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December 18, 1924 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 12-18-1924

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:3a I4tl



VOL,. XXXV. No. 73




........ -.

Senator's Charges Cause Underwood}
to Defend President's
Washington, Dec. 17.-(By A.P.)-
President Coolidge and the Under-)
wood bill were attacked land defend-I

Grad Student PAEPASMS
Badly Injured
In Explosion
James Lyle Kossner, grad., was the
vicim of an explosion in a basement
laboratory of the Chemistry building ;
last night, his left hand being blown --
off, his right hand badly injured, and CLADIS AMERICANS WILL NOT
his face lacerated. The explosion, no CONSENT TO'( CITI WIT
definite details of which are obtain- FORCE SANCTIONED
able, as Kossner was working alone
at the time, toolkplace at approxi-
At the University hospital, he was CI
given first aid treatment, and prepara- Powers Will "No Peace" and None
tions were made for an operation, the CanExist Until This is Over-
results of which were unknown late come, Claims Sinaf4r
last night. Kossner was at no time
completely unconscious, and hospital P7
officials stated that his eyes were Philadelhhia, Dec. 17.-(3y A.P.)---
apparently uninjured. f The American people will never con-
The explosion occurred during an sent to become a part of a scheme or
experiment with lead perchlorate and plan for peace which recognizes war
methyl alcohol. Other workers in the
building at the time were unable to as a legitimate method for settling

Italian Warsnhips
! Sent To Albania



ed in the senate today during a
bate on the Muscle Shoals issue.


Senator Norris, Republican, Nebas-
ka, charged that the measure would
make "Teapot Dome look like a pin
head," and "Doheny and Sinclair look
like pikers," and asserted that enact-~
mont of the legislation later would
become known as the "rape of the
'He accused the President of over-
riding the will of the senate agricul-
ture committee, which reported the
,orris government ownership bill,
and of attempting to solve the Muscle
Shoals problem with "midnight con-
ferences on the Mayflower."
plying to the charges, Senator
Unlderwood, Democrat, Alabama, au-
thor of tie government's ownership
leasing bill, pending as a substitute
for the Norris measure, declared.
Muscle Shoals legislation should not
be regarded as a political measure,
and he was glad that he and the pres-
ident were in accord on the question.
He declared the. president was ob-
serving custom when he made known
his attitude on the Muscle Shoals
question in his message to congress,
and accused Senator Norris of being
a follower of populist principles in
advocating government instead of pri-
vate operation.P
Senator Underwood also charged
that "an organized filibuster to pre-
*6nt action on the Muscles Shoals
bill was in progress,and warned the
ezfe that unless some bill was sent
to the house for passasge before
March 4, the watre would be allowed
t6 go over spillways and properties
worth' $2,00,000 would "be dead to the
Senate leaders, having succeded in
getting an agreement for a vote on
the postal pay increase bill, planned
tomorrow to attempt with reewed
energy to have a time set for a vote
on Muscle Shoals legislation, with the
understanding, if necessary, that it
could be changed in conference to
nreet any serious objection.
3 -S
Those interested in writing the book
for the 1926 Union Opera will meet
at 4 o'clock this afternoon in the
iimes theater to discuss with E Mor
timer Shuter director and members
of the Mimes book committee, the
requirements of the manuscripitsf
which will be submitted.
particularly good book is wanted
for the twentieth annual offering, as
It is probable that an eastern trip will
be -made next year which may give
,erformance in New York and other
of the larger cities
The manuscripts will be received by
Mr. Shuter on or before Saturday,
January 17 thus giving the writers
an opportunity to work during the
Chritsmas recess It desired that the
new book be chosen as soon after that
date as possible in order that the
plans for next year's production be
completed in time to permit some
definite work to be accomplished dur-
ing the spring rehersals.
New York, Dec. 17.-The recent
gradual decline in the price of bar
silver was attributed to the cessation
of demand for coinage purposes and
from India.

ascertain the exact cause of the blast.
Shattered glass from the container of
the explosive mixture was responsible
for the lacerations of the face.
jKossner lives in Whitehall, Mich.,
and is studying for his Ph. D. degree
here. His Ann Arbor address is 324
Thompson street.?
President Continues Efforts to Stop
Overriding of Pay
Increase Bill
Washington, Dec. 17.-(l3y A.P.)-
While President Coolidge continuedf

i disnutes. or which' is controlled


through' international policies, Sena-
tor William E. Borah declared tonight
in an address to the Philadelphia
forum on "The Outlawry of War."
Because of his recent elevation to
the position of chairman of the senate
foreign relations committee, and the
status before that body of the ques-
tion of American entry into a world
court, Senator Borah's subject had
aroused considerable interest.
" To talk of leagues and courts
pursuing a deliberate policy of vio-
lence and vengeance," Senator Borah
declared, "is to trifle with the great-
est problem now betore us for settle-j
"There is no hope for peace,' he as-
serted, "so long as great powers will'
that there shall be no peace."
He listed a number of international
incidents since the World War, which
he said have involved "a resort to
violence and force upon the part of
{i'Pt d ow rOPJful nallons against !

