'* TIIURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1924 l H MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVX ii " > 9 .i I srwsu _s>r s- rr VA VA 'a A 0 11 Plan Elaborate . University An elaborate and extended progra has been planned for 150 children a i u 1 s ~ t . 400 adults at the University hospi and South department by Miss Dc othy Ketchem, director of the soc service department of the hospit the staff. and the Kings Dau'ght circles of Ann Arbor. Activities will start Sunday, wh the Rotarians, according to custo will take their gifts to the men p 'tients. On Monday a Christmas par for the children both at tho Univers hospital and the south departme will be given. The program will in charge of the hospital school a "i r nclude two plays, "Why t C 'ibmes Ring Out" and "The Rugg Christmas Dinner. A Christmas tree will be provid and Santa Claus will have candy a . refreshments for the children. Chri wss carols willabe sung at the hosp .11 Tuesday by a choir of boys led Pey. ITlenrv Lewis. Mrs. T-arvey St( flet is in charge of a party to be iv at the maternity cottage on Tuesd evening. Big Christmas trees are to be ere e-l in the wards on Tuesday. The vial department state that, ma tfees are yet needed and ur es an one having a tree to call the soc service department and a truck w call for it. The decorating of th- trees is in charge of Mrs. W. L. Ne t-n who needs more helpers to tr the trees. Santa will make his rounds of t hospital late Wednesday night. O of the cusotms which is to be c ried out is that of the nuir-es goi through the hospital Christmas mor Jng carrying lighted candles and sin inz the Christmas carols. The social service, department h > een assi-ted by - various rrani Lions in preparing for this Christin 'r'lbration. The student Y. W. C. has dressed 150 dolls and made number of scrap books. Many of t women are going to assist in decor inr the trees. King's Daughters fro e1i over the state are contributi ]hrge boxes of gifts. The children the hospital school are making gi Program For SAR SEMESTER WARNING Hospital Children am wanting to give something for the hospital Christmas, give money for a Twenty of the 146 warnings sent na permanent gift in the children's ward out from the office of Dean Wilbur i of the new hospital. Magazine sub- R. Humphreys have been received by or- scriptions and books to be added to, women in the literary college. Roe- ial the hospital library are acceptable. ods fo the Deay offie also al, Subscriptions to the Popular Mechan- ords from the Dean's office also show ics are particularly in demand. :14 women on the probation list. Patients who are well enough will Approximately 4.792 students are be permitted to go home, but it is ex- enrolled in the literary college; of en pected that 400 adults and 150 child- these 3.126 are men and 1,666 women. m' ren will be taken care of by the so- The ration of enrollment is al.out a- cial service department and King'sth rtnofnrlm tisaut rty cial ervicles.a i three to one, but, in the case of warn- ityDaughters circles.ings, the number sent to men far ex- ent ceed the quota received by the women. be Snith College Holds The proportion of warnings sent to Lnd imen compared with those sent to wo- he All Campus Party ien is more than seven to one since les out of 146 warnings only 20 went to women. li Acc.? ing to Smith college women, j md Christnmas ce ebrations at Smith are-- - st- r ;rc ail-campus affairs than*would it- be possible at Michigan. The night by before going home is the time of theI :of- big celebration. A large tree in the ay center of the campus is lighted and the girls gather around this immed- Classs basketball practices will be ct- iately after dinner for a carol sing- held today as follows: Four o'clock so- ing procession.