VOL. XXXV. No. 71
PIlan To Divide Organization Into Five
Sections For Election
Of Officers
May Get Post
'Reds' Control R
Kill Fee Tho
All Russian schools and colleges
are "Red" institutions, under the con-
trol of the Bolshevik superstate, and
teach the absolute abolition of the or-
thodox religion and Christianity, ac-
cording to Captain Francis McCul-
lagh, who spoke Sunday night at the
Methodist Episcopal church on iThe
Bolshevik Persecution of Christianity.
"Many Russian students have a
tendency to think for themselves,"
declared the journalist after his lec-
ture, "but they never get far if they
I make this known to the Soviet agents,
who are continually examining them.
If they (to give any expression to
ussian Schools,
ught, Writer Says
Hobbs Urges
Early Action
For Big Navy
Suggestions for changes in the pro- touts not in accord with the corn
hun hts overnment, d tth a e n o ma-
posed constitution of the Interfrater- imiist gOvernment, they are not -
lowedl to pass their courses."
nity council, which were submitted Citing an example of a young stu-j
by the judiciary committee in its re- -
port, and the reading of the new con-
etitution occupied the greater hart of :
the meeting of the council held at 4:30 {
o'clock yesterday afternoon in the ;°
Union. !
!after the reading of the new docu..j
ment, it was moved and seconded that Tlhonias J. CamiipANell
a suitable number of copies be printed Thomas J. Campbell, famed as the
and distributed sto the various frater- greatest "dry farmer" in the world, is Iieeting of First Year Men et. Union
nities on the campus in order to en- being considered by President Cool- Tomorrow Noon Will be iLast
able those bodies to become acquaint- idge, it is rumored, as a possible suc- Before io0idays
ed with the suggested changes and to cessor to Howard Gore, when the lat- ---
make it possible for them to cast ter resigns the agricultural post in the BROWN, IT TL TO TALK
their votes on the matter at the next;cabinet March 4. Campbell has 80,000
meetiing. acres in wheat in Montana.
Three changes in the code of laws __Present ticket sales indicate that
council shall be divided into five sec- mr hn4nemnmutr
tions, numbered from one to five, each I !Hthe luncheon to be given by the class
section containing as nearly as pos- UWJ U U LU H1MPI LR [ at 12:15 o'clock tomorrow noon in the
sible the same number of fraternities. main assebly hall of the Union. The
and that the first year the plan goes 'ur
into effect the president shall be se T E5riasem f the nion. The
lected by the members of group 1, the i freshman class together once more
secretary from group 2, and the treas before the Christmas holidays.
urer from group 3. The next year ('oeamon Council Accepts Proposiion Richard T. Savage, '28, will act as
section one would be moved to the of Pleople's Motor Coach George Little
bottom of the list, and the officers Coiipay and Rol ert Brown, '26, captain of next
would be selected respectively from year's football team, will speak. Hen-
gr 2, 3, and 4. 11 MAIN LINES PLANNED ry Grinnell, '28, president of the fresh-
A new fraternity joining the counciA n:an literary class, Chales A. John-
shall be placed in the'section at the - son, 28E, captain of the fall games
top of the list provided that all the Resolutions p)assed by the common and Paul Burton, '28E, president of'
sections have the same number or council of Ann Arbor last night pro- the froshman engineering class, will
members, and if the membership is vided for the substitution of a com- also speak.
uneven, the new fraternity shall be fsiofb- i Burton Hyde, '25M, will give sev-
placed in the ranking section among oehensive system of automobile bus- oral selections on the Xylophone and
those having the smallest number of ses in place of the present system of Ted Rhoades' orchestra will furnish
members., street cars. The resolution calls for music during the luncheon.I
It is also provided that none of the the new bus system to be in opra- All men who are selling tickets
officers of the Inter-fraternity council i yfor the luncheon must have their
nor any members of the judiciary I bu cmoney and unsold tickets turned in
committee shall come from a frater-! statements made by Prof. A. H. White to William L. Diener, '26, at the Union
nity that has not been a member of of the engineering department, chair- by tonight. If unable to do this, they,
the council for at least five years. The man of the council railroad commit- are asked to call 231.
dent friend of his, Captain McCullagh.
stated that the Soviet examiner had
wome t? one of his classes and had l
ieen asking each stu"ynt a supposi-
Sqschool examiner and were confronted l OUGLAS . STEERE AWARDEI)
with two students, one who was dull SC(IOLARSHIP 1 NOW
)ut was a communist and another AT JIARVARlI)
who was bright l ut was not a com-
inunist, which one would you pass?"
