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December 18, 1924 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 12-18-1924

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---- - --._. ..._.. . --___.. M ,


a system which will entirely elimi Finally here is what a French news-

nate this practice. The means is
- --- found in carefully proctored examina-'
MoniJ arytions in all courses, large or sma1l.
' a The honor system however a)plied is
. impossible until the time coms when
students take an entirely different
attitude toward the whole matter.'
a :t \ ,,ciated 1Press is xclusivfAy en th,.
te to thease orrepublication of all news For now the the facuity of the literry.
Spatcie.. credited to it onot otherwise college should require that all writteix
rEdten aee ad teocal news pub cxaminations be carefully superv ised.
Entr .uAt ite postoftice at Ann arbor.
Miclhii.arn as ,econd class matter. Special rate A :L , U E,. * 'L


paper writes on the subject, "a poli-
tical murder, detestable as all mur-
ders, bit which a great power seizes
upon in order to subjugate a weak
nation; a sudden and brutal ultima-
tum; refusal of any discussion-and
in case of non-acceptance of the im-
poscd conditions, recourse to arms.'
-M. Levi.
To the Editor:
I am surprised to see an angry pro-
test from Mr. Van Tyne in today's
Daily in res-onse to some Indian stu-


THIS AFTERM)ON: The public re-
hersal of "A Sunny Morning" by the
Quinteros at 4:15 o'clock in Universit)
TO-NIGHT: Anna Pavlowiva and her
Ballet Russe at 8:15 o'clock in the
Whitney theater.
TO-NIGHT: The Student Recital at
8 o'clock in the University School of
* * *


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I postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General
Subscription y . carrier, $3.5o; by mail.
Offices.tAnn Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 2414 and 176-M, busi
cress, 960.
'h'Iepmones 2414 and 17611
.. John G. Garnghouse
.....Robert C. Ramsay
ity Editor..........Manning' Housewcrth
Nigat Euitors
,ccrge \N Davis Hlarold A. Moore
04 ' enry Fredk. K. Sparrow, Jr.
Ke .ueth C Kelle Nornan R. Thai
spuris H ditoi.........William H. Stoneman
3untiai Editor.......... Robert S. MansfielId
°Vou,'-nsEditor .. ..Verena Moran
lusiM and tDrama.,. ..Robert B. Henderson
'lw x'ail "ditor ...Wiliam #J. Walthour
Lyuise barley i.elen S. Ramsay
Marion Barlovw ReginaReichmann
Leslie S. Bennets Marie Reed
Smith Cady Jr. Edmarie Schrauder
Willard B.L rosby Frederick H. Shillito
Valentine L, Davits C. Arthur Stevens
James W. Fernamberg Marjory Sweet
Joseph O. Gartner Herman Wise
vlanning iiouseworth Eugene H. Gutekunst
Jlizabeth S. Kenredy Robert T. DeVore
.lizaheth Liehei mann tanley C. C1i ,hton
Winfild H. Line Leonard C. Hall
Carl E. Ohlniacher Thomas V. Koykka
William C. Patterson Lillias K. Wagner
Telephone 960
Advertising....................E. L. Dunne
Advertising.....................3.J . Finn
Aadiertising....................4. A. Marks
Adv-.rtising................H. M. Rockwell
Accounts ........... .......,..Ilyron Parker
Circulation................. .R. C. Winter
ThhIcation... ...........John W. Conlin
. rn'_)d W L. Mullins
==r K F. Mast
Gordon Burris 1-. L. Newmann
1'. Dentz Thomas Olmstead
-'z J. D. Ryan
David Fox N. Rosenzweig
.-ehling Margaret Sandburg
W. E. Hamaker F. . Schoenfeld
S. H. Sinclair
L. H. Kramer F. Taylor
Louis W. Kramer

Snatching at what senms to be the
most insignificant provocation, the

VJoth Ends of the Diagonal Walk

Russian Soviet government sent a dents obser
"caustic note" to Secretary Hughes in India in
one day last week protesting that the Daily.. left
United States Coast Guard vessel, rather liket
"Bear," had committed an act in 192) neither an
which was not only a violation of in_ tion nor= is
ternational law but also an insult to I am justa
the sovereignty of the communist gav ing college
ement. seem to be;
Likea young brother trying to as- Pritam SinE
sert his importance to an older son, Indians wh
the Soviets, upon discovering a brass be at home
plate affixed to a rock on the Chai- 1lers. Per.
kotsk peninsula in Siberia, near 1er- I viction of lV
ing strait, bearing the inscription, to disturb
"United States Geodetic Station," Mr. Van
stretch to their fullest stature and de- on Indian
clare that the Americans committed claim any,
a "lawless act" And what is more, knowvlddge
they also have declareda that any i occurences
similar act in the future "would ba tim:; The
sternly repressed by the Soviet gov. are peculia
ernment." character,
In view of the fact that the United jomen -an
States has yet failed to recognize. the slaughtered
communists, this simple act may be vas a gat
rightly looked upon in perfect accord meeting.
series of
with the American stand toward R s- syries of
sia. When the act itself is considered by the Brit
aside from its symbolical rening, Ever SOt
however, it dwindles into such insig- ruainted
nificance that the action of the bol- British. If

