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December 14, 1924 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 12-14-1924

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One I








Government Chaims Right to Body in
Nanke of American
San Antonio, Dec. 13.-(By A..)-
San Antonio has seen her great pro-
cessions and sue has buried her 11-
lustrious dead, but tonight in a man-
ner entirely different, she prepares to
give back to the nation a son of toil
whom death has loaned her for a
fleeting moment.
Strange to rugged Sam Gompers!
could he have looked upon them,
would have been the scenes of h'is
funeral cortege as his mortal body
was started on its long journey home.
With the pomp of a general, but withj
the sentiment of the humble, labor's
late chieftain was to be borne;
toward the rising sun by a grieving
His last ride in this city of his
death was to be on an artillery
caisson, and the last escort for the
man who has fought all his life, but
always in civilian clothes, was to be
composed of men in military uni-
The government whose hand he has
upheld in peace and in war, stepped
in to claim the body for the wholel
American people and through the
U. S. army, the American people of-
ficially took back their dead. Mr.
Gompers' last words were "God blessj
our American institutions," and one
of these institutions-the United
States army-claimed that he belong-
ed to them as much as to anyone.'
Soldiers from Fort Sam Houston were1
assigned to the escort. Not only labor
possesses him, they said, but the'
country also. The music of a military
band and the rumble of a militaryJ
carriage were to be his requiem. }
Sleeping in his great bronze cask-I
et, in a flag draped house of death,
the late president of the American'
Federation of Labor drew to himself
throughout the day the men of labor,
and the men of capital, those who
worked in field and factory, those
who knew him as a name only and
those who knew him as a loved and'
loving champion, all filed past the
massive coffin which was flanked by
banks of flowers and draped with the
American flag.


Miss Mary Atherton, of IDe-
troit, will lead the grand march
of the J-Hop, kith Charles G.
Oakman, '26, general chairman
of the Hop committee. Oakman
and Miss Atherton are old class-
mates, having attended gram-
mar school together, and both
are graduates of Detroit North-
ern high school. Since her grad-
uation in 1921, Miss Atherton
has been engaged in social wel-
fare work in Detroit.
Oakman was elected to the
position of general chairman by
his classmates in the literary
college. As it is customary for
the chairmanship to be held al-
ternately by a literary student
and an engineer, the J-Hop last
year was led by Edliff R.
Slaughter, '25E, accompanied by
Miss Ethel Mae Tuell, both from
Louisville, Ky.

PFails To each
Geneva, Dec. 13. (By A. P.)--The
first Opium conference, whose mem
TO HI9G6MET!op.shin is confined f]tO niUM produe

From Washing
EThe naval appropriation bil
rying $286,385,578 was reported

cr- o te('tt

WIrilers to hear Slitler
iremienit s; 't1)rk Due
Jantiry 17

The nat

the socialist party voted here today Representative Bourteois of France
to send delegates to the convention announced that he also was unable to
called by the conference for progres- sign, and Alfred Sze, of China, said
sive political action in Chicago, Feb- "I should like to remark that for
ruary 21, for the purpose of deciding ways that are dark and tricks that
whether the political forces which are vain, the first conference is
supported the presidential campaign peculiar."
of Senator La Follette last fall shall When the laughter had subsided
be marshalled into a permanent na- an adjournment was taken to await the
tional political party. Morris Hilquit, answers of Great Britain and France.
Eugene V. Debs, and Bertha Hale
White were named as the socialist
delegates. P
At the same time the socialist com-I
mittee decided to summon a national
convention of its own party to be
held ca the same date and in the
sane city as the progressive gather- jP [ T Mw1
ing. Mr. Ilillquist, who presided at
the gathering, said that the socialist Second Provran on Concert Seres

Called by Conference for
Progressive iPolitical
ngton, Dec. 13.-(By A.P.)--
ional executive committee of

ing countries, adjourned sine die to
night without the agreement on the
protocol, over which there has been
much discussion, having been s:gned.
It was expected that the final sig-
natures would be attached to the doc-
ument today, but at the last moment
Sir Malcolm Delevintne of Great Brit-
ain declared that, inasmuch as the
subject of prepared opium has been
broached at'the Rome session of the
council of the League of Nations, he
was under instructions to wait until he
heard from Foreign Secretary Cham-
berlain before signing.

