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December 16, 1924 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 12-16-1924

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MO~fLI~tEC MnsesCan Suggest Nothing ARNE Named Domestic
To ImproVe 1raternity DancesTAPN-
FELT BY RUSSuIM S~ , r ,, { "'+,.,I n v,-iv 'iesti y1J 1111]II.. tj[I I7

Ci ,. 1.vit :2 i' ..:.ilU . C. It t I' C:.L.'"' '. i. a >s

MCI(~ ;1hli l Saiy" Leaiiie 'Was 'Fl-icially
.11 (gl m z Virtualliy Ruled
"The Mongol conquest of Russia. has
been ignored," claimed Capt. Francis
McCullagh in his lecture on "Tlie Dol-
shevik Persecution of Christ;iei e e u d y v nn tt eAnity,"

a8~ z1- * .e ;1i w : s j C)a i :1>1' l18 i I ,?l '. ('1
t 11 E) c~en torntca ovenn frat'i3n-
i (abebut the .1"y do0 a; agr e
0:1 I celi y which the' ' Pink v'uIld
h'~?;'Witll the di rwUitv. inter-?
Jew'"s with then 'Ior hoar'i
heu(11h wit I hef ccir t nion 1; congr'ga -
"lie ,and who thei' efore imdrslan
tf :0 fllt?:'eI I Sit il Ut 01). rcveald '4P() e"w
eUZ-tf@21 1f5 that.I' i glht 1)e ca I'iOei into
The laxity olf the fraternities them-

S 'I t; 4, j C c'ii2''lh "'I'le orale of the "
14 n n the~ii I'nitV i -eslonsible ior
if, O Itue on the subject," Rleve rend!
( Itt ian delarei(I'd. '"There arien c101 f
h ili-hai[ra ('l('I'inleach frtern tifli xthat
Ec:Uii cheang e 1 hings from the in ;iid..y
'm'is is thle only logical uletbod. Core-I
lilm 32{in from withlout, aro ss nt ~ag-
01)]- 511and l (00 not liar':'ai ast ig cr4
et.Anl arnpcal to the honior of tle
stuidents is necessarv."
AWhile Many ministeors did not wi-s
to h)e publicly quoted04 because of a
la(clk of ft ;-.t-hand Wiforml ion on'

Orgaizat ions iForinied at Baltimuore,
IPro vidleee, Springfield,
and Pittsbmlurgh
Following atw o wxeek's trip into
the Eastern and New Eng;land states.
i i. I Iawlcv 'lapping, 'IlL, field secre-
t a:e of the Alunim association re-
Lurneil to Ann Arbor early yesterday
morning. During his stay lie organiz-


Yrdessor Tells of lIncreased Effort's
Toward Conservationa of
Wooded 1Land(s
That the awakening of the state of