rations on British justice l
an interview with The j
ore I say a word I would,
to clear my position. I am



m ..


authority on Indian situa- A review, by Robert Henderson. diKUNtrn IUIV I
propaganda my business. Id"The Romantic Age" by the C eve- Student 'pransfer Co.d
a student in the engineer- "ThPyo sasA ubtedCe Owned and Operated by Students
Mr. Van Tyne did not land Playhouse was quite bad; "Ice- ryhgned249.W
satisfied with accusing Mr. bound" by Owen Davis was very good.
gh as liar but accused all Whether it was the author's fault or -"
atever their position may the actor's somehow the Milne com-
and abroad as ridiculous edy failed to be interesting and some- ; Notice
+aps it might be the how, some way "Icebound" was in-
r. Van Tvne I do not want tensely so. By all rules of theoretic ----
excellence Milne's artist c principles I To Students going home for the
his conviction. should have produced the more enter- Holidays.
Tyne may be an authority taining play but by certain practical
problems, but he cannot tricks of the theater Owen Davis has
undue attention to the created an absorbing drama through
of things, which are daily characters that seem to vibrate with
of which Indians are vic- reality and situations by turns farcical HAT SALE
English atrocities in India and poignantly pahetic.
rly notorious and brutal in Save for the first opening minutes We are closing out all Fall Hat
Nywhere else can one find the hard, cold atmosphere of the Puri- which we have left at the following
N c etan setting was created and held con- prices:
d children were ruthlessly sistently through the several acts. All $3.e0 Hays now .............$3.00
in hundreds, whose crime Quite without exception the dozen All $4.00 Hats nOM..............
hering to attend a public characters were played convincingly l 0 ats now
I need not enumerate a and in unison while the tempo re- All 54' Hats now...........
such attrocities committed mained correct to the single precious All $5.00 Hats fow............
tish in India. - shadings. We clean and reblock hats and cap
udent of poltics is well ac, The story is a tale of conventional I and do it RIGHT. You will appreci-
with the fair play of the New England types, the maiden aunt, ate having your hat done over in a
f I just remind the Amer- the vapid flapper, the small-town mar- clean and sanitary manner, free from
chant, the mewling widow-all the
the British tried to keej .tchantt Bri dw -ale odor and made to fit your head.
stencils that Broadway has piassed as I
oil fields, will he satisfied reality since "The Old Homestead" and FACTORY HAT STORE
ish justice. After repeated "Way Down East." Yet somehowd7
rom Washington, America these very puppets, which on paper it I7thard St. Phone 1792
cent of oil shares. is the fashion to hoot down, became (Where D U. R. Stops at State)
Tyne's made an interesting real and peculiarly vital. Perhaps it,
of British Indian govern- was the author with his sound tech- y week Startin.g
that of Washington govern- nique, but very proably it was the Sunday, Dec. 2
ng that former is more sincere portrait of June Harrison asI Box Office Open Daily
. the heroine and the inspired portrait 9 A. M .to 6 P. M. for
be _than-the.__tter.1n~of Carl Reed as the villain that be-1Samuel Shipman's Great Comedy

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V. .11

shevists takes on its proper petty pro-
portions If that is what the Soviet
government considers an insult, then
it may be just as well that America
has held aloof from recognizing it."
Anrvmnus commo nicptions will be
di'regardecd. The namts of coninuni-
.'Cnts 1l -ll ho er. he revrded as
confidential upon request.
Your editorial of Dec. 12, entitled
"Eastern Unre;t" concludes in a man-

icans how
off Mossol
of the Brit
protests fi
got 20 perc
Mr. Van
ment with
mont sayi
radically l