SCORE 26-10
Captain Haggerty and Cherry Star
In Overwhelming Attack
Of Varsity Five
(By W. It. Stoneman)
Michigan's Varsity basketball team
opened its season with a 26-10 victory
over M. A. C. last night in the Field
house. It was Michigan's game from
the start and the Aggies failed to
threaten the Wolverine lead after the
first minute of play.
The stellar basket shooting of Cap-
tain George Haggerty and the great
defensive work of Red Cherry com-
bined" to give the Michigan five an
overwhelming advantage over the
Farmers. Haggerty's work accounted
for five field goals during the course
of the contest and Cherry kept the
touted Nutilla, captain of the Aggies,
so well covered thatl he only had three
shots at the hoop, every one of which
was so hurried that it went wide.
Cherry also tied for second honors
in scoring with a field goal and two
free throws out of as many tries. Dick

Underwood Obtains Un aninmous Con-
sent of Body For Investigationi !
Of Charge.
Washingtob, Dec. 13.-Statements
in an editorial in the Washington
Herald, attacking the UnderwoodI
Muscle Shoals bill and its author, will1
be the subject for investigation by the'
Senate judiciary committee. Senator
Underwood, Democrat, Alabama, whoj

The Blue Ridge of Virginia was!
selected as a national park site for
the Eastern section of the country.

Irospcive 1
o t'qui


i(ge t

Chamber of Commerce of the
States urged President Cool-
o consider an economy confer-


Increases in postal rates on vir-
tually all classes of mail with the ex-
ception of letter mail were recom-
mended by Postmaster-General New.

drafted the measure, obtained unani. The house committee which framed
mous consent of the Senate today for the naval appropriation Jil reported
such an investigation after he had (e- no grounds for alarm on the diminish-
invetigtion he ad d- !ing of the country's izaval presti ;e.
livered a denunciation of the editorial
and its writer. Major-General Patrick, chief of the
The inquiry will be taken up by the Army air service, told a house com-
committee Monday, and Senator Un- mittee that army ircraft now in use
derwood said be would demand a sub- are obsolete.
poena for the author "to find out the -
truth of this editorial and who is re- tee was told that the board held
sponsible for it." ewstodha th adhld
son si o t claims aggregating $117,000,000 on
Senator Underwood rose to a ques- chais a stiated, $ny7000,000
tion of personal privilege when the dwhich, it is estimated, only $,000,000
Senate session began, and read the ut
editorial. "There is in the Washing- r
ton Herald," he said, "this morning, Secretary Will r's testimony before
an editorial that deliberately tries to the house appropriation committee
p-it me in a position that I never have disclosed his opinion that expenditure
occupied and do not occupy. I would of $110,000,000 annually for 20 years
not be doing justice either to myself, would be needed to equal Great Brit-
to the Senate, or to my constituency aim's navy and exceed Japan's.
if I did not challenge the lie that is-
editorially uttered in this paper"
The heading of the editorial, Sena- TenAlumni
d4rrf41AAbrt . I'f_ -. ,eI. e

Mimes, Unio theatrical organiza-t
tion, has called a meeting for 4 o'clock;
Thursday afternoon at the Mimes
theater for afl men who intend to
submit books for the 1926 opera. At
this gathering a discussion will be
held to indicate what is desired in
the next production. ,,
It has also been announced that |
the 19245 show will snake an Eastern |
trip, so that Mimes is particularly
anxious to secure as good a book as
is possible. All work must be turned i
in to E. IMortimer Shuter, director of
the Opera, on or before Saturday, Jan.-y
17. They will be judged by the book
committee of Mimes, which will con-
sist of the officers of the organiza-
tion and several faculty mebnrs as
well. The choice of the oos willblie
made as shortly as possible in order;
to permit further plns to be com-
According to Charles Livingstone.
'27L, president of Mitres, the book
should give many opportunities for
songs and dances and onusual stage
setting effects. Further inforr.ation
for those who plan to submit manu-E
scripts will be given at the meeting
Thursday, at which time it is expect-;
ed that Mr. Shuter will tell of the re-
quirenents in greater detai l.
This year's Opera, "'Tickled to
Death,'' which concluded its week's
run in this city with an extra per-

delegates so assem
their support or rejec
tical proposal that in
The socialist party
tor LaFollette's candi
election and madej
nominations. The ex
tee of the conference
political action after
Washington Friday,.
calling of the Februa
vention, and while sc
road labor union's re
the conference voted
any further proceedi
ist delegates and oth
stituted a large majo
ling the national cont
mitting the issue.
Mr. Dehs, wh1 ha
been a candidate
arrived in Washingto
participated in the n
tee session. The so
delegation, in additi
national delegates, wi
delegates from each
Richard Savage, '28,

