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December 18, 1924 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 12-18-1924

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Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of
the University. Copy received by the Assistant to th6 :'resident untilF
8:30 p. m. {11',30 a. mn. Saturdaya






Hezu Bowls

'' ilme 5 II'thSIAY, I)ECT1MBEIIIS, 1924

A umbelr 7 3

Faculty of the Colleges of Enigineerinig and architecture:
There wil be a meeting of the Faculty of these colleges on Thursday,
December 18, at 4:15 P. M., in Room 411 West Engineering Building.
Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary.
Freshmen Enigineer's:
All Freshmen Engineers who have not filled out secondl series of mentor
cards must do so before December 20. Cards may be obtained outside of
Dean Patterson's office by the bulletin board. These cards -should be de-
posited in the box at the same place. J. C. Brier.
Pre-Dental Students :
There will be a meeting of Pre-Dental students in the lower amphi-
theater in the Dental Buildinig at 5 P. M. today.
W. A. Bourboninais.
Froiicii 176 and 216: Contemporary french Literature and Explication de
Textes. (Second Semester) :
All students wishing to take these courses are requested to give their
names to Professor Canfleld's Secretary (Room 104 South Wing). It is
necessary to order new books that will be used in Fr ench 176.
31. Claivel.
Play Production and 1Theater Arts Classes:
All books drawn from Hollister's library for these courses are due by,
11:30 A. M. today. This applies to all books and magazines irrespective o1
who has them, Ross L. Taylor.
Public Health Journal Club:
There will no further meetings of the Journal Club until after Christ-
mas. .701111 Sundsvall.
Memibers of tie. Arumenian Students' Association:
There will be a meeting tonight at 7:30 P. M. at the Union. - Every mem-
ber is requested to be present. S. D. Sarkisslan.
White Favors Underwood Bill
As Muscle Shoals Solution

More Warnings
To Be Mailed
:'.;oe tan75,,Idition,1 uwarnings,'
((-d by the relports from various
dlepartmnent of the literary college,!
have been sent to the office of. Dean!
XV. K. Ilumphreys, assistant dlean of
the ii:ex ary college, and will be mail-I
el to students l e orc the end of the!
YlThese extra let ter s bring tha total
numbn er of warnings which have been
secnt out for thae first half of this
semester to more than 1,325. Letters
ajbeing ni iled to the parents of
l1t ose students whno have either been
wa rnedl or lplaced on probation. The'
notice of such unsatisfactory work -on
time parnt of the student, with a state-
, meait of the record, will be includled
in these letters.
As a result of the midseinester re-t
poirts 741 studtents are now on proba-
Lion and 146 have been warned. !
'Vihe reina~uder of thea letters which
e 2senlt out to students wvarned
then. th~at they wer~e doing unsatis-;
f : ctory work in one or two subjects,
anid that to pass that course their
work rmst be more satisfactory dur-
luig the last half of the semester. Let-
tors waill not be sent to the parents
of these students.
( G1 iftfomn all over the state havei
been received during the past few !
(laY, at tlheLUiversity hospital to be*
use!] as Chzristmias presents for the
pat ieit s, according to Dorothy Ketch-;
zam, dimrectorn of social service at thatj
institution, It is plhnned to givef
every lpatient at least one gift, ac-'
(:ording to Miss Ketcham. Besides this
a box filled with candies and nuts!
wvill be (Hini tiled to each onie. I
M~any Chlristmas trees have also
been gien to thme hospital but there
is;s I need for about a dozen more.
He o, ;,ill be p~laced ini the wardsI
ma~ in ether site's next Tuesday and
wrill rcnmuin there throughout the
Whistle To Warn
Oklahoma Womnn
;i~ t the Univ ersity of Okla-i
lNoma will be regulated hereafter by
the power house whistle. One Inog
warning blast-blown at 10:20 o'clock
daily, and at 11:20 o'clock on Fridays
--will ];e the signal for the start of
fou rew eli s. The final whistle, iblown
10~ minutes later, will consist of two
sh ort blast s. '

Don't Borrow-Subscribe Today.

IJEN y;j ~
Christmas Cards-Numerous Novelties
You will find a multitude of Christmas gift suggestions at
the Student Supply Store.
1111l South University Ave. Phone l11 60-R





-~ 23
4 5 Jo
I y t..
y ~~

Since Muscle Shoals must be dis-I
posed of, by the present congress ill
some way, the Underwood bill which
is now before that body is probably!
the best ,proposition that has been de-I
vised since the withdrawal of Henry
Ford's offer, according to Prof. A. H-.1
White, of the chemical engineeringI

which were made by him dur'ing the
Wilson administration.
"If congress fails to pass the Un-
derwood bill,"° explained Poeso
White, "the government can utilize
the dam and retail the power which
it will generate, as this is already al-
lowed under present laws. The fer-
tilizer pl1ant, however, could not be
operated byv the government without.

