc ht fteAe-Iarranged especially fo by Reva Allen, who is chairman of, Omaha, Neb.; Jan. 7, Lincoln, Neb.; ca the committee. Jan. 9, Caspar, Wyo.; Jan. 10, Che- copany with some of America's most have, siice last year, proved theirca and Japanese people aggravate intepaicofigu A method of personal solicitation enne, Wyo.; Jan. 13, Denver, Col.; noted ipersonages, in a spot famous worth in connection with the School their misunderstandings out of all! Each course consiss wasusd b te ommtte wic Jn. 5,Sal LkeCit, tah tradition and history.I of Pharniacy, IDean A. El. Kraus of i proportion to their imortance, the1 or the equivalent, and consists of Elizabeth Hayes, '26, Mar- 17, Boise, Ida.; Jan. 19, Butte, Mont.;! To the right of his grave flowed that school stated yesterday in dis ogvmiinswilbcm nra hours credit towardt Jory Weber, '27, Helen Leonard, '26,; Jan. 20, Great Falls, Mont.; Jan. 22,1 the Hudson; to the left wound the I cussing the proposal of muemubers of; ingly enbarassed w~hen they deal hours required for ~in r>1 - .. ~n .i - . 4, Cii..........,. I * °"1n.,,,,..4. p',.#.-,n +. r )1 ' i,.At, ntn t nnother, urn 4(! no i n(P nfl a71Pt ' T -, i,, furt rosion Easily aer, grad., who in an explosion oratory of the tednesday night, ,esterday follow- formed after the A. Hugh Cabot, of wvho has charge has lost his left nger of his right the ties of the ,d may lose his dsuffer the lossI eye. trredl at 8:30 ,o'- lit, while Koss- an experiment. perchlorate to iin itself should ger. 'It was pro- ly that the solu- but even this aused an explo- emistry author- the accident ,as taken to the where an exam- is right eye was sand his right erated. that followed, the student's 1a little skin on ether part of the to save it. Eye !d over his right yesterday that rof death, and ient would lose in one eye. tudying for his from Whitehall, ENROLL ire Expected To t T igluiay Work MONDAY .s indicate that ors are expected norning for the 3es in highway hway transport [eriod from Dec. ch are given in each dluring the 'r to March, are or men engaged way engineering 't ,of 30 lectures, dcounts as two the total of 24 the Mlaster of i ++ _I a I UNION OPERA CAST LAES TODAY ON TOUR OFMID-WEST 1 ELEVEN (CITIES WILTL WITNESS A rNUAIL SHOW DURING VACATION TRIP HAVE SPECIAL CARS Ninety-three Men are Included in Cast, ('horus, Orchestra, Commuittees, an(I Stage Hands "Tickled To Death," the nineteenth annual production of Mimes of the Michigan Union, will start its 18 day tour, including 15 performances, throug-hout the middle west th'is after- noon at 2 o'clock. Ninety-three mnem- bers in the company, including the cast choruses, orchestras, various committee chairnien, and eight Union stage hands, will make thme trip. jThe entire organization will travel in two special Pullman cars, and there will be a special baggage car to carry the scenery, costumes, and various properties used in the per- formuance. The itinerary, while not asami 'ab-tious as last year's, will contain a five night stand in Detroit and three nights in Chicago. Other cities will include Grand Rapids, Bay City, Sagi- naw, Port Huron, Flint, Toledo, Cleve- land, Cincinnati, and Milwaukee, the S t B 3 G .. 3 t a ai i t latter never having been visited by the Opera before. i' i 3 >j>j l i I CJ I tl I { 1 .I I tl EI > ; , E E The train will leave Ann Arbor at 1: 11 o'clock railroad time, this after- noon, and arrive in Grand Rapids at 5 o'clock. Dinner will be served in .the, Pantlind hotel, the performance being scheduled for 8 o'clock at the jRegent theater. A reception and dance Gwill also be given the company after the performance in the ballroom of the Regent theater. jIn Bay City, the organization will stay at the Wenonah hotel, and the 'men.-bers will be given the use of the swimming pool at the new Central high school during the afternoon. A reception and dance will be held after the performanmce at the Rildotto. The Flint alumni will hold a tea dance in the afternoon and a recep- tion. in the evening for the comnpany at the Durant hotel. In Detroit the company will stay at the Statler hotel and the four performances will" be given in Orchestra hall. 