"-Ivos tfid

Of )Illicopilion "inigels
f, llureto inen 'o l e r. -

{AGist churrchl. This colnquest, :ulakir tbonn' pI.r Jbion lav.w, as hi ameod by
Russia more Asiatic and1 Mohmed- a i ajrs1 4 Y tcth1s ministcr.
,in than C'hir.7tian, is the undierlyifln'. f*venite he rl",sa vie
factor of' Bolshevism, Captain YicCuI- ihIOyhatheplcunr
lagh declared. ; non -I fr wat] theaeir hi;1 is1a
jIn iaiy tracing the growth of the TIs- FzO l1i S' dric red Rev. Doah Tmr
sian plague, Bolshevismn, Captain ii'Am'ifcdrct- o tuet"c
('lullagh sing led out the reapJaiaraflcO t1v i 1s5 (At° e P Irst Methtodist ('ll r';1h..
of slavery as indicative of the anid i' - nti ulc ;ninreueIt
mining influences exerted by the 8v-er olime:r' at nartie~i h ofii
ict regime. '"They have extinlgu1ished c" n not, be improveed."dit_.o
thec light of Chr istianity aind su1bstit 971The possile solution of the rb
te d the blcod-red comet of Paganism. 1cmi by m1eans of the special wr ,itten
Thtey have been reduced to the moat t r ilaitatjor , a:7 suggested by a. cotein 1
niserable andI enslavedl people in the " tee of the Interfraternit y counclil,
'wrl d." arC'm-sed much comment, both fa:vor-'
Ca ptain McCulagh, inl attacking liv'1a1ie and unfavorable in nature, ramolng
Mlongols, sketched the character of tholse interviewedl.
th1eir former leader, Lenine, (declaringJ "As ra xwell wisher of the Uivr-
hJIm to 1)e of the Mongoel tyipe. sTClit(s'dl," saidi Rev, lIlerbert A. J.Tumn p. Con-
was short, strocngly built, had project- I f ('aiolia list minister, "I believe that
ilug cheeks bones andi eyes that. were , V1,.ol~male amlount of I ellperance
fat' apart, and his hollow face wvas cov-; slr'ii (I riiaicI 01 zc any dan ce. and
crud with ia scanty black beard. For tIaam' ascnalble amourn of decncy
a. time Lenine was practically Czaxr, Ishould 1)e expected i o Michi-aln men
reetn;tefo hnsaditls-.,,l oe.I hs anthnfying the evil practices." e-d otherwise, let every invitati a.i to
Ill proof of his statements, ('aptainl) a fra tern it v dance be writt c'i and
,4Tculagh read several dlecrees issued catalogued) and kept in a safety
',jrru!,h the R119usian official preoss, one Del,;i , vault so that. there shall be nod
ctf thev most radical of which stated, I mpellcring wit~h the evidence.''
%Ve have finished with thme earthly Reverend Timerman wvas of the onlin-
now lets get tlhe heavenlya ion that. no number of wiritten invitm-
Cz, rs.''In depicting time outrages f is is would(1relieve the situnat ion, ex-
P~r~taelagainst the Christian cel1)[ that inc'identally, it might reduce
F11 Tests tioi'( at Moscow, Captain Me-O-Phec-r jxds that attendl the dances, and
(~alagi caimd Ihe bov sttemn illbs make violators more conpcun ,
"immnx1a rized thle at titudeC of the Soviets and therefore, less art to be violators .i
,?,raving (Christianit y. "Act ion on the nart of t.he fraternityi
it: -eltfis nece(ssa ry to clean tupla1 fra-
Stu d nt D athsternity dance," he said.
: a'i m' fl0 ttida, was' exO ress('lf' 1)

frlaternity dlances,,, they all agreed that'e1. cii's anti addressed alumni gath-
no inatteor what the condiition xvere, e lin as many more. At all of '
goodi or bad(, each fraternity sho ild! these 1Zeetings. the Alumni associna-'
be held nersonaly responsible for l ion's film of University life and the

:-hatI occur.:,xithin its house.
Ifr the r-ports are bad, the charge
hat the offende I-; are "guests' should
1)e no cx anse, and nroner pinishmeit
by University officials or others with.
th l}n xc:;sary Power, should Ifollowi,
wm s tho cconc('ns-as of opinion.
Itega 1-desk" of the Ares e t upc
aS~f nt . oveesr the dance :Tilti w. '. hs-
te Ai i s are regarded ve 'y min ohih--
or, by nl;>mlhe's of the di-Jiuui y, many
interviews ,,howed. Re verend(1' ~la )-t
mlan declare d that, alt houzh Ile is not
.inImateinoIty mn, he is not op,)osed

C~L u{uS as it is now, was shown.
The New Yor k club was first visit-I
ed, Mr. Tapping consulting with the
beard of (irectors of tha t organmza-
tion. Washington was visitedi next,
and following his speech to alumni
there hie stopped at Baltimore to or-
g-anize a new club. On Saturday, JDec.(,esopd wrilW cstmas
Monday, the alumni secretary spoke
in Providence at the organizatiomn of'
the University of Michigan club of
that ('it y. Tuesday, the alumni of Bos-
ton were add~ressedl iy Mr. Tapping,