Night Editor-GEORGE W. DAVIS

ncr whi
of the

ich, after oref al exam
facts in th case, I


allowing the people to express tieir
resentment against their government
through press and platform. Indeed
it is true. But one is misled here to
think that British rule might be ideal.
Her constitution might assure the
rights of man, liberty of speech and
press. Her constitution never had the
honor of containing this primary free-
dom of man under British rule. How
could it be true that the people act
more liberally than their constitution

comes hero amid his sorry schemej
of life.
* * *
A review, by William Bromme.
I The subtly satiric Shaw done with
a sentimental inflection. In spite of
the excellent example set last year
by the Cleveland Playhouse's interpre-
tation of "Man and Superman," and
the constant emphasis placed by the
playwright himself, Play Production
I classes gave us a pierformance last

A N GEM,1j "AIM,

agree. The final paragraph of that
Linnmidus action by the Student,: editorial reads in part: "Great Brit-
council, .advocating the name, James ain's remedy is continued exercise of
Lurrill 'ngell hall, for the recently her rightful power until the peoples
completed literary building, has shall have shown themselves Worthyj
has brought into the realm of prob- of self-government. Her ultimatum to
ability an idea which has long been Egypt is.no more than this." In'myj
fomenting in tb,e minds of many of the opinion that ultimatum is muc1 niore
students 1and faculty of the Univers- than this.
ity. The petitions now being circulat- Please note what Enghand said tol
ed provide an opportunity for students Egypt, Nov. 24, 1924:
to male known to the Board of Re- I1. Apologize. 2. Discover andj
gents their attitude toward such a i punish the criminals. 3. Henceforth
project. forbid and vigorously suppress all
Only short consideration is neces- popular political demonstration. (Note
sary to convince anyone of the fitness the italics ar, not -mine). 4 Pay Eng-
of such a memorial for one of the land 500,060 pounds. 5. Within 21
great university presidents of the past hours order all Egyptian officers and1
century. Although President Angeha army units out of the Sudan (hitherto I
was internationally known as a diplo- rules jointly by England and Egypt,
mat and educator, there exists here in Egypt's name. f. Allow increase
today no adequate monument to this of the Fzira irrigated area (hitherto;
man. He, more than any other per- limited to preserve Egypt's water
son, may be said to have made pos-, supply) to an unlimited figure. 7.
sible the University of Michigan as it Withdraw all opposition to England's
is today. wishes regarding protection of foreign
It is said that throughout his career interests in Egypt: (a) Let England
his primary interest was the literary revise the regulations and pay alien:
college. It is only proper, then, that officials in Egypt, (b) retain the for-'
the magnificent new structure which eign advisers and accept British rec-
will aid so materially the development omnendations. 8. Accept these de.
of the institution nearest President mands within twenty-four hours.
Angell's heart should bear his name. Commenting en the British ulti-
Then something of his spirit will be matum The Nation says: "The Brit.
embodied in the physical equipment ish ultimatum to Egypt would be a'
of the college, something preserved disgrace to any civilized nation. It is
to ,future generations of students an act, of force-a sheer brute, bullyj
,which will be reminiscent of one of ing power." (The Nation, Dec. 3,;
Michigan's= great, public figures. 1924. Page 5S7.)
The final paragraph of your edi.
PROCTORED EXAMINATIONS torial contains also the following: "it
A thoroughly understood and com- is certain that the domination of west-;
prehensive system of proctored ex- ern civilization must be continued for
aminations is the only remedy for ex- a while if world peace is to be as
isting conditions which should be sured."
considered by the faculty of the liter- I feel as if the opposite were true,
ary college. In their recent meeting namely, that if western civilization
the matter was discussed with view to must be continued, world war will
more careful proctoring, but the old surely follow. In this connecticn I
tlan of allowing small and more ad- quote from the New Republic for Do-,
vanced classes to hold their examina- cember 17, 1924, page 91, concerning
t-ions under the honor system when-. western civilization:
ever the students so desire was also "If the Great War had not taken
em pha sized place, the smouldcring resentment (of
It is unfortunate tha't proctored India) might have continued to
examinations are necessary at all. !smoulder. Until then, niillions of the
The ideal condition would be a utopia conquered believed with the conquer-
the inhabitants of which were stu- ors that the latter had a superiorj
dents whose fundamental object in civilization, were made of finer, i
life was the pursuit of knowledge, stronger stuff, and by some decree of
Then, there would be no necessity I Providence were entitled to mule. But
for considering such a matter as the East saw European civilization
cheating in examinations. In reality tested in that war and found wanting. .
9jowever, a careful survey seems to And they saw these superior white
indicate that most members of the men descend to the last deptlhs of bar-
University community subordinate barism cruelty and horror in the ef-;
studies to campus activities and are fort to win. The le.,ssn, thus learned,'
somewhat unscrupulous in the man- has not been forgotten We are likely,

