THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, rsity Scholarship Chart Shows Improvement 1 The scholarship average in the Uni- versity for the past year shows a net gain of more than t wo points over the the average of 1922-23. The average this year was 74.5 per cent as com- pared to 72.4 per cent last year. Pro- fessional sororities led the entire group average of the University with the mark of 79.3 per cent, while general sororities were first last year wth. 7819 per cent. All sororities had an average this year of 79.1 per cent showing a gain of four tenths per cent over the mark of last year. The general sorority av-I erage was practically the same this year as last, but the professional aver- a)ige was much higher, climbing from 74.6 per cent to the lead this year at 79.3 per cent. The all-woman average was better by nine tenths this year, climbing: above; Phi Sigma Delta, formely twenty-fourth; Phi Delta Theta, last year next to the cellar position; Zeta Beta Tan, dropped from thirteenth; Alpha Sigma Phi, thirty-fifth last t year; Tau Delta Phi, risen from thir- ty-first; Delta Sigma Phi, dropped , from sevententh; ,and . Theta Chi, j which took one of the most spectacu- lar drops, from eight position. Starting with the thirty-first notchi the following, ten rank: in order: Beta1 Phi Delta, dropped from twehty-third; Alpha Tau Omega, which ,also tookt a header by falling from twelfth; Phi Lambda Phi, not in , .competion ;last) year; Sigma Phi Epsilon, fallen froml twenty-first.; Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 1 fallen one notch; Phi Mu Delta; Del-" I ta Upsilon, fallen all the way from ninth; Sigma Phi, which has risen three notches in the year; Phi Epsi- from 77.8 to 78.7 per cent. The in- lon Pi, dropped from fifteenth; and, dependent women average was 78.3 Delta Tau Delta, fortieth dropped , per cent this year as compared with from eleventh.- 77.2 per cent last year waiile the pro- The remaining eleven fraternities fessional fraternity average was 77.8 are Omega Psi Phi, risen three notch-: per cent as compared with 76.2 per es; Psi Upsilon, dropped from thirty- cent last year. Fraternities were on- second; Hermitage, thirty-seventh last; ly 72.8 per cent last year while this year; Kappa Sigma, dropped from year the average was 74.6 per cent. twenty-ninth; Alpha Phi Alpha, twen-] The entire University average this ty-fifth last year; Sigma Chi, dropped# year practically coincided with the from twentieth; Alpha Delta Phi, fraternity average while combined thirty-sixth last year; Theta Delta, fratbrnity and sorority average was I Chi, formerly twenty-sixth; Chi Psi,j close behind. Last year it was two last year forty-second; Sigma Nu, tenths of a point lower. dropped from fourteenth; and Alphat Independents raised their average Chi Rho, in the last position, dropped from 71.6 per cent to 73.8 per cent from thirty-ninth. this year, while all men jumped from In. all, fifty-one fraternities were re- 71.1 per cent to 73.4 per cent. Gener- presented on the Michigan campus al fraternities held the average of this year, an increase of five overf 73.2 per cent this year as compared ! last year. The averages in grades with 70.9 per cent last year. All in- for those grouped ranged from 79 perl dependent men were a jump ahead of cent to 68 per cent this year, as com- . local friaternities this year with an pared with 77.2 per .cent last year.,i average of 72.7 per cent, while last Alpha Phi again topped the sorori-' year this same group held 71.6 per ty field, as well as leading all campusj cent.- a groups with the high avernage of 84.51 Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity is this per cent, the same as last year. Col- years winner of the Cecil lambert legiate crosis was again second Meniorial cup, the trophy which has while Delta Delta Delta again took the been given by tlhc Acacia Alumni as, third notch; Kappa Kappa Gamma sociation for awird by the Interfra- climbed. two notches to fourth, while ternity conference to the fraternity Delta Zeta rose from twelfth to fifth'. which leads in scholarship each year. The cup was won last year by Phi Alpha Chi Omega dropped from Mu Alpha, this year in tenth position fourth to six, while Phi Sigmna Sigi r Thecup, first awardedt last year, i rose from fouirteenth to seventh Kap- to go each fall to the fraternity which pa Alpha Theta retained the eighth leads in scholarship for the past two post while Gamma Phi Beta also kept