'In Toledo the Opera will play in thme new Rivoli theater, and in Cleve- land at the Masonic auditoriumi. A reception and dance will be held in honor of the players at the audi- torluni. The company will dine at the Uni- versity club in Cincinnati, being given the freedom of the clubhouse for the afternoon. The Opera will play at the Pabst theater" in Milwaukee, taking luncheon at the University club and dinner at the Milwaukee Athletic club. In Chicago, the performances will be given at the Eighth Street theater, while nmeals will be taken at the Ranuilton club. The entire company will leave Chicago at 12:05 o'clock Tuesday morning, January 6, arriving in Ann Arbor at 7:03 o'clock. A Louise Carlisle, '26, Franices Hinkley, Missoula, Mont.; Jan. 24, Spokane,! picuresque wooded geni of sleepy theeie 1er1±ig aud v neJ '26, .Frances Pcenoyer, '26, and HeIlen Wash.; Jan. 26, Seattle, Wash.; Jan. H1ollow, and round about peepingI sion of the mentor system thioughout Hlebauf, '26. 29, Taconma, Wash.; Jan. 30, Vancou- [fronm the grass or reaching toward'thre University. the sky were the simple markers or Since clse ntepamacyM I BIL M Y RVD Tecustom of tuberculosis Christ- vei, B. C., cho lase sallthe pa 3 sasi pitcly nvrslab , lmiWahtheremsie aslus fWsigtnsholaesaltestato hr c a's to m i t o d a y , a n di i n t h e u n i v e r s i t y P o r t l a n d , O r e . . F e b . 9 , S a ni F r a n c i s c o . I r v in g , A n d r e w C a r n e i , W i l a 'i o m p a r a b l e t o t h a t r e c o rm m e n d e d ,FR yd C( ti s t k n o ea n u l y ao g t eC l f ;F b1 4L oA n e e , C l f ;1 o l e e l rC a lShz , adot hf ot hc apsal ag.Cassiiwmnsuet s San Diego, Calif.; Feb. 21, Fl Paso. the VanCortland, the Beekians, and1 Kraus said."The relations between Washington, Dec. 1.-IHouse men- " ~~~Tex.; Feb. 23, San Antanio, Tex.; the 3oocks of earlier geeain. instructors and students are also ihr neetdi anann h Columbia Honors Feb. 25, GlesoTex.; Feb. 26, - mr g jeitranscontinental air nail service said Watr!Houston, Tex.; Feb. 28, New Orleans, C9 TII. I STN nelgnetss hc r ie today they had been assured that the La. ! , March 2, Birmingham, Ala.;inth fil seve as a basis for rat-'I supply bill for the post office depart- Waltr Kppish a; bnOSS E~IIIN Nw orDc18-tdnstdyMarch 3, Atlanta, Ga.,; March in lgs which are taken into account a ment would carry $2,600,000 for prsne atrKpico ufl.I Chattanooga, Tenn; Marchi8 Lous- Uf fl1II1 fe weklte'b presowh operation of the service during the prnte Yorkthree timscat Bfaino, I;IIGERM1L I i nterview all fr'eshumen. Consequently' coiing fiscal year. This is the amount ISeveral more cities will be adlded _______aicecnb xc st ore orcmeddb h ugtbra, Columbia's football team, a $600 dia- i -;be t h 5nwlse ntese~ii taken and outside work to 1)bti0$5,0 es hnth oa ae thl ea e t s t urrfilugtei hetac nthats. ti- Berlin, Dec. 18.--The arliam entary! ,dropped. Consultations fnriish a Ti eoifuw sou ht tirolling) ' is h in x th en v a ca n t -. e en n g nu anattn utasin er st b t w n a v ailab le fo r t ie cu rren t fiscal y ear., atrei a h e e e t .ing his tr p, M r. Tapp ng is ak ng situation ti to a late hour tb's e e i g; e n o m t a n e e t e w e The po:+t office bill, consolidated 1lrsuetsbcipin.Kfps plans to organize but eight new alparently #tll waus in a state of hope- As;dai~ pa'ie~ with one carrying appropriations for ularstudnt ubsciptins.Koppsch Clbs, he mjorty o histire beng' esschao. i s a ean ateducatictcemael leaves Colunm bia next spring, after one c, , t e m ujrt f hs ti e bi g'e s c a s ieioi yt m h s bhiu t a b g thme treasury, will be reported tomnor- of tie greatest athletic cresi h taken uii with addressing organized Following authorizations of Presi- rsoywitmayfvabedelp!ro byheoueprpitonc - ,istory of the institu ;ion. Beside ;ahinuni groups and talking uponi the dent Egbert early today to make a toiscedt en}ru e mittee. It will be taken up by thei leading time football eleven for three ire-organization of thle general Aiui- Ithuoroughi and lfinal surivey of the sit- m eits housetafterdthe hlistmasaholidays s u c c e s s iv e se a s o n s, h e a lso is a . tra c k i n i as so c ia tio n , a s w e ll a s to e x lp la i u in i i a la t a te u plt o ma re d ._ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ a hi g o , D c 8 . S n t r C r star, captaining tie teami this year. theme pogram of the association for mini stry which would conmnand the ahritnDe.1-Saora- OTE Ithe futur*e stpeiiessary i majority in the Reischtag. I Students SkateI away Democrat, Arkansas, charged k Duighsso n;afe h nCaclo axheld a inuber of I in tesenate that the postal rates