I ome, Dec. 17. (fly A. P.) ---The
Italian government- is sending two
warships to Albanian waters imme-
diately in view of possible complica-
tions arising out of recent trcubles
It is semi-officially announced hat
a current report, alleging that agree-
ments had been entered into between
Italy and Jugo-Slavia, affecting the
independence of Albania, is without
I Cort Will Investigate Unautthorized
Publication of Naval
Washington, Dec. 17.-(By A.P.).-
Secretary Wilbur announced today
that he had ordered a naval court of
inquiry to be convened at the New
York navy yard, to investigate the
unauthorized publication of informa-
tion regarding naval matters which
might be of value to a possible enemy
The secretary said the inquiry
would deal specifically with the ques-
tion of how a communication which
passed between Captain Osterhaus at
the Naval War college at Newport,'
Rhode Island, and Captain Berry, in
charge of naval recruiting, New York
city, came to find its way into a num-
ber of papers recently.
The secrqtary further explained
that in the publication of this com-
munication, names of the writer anl
addresses :nd certain other identify-
i ir sngtit,, li nd 1 bo n dolefd The


"Coppelia," "Snowihkes," "Serenade," . . Appoint Liseher and Wintoi to Staff;
4< an, a RsaAccept Resignation of
13Pilan(I RubSsIaii D Ianctr' .'y,: r
on Program
Anna Pavlowa, prima ballerina, and .Acting on petitions from the Stu-
htpdent council and the faculty of the
gra l comrisn any ofesenta pot ..- .College of Literature, Science, and the
am m s ay t sArts, the Board of Regents, in their
successful features of her repertoire December meeting yesterday after-
at 8:15 o'clock tonight at the Whit- . >" . noon in the President's office, adopted
a resolution naming the new Literary
ney theater. The numbers have been ru in ami th neLiteary
.. ...r . J .building James Burrill Angell hall.
arranged to illustrate not only the The Regents referred the matter of
unique talents of Pavlowa herself, but Pavlowa makes hem final apperance the University burdget for the ensuing
of her supporting company as well.-i in Ann Arbor at the Whitney theater year to a committee of Regents, who
For her final tour she has revived I tonight, as she has avowed her inten- will confer with Governor Alex Groes-
"Coppelia" with music by Delibes. tion of leaving this country perma- beck.
nently following her present tour. In- They also awarded several scolar-
The ballet is in one act of 40 minutes eluded in the program will be the ships, made two appointments to the
duration, featuring Mlle. Butsova, "Swan Dance, n"made famous by faculty and accepted one resignation,
premiere classique, and Mm. Oliveroff, Pavlowa. The performance starts at accepted several gifts, made a small
Zalewski and the entire corps de bal- 8:15 o'clock. nendations of the University Senate
let. 1regarding vocational guidance and
Part two will include the popular flplacement to a committee, awarded
"Snowflakes," a ballet in one act per- nine degrees, and conferred 66 com-
formed by Pavlowa, M. Volinine, one jTmissions and certificates of eligibility
of her leading men, and the complete ;lto members of the Reserve Officers'
ensemble. Scenically this is one of T11p.
dance's IliiiDr. Benno Edward Lischer of St.
the distinctive features inthe dancer'sD. nn EdadLchroS.
success, the stage setting being by ;ILouis was appointed non-resident lec-
Joseph Urban, the (ances arranged turer in orthodontia in the College of
>y M. Ivan.Clustine and the arches ral WhIiley, Reed, and VanTyIne Con- lDental Surgery. Orton F. Whiton
nmnd Investigruidn of Student was appointed assistant curator of
background from Tchikovski's fain- Condithis- Alumni Memorial hall, and the resig-
The announcement that Payowa -nation of Leroy N. Pattison, his pre-
will also give her famous "Swan" FACULTY TO .NFER decessor, was accepted,
Award SciolarshIps

