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December 14, 1924 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 12-14-1924

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SlNDAY, DECKMPEI,' 14, 1 )24

~-~-- -~-


Publication in the B~ulletin is constructive notice t%, all memblers of
the University. Copy received by the Assistant to that P-e.ident until
*3:30 p. in. (11.30 a. n. Saturday.
Vo lume 5 SUN' i)AY, DECEMBEIR 14, 11921Niniber 74)
Faculty, (College of Literature, Science and the Arts:
The December meeting of the Faculty of the College of Literature.
Science and the Arts will be held next Monday, December 15th, at 4:10
p. m. in Room 2225 Literary Biulding. John R. Effinger.
Library Books:
Students having in their possession books drawn from the University
Library are notified that all such books are due Monday, December 15, on
account of the impending Ch ristmas vacaticn.
IV.IV. Bisho, ,ibrarian.
lExecutive BoaIrd, Grjidinite Schiool:
There will be a meeting of the IExecutive Board of the GIraduate S.pool
on Tuesday, December 16, at four o'clock in the olices of t~w (graduate
School, 1014 New Literary Building. A. 11. Lloyd.
Action of Admninistraitive Board, College of Literature, Science anud the Arts:
Mr. Edward B. Dawson has been suspended for the rest of the present
teine ter because he submitted in Rhetoric 32 a theme written by another
pe;,son. w R l. Ilutaaphireys.
Zoolo gy ' -Evooutloon:
There will be a lecture on Tuesday, Dec. 16, instead of written quiz.
Jacob Reighazrd.
Chtrisfiniats Vacation (Corses:
Civil Engineering 67, "Highway Transport Economics and Surveys,"
and 72, "Gravel and Quarry Plants, and Gravel and Broken Stone Roads,"
will be ,given during the period Monday, December 22nd, to Friday, January
2nd, in Rooms 1203 and 1213, respectively, East Engineering Building. The
first lecture period in each course will begin at 2:00 p. in. on December 22nd.
From noon on December 24th to 2:00 p. in. on December 26th will b~e allowed
for the celebration of Christmas. Students of the University do not have to
pay additional tuition fees. Students will register for these courses and may
obtain further information and an Announceinnt containing a description of
Sthese courses in Room 1026, East Engineering Building.
Arthur 11. Blanchard.
Englis;h 6- IReport-Writintg:
I shall not meet my classes till after Christmas vacation. The reports
in this; course are all due on or before December 19th. Thley are to be
handed in at my office at the following hours: Monday 10 to 11 a.,mn. andl
2 to 3 p. in., Tuesday 1 to 3 p. in., Wednesday 2 to 4 p. in., Thursday 1 to 3
p. in. and Friday 10 to 11 a. in. J. Raleigh Nelson,
American Association of Uniiv ers ity Professors:
'There will be a meeting of the University of Mlich igan' chapter of the
American Association of University Professors Mvonday, Dec. 15, at 7:30
p.' in. Room 304, Michigan Union. Election of delegates to the annual meet-
ing of the Association and other business.
Charles B. Vibbert, Secretariy.
Tast Engineering, Building Staff:
The regular monthly luncheon will tae held 'Tuesday, D)ecember 16, in
room 3U01. Alfred 11. White.
General Notice to Student Body:
Any student having difficulty in determnining is life work is invited to
t:tke advantage of vocational counsel at Lane Hall, any' afternoon between
today and Dec. 18 fronm 4 to 6 and 7 to 8. No charges made for this service.
Harold R. Williamis, Chairman S. C. A. Vocational G~uidanice.

N urseslhom~e, 3edcal Shool, lopi-
tl Expected to be Ready
by sig
Work on the three chief construc-
Lion operations on1 the campus is be-
in rapidl~y pushed forward i) order,
t) bring about the copetion of two
of them early in the year and the
other next spring.
With the exception of furniture, the
new nurses hiomec is now practically,
comp lete. Workumen last week began'
the laying of linoleum in the rooms
while the wlls are 1 ein g coere
with a specially prepared wall clot,
similara to wall paper. U y Clristm 1,
al lthis wrk will have been colinle-
ed. Senator Jamtes Cuzens of D-
l "oiwho made a gift of the uiling
to the University, is also donating te
equipment, b)ut as yet none of he fur-!
it re has arrivedl in t e city. I is
this delay which will probably pre-
vent the occupation of the home until
sometime after January 1.
With the exception fo the laying of
the brick design in the walk leading
to the building, all work at the new
1medical school is being concentratedl
on the interior of the structure. In
order to allow work despite the col(d
weather, a canvas canopy has been
erected over the walk, and this work
will be completed early next week.-
The two top floors in the building are
now ready for the installation of hard-'
jware fixtures. As much of the furni-
ture for the building has already been
7moved in, and as the University shops
are working on considerable more,
the building will be ready for odcu-
pancy in F~bruary.
At the new University hospital, the
number of llastrers hta been doubt e'l
in the laat two weeks and the wrk
is moving forward rapidly. Many o
fthe rooms, particularly the loer
floor wrrdss, are already rerCeiving
finishing touches.
Noticvs, to apear Nv this comni ~ost
beC left in hae box at illDal 4y ofice
provided for twat lrloSe before 4
ti Nod; roe eding the d,y of i-sue.
711):30--Youh; peol)es (horwi insip : t
Presbyterian church.
12 :00---11atist Studenis' gild mees
at Guild house.
I . :00--Open forum it CotgregildI ona
:3:00--ilinduslan club mees atlaiwi
-3::00-Hioover Simy school mes at
yPresbyterian church.
5 :30-Congregationaml stden sper
) :45-Unitarian student supper.
6:00-Devotional tervie at Baptist
6:00-Epseopar1 student spper, Rey.v
IV. F. Jerome speaker.
6:15-Chiest'er N3. Culver speas al
Congregational fireside chat.
6 :80--Young peoples'itweeting at lres-
l byterian church.
6:30--Westmilnster circle nie ]-s at
Presbyterian church.
6:30- Students'(Chritma s firesie
gathering at Unitarian church.
8 :00-Coleen Hoore ini "Tihe N iety
and Nine" at the Congregational
6 :Prtl-omanee club hdinner h lI hn
7:00-Varsity Clueeclub tr9eea :'st 4
4the School of NiV ic aan iiito rn
7 :31.-Amnerircu l Aseiri ion of l ii ?"
city Professors meets in roam ^^=t,1

