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December 17, 1924 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 12-17-1924

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______________ _______1I E MICHIGAN DAILY
L EJI N -NN I A, !aNotice to appear inthisena mcu s t
110jTf,,e )cleft in the box at the D~aly office
ce t%,1 all members of iU 1provi efrtdng (purposebfo
to th,. P,*esident until IUIPOUT 1 % U i -------.__ _ _ _

FoOfieoyTo Bank .president'

I D1JiU1AY.? DECEMBER :iZ17, 1[121

Publication in the Blulletin is constructive noti
the University. Copy received by the Assistant
3:30 p. m. (11'30 a. nm. Saturday.

,19 :?t umb1er 72

Facuiaty, College of Literature, Science anid the Arts:
The December meeting of the Faculty of the College of Literature,
Science and the Arts will be held next Monday, December 15th, at 4:10
P. M. in Room 2225 Literary Building. JohnIti . Effinger.
Graduiate Stutdents In Ed ucationi:
Trher.e will be a meeting of all graduate studlents in education and mem-
bers of the faculty Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock, Dec. 17th, in the offices
oft the School of Education. Clifford Woody.
J'reslinicii Engineering ClaUs:
Professor William H. Hobbs wvill speak at the regular weekly assembly
held in Room. 348 Engineering Building at 11:00 Wednesday, December 17.
J. C. Brier.
P'sychiology 31, Make-ap Exam hit ions for both Hid Semesters:
Make-up examinations in Psychology 31 will be held Thursday, Decemn-
ber 1.8, in N. S. 162 at 4 P. M.
V. B. Pillsbury.
Bonlaniclead Senar:
Botanical seminar meets 'Wednesday, December 17, at 4:30, B3173 N. S.
Bldg. Paper by B. M. Davis-"The segregation of Oenothera nanella-
brevistylis from crosses with n anella and with Lamarckiana."
B. 31. Divis.
X~ . T. C.:
The tailor from the T-Inderson-Ames Co. will be at the R. 0. T. C. office
Wednesday, December 17th, fromu 8:00 A. M. if) 5 :009 P. M. for the purpose
of noting alterations required to be made to adv.anced uniforms.
Those who desire alterations will report to the tailor on the (late and
at the hour specified.
The garments to 1)0 altered. must be brought in at that time. This will
be the last opportunity for those desiring alterations to b)e measured for the
same. Win. T. Carpeiiter.
Na-al-Iteser'vsts :
The University Unit will meet Wednesday, December 17, at 7:30 P. M.
in the R. 0. T. C. Drill Hall. All members are expected to attend this
meeting. Lit. L C. Lever, (omini nding.
Organt Students' Ilecit al:
The following program to which the public is invited will be given in
1-1l1 Auditorium Wednesday afternoon at 4:15 by four of M\r. Christian's
organ students:
Fantasia in G minor (B3ach), Prelud(, (Clerambi'ault) Gerhard Binhamr
iner; Pastorale (Franck), Dawn (Jenkins), John R. Russell; Ciair de Luuy
(Karp-Elert), Toccata (Mercaux) Allegro appassionate (Sonta V) (Gu-
miant) Helen Blahnik; Dreams (Stoughton), Tone lPoem (Finlandia ) (Si-
belius) Philip LaRowe. Charles A. Sink.
"Arms' And The Main" by Gxr-rge Berinard SI'ai:
Tonight promptly at 8:00) o'cloclk in U niversity B a.ll Sha w's "Arms Ana
T,,« Mlan" will be presented by tlhe classes in Play Product ion. Thierex will
be a nominal charge for those not having tickets for he P1lay Produt ion
series. 1.1) 1'.Iiof lister.
tQuinteros' II Sunny Morinlg":
Those interestedl are cordially in vi ted to atItendtdIhe finalI rnlrao r o
"A Sunny Morning," the one-4act. lay to be given by the I'la F Producti'h~s
glasses in the first intercolleg ate ntama contest to J:e hl~d at Northwestern~
U'nivrrsity on December 30, 31, and January 1. Nine colleges; and universi-
ties will take part in this contest. 'the University of Michigan will oce rep-
resentod by Edward T. Gibson, Ellura Harvey, Rowena Benson01, and John
Moore. The final rehearsal of this play will be at 4:15 (In Thursday, De-
cember 18, in University Hall. It. I). T. H Iollister.

Ilro~lStel,'%~ 1141~~o'~(~~"I 0-.Prof. IV. HI. 1hbbs speaks to
125 Ed, Speaik to HiY (il9) freshman engineers in room 348,"j
Deiae West Engineering building.
SENT I-IR UGH SC.A. : ;t0-(6:00-0pen house lield at Harrisj
l1-:i('--Rotau ;cetl seminal'111e4ts in
Under the auspices of the extension room B-173, Natural Science build- '
department of the Student Christian ing.
association, H-arold Steele, '25, guard l :45-Quarterdeck mieets ini room 302, ?
on this season's Varsity football team,.i 7:40- Edulcation graduate students
and. George Baker, '25Ed, memb~er of and faculty meet in offices of
the University debating squad, spoke school. "
in Pontiac last night at a banquet j ;:60-Band rehearsal ill iMorris 11:11.=
of 150 high school boys representing 7 :30-Les Voyageurs mleet i11 room
the lli-Y clubs in every high school 02 nin
of Oakland county. 7 :30--Naval Reservists m.V~et in H. 0,
The banquet was held for the par-' T. C. drill hall.
pose of organizing the various clubs. 7::30--La Sociedad Hispanics meets illn
Steele and Baker, being the main! room 320, Union.
speakers of the evening. Their 7:30- Film "Ox-welding and Cutting"l H. It. Emplie, above, started to w ork 1
talks were followedl by a general di,- shown in Natural Science auditor- }J i the Oklahoma National bank at
csio(n11 by the group of high school' i11Th Oklahoma =City, Okla., as office boy
regrdngth atiite brI e S00----Anusaiiil11 Mui lreeute seven years ago. Sweeping floors was
comning year of the 'affiiliated e by 1 the Play P~roduction classes in on~e of his tasks. He has just be-
which they I e1re %,Dt. A71,:o 3 ins University hall. come president and cashier of thej
were madle to organize the clubsp in bank at 27, and is probably the young-
the schools of the county whihi have" THURSDAY est bank president in the country.
no Ili-Y organization' at pre'senlt. 1 :1a-- -Faculty of C'olleg~es of Engin-
The University sneakers are sent eerill and Architecture meeting,"TeialScit"
out by the extension department oif room 411, West Engineering build-
the Student Christian association,, ing.
while last Thursday a group of four '-4 :1,5-Play ProduIction classes Coll-
campus leaders also addressed the' duct o1)0n rehearsal in Universityj
affiliated lli-Y clubs in Detroit. ihall.j
It is the plan of the counicil of the
extension department of the associa- U-:i )TICES!
tion to hold an All-Michigan week- ; T ariscripts for t he January issue of
end in some nearby town in January. ! The Ilahnder will be received at the
Varius meetings would be held, solme I [ress building until Dec. 19.
of a general character and others Th''le ire^ vocationial couni5~sez erice
;which would embhirace grow.) discus- wivl he ov'en for the making of ap-j
sions, with all the arranigements plan- pointrients from 4 to f and -from 7;
ned by representatives of the Stu- o o'lock Ifrom now until Christ--
dlent Christian association, the. speak-: mss vacation) at Lane hall.
crs andl lenders blCvflUniversity- ,v
meni. Several towns are aisking for j
such a week-end program. e thl ue Wvant .t-XS
Pa ris, Dec. 16. -- 1 re~i pi'r Il""rio I .
condition was quite satisfactory to-!
ye terday evening. I lciv Years Eve lDanice 4'

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l.'ItiversitY of Mlichlgan Band:
Regular rehearsal tonight at 7 c'clock in the band hall.
1Arlliur :4. S:itI~ .
La Socleilad llispanica :
La Sociedad 1-ispanica will hold its final meeting bfore the holidvys at
7:30 tonighit in lBcomi 324 Michigan Union.
.larsball 11. Lech.
Quart erdeck:
Coixmodore Miner will present a paper at the regular mneeting of
Q~uarterdeck tonight, at 6:45'1P. M., Room 302, union.
1 . E. Fisher, Purser. 1
Read The Daily "Classified" ColumnL,
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America's finest piano. Hear and 'see the A. B.
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