Farewell Tonight


today his efforts to prevent the over- grwans "er-'4' '" 1-itnb TtAJ "s"' "' "~t" 141e dance gives an aded attraction to -'-_--°..- ,.N
the unarmed and helpless. Among the Navy department, he said, is not con- - Ruth M. Carson 2 and Roy 11.
riding of his veto on the postal pay incidents cited were Nicaragua, Vera templating any general order Iuzzl- the event. The dance, originally ar- Not the elimination of campus ac- Callahan '26 were appointed to Marsh
increase bill by the Senate that body Cruz, Sant Domingo, Amissar, the;ing navy oflicers in the free expres ranged by M. Fokine, has become one tivites but a reasonable regulation of i scholarships of $200 each for the cur-
entered into a unanimous consent Ruhr, Corfu, and Egypt. "In all these sion of their opinions, but it is do- of the most imitated solo numbers oiganizations and athletics is the de- rent year. Phillips scholarship for
agreement for a vote on the veto not incidents," the Idaho senator said, termined to prevent the giving out of ever performed. Its music is byms
latietransthtaceloJccmpaimnt. mnd of several faculty rme2mbers who ! proficiency in the classic languages
later than Jan. 6. "twhe aggressive nations were strong information of military value to a-ititmtyrdalut trd C iSeymour
Calling a number of Republican bMenough to have invoked conciliation, another nation. y . Nicholas Levienne, a player in have already approved thereporto Bennett of Northern high school of
Calling enough t havthenvcved cony'iatorchestra.hePaviowan
senate leaders to the White House, adjustment and arbitration, and thus I On the report of the board of in- w athe company's orchestra. Pavlowa student conditions made this week to I Detroit, William Warner Bishop, Jr.,
the executive again informed them of have set examples and established quiry, the secretary . will determine ilalso appear in "Serenadem President Maron L Burton by Robert and Persis Margaret Cope of Ann Ar-
his desire that the veto be sustained, ,ecednts of more valne to the cause whether the facts dvelopedwarrant y Drigo; wit~i ..Novikoff. C. Angell of the sociology depart- bar high school. These awards were
because any other action in advane of peace than peace plans. the ordering of a court martial for Other divertissements will include a 0so for the current year, and amount
no in ne in th s lo d a ce " iemt. enitc ls po i s sit, g t on d a I $ 50 ea h
of the enactment of a revenue mea- "We confine our love of peace to any oficer for the purpose of taking M. Vohinine in the solo dance, Pier- general critical spirit, together with to
sure to take care of the pay raise paper, our war service finds its ex- disciplinary measures. rot," msic by Dvorak, and M. Novi- some consideration of methods by The favorable report of te Un-
would interfere with the economy pression in deeds. We profess friend- koff in tie "Bow and Arrow" dance, which the intellectual attitude may I versity senate regarding the matterof
Ifirst introduced by Fokine. Thie well- i hc h nelcta tiuemyb the establishment of a bureau of vo-
polciies of his administration and ship and practice vengeance. Under k wnDt DaE"y!. r-encouraged, r prophesied as the
continue what he repards as a harm- such policies and practices, leagues ';known"Dutch Dance, by Mile. Bart- chief values of the report here. fcatonal guidance and lacement was
ful practice of leaving to the future and courts not only prOve ineffectiveL L Iad .aginsk wl furnish com- "Mr. Angell's work is commendable rf terta coitteof
the matter of providing for present but hope sickens and the morale of ic relief, and Paylowa herself will ap- as a summary of opinion and experi- for further investigation.
authorized expenditures. 1 the whole human family is broken r IOJU p ain a new Russian dance, (uben- ment; it is important enough to war- Because of the great demand for
After the leaders had visited the and demoralizedr." fudbUPTJ NG'IL stein-Tschaikovski,) with M. Algeran- rant serious consderation y the des ppedi-
White House, renewed' efforts were Declaring he did not criticize peace ; off and corps de ballet. whole faculty," said Dean A. C. Whit- dren, the Regents approved of an in-
made to get unanimous consent agree- plans which "(eal with European con- London, Dec. 17.-(By -.P.)-The H1r present tour is announced as ney of the School of Education yester- crease in appropriations for that pur-
ment for senate action. Immediately ditions alone," Senator Borah de- house of commons this evening her farewell American engagement, day. "Faculty members of the liter pose. The Regents also authorized