NIghts, 50c to $2.50
TI hurs. and Sat. Mat. 50C to $1.50
Play for that Party.
For Engagements Call 284
Read the Want Ads


1>ermits? Simply they have been night that was technically good, but
forced tog.viol te thet laws when the un-Shawian. Perhaps the superiority
repression .reachod 4o; is- climax- of Shaw lies in his consistent refusal
So-called Indian assembly with two- to put down his knife for a time and
thirds Indian representatives is little use a less incisive weapon. But Shaw
more than a debating society. This is essentially satiric; without his
fact can be well illustrated by the ac- characteristic acridity he would be
tion of the Government in Councils commonplace.
how the public demands were defied. ThePlay Production classes gave
opdiu an excellently naive performance. Had
The bills to repeal salt tax,ohm they been able to convey all that Shaw
control, abolish liquor traffic, when wrote in his play, including the
passed with overwhelming majority lenghy exposition before each scene,
the result was veto under the title of they would have been a thorough sue-
"Extraordinary powers" of Govern- cess. As it is, they were not mediocre;
nent to act in emergency. Such is they were exceptional; their endeavor
the autocraite power that rules over a )was sincere, but somewhat misguided.
It Is enough to find sincerity among
vast continent as big as United States amteua wtoith teiryrecent
and hre tims is ppulaion Ifamateurs, and what with their recent
and three times its population. If productions, congratulations, n o t
these facts do not speak for themselves heartless criticisms, are in order. The
no argument is left for me. Before 1 cast was competent; there were no
complete this article I would like to stars; Shaw didn't put any in the play.
quote some prominent men to assure * * *
the readers about its validity. THE I"TERCOLLEGIATE DRA.
The Rev. J A. Dubois, 1820, Eng- MATIC CONTE.ST
lish missionary of Mysore said: "Alas, Professor Hollister, representing
it is not Bibles the poor Hindus want the University of Michigan, is enter
or ask for; it is food and rainment. ing a production of "A Sunny Morn-
When the belly is empty and the back ing" by the Quinteros in the first In-
bare, the best disposed even among tercollegiate Dramatic Contest to be
the Christians feel themselves but conducted from December 30 to Jan-
very little inclined to peruse the uary 1, Inclusive, at Northwestern
Bible" University, Evanston, Illinois. A cash
The Rev. J. T. Sunderland formerly prize of $250 and the Cumnock Cup
imissionary from America, in New is awarded to the organization pre-
England Magazine Sept. 1900 said: senting the moat satisfactory perform-
"The fact that the end of 200 years of ance.
commercial dominance, and more than The cast of "A Sunny morning" will
40 years'of political sway we are con, include Ellura Harvey as Donna
fronted with such indescribable pov- Laura, Rowena Benson as Petra, Ed-
erty of the people, and with famin'( ward Gibson as Don Gonzalo, and
after famine of such magnitude and John Moore as Juanito. A public re-
severity as to make the world stand hearsal will be given complimentary
aghast, seems to prove beyond answer at 4:15 o'clock this afternoon in Uni-
that England-has not made the wel- versity hall.
fare of India the first aim but has sub- The universities competing and the
ordinated India's good to her own en- 1 plays to be produced are:
richment. We have the hideous busi- Agnes Scott college, Decatur, Geor-
ness that Rome and Spain were en- I gia, "The Conflict" by Charles V. Mc-
gaged in so long and for which in the Cauley; Elmira college, Elmira, New
end they paid so dear." York, "Daggers and Diamonds" by
-S. G. Reddy, '27E. Katherine Prescott Moseley; Ohio
-__ Wesleyan, Deleware, Ohio, "The Flor-
OUR FRIEND ZAGLOUL ist Shop" by Winifred Hawkridge;
To the Editor: North Carolina College for Women,
What's a little thing like accuracy Greensboro, North Carolina, "The WillI
in the life of a newspaper man? o' the Wisp" by Doris Halman; De
What's the difference whose picture Pauw university, Greencastle, Indiana,
it is as long as it is a picture, or play to be selected; University of
whose name appears as long as it's a Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, "A
situation? I have surmised that the Sunny Morning" by the Quint°ros;
school publications set the standard University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kan-
for accuracy but alas, I behold, in a sas, "Beauty and the Jacobin" by
recent Daily the naive mistake of mix- Booth Tarkington; University of West
ing the nictures of the retired minister i Virginia, Morgantown, West Virginia,
Zagloul Pasha, and the new premier "Riders to the Sea" by Synge; and
Ziwar Pasha. Who but a newspaper |the Kansas State Agricultural college, 1
" -m~ 1+n~ utf- - - -4 fl.... t r ~



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