.AGE TEN THE MICHIGAN DAILY SU NI)AY',l)CIIE 14, 1924 MStudents; A-ListdOfdMichianStocieiesI - r- ad lclZtTa Aphad By Paul A. Elliott Saas adice n o Sixty, general nationalan lolZeaTuApad Alpha Epsilon club, Masques, Mimes, Mummers, and Delta Epsilon, Phi Delta Phi, Phi . ucessredaytier fraternities, eighteen sororities,,Ioa the Players club. I Lambda Kappa, Phi Rho Sigma, Pi = twenty-six national professional fra- j The student who is not picked byj Along in tie junior and senior years Upsilon Rho, Psi Omega, Sigma Deltal Reservations for LuncheonW teritistwety-wolocl pofssin-sonic one of this group need not de- when the honors begin to fly promis- Kappa, Theta Xi, Xi Psi Phi, Alpha i= and Dinner Parties. spair, however, for there are twenty- cuously about the campus, eleven 1o-! Delta ;sigma, Alpha Kappa Psi, 'Phi i Daily Afternoon Teas al societies, one woman's professional iine local literary societies and clubs cal and eleven national societiesI Alha. Gamma, Phi Delta Kappa, Sigma- hye soity lee ntoalhnoay r-also looking for members. They are: rival each other in this line of ativty. Delta Chi, and Sigma Gamma Eapsilon. Phone 951- Y' ternities,. eleven local honorary so- lKappa club, Cerce Fraincais, La The eleven local societies are: Druids, Among. the general fraternity groups cieties, twenty-nine literary societies,' Sociedad Hispanica, Mandolin club,] Galens, Quadrangle, Vulcans, Alphan'lbs ihee oewhich could hardly be classified as flfI1tIII l1idiIIltIllillII1fii I11IIII andclus, igheenhom-town lubas, . C. club, Polonia Literary circle, Omega Alpha, Motorbard, the Order!I anything but mi ellaneous are th _____ _ ___ thirteen religious organizations, etub, 1 Circolo Italtano, Student Press of the Coif, Quarterdeck, Sphinx, Tau following: Student Council, Women's foreign student clubs, five drama o club, Quad L. club, Round-up club,l Beta Pi, and Wyvern The national League, intersorority association, In- tlliIIIIliiiIi IIItllIIIlIIIII[IIi1t11!. cieties, five public speaking societies , Sgma club, Trigon club, Republicany honors are dstributed by Phi Sigma, terfrateriity council, Michigan Union, = sevn ocl usialoranzato clu~ib, rifle club, Wayfarers club, Box- IPi Lambda Theta, Theta Sigma, Rho Womnen's athletic association, the Del- ca ee forhnoaymuxsicalorfraternities, ing club, Cabinet club, Chess club,j Chi, Delta Sigma Rho, Phi Lambda 111ta Circle, Veter as of Foreign Wars fouten iselanou gouso'emRchard H-all Post No. 422, Les Upsilon, Sigma Delta Phi, Sigma Del-y Shinen club, the Craftsmen, American i thity rgnizd cases n te a< !Voyageurs, La Follette club, Menorah I m. PsI, Sigma Xi, Phi Kappa, and Tau IA'?gicni Pot o. 0I, and the organi- Socity, ichian ames Mieigame, Bet Pl.! rations of the women who reside in sous schools and colleges, any nurn oitMcianDms lhgmi, eaP.driois-es abu o~ ber of special departmental journal' Monon club, Montieth club, Praesi To, give the. professional students, the .. :isBts aror os, cbanth stfsonmeusTamnus club, Rainbow club, and the a further chnc to ge together in a' Fletcher hall, Helen iewberry res- - Classical clubafs ofmorerou ia.centeMartha Cook building, and the campus. publications of which The Clsia lu.Imr social way than in.- the labora-+M_ Daily is the leader added together; Just as if this was not enough to 1+ tory twenty-two local professional co- f Kt ene league hsouses, all of .