According to the former Russian 3 C ADETS SELECTED
:,orrespondent, if the student answer-
_d that he would pass the bright one, Appoint : taCandidates out of Total
C he would not only fail in the course of i7 Who Applied for
but would be put even further back.11onor
"The Russian universities arc Iow
filled with elderly men who have been Douglas V. Steere, formerly a stu-
sent there by their local Red' organi-
zations to become political leaders," dent at Michigan Agricultural college
1. continued. "With such a situation and now of the philosophy depart-
existing, most of these men being ment of the Harvard graduate school,
practically illiterate, and with ai 'it- was awarded the Rhodes scholarship
ter absence of order in the stuffy,fea
crowded school rooms, the profess or the state of Michigan at the meet-
have little heart to teach and are ig of the committee Saturday, ac-
sometimes overcome by suffocation cording to the report made uublic
due to the overcrowed conditions. yesterday by President Frank Ayde-
ditions. lotte, of Swarthmore college, who is
"Practically all of the best and ii the American secretary to the Rhodes
dependent thinking professors have trustees.
been sentencevi to prison, killed, or Steere was graduated from M. A.
exiled following one of the so-called C. in 1923, and in the fall of that year
'purgings' which have taken place at 'he entered Harvard. After a year's
various ti"es since the Soviet gov- study at that institution he was named
ernment crme into power,' said Cap- an assistant in the philosophy depart-
tam McCullagh.i mnent, and recently received a schol-
According to the regulations of the
T U O Rhodes trustees, a man may be a
candid t^o for a Rhodes scholarship
eitherin the state in which he resides
or inwhich he has received at least
rtwo years of his college training.
Tl:;s makes it possible for any given
college or university to have cornpet-
Exploration of Unmapped Areas is itors entered in a number of different
Possible, Says Designer of states.
Dirigibles 1 Princeton headed the list this year
with 27 candidates from 17 states.
EXPLAINS STRUCTURE Harvard had 22 candidates from 11
f states; Yale, 20 from 10; Cornell, 12
from 7; Vanderbilt university, 9 from
Exploratien of the vast unmapped 4; Oberlin college, 7 from 4; and the
areas within the Arctic circle may University, 7 from 3.
soon be realized through the utilization For the first time since the first
,. .. ., ,. __I i n-- -
Action should be taken on Secre-
.,ry Wilbur's naval recommendations
t the earliest moment, in the op^nicn I
oZ Prof. W. 1.H.obbs1) of the geology
Ipartnent. "In view of the raising iJINSON'S AND GOLI)KETTE'S
the curtain by Secretary Wilbur I MUSICIANS WILL ADD TO
esterday, it is easier to discuss the FESTIVITIES
situation without disclosing facts long
withheld from the public," said Pro- BARBER GIVEN PRIZE
fessbr Hobbs in a statement to The
"The public is now informed offi- Annual Junior Dance Will be Hed
cially that Japan is rushing naval Friday Feb. 6, in Barbour,
preparations of a kind which can only Waterman Gymntnasiums
be interpreted to mean that they are
intended for probable hiostile action Benson's Orchestra of Chicago, con-
against the United States," he ex-
against tducted by Don Bestor, Victor record
"Events which in recent months have artists, Arnold Johnson's Harmony
followed each other with kaleidoscopic Boys, also of Chicago; and the Jean
suddenness, and all of which are in Goldkette orchestra of Detroit, will
some way related to the Washington furnish the music for the Hop of the
Arms conference and to the critical
situation in the Pacific region, where class of '26 on Friday, Feb. 6.
It seems to be agreed the next war These orchestras were selected by
will take place, should be reviewed the music committee, under the lead-
to consider this question intelligent- ership of Gene K. Buck, '26D, from a
ly, he added.
"These events are, in part, the re- field of more than 25 musical organi-
cent Geneva Protocal, by the terms zations, comprising most of the fam-
of which Japan was promised what ous orchestras of the country. The
she strove to secure at the Paris con- three selected are among the premier
erence, and would have o ined dance orchestras of the middle West.