Michigan to its :11:1)01'r needs, and a
recognition of forestry andI its vital
r-elation to public welfare, is almost
an accomplished fact, is the belief of
s ;rPr-of. L. J. Young of the forestry de-
partmen t.
~"We can say without reservation
1 that the state forestry situation is
more promisinug than ever' before,",
said Professor Young. By way of con-
crete il11ustration, Professor Young
stated that the tree planting program,
" which before last year was never over
r . r } t <S2400 acres a year was more than
doubled in 1923. The present plans ofI
the conservation department call for
an increase to at least 10,000 acres of
land to be planted every year.
a The appropriations by the state
,,"; legislature for the suppression of for-
,~ '9 est fires as well as protection, are
~ *~ three times what they were a few
R1ev. Williant Quliun nyears ago, but at the present time
r Rev. W.illiai Quinn, of 'New York there is a movement on foot for an
City, has-,, beein niiiied dolliest ic prelate appropriation wh~ich, when combined
by P-o ,e PusX1. Reverend Quinn isf with the government's, will double
lie ,w n ',i t cal 6ir i('(-t or of the Soi the present amount annually used
i, ',rO o- Ilora gao hlof thle IFaith, for fire protection.
is si- ! r ami bin y t'I ie('ithoic A meeting of all people interestedf
church. in the use of the woods, both for

!pleasure and business, was c cald;by
the department of conservatiionl las;t
week in Lansing. At hs etn
lumbermen, spa~r(:is~n, fl-fii'-lo
bot h state a-l ia ua ae - e:
vices, and mn nelmso . t:i
legislature we-cre eit 'ho il
rproblems &o'oe viinalad
taxation wc" . -~ a i4nial
suggestions, w t-t; a!ert' 1% .! herPr-
terment of the, fortestsiuain h
S "Theire are out. 4 adu :Pas
of t1)0e-fact t hat oetyiL aa
?mount subjet in 1:em'i'dohou
cti zes,'' iolchnoed I~'il-eI tu
Doni't do lay--!'ay yvu in'Sujbsoi p o
14 and 17 iNickels' Arcade
SOpen evenings nil Christmas
SGreeting Cards for all occasions

to t i en). 'They have their driawbacks, f olloiw ig which lie went to 'Sprin g--
it; is tmrie,'' horemi narkod, "''bu lt -qime-field oil\Wednesday ifoi'another or-
f ionatbly, if they :ar8 well ('o11(1 mn-dod ganization i eetiig.t
th~ey are advantageous''1 Last. Friday the Universityv of Mich-ThReeedJunad'me 1aln clbo PiturP.,ist
both of wvhorn amre frater-nity m e 1)01s for'medl and on 01)O.tui'(lay MI-. Tappiit
atnd a oq iiaint~ed with t heirm'ncotlmds,'' attended the fii'st annual meetilug of
.tflil- their faith in them. "''h~i~'e ; -te four'thi distr'ict of'thme association'c
rant situation is a mist ake,'' Saidl 11ev ;11010t at Inidianaol)is, JInd., More liain
erendl Timermnan. 50 alujnimi attended time banquet, at
T1hat the opinions qI these Il xv lwhch I do speaker's were Mr. Tapig
many of' whm have enjoyed} fl-a;.y and( Nelson N. Nellog, '04I, direc~t or of
yeer.; of experience in) student work, athletics at Purdue university.
will c et'tite future couirse of' action 'File officers elected at thelet01-
to lie followed by t he I oterfrat era ity lung- were: distr'ict(dii'ectoi', Dr'. C. W.
'ounicil, is the~ contention of mny wmio Tlamtoff, '97M, of Evansville, hIndl.
mnderst and the real difficulty of the- presiden~t, W. S. Kammerem', 'I SL, of
p roblem'n. Louisville, Ky.; and sccmetai'y-t'eas-
i _ irer, A. ..(Tans, '16,(of Louisville,
Melbourne, Auis., Dec. 15.---The strike Ky. Thme next, meeting wvill1)eheld at
of waterside workers at various Atus- Louisville next spring.1
'1r, lian ports, which has seriously in- Mr. (rapping will leave January 4
ter oed with 'hinninz_ wa~s se t m~dtA (or 5 for ain extendied1wester'n ti,