depatmet, ormely n asistnt f Ithe passage of this or some other law.
Gen. J. W. Joyes, of the nitrate divis- In view of the increasing demand for
ion, who was in charge of the Muscle fertilizer throughout the southern and
Shoals plant during the war. western states, I believe that such
"The Ford proposal, which wvas so operation is to be desired and that the
definitely supported by the South, un-f sooner sofiC law is passedl, the bet-
doubtedly 'would have meant more to ter for the farmers who are sure to
tie surroundaing states, both in indus-I be in the market for the product of
trial develolment' due to the produc-J the plant."
tion of nower and in furnishing cheap !
fertilizer, than ary subsequent plan," 1.ar Dela ys Funds
declared Professor White, who form- f
eilated the recommendations for gov- For Education Of
erment operation of the plant which:
were presented to congress shortly Chinese Students
after the close of" the war. ___
That the-proposition has been one' As an effect of time Chinese war,
of the' most notable examples of 1so- Chinese students here are handicap-
called "political football" legislationpebcasofteurilntfth
in recent years is the opinion of thei funds they receive for their educa-
nrt;former at assistantkh director it of the greatIio.Mnofheesunsar ,-
nitrte lan, wo pint tothefac pendent upon money which they re-
that Senator Norris, Republican, of ceive from scholarships.
Ohio, who now favors the develop- #4 After the Boxer rebellion an in-
mnert, was one of the most bitter op-1 demnity fund was established by the
ponents of similar recommendations!"United States, and this is used to send
Istudents to American universities.
Library AicquiresI Payments from this fund have been
delayed a month and thus deprived
AOdernconveyeri many of the students of money.
ITsing Hua college sends students
After several years of work in de- with a nmonthly allowance of $80, and
signing, perfecting and installing, the at present 15 students are here by
general library, this fall was given this means. With all these scholar-
the, use of a. book conveyor said to ships being cut off it has compelled

Curtis D. Wilbur, secretary ofcithe
Navy, bowl's for dhver sion in oft hours
at the office. This p~hoto shows huin
in fiction on a Washington alley.
WHIAT'S iii-IIG (0
Notices to appear in this colimn % must
be left in the box at the Daly office x
prov'idedI for that purpose before e
o'clock preceeding the daty of issule.
4:15---Faculty of Colleges of En gi-
eering and Architecture 'meetin g,
room 411, West Engineering build-
4:14r-flay Productioni clas ses coni-
duct open rehearsal in U.niversity
i :00-P-1re-dental st i(uns meet Inl
lowver amphitheatre, Dental build-:
6:0('-Ai'iy-tiaiy club lbuiieit at
at Union, lion. C. It. IBreckinridge,
7 :3C-Clstani Science society nieets)
in auditorium, Lane hall.'
7 :30-Arnienian Studenits assoclaioni
meets in Union.
L:-ii TlC E.'S;.
anusceripts for the Januiary i~isie of
The Inlander will be received at the
Press building until Dec.E).
Tho fr,- Vueoa l aI(oi i ': elVic'e
will b., open for the making of ap-
pointments from 4 to 6 and from 7
to 8 o'clock from now until Christ-
mas vacation at Lane hall.
Columbia, Mo., Dec. 17.-About $4,-
000,000 has been cut from the budget
requested for expenses and new build-
ings during the next two years at the
University of Missouri.;
Miss Jeanette Rankin, first wonman
to be elected to congress, has
bought a recan farm in Clarke coun-
ty, GIa., near Athens.

Christmas Suggestions
Giftis which all men
will grcatly appreciate
--for Dad-for Brother
or room-mate.
Imported Hosierq
Wide Leather Belts
Lcather Jackets
G lo'ves
English Broadcloth Shirts
Tuxedo Sets
lilab erdash ers to Michigan Men

The Dizzy Lady
Standing above
Has nothing to do
'With this narrative.

Except to catch
Your attention.

* *

The fact that she is

* * *

* * 0

Holding a hand-bag

From Burr,
Patterson and





* *

"The New Michigan Calendar
Wahr's ok Store


With a Fraternity

* s

7 ~


* * *

Hand-tooled upon it

State St.

Open Evenings Until Xmas

Main St.


1b q, ,f .. s.a,. . a ~ . , . .....

Is merely
* * *
A coincidence.

be the only one of its type in the I
country. The conveyor, which is used
to. bring books from the stacks to!
the circulation and the reading room
desks was designed by Dr. J. F. Shep-
hard, supervisor of building plans,
ajnd TiFrd R.HouDh pchief'electtrcian.

nimany of them to seek employment to
meet their expenses. Some of the stu-
dlents holding scholarships from ter-
ritory in which. the war is being car-
rieid on have had their incomes cut off
entirely for sonic time, amid a $200
reserve fund which is maintained hby

and Is patterned somewhat after the !the Campus Chinese club has been
conveyor in use In the Library of prlactically depleted.
Congress. -
Operating on the principal of an; Miss Agnes Whitehead of Trenton,
endless chain, the apparatus sends1 N. 3., 71 years old, has decided to
call slips to the stacks, and automat- resume her work as a missionary and
ically picks up books placed in it at has gone to Burma, India.
the various levels in the stacks, and
delivers them to either of the' two Don't delay-Pay your Subscription
desks. today.
1 -

Plum Pudding and Fig
Individulal aild Faily Size

At Home-
Talk ov(
r. rj
~- " llW1~l e lh LI

* * *

er your Laundry Problems
with your folks
Students are relying more

* * *


more every


I' just wanted to say

on the

Varsity to handle their laundry
When you are home talk this
problem over with t he f o lks.
If you are sending your laun-
dry home consider the cost and
inconvenience at that end, and
th~en add it to the cost and
trouble you have here.
Get all of these facts so that
you may decide the correct
method of handling your
1 ,aii A r 7

'Taking orders to be
Delivrered to you
Before Christmas.
I assume that you
Knowa that our

That we are still

'English Walnuts
Candy Bars

Business is
Gifts, and that


J Our showroom is


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