I for the stubborn opposition of the Tho Benson Orchestra consists. of
Australian Premier, W. M. Hughes; te pesn hscheved nio
the recent Immigration Act of ten pieces, and has achieved nation-
United States, which Japan has con- wide popularity as a result of its
sidered to be an affront to her; the re- many Victor records and several
turn from radicalism and pacifism to vaudeville tours on the Orpheum and
conservatism and security, evidenced other circuits. It is now filling an
by the British. and American elections engagement at the Drake hotel; and
and only less in French politics; ara has played for two years at the Man-
the decision of the Baldwin Ministry gold Gardens, Chicago, and one year
in Great Britain to indefinitely post- at the Terrace Garden, Chicago. For
pone ratification, of the Geneva Pro- the past two summers this orchestra
tocal and set out at once to construct ,has played at Atlantic City.
the long projected naval base at j The Arnold Johnson Harmony Boys
Singapore, which had been turned Iare well known among the younger
down by the radical Labor govern set of Chicago, and play for many of
meat." the fraternity parties at the Edge-
In the belief of Professor Hobbs, water Beach hotel. It consists of
the Washington conference, viewed in eight pieces, and will be stationed in
the retrospect, appears to be less of Barbour gymnasium. The other two
a triumph for Mr. Hughes than itwas orchestras will be placed in Water-
heralded to be at the time. "It limit- man gymnasium.
ed the armaments only in the form oi min r.-.-.--+a -- - -f
of the dirigibles Shenandoah and Los
Angeles under direction of the Navy
departnent, thinks' Starr Truscitt,
OIE, designer of the Shenandoah, who
spoke before the Aeronautical societyk
last night in Natural Science auditor-
Mr. Truscott, engineer in the bur-
Rnodues seioLrsnip was founUeduGU" n sdi
years ago, an .award was made to a capital naval ships, and there is even
student from West Point. Three nOW a sharj. controversy as to the:
cadets were chosen,retresenting the status of capital ships. This is ,
states of Maryland, New Hanmpshl brought~ about by the increased imn-
'siate ofi~lryl~n, Nw Hmpsire portance of aircraft and subpxiarlnes.
and Washington. I"The conference did not result as
There were 507 candidates from 184 1 s expected. The United'States,
different colleges and universities having called the conference, was cor-
throughout the country, from which itrnted to- its s cessend it was -
32 candidates were appointed from as necessary for Mr. Hughes to sacrifice
original makeup of the groups woultethbusswldotesbei
ld tee the busses will doubtless be in
be by lot. op~eration shortly fe h oia a
Another change concerns the judi- ation shortly ater the holiday va-
clary committee, which is to be elect- cation.
ed to serve one collegiate year, and The terms of the new agreement
be composed of officers of the council, between the people of Ann Arbor and
a representative from each of the two the People's Motor Coach company of
other grouns, and four fraternity retroit call for the operation of a
aliumni, two from the faculty and two fleet of coaches adequate to comfort-
from the alumni resident of Ann Ar- ably handle the transportation prob-
bor but not connected with the Uni- lem. Busses are required to run at
versity. intervals of not more than 20 min-
The last change is that no student utes, and will operate on such streets
can be initiated into a fratern'ty un- as are designated by the council.
less dui'ing the preceding semester he Eleven main lines have been tempo-
has received eleven hours of C rarily laid out, converging at State
grade or thirteen hours of C average. and Main streets.
Unless these requirements are met Fares have been placed at 1.0 cents
during the first semester in which the for single tickets, three fares for 25
man is uledged, the requirements shall cants, 50 fares for $3, provided that
automatically raise to 13 hours of C these be used up within 40 days by
grade or better. Failure to fulfilli the holder of the fare hook, and a
these requirements shall remove tli weekly or universal transfer for
pledge and he' cannot be repledged $.25, which may be used as many
nor pledged to another fraternity until I timies as d(sire(l during the week by
after he has received, in one semester anyone who has the pass in his pos-
15 hours credit of C grade. Session.
Because of the report of the judi Te council retained the right to
ciary committee, it was fecided to lay change back to the street car service
the matter of the fraternity dance sit any time during the next year if the
,iation on the table until further ac- motor service is found unsatisfactory.
tion could be pursued under the im At se idfound uisfactory.
pending constitution. The consensus At the end of a year, if the people
of opinion at the meeting was that it still desire the bus system, a fran-
would be better to table the matter chise will be granted the Motor com-
until the new constitution has been pany, and the present car tracks, with
discussed and adopted, wholly or in the exception of the interurban hues
part, since the proposed code of laws { will be torn up.