-f seniors; 4:40 o'clock, juniors; 5:20 ny The singing begins early in the eve- o'clock, sophomores. y- ning and the lean, warden, doctor, ial and other campus officials are all I The Y. W. C. A. Christmas *ork- 'ill serenaded in turn which is followed shop will be open between 2 CONT EST FOR WOM[N' t T 7 f t a ,, i 'i F lz 0 2 A song contest for Lantern Night sponsored by the Woman's League is open for competition to all freshmen, sophomore, and junior women. Words may be put to any popular, tune and express the sentiments of the respec-j five class. The songs are to be only one verse in length, and must be turned in by Jan. 10. The prize songs will be used Lantern night. The object of this contest is to get the women together to sing, and also to have them know the songs on Lan- tern Night. The nature of the prizes has not been revealed. Women in these three classes will have an op-E portunity to compose their song dur- d ing the Christmas holidays. It is tra- ditional for the seniors to sing the same song every year. Women To Attend Fancy Dress Party University women will again don' fancy costumes for the Women's League party which will take place Saturday night, Jan. 17, in Barbour gymnasium. Different arrangements have been made for the competition for the prizes this year. The houses will be divided into three classes, hose having from 4 to 9 womeh, 10 to 15, and 15 and more. Formerly the houses having the largest number of women were able to present better j costumes. It is thought that this I new arrangement will make compe- tition more fair. Three prizes will be awarded for the funniest, prettiest, and the clever- est individual costumes. No admission will be charged for those in costumes. but a 25 cent admission will be made for spectators. Seats will be arrang- ed in the balcony. Elizabeth Tomp- kins, '26, is in charge of the party. At the old college of William and Mary, Williamburg, Va., at the.open- ling of the present scholastic year, history repeated itself when an Indian girl, Miss Dubray, from the Rosebud reservation df the Sioux Indians in South Dakota came to study. A school for the Indian youth of the colonies was established at William and Mary Prit Ted FabSicNO N Honorary Society Glee Club Sings Trims NewGown Initiates Member Carols At Houses College in the year 1732. Miss Du- bray is young and attractive. She is the great granddaughter of the Sioux R ead the chief of Holy Walking. Want Ads 9 : Trheta Sigma, honorary journalistic A bit of Christmas cheer was pro- society, held a meeting at 4 o'clock I vided for the women living in dormi- yesterday in room 207 University tories last night when the Fresh- hall, Helen Ramsay, '26, was initiated man Girls' Glee club sang Christmas into the society at this time. The carols. The club's custom of singing initiation ceremony was followed by Chiistmas carols t t the various dor- a business meeting during which mitories just before Christmas vaca- plans were made for the next meet- ion is almost as old as the organiza- ing which will be held at 8 o'clock ; tion itself. Wednesday, Jan. 14, at the Alpha Chi, About 50 women serenaded Betsy Omega house. The topic for discus- l Barbour, Helen Newberry, Adelia sion at this meeting will be "Women Cheever, and Martha Cook houses last as Feature Writers." nigh.t between 7:30 and 9 o'clock. Miss Ramsay was elected to the, And as "God rest you merry gentle- duties of treasurer which had former- j men" rang out clear into the air, ly been in the hands of the secre- even the weather could not make one tary, Regina Reichmann, '25. forget that Christmas day is only one week away. A Gift from Goodyear's Means More w - im le ne ng rn- [g_ ias za- I?3 5 A. a the at- oMfl ng in fts by the long double line which arrives and 6 o'clock today. Women at the house of the president. Here, are urged to come in and help, for in one of the rooms at the front of there are several dolls that must be the house is a, German representation completed. of the scene of the nativity which every one has a chance to see as he Any houses who have Christmas passes down the hall from the front trees they are willing to give to the door to the back. hospital should call the social service Mrs. William A. Neilson, wife of department of the University hospital President Neilson originated this cus- and they will be called for not before tom which has now become practi- Friday. cally 'a campus tradition. Except for a vesper service held All women who are going to be hiI the Sunday before leaving for home, Ann Arbor during vacation are re- girls from. Goucher college say that quested to sign up at Newberry hall Christmas celebrations there are al- before Friday noon. most entirely individual house affairs. Early in the last week freshman wo- Any house which has signed up for men entertain the upperclassmen at the basketball tournament but has not Christmas parties for which they sent the name of its athietic manager make all the arrangements, while the to Miss Erley, should