NOW! _


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LP-W c -S 13 4 :, -- - - - - - -S - - ' w h7 t _ il w a ;I' lU 1 .U a ic h w i la sct ia t l e a s .t - t t tn t h ,i!.
tere' t~~~~~e ( Jtier I iowa -~l R. Chapman, minister of (day .whcwilasatestwomns>
-'OFmei Average, *.
Five studlent deaths so far this year'
a number' slightly above the aver-______________________________________
ge for the past ten years, during
4hlich the average has been 8.44 per
call r ging fr omu 2 last year to theNo
}I -h i ark o1' 12 during the year 1922- *
-° 12,'! ccom'ding( to health service of- L Y 1
1tc I t L Y N
^: f_ A'-idenai death' acEcounltsfoi 22 ci'f
Sthe total numrtbei- of 81 since the fall-
of{ 1915, o1 about 27 per cent..Thin re-
r . tjn~ ' ,of" the atalities have been - s-
6,ie o various iiseaseg and other irv rbd 'Aao At
seryhbody isetaliingtabout it!
i a , ,oi tti c(o miia , ria m , ill t u n z a ,-H e-T 4 y / / / I
1) )i'ri #1 ,l(,-,t -llre 1lnigi-N ot Since Fie L s t Flasz~e d i6i E iiam e In
t~t yphCiil<and scar let ever , t iberou11-
loi'e recrd, onlie iii"Tlie ea 91-Four r sein n A S VALENTINO HAD
TV0111' fatal cases of tlberculowis 1 IC SUCH A PER F ECT
t,)'o the following y('ai', ,d one FT NGR L
ir)i 1921-19122. Five death! ; wvle i me - -(11---1(1 -________________
t ) i1 ,T h1:3x4n caulsos. W :e tfol ic ' 1
I td perat ions. ri i o (-cases of sui-___________ _____
( I(1(', ("0ieill 1916d-19I 7 and one thle
;ili"xving:';elir, ate among the other
i c}1 woee vear's in :succession. 191 8-4 - t - -- :- _ ,'"- , _ ___
t0 1";1 Bllter e "ere i1 student (01115__________________
:o1'1(1 yeoa. The' total dropped to t'7l: the -
1f~I)vii . o l( } m eI ltil o2 the ?.'eli'1:1.-1 921, w11hich 1i141E__
beeii ti( 1ie - y (! Iearsince 1915. LPICKc";-
c':'r, with: o '.1Z° two de n tllt hi a hit'.-. ' ,°~...: -- - i-
1i.fa:Y 1 Ce:m : :1'11. If s121ini t fd ut1s1; ----_._ _i- --_ C -- 4 ~ 7'." "
coi0 ,( It the I liI ( t ii(te'p-1)0 lii 0
1l('l? 0). min 11 i i ( '2(11 ;; in I a' -- _-
(}d01 t __ea.;_;0, w th 2 o
Rhetoric Volumve
publfis.dbyEl.ankir, PBrf.aeR.and cin-e *t w(,! I E~toi'
ris .n i, of delvi o, n 105 Cfol meng )I'e', and gre"" tt' cast of
Sthe seorcondebooktmvnichha eenr
tad a book'e4Pnile Te.; of thofeColn- Y Ar~ed~e *111*s.' - ,,,
foton'ihic hewill bt yedifortue {,y:
I'i'eesnmenl er
'N, - . , ~~ S
Foof ftalhe amskwhih illb(
underithisexpuneedthatthe lnvolim"'o
Neuwr Yokaun-t h otl
/ r£



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-century eyes. ,Thte
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the magnificent
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Wuerth Orchestra
Matinee, 2 :00,3 :45-25c, ific
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I cap m', I -

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