semesterst At the end" of ten yea number nine. Pi Beta Phi slipped up the fraternity having the highest aver five notches and took tenth position Sthis year. Zeta Tau Alpha, in a finial age for all of that time gains pernian- ibrto pecibdfo ett ent possession of the trophy. It is burst of speed, climbed from next to hoped that a formal presentation of the cellar to eleventh. While Theta the cup can be made this fall to this Phi rose.from eighteenth to twelfth; Kapa Delta dropped five positions; year's winners. Alpha Omicron Pi found the going The leaders this year are also in the hard and lost some valuable ground, lead for the permanent possession of falling froi eleventh to fourteenth; the cup as they placed second last Delta Gaima failed to win as man'y year. Kappa Nu is in the runner-uip iA's as formerly for the house fell post this fall. Others in the first ten from tenth to five below that enviable ar-Dolt;' Alpha Epsilon, which haspost; Alpha Gamma Delta's effort claimed sixteenth position; Pi Kappa Alpha.. tenth last year; Alpha Kappa Lambda; Sigma Alpha Nn, both now in the competition; Acacia, dropped from third; Beta Theta Pi, which climed from fortieth position; Phi Kappa Sigma risen from twenty- i In the second ten are found: Phi Gamma Delta, risen to eleventh fromI the eighteenth post; Delta Ph. a new Dining Room Is Open to You. comer; Delta Chi, twenty-eighth last 50c Noon Luncheon, 11:30 A. M. year; Phi Beta Delta, risen from twenty-first; Chi Phi dropped from to 2 P. M. seventh; Phi Kappa Tau, droppedj from sixth; Lambda Chi Alpha, risen" from thirty thind; Delta Kapp-.. Salads, Sandwiches and Light Epsilon, risen from the last . position Lunches. in 1922-23; Tan Epsilon Phi, dropped Lnhs from fourth; and Delta Tau Epsilon, risen from forty-third, or four from the bottom. 75e Dinner, 5 to 7'P. M.j Phi Kappa Psi, which group was thirty-eighth last year, is now twenty- $1.00 Special Dinner, choice of I first on the list, while next nine in order: are Phi Kappa, a new group; Steak or Chicken, 11:30 A. M. Zeta Psi, dropped from four notches t0 2 P. M.;. 5 to 7 P. M. showed some result as the house pull- it could not get away from it but ed out of the mire of the cellar to Theta Xi had no such good fortune sixteenth, but Chi Omega could not do with the tenth notch as they found so well, falling from the unlucky number fourteen was assigned to them thirtenth notch to something even for the year. Sigma Delta Kappa worse, seventeenth; Alpha Epsilon 1 dropped from twelfth to fifteenth. Phi Phi almost held its own but lost to Alpha Delta jumped three from the overwhliming odds in dropping one nineteenth berth, while Delta Theta notch to eighteenth; Alpha Xi Delta's Phi escaped the cellar this year by game struggle kept the house fron taking seventeenth. Alpha Rho Chi the cellar position, but Sigma Kappa lost some ground, falling from seven- was last. teenth last year to one below that.j The soiority grades ranged from 1Phi Delta Cli also dropped a notch tol the top-notchers' 81.5 per cent-to the nineteenth, while Delta Sigma Pi fell' cellarities' 74.4 p cent. The won l from sixteenth to the. next to the excelled the leri In that no sorori- bottom berth. Gamma Eta Gamma ties had failing averages, while four I outdistanced all comers for last place. fraternities are on the taboo list. succeding where it had failed last The professional sorority, Alpha year year by one place. Epsilon Iota, was only two tentihs of Local fraternities failed to keep th, a percent above the general sorority pace, falling below even the averageI average, which led all other general for men. Chyron was first with an! groups on the campus at 79 per cent, average of 77 per cent, while Peers exactly what the best of the fraterni- was outdistanced in the race, running ties could reach. The last sorority a poor second. Gamma Sigma, Tri-; was above the fraternity average, by gon, Wayfarers, Vhi Pi, Sigma, and nearly a whole point. Fletcher hall finished in order. The The professional fraternities, which hall was a distinct disaipoinutent in as a whole placed second to the aver- its first year of existance as the gen- age maintained by the women, were eral average was a notch below the led by Phi Delta Phi, closely pressed 70 per cent, or iassing line. by Phi Rho Sigma. These two were The women's dormitories, on thej fourth and fifth last year, separated whole were slightly below the wo- there by only a shade. Nu Sigma Nu, men's average, but