PAGE SJX K THE MICHIGAN DAILY ThU7RS DAY, DECEMBER ~,I41e, 1924 __ ~1E~IIW_._____ 717 Is l a ny : Sig aPiW COUR T SQUAD n Cni iviiviiwta I*N I1 EL 9 PREPARATON FOR KNTUCKY~IPlacing men in every event, with ABRGL I th exention o-f the 4 v tf re :-- t HU tA '.l1.11 U 1 t, V U 1G Liidie rn Htzl ay~e RguarI( style, Sigma Phi fraternity scored an{ Positions in Contest B IOWLIG TOURNSEYoverwhelming win in the interfra- Saturdayj ternity swimming meet, held. yester- ____Ailltmen who have entered ; day afternon at the Y. M .C. A. pool, LIN UP S U CER AIN I their namnes for the Union bowl- 'LIN UP S U CER AINing tournament and have not11 counting 30 points for a team total. 1Iyet rolled their first gamres are 1;1. counters more than Phi Kappa With only two more practice ses- urged to find their partners and Psi whose team finished second in sions left before the Kentucky game, have these games rolled by Fri- the annual meet. Sigma Alpha ; psi- d (ay, which will be the last day i Ion ranked third with 16 points while! Coc ahrlatngtsnthspoi on whichfisron acsi Beta Theta Pi landed in the fourth leges through an intdn:(ive ,scrim- oito wih1cunes Imay be played. 1psto ih1 ones miage in an effort to locate his best1y Darnall of Sigma Alpha Epsilon possible combination to meet the~ was high point man of the mneet with Southerners.,; firsts in both the 40 and the 100 yardl The game with M. A. C., although iiL ' ' yard event. Dunnakin of Sigma Phi easilywnhscuethskpr toU was close on his heels with two firstI reconsider his choice of players. Cap-hig lcswnin h 2 adfe tain Haggerty, Red Cherry, and Dick ftP OfllTstyle and the '40 yard backstrokhe. Doyle are certain to play against ElJii ll ast times and good individual per- the Colonels but the other two posi-! formances marked the meet through- 1 Lions, center and one of the for-l out, and many likely Varsity candi- wardl posts, are still in doubt. ReCognrition Petition. Submiitted to dates were uncovered. Sborr, of Phi Joe Landre is now considered the Board; Plani to Engage in 1 Igmbda Pi, former university of Chi- most likely choice for the pivot posi- I Meets cago freshman star, showed a burst tion inasmuch as his work during the E- of real speed in winning the breast rocent p~ralctice has been the beat MATE IIAL P O IIG stroke and should improve with prac-j displayed by any of the candidates. jPO IIG tiee into Conference winning calibre. If Landre was to start at center, the 1 The Starretthbrothers of Sigma Phi, sM pr wuld avea canceto ary With the annoutncement of a sched- skpe oldhv hac ovr each showed goodl form in winning his lineup by shifting Doyle from his; uled meet with Detroit Junior college ! their events, Paul Starrett outclass- guard to his 01(1 job at center and to be held in Waterman gymnasium, ing the fancy (ivers, while .John 1)11mg- Landlre back to the standing guardl.; March 17, and the submission of ,tedi the length of the 60 foot tank ir: Landre has practically every quali- ;petition for recognition of boxing as as many seconds to capture theelhon- fication for a center or a guard. HeI a minor snort to the Board in Control ors in the underwater event. is large and as a result his stamina of Athletics., boxing fans have, he- Dunnakin was forced to the limit t-) is good. I-he is practically as strong gun to look aver the chances for aj win the backstroke event. Halstecad. ,it the end of a period as at the start 1 winning team this year.I of Phi Psi, pressing him all th way. and his presence on the five would( As there are five veterans who wvon The winner's time of 25.6 secon1s1 strengthen, the defense considerably.I boxing numerals last season return-; marks him as a real contendler forj The forward position is being con-! ing this year, prospects for a, win- Varsity honors. The relay was hotlyj tested between Kuenzel and Hutzel.i ning team are brighter than they havej contested, Phi Kapp7a lPi arey nos- Gregory, who showed up well before' ever been since the sport was begun ing out Sigma Phi for firs: u':ae Y' the M. A. C. game failed to come 'at Michigan ft few years ago. honors. Thle xinncr.; averaged a , through in his first chance at the job; In the feather-weight class Coach; speed of 21 seconds a mnan for itle in actual competitionIlie will prob- Sullivan has a fast and clever boxer 40 yard lams. ably 1)0 iven a chance in the Ken- in Walker, who the coach believes Relay---Plii K'xpa P. fir Lucky ganie, however, if