after the unanimous consent agree- cdared he had prepared to rejoice "if adopted the king's address, previous- and everywhere she has been nmeeting ary college and of the School of Edu- t of "Michigan Trees," a' University
ment had been entered into, th ad- the League of Nations or the protocol ly, t y a vote of 339 to 151, the Chain- with unusual success. During Octo- cation are to confer on the report publication of which six editions hav
ministration measure increasing pos or any other plans considered as Eu- ber defeated the liberal amendment ber and November of this year she shortly after the holidays; copies of it pliation os.
al rate on all except letter mail was ropean enterprises can be made to to the address, offered by William presented a six week's season at the 11have been distributed to professors I It was announced that the Mich-
referred to the postoffice committee serve the cause of justice and peace Wedgewood Benn,i which character- Metropolitan Opera house, followed 'Iand instructors."Igan chapter of the American Institute
with a view of hearing and action in Europe. ized the governmen's imperial pref- by an additional two weeks at the I Dean Whitney noted the develop- Iga Achptefti Ameicransitst
during the Christmas holidays.i "The Geneva protocol indicates nce policy as dishonest. Manhattan Opera house to capacity met of the Princeton preceptorial scholarship from $100 to $150 per
plainly," the senator asserted, "that During the debate, both Premier audiences. system and of the Harvard general year. The Library announced the
Europe now proposes to adjust her Baldwin and Chancellor of the Ex- Seats for her local appearance have examination plan., Modifications an receipt of a gift of several memorials
Slosson Believes affairs an to pursue peace plans ac- chequer Churchill addressed the been selling exceptionally well, al- adaptations have been made by other and original letters of Governor Ste-
Engis Prenier House. The premier said an improve- though there arestill a few desirable higher institutions, among which wasan ill sofore
.L~'flg~t,& I cordng to Eurpean condtloims a idi ment in the general situation of Eur-1I tickets left. Seats are priced as fo- in so-called Vih pan system in use phnT.Msnfo Ms.JaeI.
r harmony with European standards, a heedrgte'0s tidrta(_ipci
Secure In Officee conclusion which may be in the inter- ope was essential to good trade and lows: entire main floor, $3.30; first shee d erng the Ur t Accept Git
estsundrhtntlflgilpace British government must giveforowintm alny$27;ex scheme the electoral plan of the first l ieAcet~f
"hthB1sgrm tm g our rows in the talcony, $2.7; next s eTheRegents accepted the gift of
s its aid to help Europe gain economi four rows, $2.20; remainder of bal- two coul em h Cosine do la Torriento, ambassador
That Baldwin will not be upset iconfidence. It was the intention of y.cases of good students to the uivers- from Cuba, of a set of six volumes of
ThtBlwn wilntb pecn,$.5 ro ua fast fsxvlmso
' from his present position and that TIS his government, he added, to have be- city system, with an examithe donor's works on iternational
Churchill might succeed hin, but not fore the House the resolution of the g te last two yrs ork beforesubjects. A six cylinder motor was
i very soon, is the opinion of Prof. last imperial conference which in- Former Diplomat graduaton. abctsd A six Jylnde motor was
Preston Slosson of the history de- IN B IILvolved a reduction'in duty. WyS e H t aheless pihtepted om hev Jrdan M ci-
partment. "Baldwin came into office Mr, Churchill supported Mr. Bald-~Wil "Lith thermpny of Cleveland, and a Richard
! by too sweeping a vote to go out of win's ideas, which he said would be minimum preparation reuired frI Hobbs of the geology department.
office so somay," Profesor Slosson I-placed before Commons in a bill for Hon. C. R. Breckinridge, ex-con- I such courses, and the wide applica- Degobbs of hegelo departmet
said, "but it would not surprise me Chicago, Dec. 17. (By A. P.)-Byron enactment at the proper time. Igressman and former minister to Rus- tion of the electoral plan have been gree o alr of ars were
to see Churchill in the office of ( Bancroft Johnson, founder and presi- sia will speak on "The Future of Rus- partly responsible for the decrease in high distinction, and to Stephen D.
British Premier after Baldwin." dent of the American League since its sia" at the Army and Navy club din- I intellectual interest displayed among Laikdstinction, an to Step enD
Professor Slosson remarked that inception 23 years ago, tonight was ner which will be held at 6 o'clock students," Dean Whitney declared. Lankester. Degrees of doctor of den-
Churchill was a good politician be-artly striped of his power in or ton in e Michigan Union. Mr Students are justified in for s Breier, Ralph M. Brown, Frond N.