still above the best held the third position gained last the men had to offer, the professional year, but Delta Sigma Delta slipped fraternity average. Ball house and from second to. fourth. Phi Delta Martha Cook waged a game race for Epsilon rose from seventh to fifth, the lead, with Hiall winning by a close but Alpha Chi Sigma, well out in front margin. The average was 83, taking last year found the seas too rough and second place in the entire group com- fell to sixth. Phi Lambda Kappa was petition, while Martha Cook was third next. in this. The first general fraternity to Phi Chi held closely onto the eighth show in the cam pus house lattle was position, while Xi Psi Phi rose from fourteenth -to ninth with a final burst t speed. Alpha Kappa Kappa also was unlucky and fell from sixth to tenth. Phi Beta Pi maintained its post at the eleventh pole, but Psi Omega fell - __-Salads from ninth to twelfth. Alpha Sigma found number thirten so unlucky that H E Phi Kappa Sigma, which placed twen- ty-ninth, being out-ranked by ten so- rorities, eleven league houses, and eight professional fraternities and so- rorities. In the first ten on the campus are found three sororities, four dormitories and three professional fraternities. In the first twenty there are o-ight so- rorities, six professional; iraternities, and nine league houses. imaIs FINE CUSTOM TAILORED SUITS and OVE RCOA TS -FlR' The first twenty "ornen residence houses were: Hill, Martha Cook For- sythe, Ritze, Rock, Frink, Betsy Bar- bour, Shauman, Jeffrey, Mi~1chell, Helen Newberry, Dauner, Auspur- ger, Adelia Cheever, Ash, Adams, Reagh, Jordan, Shaw, and McEachran. The others finished in the following order: Goodrich, Alumnac, Morice Swezey, Brown, Waite, McClinton, Thornton, Wood, Caugy, Westminis- ter, Huebler, Henry, Hoag, Spaulding, MEN who consider carefully before they decide to buy, will appreciate the smart new models and the EXTREME VALUES in imported woolens now on display for the Fall Season. Al AT A. C. BARTH - 619 E. WilliamI S. McKiell, Formhais, Flox, vogt an - Waterman. The house averages range from 83 per cent to 70.3 per cent. _ A copy of the scholarship chart E which is issued yearly by the regis- L tarar's office has been mailed to each 2 F aloa house on the campus with an explana- otw ear tory letter. In this letter the grading system is explained, which is as fol- 'r lows: A-100, B-85, C-70, D-50, Fj20- This differs from last year's system Oflcivies7n in that both D's land E's counted 401w per cent, the other counting the name. This change is not thought to have Pten to Suit Ery materially effected the result however. crate Prices Read the Want Ads --- The Broadway A light tan calfskin pump with medium toe and box- wood heel. A very chic fitter H price $9.00 Saladsd ,Saads -" -. Wahrts Shoe Store Down Town 108 Sou h Main Every Variety (=ReTlHhlllliDalll Iilllillii ltttll tliy flClla illfd" illmns JlRead The Daily "Classified'C]ofunmns 3 SHORTHAND TYPEWRITING BOOKKEEPING SECRETARIAL Classes Now Forming HAMILTON BUSINESS COLliEGE State and Williams GREY SHOP N~O E, LUBEFTY ---f-,- ..W .. . .. . 1 . Ii 's the Conviction of Hundreds' t, It is simply echoing the convictior of hundreds of others when we say that a portrait signed Rentschlier is the best you can buy. TI rigid craftsmanship. rue, first bccause of -And true lastly because not until I I. 1 every detail is complete signed Rentschler. is a portrait II II I' FAR MERS AND MECHANICS BANK 101=105 S.MAIN ST.--ANN ARBOR, MICH.--330 S. STATE f9 . 1 Just compare portraits point by point you will see should have your next Rentschler. yourself and why you too portrait by OUR BANK IS YOUR BUSINESS PARTNER. IT SERVES YOU WELL AS IT HAS THE ABILITY AND THE WILL TO DO SO. IN NEITHER WAY WILL THIS BANK BE FOUND WANTING We have now on display in our case some of those ex- elusive Sepia por- traits. Don't fail to see them. 8TVUDEN7TS: e announce this fall a high quality e of SHits and Overcoats at $24.:0 and $29.50 tilored to your individual measure, th the guarantee of complete isfaction. Also, Water-proof Topefqats from $12.00 to $30.00 Siall Deposit with order. JINTEI STA1#I:T-E TAIORS, American hotel all or Phone 123 for Appointment On Sunday we serve from 12:00 to 2:00 P. M. $l.00 Dinner Only Phone 17" )15 S. State St. I ' I' . ':. Portrait Photographer Studio: 319 E. Huron Phone: 96 -M 04.041=40.1404=, « ' I it I !", '+rI". '~'.r './". 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