PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY '.UESDA Y, tDJ C] lEBR113,1!)24 I 0!;-m r a 3 Ll ., a"me-7 . BASKETBA1LLQADSARSWOKYos Presents Cup At Akron FOR KENTUCKY BATL[E -SATIJIOkon DAY ec 1.-ochFil I:ig--1_Ystdiecorof __rll_- late athletic", at te University ofI Wovernes' Showing Against Farmners Proves Ecouraging I l 'I Nf IFR ATERN~iTY Michigan and one of the n~ promi- to Mathier WA£SfIIv entfootball c cachs in the Big Ten ----__- this eL'eing 1)r'Sented te Ill ver3itvy i The finals in thle inttfratern- of Michigan alumni tropy to the Westj NEWV MEN SHOW ABILITY ity wrestling tournament will be 1 High school football team of this city --jheld at 430 o'clock tmro at the annual football banquet. Encouraged over the showing of hs{ night, instead of last night asj Several hundred students gathere squad in the M. A. C. game Saturday,1 was previously announced. At for a special assembly to hear Coach' Coac Maherlast night startedI pr- : Ills time, Phi Beta Delta will Yost at 4 :30 o'clock in the high school Coc ahrmeet Beta Delta Chi for the auditorium, while hie also addressed partition for the game with Kentucky title. , the annual banuet for the footballj next Saturdlay at Lexington.E team and presented them with t he The squad as a whole showed un- -;tt'0t t' lhciioltl 091)01 k i l IIiv]EN ~1( V kIX J..J ,1 , _ lh ' Iins Tho ~ a* ' fthe col ests 2ran ( ti i 1.e( 'C',lere recorded and fir- 1'Wtolor~.xv iI eex~tio fly good f'orml showrn inl the interfrater- lo: 'r, 5ulle Aw':t~ced ofeat at the hands 0~~ 1>23 to 24. 'tlhe Ha wkeyt' nity mleet held ye.sterday afternoon ctra tt t;il d not. seeml to get uincler- at the Y. M. C. A. pool. Out of more a :1v agathe Visit ors and lost op-- Panl 200 entries, 27 qualified for the 110rtuit',3l!y alter opplortuni ty3 to add h t1lal 5 which will be lheld tomorrow p)Gint's that: ,iight heave reversed the "-i o-nooni at the same place. Four dlisaistrous scor'e. Thle Iowa' guard(111,1ahners were chosen in each event, we'e('0spe hilly ineffecivle against the with the~r exception of tihe (live in VaIleor five, anel Coach Barry p~rone.-. W":i( ix onietn Were selectedl. i-isd the 1ctee "i2 a b keunbef'ore the l i: ,itrall Ilead tl he swim~mers in 1the Te: 1 or cc ltest, I iis ThursdIay. 10 yal-ti event withIiithe fast time of I lliu'is f :iabbefl t ile lead w;it lh a ha sk- 0 seconds flat, IKi ?I ::wils close on (I1 imlnedia I ely lifter thelienin)g11 ilig ilic hels~,,however , a nl 51(011(pre;s I ott lend hlehli it, throughouat the gallle the w inner ha rd in te fials. In blue il thI(':il' oplis;il 'contest iith itheTDe- ;(live, Starre tt. was gliven t'iistIplace, ?)is a v five, ein:('gin g from the bhi Itle ! xvi h'Iticewria y ranked(0 second. v ic or!, ,it 27 io 22 (count.. Ki ineF i S-horaitfresluna"milon thle ca1ipius was l. 11IlOf '!1 111aniunonl offenlse for' the t hlis yo"1-, came lth1rough w vi-Lbia real I i i wNit Ii three fi eld goals, while h iit of speed heni he won his he(at. Hol ! ep(eor intut it real fight on thle inl the 10) ya I d ii rast, stroke in the jiefens i ye. Oh in State grave her second >'ait:t i1a: of 13,1 seconds, 1!e;also sI i'hug pI einsat'ha eto st ari'in t01(? qu11 ied inthe lbackstrcoke. D un akin och ~lein g ( litest , 151111 ing over' tIie "'as 11Fieoly Aln ,e nter'ed in thle meet he;=.(Ze a (.1' 01o'1C(evelan d, 4 5 tOo o eon io ii i'ont. ~w11.1ii wo fiieMt places. Gomelirst'-i', C(11'; :i the seasoul )by ii('O:- aii- thle strong lad iamna Itearn, which, 1ied fo1r te('on feren cechalinpion-i ",hip last: Year. I With mnany 01' his mlat. candidates!1 no(t in cond(1it ion, Coach Marker is fac- i in ita >'.1 fll5p - ioblin l iigetting the in105 rea8dy for thle Aggie mIat squad.i W.ith 1.11Sto" d the hi'illtcanidat:esI o t hle team, Ithe outlook for a sn c: filOS~l tsea 5011is lint (c'XO00ligly;c it'i,21.:. C oachi Barkcri'mapvylie favored Ii wvith Iwv additions to )his sqtuad, ifI ,ial oanf Owth inavailabile men becomie1 t: liguile in 1Februtary. 'ilhe fuct thatt hoest: o ii t heliie's are sceduliledlfor ie scon"Id ('us the \Vol-- y e iin hopeItf(r11t iou a S O( 'GSs i I1sea so' i, on? vie 111W' ~rtwol h 1 ~rn;%leld on4fl and \Vlhif ns tlclm 15) ad arlne ti 1 i iil hee 1iit l 01,n0 1 o'r. The I115 poundci ass Is lackingj toi tuersal, only one candidate be- ing available for tihe first two mleets.l Ratliff, a heavyweight who was count-i ed on to fill the top wxeight., will notf be e'ligible or10'comiypetit ion 11his year.f Donohtoe. l1inner of the fresh roan 15 101:1(l (iss li St .spin'ig, is ineligible wit protesnt, but In :y bh, added to theo 'uA Inmu i'eiary. Franklin Lappon Receives Office iirst, tvwo nai (eucaln hooti~etntoil to (lo the.irthalf in 1 :58 WhileC (ocliran is a two inilnvtyc mat. There :to at j tihtilier 01flit ('to Compe})tea tor'fourt'h k- F>illsinge-r. at.1410 manand itt +2 Ie who \\0:5 uiie to run last yea r but, is eaple--ted to lhe in simape thlii s season. li1 Ia iad 1;'tNsi i x!,'re lwo fst J uti fromnI'tl l' eshiiiaa squad l wom u Steve expect'o I0 11 sh I lhe iitiifor 001 es:. tAltlhough there is niltfsucliit aSti ron nucleus on which to build a tlmir dle relay t eam,. Coach Parreli believes thiat if severn 0of tllho iiuidevelop s Iii'yg:ive prlomiise o ol(ily, ieg.Iulla- ftlwill lie Iabl 1i imhe'a stioaug hid( j' fol (ii"I d'(-!hee honors ill this eveut. '1'h1( tour i n nthat tooiulup as likely W( 1(fI' il the siti asre Iflicks, ('aim- hanl, .1ungr, and f lornlher-er, tie l ast to V. 1 mn coaling fromt last:-youi's f reshnan teamu. Bet Ii tnried inll iies c lose to 4l:?{f1 last ra. Other l:In