bled could vote Will be Presented by Detroit Doyle played a great game at guard
tion of any poli- Symphony Orchestra and center while he was in the game,
ight result. jwhile Reason, who took the center
endorsed Sena- [during part of the game, got a field
edac nte la TICKETS STILL ON SALE goal and two free points out of three
dacy in the last tries. Gregory played a strong 'game
ecutive commit- Ossip Gabrilowitsch, conductor of until replaced by Kuenzel, who kept.
for progressive the Detroit Symphony orchestra will up the good work and got a field goal
a meeting in present the second program of the r
announcel the Extra Concert series at 8 o'clock to- scoring.
annoncedthemorrow in Hill auditorium. This will During the latter Dart of the ,game
ry Chicago con-H d mMather tookadvantage of his lead to
ome of the rail- be the first time this year that this ther al of his lead
presntaive ~ rchstr hasappare inAnnAr-test several of his second string and
presentatives inoralto in tedpast the - put in Kresbach, Rasnick, Landre, and
to discontinue a.'tHutzel during the last half. During
ngs, the social- troit symphony orchestra has appear- the last minutes of the game Mich-
ers present con- ed several times each year in the Ex- igan had an entirely defensive team
rity for assemb- tra Concert series. Two more pro- on the floor and they kept the Aggies
vention and sub- grams by this orchestra are sched- scoreless after the first five minutes
uled for later dates. of the last period.
s several times The fame of Mr. Gabrilowitsch is Michigan started the scoring when
for president, national as well as local, and he s [ lraggerty tossed a free throw and
n late today and recognized as one of the leading con- IKuenzel followed with another a min-
ational commit- ductors of this country. His poise as ute later. MacMillan gave M. A. C. a
cialists' national a leader, the vivacity and wide range point right afterwards, and then Mich-
on to the three I of his subject material, are charac- I igan went off in a cloud ofl smoke.
ll consist of two teristics which' have been extensively Cherry made a difficult overhead shot
state organiza- praised by critics. and Haggerty landed a spectacular un-
Tschaikovsky's Sixth Symphony, in derhand attempt. Reason then added
D minor, will appear on the program [ a point from the foul line and a field
Monday evening. This composer is a goal, and Haggerty ended the period
j favorite with Gabrilowitsch, and some with another goal. Meanwhile M. A. C.
LLUNCH ofvhis best interpretations are of had brought its total to six points
works by the musician. Other num- with two more free throws and a goal
bers on the program are the Overture' by Robinson, the lanky center.
SDoyle started the ball going in the
95, MendelsHso "Revenge; ans [second frame when he slipped a goal
95, Mendelssohn ; "Revenge and ;through the net, and after bath Hult-
will act as toast- "Timotheus Cries," Handel. "La Bague rough th net, adhaterohwut-
an andf Hackeb'tt had' both sored with

for Un erwood saiad. nother' eapo
i Dome is thrust upon Mr. Coolidge."
SHIP THOUHT !U, It said, he told the Senate, that "Prpsi-;
dent Coolidge will disregard those ad-
RM visors who seek lhis support of the
IN VOLEN LAK ST Underwood bill now in the .Senate,
I authorizing the Secretary of War to
Houghton, Mich., Dec. 13.-Discov- ~lease Muscle Shoals f y0years to
cry of quantities of wreckage washed the Alabama Power company.
ashore near Eagle Harbor, on the
Ieweenaw peninsula, is believed by E
coast guard officers to show the loss
of a lake freighter in today's violent
storm. Tonight the coast guard is{
maintaining a careful patrol along O TAL RATE ICEAS
the lake shore, but aside from the find-
ing of additional wreckage, nothing Washington, Dec. 13.-Advances in
has developed to throw light on the postal rates, designed to yield very
mystery. close to the proposed $,38,000,000 in-
The wreckage was first reported at crease in the pay of postal employees,
p:30 o'clock this afternoon. It includ- were suggested to Congress by Post-
ed parts of a pilot house of a vessel, master General New.
some doors painted white on one side, I They would affect virtually all
and other bits of floating woodwork classes of mail except letter mail.
that could not be identified. There Simultaneously with the transmission
was no marking to identify it. Soon of the postmaster general's recoi-
after finding the first pieces, others m n.1ations to tCongress, the postal
- ~ --i.nr committee of the American Newspaper