NOIE inual mieetihug of the eighth district! conferemnces with imajor parties and To Classes On I increase bill had been brought up i 1. will be held. This group includes late in the afternoon motored to the 4,P v ~ e sj "simplytopemtavteooeri" Toa' paper will be the last 1;clubs in the northwestern states. (president's homue to appraise tie ex- I ytie president's veto of the postal Iissue of The Daily to appear for I ecutive of his futile search for a so- - -- salary mieasure. Hie declared that ad- Ithe year 1924. Publication will Ilution to thle existing deadlock. Taking advantage of the ice covered I [iiiistratiori leaders knew tie senate be restuumed Tuesday, Jan, SIDNI Il6P ESN, streets and sidewalks, inventive stu- would not vote for a bill to charge 192IST MAEN S WILL FUMO T"It~iLLW IV I dents lure skated their way to classes farners for parcel post service. FORMER HI ye~~~tedy Thsmtoof1rnpri IS S O.E N IEation was probably initiated by the'A o l eiin _____ ni r i~ iaI rnarnirnnengineer who skated to an 8 o'cngeloP titon M erry readers, Jim mie feels that A f o te lii tm s h i im - V I r d I I f lHN IS C~ l and other students, in cluding w m n o a e T woruao o y i u ,a a t e o tA f o t e h i t as h r u -s i n p d o c a s s v a o a e l w e t t u al s e oe s ] e e r g s th h m o b s di e nj y nh i s .s a i g o weiintheIUniversity high school play San Fraincisco, Dec. 18.-Julius y ear IAMore than 500 students signeda Jason in search for a unique way which will be presented at 2 o'clock ( Kahn, for 24 yeairs representative in One student removed tlhe tires from petition yesterday and Wednesday, to baid you a pleasant vacatiomi. this afternoon in the assemubly hall.' congress from the fourth California his car and managed to make headway asking that the nanme of the Literary It was in your interest, so be Parents aind others interested in the !district andI chairmuan of the house i over the ice on the rims. Another I building be changed to James Burrill &cenein engieeringuegree. Among time lecturers scheduled for the vacation course are Prof. Willianm H. Hobbs of the geology department: Edward F. Loomis, secretary of the National Motor Truck conumittee ofI tme Nationa? Automobile Chamuber ofi Conmnmerce; George H. Pride, highway transport engineer of the Autocar comp~any; Frank F. Rogers, state highway commissioner; R. A. Smith state geologist; and L. E. Williams, chief engineer of the United Fuel anq Supply company, Detroit. The courses of instruction offered during. the approaching persod inchidk highway transport economics arid sur-! veys, given by Professors A. H. Blan- chard and R. S. Swinton; and gravel and, quarry plants, and gravel and broken stone roads, given by Prof. R. L4. Morrison. According to established plans, ,selec- tion next spring of aggregate inspec- t-ors and nmembers of thme road material survey being conducted by state geologists will be nuade from among the men studying in the short courses this winter. PALMER ADMITS CLASH WITH SHIPPING BOARD IWashington, Dec. 18.--Leigh C. Bal- Imer, president of the Emergency corporation, today told the house committee investigating tme shipping 'board that at times there was "[ric- tion" between the two organizations, "decided" differences of opinion ex- isting in some- matters of personnel and policy, which he held should be left to the corporation for- determi- Oriental Editor May Speak Here At the recent nmeeting of the Hin- dustan club, it was decided to bring before an Ann Arbor audience Mr. Syud Hossain, editor of the "New Orient," a magazine which is pub- lished in New York. E~fforts will be muade to have him appear in Ann Ar- bor soon after the Christmas holidays. Mr. Hossainm, a descendant of In- dian prophets, has spoken before many large audiences in the Orient and in universities of the United States on topics related to ideals of East and West. Mail Work Is Done By R. 0. T. C. Truck During the two weeks of the Christ- mas season, the University R. 0. T. C. is furnishing the Annm Arbor post office with a three ton truck and a driver. This is in accordance with na- tional government's policy of econ- omy under which vehicles belonging to the various federal (departmnents ar-e diverted to tme use of tme post office department to facilitate trans- portation of Christmas mail. University Gets complete Chassis l r r r 0 r i 1 a mt.. , . ~a,.,,,ae . .. ..,..a __. . n.