-_ which have a president. make up the imposing total of over choose from, some one conceived the cietes are in existenice. They are: "'ft e1..:r~I three hundred organizations which. idea of getting all the old home-town the Aeronautical Society, American -'isothclI poupulastee with iest sfraternities, so rori hclllesL, = - ofer the students of the University of boys together in a club' with the fol- Society of Me canical , Engineers, Ar- sochiete, cus n te aiae Michigan something to do hesidcsj lowing cities and sections represented chitectural Society, Eingineering oomanatnshtthr ar abuDO- studying.$ by clubs: Highland Park, New York ciet, Forestry club, Puni an r Blade organiztionsltaftyftheaem aut °YOU K UW ~hr h hoogl eid IdState, Saginaw, 'Youngstown, Bay club, Scabbard and Blade, Chamber th*o(,. "1hat millions of cardS. every I freshman steps off the train that CtByne .JCeead Dixie, of Commerce, local branch of the Ani- a uto tra,.toi o 'ir brings him Ito Ann Arbor in tqm fall, Erie, Ferris Institute, Gogebic Range, erican Institute of -Electrical Engi- +,ny.v tdnt.~ya r o dlv~e ni hei ofotdb eeain rmNewark,' N. J., Lansing, Mt. Clem-ens,. neers, American Society of, Civil En-! T - 1 after Christmas? the following sixty-two fraternities,1 Pennsylvania, Petoskey, Buffalo, and I 11i N11- gineering, Barristers, Chemical Ell- I-dy-B- ynight>W WE SUGGES " all eager taell him that their gang The Westerners. 1 gineering aQcety, Commerce chub,_____.-Y by orcad nw sAtnso;Prt oo":e amps Id Besides the Cosmopolitan club to iDental society, Girls' Educational + and1halt'your ilS o th mI- stusnat nally,tc" Acacia, lpa, which any of the foreign students clbkiCrooIaino e' dc-ery Clhi Rho, Alpha Delta Phi, Alpha Bar-I can belong, there are seven other tional- club, Pectt club, 'Stylus,I, ery I pa l~ambda, Alpha Phi Alpha., Alpain. similar organizations for the repro- T-Square club and"Web and Flange OUR STOCK is . Sigma Phi, Alpha Tau Omega, l lta1 sentatives of other countries includ- Twenty-six national professional If I Phi Delta, Beta Theta Pi, CI Psi, iing tile Chinese students club,,Decem- fraternities have chapters at the I;jni- - I11Il COM PLETE Delta Alpha Epsilon, Delta Chi, Delta ivirate (Italian students), Hindustan versity as follows: Alpha Clhi Sig na. , Come in soon.- Kappa Epsilon, Delta Phi, Delta Sig- "cu>> South African students club, Alpha Kappa Kappa, Alpha Rho Cli,1 The patented T-Bed is both a superb mahogany 01 . 1 - RILL ma Ph, Dela Siga PiDelt Tan ipponclubPhilipinecluband te Alha Sima, Apha Sgma eltat + inished fin ibrd ry n Tablea andr a fall lengti Ar ma Phi DeltaSigma 1, Dela Tau Nippn club Phillpine. lub, ad theAlphapigmaalphamSgma Daves rentio obed crrboom.a wonerfu14avandf 14 ad i17eNckels'Arcad Delta, Delta Tan Upsilon, Delta Up-I Women's Cosmopolitan club. Delta Sigma Delta, Delta Theta 1 hi 1 igarned.desytrsJ tioriles Greeting Cards silon, Gamma Alpha, Gamma Signra Gamma :Eta Gamma, Num Sigmia N I Wiefrscaloe.frAlOcson H migeKapNKap a -gm, students of the School of Music PiApa et A.DLD coRP 314A,, ..Frn Mlan Ch caa@ m. liilfoTiti l1AllldOciofl~dns d1tt HemtgKpaNKpacompose the membership of seven hiApa etPh et I i i~i~iiniit~iiiiiiiiiiiit Lambda Chi Alpha, Omega Psi lPh1i, 1 local societies and four honorary # Phi Delta, Phi Delta Chi, Phi Theta, which are: societies-Delta Omicron, ;'lIII lih111t#lit1111nIIIIIJIIIIIwihJ .: Phi :Delta PT, Phi Gamma Delta, Phi °Freshman glee club, Freshman girl s, Kappa, Phi Kappa Psi, Phi .I\'.p])a glee club, Uiversity girl's glee club, Sigma, Phi -Kappa Tau, Pi Mi~u Delta, I University band, Univesty glee club, }-, i.1 Phi Pi. Phi Sigma Delta,- Phi Siga aand the Michigan Union orchestra; ':I Alpha, Phi Sigma Sigma, Phi Eappa'hnry aenie-Ap-Eslo .iw wIw~ Alpha, Pi Lambda Phi, Pqi Upsilon, IMu, Mu Phi Epsilon, Phi Mu Alpha,I Sigma Apha Epsilon, Sigma Alipiaand the R. .0O. C.