do so immediate- last night, the freshmen are- sur- ly. A list of all the members of theI a i 4. , >' h' i $5.50 Give a silk umbrella for Christ- mas and you'll give something any woman will be happy to receive. Short, stubby ones, with novel handles. Covers in many shades. (MAIN FLOOR) G DEARtS 124 SOUTH MAIN Iy 1 me. Lisbeth A Frock that has a decidedly milit-f ary appearance is shown today. Black satin charmeuse was chosen to fash- ion it and the bodice buttons from waist to throat with black buttons aand button holes bound with a light shade in a military manner. The sleeves are plain from shoulder elbow where they blossom out into long, loose cuffs of printed material. ,. ,,,,,r,..i ,r +i,,,,.. +,,,, },., +1, ,, n,.,.,,,.,,. -. '. , ; : a ... '.-, . : ', 1' 1 = : r '.,r;. , , ; r n - , w for their narents and decorations for priseu in tneir turn by the seniors the' school room. who serenade them at midnight. It has been suggested that those PAV LOWA SF NDS '~I F'TVuR h* V J i4 A..d5U . teams and their class must also filed with Miss Erley at once. be MMMMNMU _ ter. "mom i Ll r -tj%.A VV 17 0LLNL/O LG ! 1 CJX Mme. Pavlowa has sent a message to the professional school of physical edunation which reads as follows: "Mme. Pavlowa will be pleasedI to see your girls December 18 after the performance on the stage at the Whit- ney theatre." Women who are interested in meet- ing this eminent artist and who are members of the professional school, are requested to sign on the bulletin board in Barbour gymnasium. Women who owe money for apples which they bought on Palmer field during the hockey season should pay it at the W. A. A. tea room in Bar- bour gymnasium before the holidays. 3 t " . , , \ , 4 1 i h.7i r YC a / i I r' the Kiddes We Suggest The most beautiful coats for children, 1-6 years in shades of pink, blue, rose and tan. We have a guarantee with each coat and hat outfit that they wash perfectly and defy detection. An adorable gift for the family to give the dear granddaugh- ter and niece. AIIII& sarmsd 11 Xm as Candies. Boxes I/abors i I i School of Dancing Private lessons in aesthetic, toe, ballet and modern ball- room dancing. JEANETTE KRUSZKA JOHNSON Studio Second Floor Chubb House PHONE 2022M Choose a gift she'll like-a lovely silk umbrella with novelty handle. In black, purple, red, green or blue with fancy ribs. Priced $5.00 and up to $12.50. The genuine lamb's wool toys are in our window around the Xmas tree. They, too, are washable and unbreakable. Splendid slip-on sweaters for girls and boys, ages 8-16 years, in gray, powder blue and tan combination, $4.50 to $5.75 talues. i We mail and deliver all XMAS orders. Leave your order with us before leav- ing and we wjll take care of delivery. The Delano Shop 4-NICKELS ARCADE Next to Arcade Theatre AM p ., ' i A .U. _._ - - 'RiiP 11Ii T IRVINGCWARMOLTS, 0, S Cl GRALUATF AND RFGITERED Chiropodist Orthopedist 707 N. University Ave. Ph~one 265S2 I I 11 6 Cards If you'll Buy them by the Box YOU'LL SAVE time, Patience and Honey and you'll secure Fresh Untouched Cards and Special Service A Note Direct from Santa EW EL RY for Christmas UST the gift appropriate- for everyone. It is an easy matter to decide in our shop exactly what you want. Our Selection is Complete Come in Today r A T A V For the accomodation of University of Michigan Students, returning home Friday, De- cember 19th account Christmas Vacation, THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD will operate a special train Leaving Ann Arbor at 11:40 A. M. (C. T.) arriving Toledo 2 :00 P. M. (E. T.) protecting all Toledo connections. This Train Will Handle Passengers ONLY for Toledo and points Beyond. In order to protect Pere Marquette and Grand Trunk connections, a first section of train No. 53 will be operated leaving Ann Arbor at 4:56 P. M. (C. T.) for Owosso, Michigan, stopping at intermediate stations to discharge passengers. REGULAR TRAIN SERVICE (Southbound) In addition to the above Special Service the following regular train service Ann Arbor to Toledo will prevail: Lv. Ann Arbor xI:4o A. M. (C. T.) 4:15 P. M. (C. T.) Arr. Toledo 2: o P. M. (E. T.) 6:5o P. M. (E. T.) (Northbound) Northbound trains Nos. 51 and 53 leave Ann Arbor, S:io A. M. (C. T.) and 4:56 P. M. THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAQ COMPANY GENERAL PASSENGER DEPARTMENT Special Train Service Account Christmas Vacation i it x x