he makes, will show to even better advantage Phi, second: Beta Thehi1 Phi, third: the trip. Hlutgel is :tall enough to be than lie did last year. The lightweight' Alpha Chi Rho1, f01111 hi. Time, 1 :27.4 i agood center but his defensive work divisioni is the best forified, as the, Fancy dive--Starret. S11,4,1a1 Phi, is not up) to the standard necessaryi coach has Skaler and Nagie, two nu- ? first; Write Wray, Beta Theta Pi. for a pivot man. He is one of the bestj meral men, back in this department. second; Babcock. Beta. Theta. Pi. basket shots on the squad and he is a, There is little choice between =these third; Orr, Phi Kappa. Psi, forth. sure scorer froni under the net. Kuen- two men and one of the features ofj 40 yard free style--Darnell, Sigma r zel displayed a good playing head in. the nractice sessions will be the fightj Alphta Epsilon, first; Kelley, Phi K"I- the M. A. C. game and he may be! between these two men for the one° pa Psi, second: Malcolm, Beta Phi given a chance to perform Saturday., position. Delta, third; Northrop, Sigma Nu, It is almost certain that bothlie and i ;iser is the veteran returniixg iu fourth. Time, 20 seconds flat. Hlutzel will be taken on the trip. the welterweight division andl if lhe is! 60 yard b~reast strike-Shorr. Pi The game at Lexington promises to able to show the same consistant forth Lambda Phi, first; H-alstead. Phi Kai-t give the squad a good chance to show,. which he displayed all last season he:I pa Psi, second: Leonard, Sigma Phi, its best ability. This year's Ken-! well be a very valuable man' to the third; Aldrich, Delta Sigma Pi, fourth. tucky team is composed of five play-! team. He is fast on his feet and pos-' Time, 43.4 seconds. ers who graduated from high school; sesses a good left, with which lie was 220 yard- free style--Dunnakin,l together after taking the 1923 nation- able to score a numiber of points in Sigma Phi, first; Darnall, Sigma Al- ! al interscholastic title at the Stagg; every figh't he was in last year. plha Epsilon, secondl; Sinclair, Alpha meet. Everyone of them is a capable !-Coach Sullivan is counting on Dick- Rho Chi, third.; Spaulding, Beta Theta player and. their reputation in the1 enson to take care of the heavyweighti Pi. fourth. Time, 2:36.6. South has led them to be favored by division and if he gets in shape he' Plunge-J. Starrett, Sigma Phi; their supporters to take down the; should be able to more than justify, first; Spencer, Delta Sigma Pi, sec- Wolverines. the coach's confidence in him. Fewer o nd; Mertz, Delta Sigma 'I, third; Saturday's game will be the last on men try out for this event than any; Pullman, Theta Chii, fourth. Dist-I the Michigan schedule for 1924 and; other and if any thing should hap- arne, 60 ft. Time, 1 minute. following the contest the players will pen to Dickinson, Coach Sullivan' Backsti-oke-Dunnakin, Sigma, Phi, return to their homes until a1 few, would be hard pressed to find anoth- Crst: I-lstead. Phi Plsi, second: days before the Navy game to be cir man to take his place. Northrup, Sigma Nui, third; Shore. p~layed in the field house the night of Other meets are likely to be sched- Phi Lambda Pi. fourth. Time, 25.G Jan. 3. Tickets for the Navy game, Iutled in the near future as several Mich. seconds. which will take place three dlays be-, West schools have signified their will-; 100 yardl free styl--DTarilal1. S;!- fore the opening of school, will be; ingness to arrange a date. ;mra Alpha. Epsilon, first: M'alco'nl. p~lacedl on saile at the Athletic as-' Beta Phi Delta. seconidi; eian el~in, sociation Dec. 29.: Gymnasium classes will h belch1( to- Sigma Phi, third; Keller, Phi Kr' ---- - - day and tomorrow, according to Tli'. Psi, fC urth. Time, 1:1.5. Carlton P. Wells, wvinr state chamipionshlip in 192' AN I COACH SETO lteDm-tnodGyl C iExpected To Prove Great TIT~ CT SUAD10 0 NtreBattle Of F orward Prsse s ' When iotro 1)0 umde aftedl 1>0 Ca i ial f1 l ib -k, is one of thle !mr ofte other cut inlth e fresh : an bhas-lol all t(;1 lse N !hhu to -b~ l l Iicc(Oliiit r,1. Cuddeback;'s 2 andl 1923,l 4r. =il fr: tl- k : vi dpa t R )all squad has r-ediieK if, io28,ford univer ily eleven New Y e r's (rlajo's}>~ i"ax-e fo: med a powerful w;eapt oricalepare Eon. Slii i nte hampion of.I men, and today thle final cu,, Wil1 be Iat lasadena. Calif., f<:it; e Ii1 ix icd l a r ,JnI lalwson. atoend, .ib. madle by Coach Fishe , i-in the Ito()witnecss the most. spec