gives the council power which it has
not previously held. In addition, for-ITR9N2
mer by-laws and rules would be nuli-
lied by the new constitution. ALJM IT NETI
The increase in power of the coun-
cil, which is provided in the new doc-
ument, is mainly that in disciplining. NO OEA ME BR
fraternities the decisions reached by
the judicial committee shall be final. Alumni clubs in the majority of the
eleven cities in which the 1925 Union
Iowa Dean Spends Opera will play are already complet-
Week-End In City ing plans for the"en"er"i"
the cast, and assistants who wil
Prof. Paul C. Packer, (lean of the make the trip. Among the festivities
school of education at the State Uni- which are being arranged are dances,
versity of Iowa, visited several mem- luncheons, banquets, and recelitions
bers of the school of education factuly ; Two groups especially are planning
at the University and was a guest of welcomes, these being the Flint and
Prof.' A. B. Moehlman (luring the
week-end. Cincinnati clubs. In the former city
1e _k-_nd._ a luncheon and an afternoon recep
tion, which is to be followed bya
EVEN THE TRUTH dinner at the Durand hotel, are o
the program. Following the perform
Tgdance of "Tickled to Death," the alum
eau of aeronautics of the Navy depart- t many states. As each American col- one important consideration after an-
ment, indicated that the Project for a lege and university is allowed in the other in order not to lose prestige byI
Ivoyage by dirigible to the far north is final competition, only a limited num- its utter failure..
an issue soon to be revived. The de- ber of candidates in a given state, I "Japan, which follows the practice
signer pointed out that the most ad- from two to five, depending on the of keeping its naval building program
U M Jpidvantageous route for commerrial air pumber of student enrolled, the 507 a secret, found her opportunity to
travel between New York, Montreal men who were examined by the state build just such craft as can be con-
Washington, ,Dec. 15.-With the last and Europe or the Far East lies committees on Saturday were those structed without the knowledge goingI
quarterly payment of income and through the unexplored regions about who have previously survived the out to her rivals," explained Professor
profits taxes theoretically in the cut- the North Pole. competition in their own institutions. Hobbs. "Furthermore, she was en- .
fers of the government, and the semi Opening his talk with a brief resume Princeton university had three suc- ( abled by the agreement to exact sov-
annual nayments on their debts to the of the development of the rigid airship -essful candidates, Brown university ereignty over Yap, a vitally important
United States accounted for fron. I(in this country, Mr. Truscott indicated had two, and Harvard two. cable station and strategic harbor in
four foreign governments, the treas I that the Navy department was firstjthe Western Pacific.
ury tonight apBroached the end of the aroused to active interest in dirigibles ,n"To all criticisms by Americans of
m by cycle of financing, as a result, of their use as scoutiigR[ Uthe Washington conference, the reply
D~ceceb er fifnncn. ~ IJIJI flISWL 'Iha benmdetht t ecre4fu ;s
It received payments today esti- agents by the German navy.
j mated at $336,000,000, and practically The Navy department, viewing the Irr at least, the abrogation of the Anglo-
332,000,000 in installments on the success attending the use of dirigibles W 'L ' CUITI h II UIJapanese alliance; whereas, as a mat-
UI I~iJ ~ter of fact that result was inevitable
funded debts of Great Britain, Fin- over the North Sea for revealing Eas
land, Lithuania, and Hungaria. At lish fleet movements, decided in 1917 -- tnder any circumstances, and the
the same time, it retired in excess ot to build one. The American engin Houghton, Mich., Dec. 15-- The I most that can be said is that the con
$400,000,000 in maturng certificates ears, ignorant of the construction pro- Eagle Harbor coast guard crew re- ference afforded Great Britain a de-
of indebtedness. Its financing opera- cess, turned to the British engineer turned this afternoon from a cruise sivcd opportunity to bring this about,
tions will not be completc until the r- for assistance. They, through ;esearob 12 miles east of Eagle Harbor and 6 (Continued on Page Two)
stilt of the present funding program conducted before the outbreak of war miles west without having found the
throtugh the issue of a new long tern and from analysis of structural details source of the wreckage which has i
Bond is concluded December 20.k been driven ashore along the north- F IENDS TIBUTE
The tax receipts, although estlumat- sistance to the Navy enginere t of t Keweeniaw enn-
ed, are regarded as nearly correct and sptki s smla in the last 48 hours, CaptainW
represent a reduction of $10,000,00 Utilizing official Glaza reported.
from receipts in the samie period last Iand moving ictures, Mr. Truscott dert e Additional wreckage, such as cabin
year. If the actual receipts bear out I tf he parts, pieces of furniture, and severali a
time tr1asuystmas i inw ai eheneconstuction pocess of to- drifting hatch covers were found. A Washington, Dec. 15.-Congress and
the total -,524,000.00 in income and graphic story of the mgaideni voyage of thorough investigation of the shore those who had an Intimate connec-
profits revenue for the current cal- the sbiti' lIeointedto tnui reo f iline failed to reveal anything which E tion with the private and public life
endar year, as compared with $3,593,-;ni d fact that the Shenandoah mar might lead to the identities of the of Woodrow Wilso, paid tribute to
000,000 for the calendar year 1928. the longest flight ever negotiated byi vessels fron which the wreckage
a dirigible in the recent 15,000 mile came. i
round trip flight between Lakehurst, The captain of the coast guards the house of representatives.
N. J. and Seattle, is inclined to the belief that President Coolidge and, his entire
I_ _ _the wreckage has come from the cabinet participated in the exercises,
Canadian steamer Glenlynn, owned'by
the Great Lakes Transportation com- seats th aoderstin ow oby
pany of Midland, Ontario, which went Chief Justice Taft and other members
New York, Dec. 15.-Hugh Frayne nardrs.Coolie agound at Rock Harbor Isle Che stice T othr member,
who is in charg of the arrangementsa Rya, early in November accompanied by the White House mil-
Shere for the funeral of Samuel Gom- Iiary aides, was in the executive gal-
pers, said his previous announcement seres
1 that the ceremony would be held Opportunity is again being offered I E rmnmn M leI
s 'Thursday at Sleepy Hollow cemetery, by the Michiganensian for seniors to
Tarrytown, New York, was "official have their pictures in this year's bookC IR GO A RO METHODS
.nti fial. ay" sitattepn aThose who have not had their pictures
Sbeen approved over the long distance takel nmay do so by paying $3.00 fo elmn Dec. 15.-President Ebert , URITIIZED BT IULVLI
d telephone by Frank Morrison, secre- the photographer's coupon at theo BY
y tary of the American Federation of! 'Ensian office. .oChacepted thx's esnatond f
- labor, and that reports that the Many seniors who have had their Chancellor Marx's cabinet and it ws Chester M. Culver, general secre-
a funeral would be held Wednesday are pictures taken have not returned the new Reichstag would hold its first tary of the Employers' Association of
incorrect. proofs to the photographers. This seDetroit spoke on the subject of labor
Gov. Alfred Smith and Mayor Hylan must elone before the Christmas i unions in the second series of talks on
I of New York will head a distinguished vacation as the photographic work I Today's formal retirement of the the labor situation, which was deliver-
-- ief f honrnv, mniih-nrmrswho mmili ,.nstlip , ni, hsySn Tr, uv,,r 1 e i h Marx cabinet was merely in the na- An +, 'in ~ ,4 nnr lai , in-r.
Thne .Jean uoidkette orciiestra or
Detroit has achieved a reputation
among the radio fans of the country,
as it plays nightly from WCX. It
comprises 12. pieces, and has been
playing for the past year at the Grey-
stone ballroom. Goldkette has recent-
ly signed a contract for one year
with the new Book-Cadillac hotel.
Neil Parber, '25A, whose Arabian
design won the decorations compe-
tion, has been awarded twenty dol-
lars and a ticket to the I-lop. The next
meeting of the J-Hop committee has
been set for 5 o'clock Thursday in
room 302 of the Union, and not tomor-
row afternoon, as was previously an-
Seven members of the . University
faculty will actively participate in
the next meeting of the Modern Lan-
guage Association of America, which
will be held at Columbia university
December 2: to 31. Prof. Charles E.
Whitmore of the rhetoric department
will preside over the division on gen-
eral aesthetics. Prof. F. N. Scott of
the rhetoric department will read a
paper on "Favorite Words," and'Prof.
A. R. Morris of the same department
will report on a "Method for the Ap-
proximate Determination of Speech
Prof. C. L. Meader of the general
linguistic department will give-a re-
f nnrt of thn ,work dnno in the nhnntie
laboratory. Prof. J. H. Hanford of the
'nglish department will speak on
"Two Twelfth Century Latin Minstrels
and Their Succession." Prof. Oscar
Campbell of the same department will
read a paper on the "Influence of the
Borderers in the Development of
Wordsworth Aesthetic up to 1798."
Paul Mueshke has collaborated with
Professor Campbell on his paper.
Prof. C. C. Fries, also of the English
j department will read a paper on
"Shakespearean Punctuation."
Professor Scott will also attend a
meeting of the American Association
for the Advancement of Science in
Washington January 1 to 3, where he
will read a paper on the "American
Idiom" before the philological section.
Reports coming to the Alumni as-
sociation here show that bitter rivalry