- Mut,- Signri Chi, Sigma Nu, iigaa Pi,! For the religiously inclined student ; "I ame fo Sigma Phi Epsilon, Tan Delta T li,! who desires to belong to a distinctly w -reh esIa n de Tau Epsilon Phi, Theta Chi, Theta religious society there are: the Christ- I rslesad e Delta Chi, Zeta Beta Tan, Zeta Psi, ian Science society, Chyron, Jewish Kappa Beta Psi, ;Phi Epsilon 1, Pi students' congregation, Kappa Phi, l I Sigma Kappa, Pi Delta Epsilon, Sigma11 Michigan Zionist association,. the (} _ SP E C IA L !y Delta P, Kappa Epsilon Pi, and Tan Student Christian association, Student!: mm 1 t ~ L~ Ka p pio .jV l ne rT ea P i Ap a ah -_A much less formidable list faces !lie students club, Chi Epsilon, Con- !~ the likewise lesser number of women -!gregatlonal students association, andt who are picked over by the followingj the Lutheran student club.: John Says: -A ssorted VGUM Drops. : nineteen sororities: Alpha Cti Omnega, Student interest in oratory anti ° Alpha Epsilon Phi, Alpha - aifnia !(drama has been capitalized in the or- eas aeacmlt ieo Delta, Alpha Omicron Pi, Alpha Phi,! gaization of the following groups: Ge Sec tfE Alpha Xi Delta, Chi Omega, Colegialteorty and debate-Adelphi House o -f.Chit a C ooae ade Sorosis, Delta Delta Delta, Delta (iuam-' Representatives, Kappa Phi Sigma, Chit a h clt home co kn mla, Delta Zeta, Gamma Phi Bea, Hap- the Oratorical association, Kappa cI ig.an pa, Alpha Theta, Kappa Delta, Kappa Phi Epsilon, and the Athena and Per- I nd Kappa. Gamma, Pi Beta Phi, Pi Kappa, tia literary societies; drama-Comedy Co e h r . _C nyfrteKdle -ENGLAND BELGIIUM Taking the forms of animals, boxes of paints, GOODE AT S - tool chests, and children s toys. PACK -Up YOUR CAE RI SUI C SE 99East Williams St Next to 9rcade Theater , Whistle a tune-and come along to Europe. Xenr - TIiuiiltlidifI 11TlflIIt1111iiiii19qi. J ."s , , Y r...0 .0C- from schools the wrdoe ilme n igeti ol vrwl etadmnl hssummer on tihe College Myen's Tour under Un~paralleled z- - Blure-au of University Travel leadership-71 glorious days? on sea , andfraaad-:all for $5110. ' ROBERT D. GREGG (Representative)tF 4 South Division St. imo-ie 1554J SAS IT SHOULT1D BE~ DONE SWITZERLAND HOLLAND - -_- I lI' :. ...:....... .::.;:,:.; Christmas Cards-Numerous Nov eltis You will find a multitude of Christmas gift suggestions at the Student Supply Store. 11 11 South University Ave. Phone 11 60-R Not because we feel these setimnts only annualy, but because custom has centered then) in this Annual Feast of Good WiH--we wish you now xv wit we wish You always--i Iappine:s nd ros- To0 et Business fDired~ US .LOng Distance THE POKEN~ WORD BRIN ,BESTRESULTS A Long Dis ancecall Aalways - ets Spreferred at 'ntion from ., the busy' business man. It always gets a hearing from the person with,- om you _wish to3 ' speak. 'It is 'given 3 the c nsideration of a t face-to-face convey ation. It gives you the opp, rtunity toget) ;you whole story acr ss, reinforced 1 by your personality;~. i The saving of time a money-to producer, wholesaler, an retailer is 'reflected' M"in the cofti, :tha con., sumer.. UIse L6n gTD:stance and thereby) multiply contacts and cont ctsj ;. MICHIGAN" BELL" TELEPHONE _Co. Sett system One Policy One System -'. Universal Servie; -- - -- - - I I SNO ONE WOULD DENY THE INES- TIMABLE ADVANTAGES AND SUPER- SA"TISFACTION TO BE DERIVED FROM GETTING THINGS DONE AS THEY SH-OULD BE DONE. THAT IS THE WVAY WE TRY TO DO DERING. IT IS JUST OUR LAUN- AN HONEST EFFORT TO PLEASE YOU,. BUT YOU'LL LIKE IT. CONVINCE YOU. A TRIAL WILL I i l i f f i 1 i i JI I f s I THE TROJAN LAUNDRY -++..s..,- .C+Ac:a%{;l, ll.wtlb 4" C L4 11 11 111 I If r