)INaiius(rilpts for the ,iaw priar ruee a=
1The Inlander will he reeci eft lJ. I he
jPress b~uilding until Dec. 19.
TFhe free vo~cationial counsel m r1 w;
wvill be open for the makin",f i


ast Photo

II~tlnT #Pr.1 . PI.F.Goodrich, of the 1Laiw
UNIIIIRSfIT POIS S 1scol is the chairman ofa committ tl'c.
11 11 o~jn a a e i r e d m a d t e n u r e W h i CI L
TO MEET IN W9AHINSTON tI ilpeetisrpr tte
s ual ~~~~~interest adsadrsa101 n
SMembers of the American Associa- (ielgraduates, athletics, and status of
itoofUiestPrfsoswlmet omnicolganunvreYf in Washington on D~ec. 27 andl 29, a ulties are other subjects schedulecd for
meeting which will be attended alsoi consideration.
by political scientists who are holding
a convention there at the same time. New York, Dec. l13.--The government
Committee reports and discussions are will withdraw $8,300,000 from Federal
to be the principal business of the i Reserve banks in the New York (list-
meeting. riet, Dec. 15.

_ __



li,,a hove photograph, the last taiken of Samuel Gompers, American;
1:1;) hnceid w ho (ied yesterday.,showxs himtpinnig- the emblem of the Amn-
e-ric-n, PedEmzmion of Labor on time hapel of General l'lutarco Calleo, new
plex:cni=1 ' sidlcnt. Gonipers was ini charge of a rlelegaztion whichi recently
v!i 4ti s::hm o City to confer with the new execultive.

At Absolute Cost!
2 O'clock to 9 O'clock
Every Week Day
Until Christmas
111RS. It. 13. 11EE33131'C
92N Church St.
LYioe 3155v

in) 8 oclock 11rom1],)owln itiiChrist-
11100 Va(I coi ollatLIanle hall.

Read the Wa-nt Ads]li



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I.h y - ,C.szrt nosl rit f afe SW S

Your Bath
I:, it r: a(ly for' Your
It (',an ( t Y hLIr'Ie 1110115':<;, by
t. ie a Idiion of
Yardl'y I sj
Ardenis or

V tt
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A\ pl
1 P 1
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"."vo"vo""s"a"""""4ve ""voo" rss re.wo+




Physical Colloquium:
The Physical Colloquium will meet at 4:15p.,im. on
16th, in Room No. 1041 New Physical Building.
Professor N. H. Williams will speak on "Results of
tlong~ in Thermionic Eiion.
All interested are invited to attend.

Tuesday, December
Brownian Fluctua-
H1. l1. Randall.


Next meeting of the Romance Club will be at dinner Monday evening at
6:00 o'clock, Michigan Union. A. (1. Canfield.
Rontx itical Semilnar:
Botanical seminar meets Wednesday, December 17, at 4:30, B173 N. S.
BlIdg. P'aper by B. MV. Davis--"The segregation of Oenothera nanella-
brevistylis from crosses with nanella and with Lamiarekiana."
l3.It. Dalvis.
Cihorail Union Uslers :
All Choral Union Ushers report at the usual time for the concert, Mon-
day evening, December 15, at Hill Auditorium.
If there is any question about identification cards for admittance see
Dr. Pierce at University Hospital. W. A. (Davenport.
Varsity (Glee ('lid,:
Rehearsal at 7 p. in. Monday in the School of lu1ic xAuditorhim.
('arl 1. Mclioomir un er, Mlaai-r g.
To All Engineers:
Mr. Starr Truscott, chief designer' of the dirigible Shenendoab;, will give
a talk and show slides relative to the construction of the dirigible, on Monday
evening, Dec. 15, in room 348 west engineering building. Mr. Truscott's talk
is sponsored by the Aeronautical Society.
Ralph It.. Graiciren.

'i.; '1
: ;
. r
ti : ,
'. ;

Morily s
Bath Soap
bath Salts
Bath Pcwler
and a real Toilet Ru .j
Ch!ic (of time surprises we
jlvc ,as!c t his (Christmnas sea-
3 as a' nthe tu uualy
l i%-! n111 her of l:atfiSalts
as il r'ag selected asa
r ~' 1ofI tho Wish I to

P '; s sm


4"ley s;ftcn

iurch field will shows at Allenel Hotel,
MYonday, Tuesday, fDecemlber .15-16
4 Reasons Why College Men Like
1. 1has all the exclusiveness of the smallest
2 IT has a larger selection-with the smartest ideas
® of all the leading makers from which to choose.
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