aculotr era-- K(lrdbymn eprs ob e title of- salo 0 s ilte ocouanter of tlie season. h el k: ntecuty hs declared by ioei iv ulateto oet 1Ttoc ki-'s machine andl thot of ,n the mainstays of the f the local Ive 3 "lop ,S\arnier phlay the same ( iin1,, ,o~odeeepatclryi h chmi s he yearlings have been practicfiI hwlein veofgm ha i c Ifmtions xv 11ch have proved h s baffle "TtheO opponient.,0o.1Moth 1 five tinies a week c ant Ita -c een h n ineg a rt of the attack. WlshScrimmaing agiiist 11the 05.01 all sea-n. ;Ti e xworn o. the( _,otre 1Dame 1)ack- rueblood in seve. hiile the rl'te., 10P3 >rI m inte attach; of both. Til f~cld NVill ac ot edwith interest. serves.! -.h wt ter ihtotft hv tem -eproved much too strong in tire o 1(s fi,\I bter ih utihve~h ier ence InIthe at pliospherie rufnl 1which have been held, Coach , , 'IU~~ h eia f itueaantconti ons of the fair \Vest anid East nship tour-'.cnietta hsmnxilso heavier -antagonists with great sue - S~ tmyhme hi icofdththis l il hwsis tl a myhme hi title eventas h esn rc es tntrl nteohrhti, up better a h esnpges es.Safro h e andrxv n1..It j a:;(opossible that it niay 923 lie was A\~iich enmphasis, is beig~ placed on Ii palled a seemingly hopeless game out;~ t ec datg o hm .te title. sedadedrne ja n. ~Cl of the fire by the use of passes. With ; ,'~i-W i unn o h rs actor ini the theeesryi aktal si > ir tradhit ional opu~onents, the Cal~-q gtle ihIhiee(eln )5 ariedncsay nbsebal-siosiiErnia B1ruins. Leading 20-46 with Q-te ,ii ~hirecletps llast foulr i ief~sc-m(~)~(-(i( oni at in l-;!"'ill he nilt edagainst the ies iii thatfih:enmtrl I s season i:i st ly h adnl brilliant, aerial attao k of the Card- Tsgrdn- Ihelten atra h. op3tneilu herpssosauhan his rada- isnot the best in years a lthoughu-thI1' 1)herpsonlgtaniasad the I1tiggmesol ge in 1920. 'sscored - tw o touchdowns to tie the haa n h eutn aesol coach has sevcra- men onlthe sq uad I hi lx'te olWgatie E hclSic,. wh soud ak s onIbdswohti~ cre.Warner's team was not victor. ___________________________ Varsity next year. ~ti er ________________________- Tv she pCeuliarity of the Cardhiina IC (~ A $ TI( l'IS ! ing good tornaiano' 7o v 1 city j l)55tS is Lthatthey form anl offherli.e I I-,aterial for next: yea'. An i) l h&aini strong enough to attas derhfense.;i Fielteat thet'Athl!et ic, asSo(iaflon Due to illness of itwo mi the wrestling team of Theta the finals of the interfraternity wrest- ling tournament, will be postponed to; imimediately after Christimias vacation. t 1Phii Beta Delt~a is the ether fiat ernity wvhich has emerged to contend for I the title. Both teams have been shmow- C'olumbus, Ohio, Dec. . (-Ohi( State university is conflsidle-ing having a cam pus conimumnit y chiest whichl will tak:e t bi pla c of Ithe i1 Iny di-ivesxwh i chihave l ecu tInkinigplo-o. (}Ti to eslilteroct tihe (Wives5 0f the oippowition. St a nford's 1backfield, wile not a.; I wvih hbalancoed a Roclkne's "Four, 1Ie °settiTEii' cornl)inot ion, is one of the- -.T :so nhi ; )t"?; f#the te(aml . NVe, t:; ii ( cs inl 1 « ii ield house, TDec. ~Mt iiwasannoruiced lby H arry rjijPot son, m~anager of ticket s5-81(5. ycsterd: y. "1713e tickets will ,;-11 for $1.apiece. " . 1 x ."s N^. r d .. Ywv .. . .. .....#...wv ...w. }:. ... . . .. . .. . .. P . YsVi I a r 4 .Z .9 £0,3S ! r New York, Dec. 17.-Paavo Nurmni,; notedl Finnish runner, declared that1 if his tests on the board track were not successful, lie would cancel all fturtie engagements amid sail' for home without running a single race. PATRONIZE DAILY ADVERTISERS George A. May, of the physical chc- tI(In departnient. However, timeiroll will not be taken either dlay. Lawrence, Kans., Dec. IG.---KFKIT, the mew radio broadcasting station of the UIniversity of Kansas hus been formally dedicated. m. syX1 I .7 0r .. .. .. .. .: Boston, Dec. 17.--Steve O'Neill, vetr-- 'eran catcher, has been sol(d to the New York Yankees for the waiver- price of $4,500, according to S-'r- - tar-y Jimn Price of the Boston teamn. . No other t.}1£1 1c' 1? players xwere involved in Ii Holiday Gift Suggestions for the holiday vacation. : F 0 i ( , ' i ) t. i s i i 3 -e*' ~.. /7 5.\............. .- ~4'-... I / ~. S. S '. I \ I *..~*4*.(dW.*.~.-.*...4 ..... ... .......... .. .i>::Gi:Ji: ii'r''.i^ii? ?>: .5:: :.i:!"i>: 'J>ii: '{: ......:: 3 ?>ii:v.. .. ....: X....?Jjf:? :i ' : rr :fnj f ' v'' f 4iiv:«%+.+ %-yJ:vv;"+.ronf :":r ,. ,a.e ..wv...n"..."r..:u vv:. w:vvnrln. .v:L.+ «+.wu: