PAGE EIGHT .... . . T - E of not flAtLY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice tk. all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to th* 1P-esident until 3: 0 . m. (11,30 a. m. Saturday. Volutnie 6 TUESD)AY, I)Et'EIBEI 10, 19'1 iiiiier 71 1 I Executive Board, Grduate School: There will be a meeting of the Executive Board of the Graduate School on Tuesday, December 16, at four o'clock in the offices of the Graduate School, 1014 New Literary Building. A. H. Lloyd. Faculty of the Colleges of Enginieering and Architecture: There will be a meeting of the faculty of these colleges on Thursday, December 18, at 4:15 P. M., in Room 411 West Engineering Building. Lo~uis A. Hopkins, Secretary. To Deanis and Otbier [university Editors : By explicit formal action of the Board of Regents, a sequential collec- tion of courses is a "curriculum" or a "program," never a. "course." The inditiidual units composing a curriculum are courses. Kindly conform to this official rule in your publications. This notice should apply also to student publications. Arthur G. Hall. Eaist Engineering Building Staff: The regular monthly luncheon will oe held 'T'uesdlay, December 16, in room 3201. Alfred Hi. 1Whie. 1' ychology 1#1, 11-alie-up Examiniations for' both 31d hiSilesters : MVake-up examinations in Psychology 31 will be held Thursday, Decenti- her 18, in N. S. 162 at 4 P. M. Diglish III (Public Speaking For Engieers) :- The speakers for the Thursday night assembly (December 18th) are as follows: D. M.Whitesell, Chairman; o and Messrs. D. A. Brown, H. R. Johnson, K. S. Liang, W. M. Korecki, J. V. Schmitt, L. J. Rommel, J. E. Sweitzer. The meeting will be held in Room 38 West Engineering Building at 7:15 P. M. Earl IL Riethmiller, Genera'l Chsairin nu. Christmas Vacation Courses: I Civil Engineering 67, "Highway Transport Economics and Surveys,' and 72, "Gravel and Quarry Plants, and Gravel and Broken Stone Roads," will be given during the period Monday, December 22nd, to Friday, January 2nd, in Rooms 1203 and 1213, respectively, East Engineering Building. The first lecture period in each course' will begin at 2:00 p. m. on December 22nd. From noon on December 24th to 2:00 p. m. on December 26th will be allowedl for the celebration of Christmas. Students of the University do not have to pay additional tuition fees. Students will register for these courses and may obtain further information and an Announcement containing a description of these courses in Room 1026, East Engineering Building. A rtliur jl. B16~chard. P'hiysieal Clloqluium : The Physical Colloquium will me-A at 4:15 p. mi. on Tuesday, December 16th, in Room No. 1041 New Physical Building. Professor N. H-. Williams will speak on "llpsults of :Brownian Fluctua- tions in Thermionic Emission." All interested are invited to attend.I. M. Randall. TYHE MICHl-IGAN DAILY ingi alterations required to be made to Advanced Uniforms. hose who desire alteration s will report to the tailor on the 'date and ohour specifiedl. he garments to be altered must be brought in at that timxe., This will clasjt opportunity for those dcsiring alterations to be measured for the Wiun. T. C'arpent er. m11en Women : here will be a. meeting of all freshmen wiomen this afternoon at 4 k in Sarah Caswell Angell h-all. The purposeC of this meeting is to «wo freshmen representatives to the Board of Directors of the en League, and it is important that the freshman will attend in order ct two capable girls to these important positiciis. Charlotte A. }lahgdo1n, Pre!< of I ,e Womuen's Leadgue. ceolytes ;will meet Tuesday, December 16th, at S P.,lM. in 10)6 Al. 11 imball of the Physics Departmiont will reed a naper on "~Relati vity."' Jol1,l kuiper. )rs Attention: dany seniors have had their pictures taken lbut have not returned the !s to the photographer. As all pictures ar to beC in the hands of the an staff immediately after vacation, it is essential that every senior in his proofs b~efore vacation. TIbos who have not had their pictures zwill have to attend to having; them taken immediately. (A rerge L. Pal tee, Business Han mager. bard and Made Fraternity: Phe regular inouthliv husi les -; 1meetilg of the Scabl anid and l ade rnity will be held Tuesday evening «t 7:15 at the Michigan 1Unior. imperative that all n~eniber , at tciul. Milton M. Maddiu. it Literary Society: eginning tcnigbt. the ro gular meetigs of the IPonta Literary Society be held Tuesday Instead of Thursday at 7:15, in Room 208 Loiteran~ ing.'Marion (':aod, Vice- President. Chti: lie Adelpbi House of Ropresentatives will meet TIuesdayr evening at 7:30 Hr rooms on the fourth floor of the new Literary Building All mci.f ested in public speaking are invited to attend. Uions Club-8; E'i Lambda Tlet a and the Woman's l'hlMucational Club will 1h01( a coin on Christmas party at 7:30 o'clock tonight i the, play-room of Betsy our. Muriel RI. Fox. ers C'lub: 'here will be a mneetin g of the P'layers Club in the parlors of Barboui nasium December 1K at 7:30. Hlen Boorman, See. w IIA FVS(;VING y( I Notc,cc ', wqCcari'n this columrn m ust 1w ef it'flie box at the l)a~ly offive pI 1 v~ld f fr twit lpurpose before q I o'clock preceec~ing the (k y eof issue. 1'l'151) tChristmas Cards-Numerous Novelties 4 :0-G:10)--O,;en house held at Haris Iyou will find a multitude of Christmas ift suggestions at 4:04-Freshman wiomni meet in Sarah it the Student Supply Store. Caswell Agell hall for women's, 1111 South University Ave. Phone 11I60-R League elections. i-- 1 -:C(--Executive Lovrd of the Grduate -- school meets ill Graduate school of- lttltlllltfllillilttlltljII1Nllilltllt1161111jtltat- flees, 1014 Literary building. - 4 :1--_Physics ('olloeuiluin meets mj roomn 1041, New Physics building. 7:00-11t. Clemens clubi meets in room «" 316, 1Union. -Ime e 7 :15-Scabbard and Blade meets in room 306, Union. s a5-1ri.Ltrr olt et nroom 4208, Literary building. = FOR "YOUNG M EX 7::31--Adrellhumeets in Adelpha 'rooms. - j 7:30-Pi Lambda Tbeta and the wfo.f MADE BY EDERHEIMER STEIN COMPANY men's Educational club party held -_____ ___ in playroom of Betsy Barbour. 1 7 :3--Players' club mieets in the par. w S lors of Parbour gymnasium. -" :("n--A e n yles iiet in room 106, Un -' son ha'l. I);r)A j t.(( t;1- --t)- en Douse held1 attralsmis 7 :30-fim ")xweldiug and GCtting" shown in Natural Science auditor-i.r xum.- , 5:0i0-"Armns and the Iran" presented - by the Play Production classes in y . 2 University hall. I;1 -101O1ICES = la o 4I Ta u eit o he Ja urlisu ff y uTeI lander will be received at thep Press building until Dec. 19. rthe free vocational counsel sevice will b~e open for the making of ap- pointments from 4 to 6 and' from ,7 ito 8 o'clock from now until Christ- - mas vacation at Lane hall. I=a we protect vo. If youiiare mr.ihil i -oat an / orfamily. W n e v r o t we potec youIn the long, double-breasted box effects -the very latest in style. All of these 1-coats are made especially for Tom Cor-- I bett. Don't fail to stop in and inspect- this display. - ..To Corbe#t ________________ 116 East Liberty Re d ten d Where Good Clothes Are Sold at Reasonable Prices AN IDFAL GIFT The New M ichignClna 75c hr's *3TODNF UPLYAl I FAEEGTTUES:DAY', DECEMBE1I+R 16, 1924 ___ _ I Spaish, 15 Play Tryouts: A third tryout for the east of the( annual play of, tiVill be h, (L Tuesday afternoon in Itoont. 201 ;3. W. be "Juan* De Las Vinas," by Hlartzenbush. the Socied ad hispanica This year's play will Jack jay). The tailor from the I-enderson-Amtes Co. xill be at the R. 0. T. Wednesday, December 17th, fromh 8:00 A. M. to 5:00 P. M. for the glor Yo ung 1Men There is nothing like a SCOST young men today know the importance of -looking fit. Good ap- pearance counts mr'ch in the game of life. The young man who dresses with taste has a decided advantage. But--it is surprising how little thought the average man gives to .his hat. It is his crown, yet hc seems to stop dressing at the neck. Be careful in your selection of your headwear. When you buy a hat, select a Stetson. Its style is right, its duality means long wear. C. office purpose i ! I F E { { 1"loy Production Plays: George Bernard Shaw's three-act comedy "Arms Andl The :itlan" will be presenlted as the neat program in the Play Production series on Wednesday. December 17, at 8:00 P Mi~. in University Hal. it. I1. 'r. hio1ister. To all Engineers: The film "Oxwelding and Cutting" xvill be :shown Wednesday, Dec. 17, at 7:30 P. 1V!. in the Niatural Science Auditorium. Mr. Griffith, '121J, will lecture in connection with the showving. The meeting is sp~onsored by the A. S. M. I.. Student Branch and is open to anyone who desires to attend. 0. IV. Rf'*d, Chairmat ii. Read The Daily "Classified" Columns To Our Patrons: We wish you Christmas and season. It has b servc you in t i all a very, Merry a joyful Holiday aeel] a ipleasure -e past year. to v htograhr State St. Open Evenings Until Xmas Main St-. M:y ___. I uI 334 State Street Phone 303-W 1{ i IPo st I li ¢a eti I' III [ I 4 r I II sue'