causehe had managed to belong to greckiridge is, during his visit here, Fazakerley, Howard R. Fisher, David
it party, and that "If Churchill gazed baseball and threatened with I I securing ata at the biry con- ial reationan in participating in Kesden, Harley F. Lown, and Cur-
should go into office lie would have deposition. ( corning the Civil War and the Res- outside activities,ut only after they Cis W. Yorke.
a great deal of precedent in such The club owners of the Amenrica icanhistory.avecissions Granted
Smenas Disraeli, and, more particular- League, meeting in joint session with i Members of the winning team in Mr. Breckinridge served as United studies. We must go back to an in-i Commissions in the Officers' Re-
m, Joseph Chamberlin, who was a the eight club owners of the National the Student Christian association States minister to Russia from 1894 tellectual evaluation and then do serve corps, excepting where the st -
.Jaas ecpCameclial w iniso League, pledged to Kenesaw Mountain financial drivo ,together with Rensis to 1897, during which time his ex- whatever else we have time for. , dents Were not 2t years of age, in
rraLandis, commissioner of baseball at Iilikert, '26E, high man of the drive, 1 prience, coupled with his study of "The history of Phi Beta Kappas is
.Professor Sl osboth eing a- a salary of $50,000 a year, that Pres were entertained at a dinner last the situation in that country today, (Contiued on Page Two) icates of eligibility which eti-
gressive types of Conservatives. "In ldent Johnson would be removed from evening at the Marlbuck inn by the makes him an authority on Russian -them to become commissioned upon
gss office if e did not inunediately ceasb Student Christian association. TheI politics. reaching that age, were granted to
types of leader among the Conserv- tm banquetofficially closed the recent The speaker was a member of the ILId f Ithe following:
tes r mn hc s meaning criticism of Landis' admin drive for funds, which closely ap-ic house of representatives from 1883 Signal Corps-James 0. Coates,
I vtie o faminttraditios istration._proached the $6,000 quota desired by to 1895, resigning his office there to 24E, Almon N. Fenton, '24E, Lloyd
or to temperament, and the progres- the organization become minister to Russia. He has IR. Preston '24E, Kenneth MK. Si-
sive element, who although they are Ibeen prominent in Democratic polid-t fritt, '24E, and Chancy F. Whitney,
sTvo bundled, whoreihnughuhey areon 24E
imperialistic in outlook, are prosper- GROUPIN SENATELETESinItical affairs in Arkansas, and was T di-dn
ons, and stand for the rights of pri-so SFIIIIf i a member of the State Constitutional the campus have been invited to at- ', Ordinance-WllardJ.Frns 'on
vate property, are for forward move- TflO convention in 1917. tend the annual Christmas party fromt C24Fowe, Karl J.E Fairbanks, 'MauriceC, Gordon
meets. Disraeli, Sir Robert Peel, and ( E{ M4r. Breckinridge is the son of John !2:30 to 5:30 o'clock Saturday, Dec.'4EGer WMsr,2EH sn
many memlbers of the present cabinet - CabVIe~ Breckinrhdge, one time vice- 20 at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Her- T. Morton, '24E, William A. Meyers,
are examples of the progressive ele- Washington, Dec. 17.-The admin- president of the United States, and bert A. Jump. The women's society T., org '4 Will, A. Meyers.
ment. istration is to be asked by the sen- Washington, Dec. 17.-Present op- was educated at Washington college, of the Congregational church, as inParker,24E, William V.Sestok, '4E
"The old-fashioned Tory now feelsi ate foreign relations committee to grations of American shipping is no Va. He was prominent in the South the past two years, is sponsoring the Richard E. Townsend, '24E, arley S.
that he is being snubbed," he con-I seek modifications of the commercial credit" to the government and it during the restoration period and has entertainment. Van Fleet, '24E, Walter C. Wardner
cluded, "in order to give way to such treaties negotiated with Germany and should either go into the business and made a detailed study of that period Prof. Lewvis Fich of the public 24E, and John Wyllie, Jr.
men as Baldwin and Churchill." intended as a model for similar treat- "do it right or quit," Thomas H. of American history. speaking department, will give a Infantry-Francis J. Brettle, '26E,
I d trgt m ut",, -.,,i thie o i rnr . hais)',g n at)('hi km roc ,ii ,,,s1, la sevInflntry-F.,aci1 J..Br_.t,..,_26n,

We sincerely hope that
Santa will be good to you
and that Father Time
handles you lightly. That
you have a merry Yule-
tide and a pleasant New
Year. Bring your pres-

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