hflll"v f dlf mo mo

Grid Schedules


formauce l:st night at the Whitney master at the freshman luncheon to et la Cloche," by Duparc, will be
Alumni representing eight of the Blig theatre, will go on the road starting be held at 12:15 o'clock Wednesday I sung by John Barclay and "Polobt-
Fri day night. Ticket applications for !in the main assembly hall of the sian Dances" from "Prince Igor," by
all out of town performances can be Union. Coach George Little and Borodin, will be the last number on.
change the method of making the foot- secured at the House Manager's office Robert Brown, '26, captain of next the program.
ball schedules in a meeting held in al, the Union. Applications for all year's football team, will give short i There are still a few tickets forI
Chicago recentiiy. cit=e; except Detroit are available. talks at the luncheon, which is being single concerts to be obtained at thel
A rotating schedule was suggested All students are Advisel to secure held for the purpose of uniting the I School of Music.
whereby schieduile makers would betheir applications promptly and send class before the Christmas holidays. -----
wreiy soharane gakes with e the m in as soon as possible, as the ,Two hundred tickets have been
required to arrange aes with each Alumni in the various cli is will soon sold for the banquet anid it is ex-
o f the Leg T en elevens nbe inreach le sent blanks for tickets. pected that m ore than 400 will beUOI NT 0L[1 HRT
two years, or possibly three years. A -- ------ present at the meeting. Tickets may
questionnaire was decided upon for be secured at the main desk in theM
circulation among the alumni groups. AL M W L [ nicn orfromthe ca is and man- I
Some alumni said their teams had LUMNIJS WILL pl 1 101 agers of the groups. Phose selling EC
been put in the attitude of begging !tickets are asked to report to Wil- Erdaranesk, afC actued
for Conference games almost to the 'Liam L. Diener, '26, at the Union by fered a fractured skull and fractured
point where they thought it worth - Monday afternoon. Tickets my be 'car in which he was riding overturned
while to consider withdrawing from secured until Tuesday night. a inwhice wsidi overtrn
the Conference. Others said they Starr Truscott, '12, of the Uni ed a few miles outside of Ypianti on
were in the opposite position of hav- Skates air service, will seak on the the Detroit road. The accident occur-
in& almost too many difficult games design and construction of the (erigwb'e r hen the car, in which six Mich-
forced on them, to the detriment of Shenandoah a ndi the ZI.-, recautly rdlii higan students were riding, skidded on
developing their elevens. re-christenc the I .os A ngeles, at. 7: Acc3( U the slippery road and then went over.
The idea behind the suggestions was o'clock tomorrow in om_ 48 oi' the INL T U LUL WORK According to .who Mhas charge of the
that rotating games, while possibly of W est E ngincring buildmasgh;,i n s ri us co dthen
1 disadvantage at the start to some of } For some time Mr. Truscott has -cs Thou isin a serious condition
the elevens, would tend to build umm been engaged in overhauling and re- Scatn;cc 3-nthrefr" bthsrmandcnciu.Ha
ah s nd c to i te building the two great army dlirgtidles to settle the strike of the 12,000 of the taken to the Beyer hospital.of Ypsilan-
Sig Ten, of ultimate advantage to all which he will describe in detail to the anthracite mine workers of the Penn- ti by a ntassing car, immediately after
m ebers wnicr of the eronutal toity sylvania Coal company will be made the accident, and has not yet been re-
mbes.mmband others interested in the sbjoct.y Monday when recommendations will moved here because of his condition.
As the designer of the dirigible She- be made to the idle men that they re- His father and mother arrived in Yp-
Kentucky rsume work at once and let the com- i sila-uti yesterday fron Chicago.
A~~entucky Creates nandioah,' which is now located it titsbyJh .Lei, Teoertunsinhecrsa-
i prmaent hagarinLakliu. t ? .,mission appointed b onL ei,,Teohrsuet ntecrec
Crossword Course " in"Lk"b;","." international president of the united ed with slight injuries and went to the
- n the subject. Following his talk here mine workers, try to adjust their Health service where they were at-
Lexington, Ky., Dec. 13. -Crossword Monday, he will go to Dayton, Ohio, I grievances. The commission informed tended.
puzzles will be the subject of a.course whre he is to speak Tuesday before the men that nothing could be done
recently addhed to the engineering cur- a group connected with the Goodyear toward peace until work-was resumed..
riculum at the University of Kentucky, Rubber com any which has snonsoredTh rkbgnlme2.
according to an announcement by Dean brinoing; experts here.
F. Paul Anderson, of the engineering -_
college. "Anything which serves toj4 I UHNI. 0 01 UMOU U-
educate and develop the memory is
educational," Dean Anderson is quoted iILibrary books drawn out for home
as saying: nnhinnrnAT1n RaI Rfir UUU1 B L- UU tuND ILWEEK!use must be returned tomorrow, Dec

good side shots, Michigan closed down
anl kept all the scoring on her side
of the column. Kuenzel made a free
throw and a goal, Haggerty made
three more goals, and Hutzel closed
the scoring with an easy shot from
? under the basket.
Haggerty (Capt).rf....Nutilla (Capt)
Gregory. ........ ..MacMillan
(!Doyle.........rg........ Richards
Summary: Substitutions: Michigan:
I Kuenzel for Gregory, Landre for
Doyle, Doyle for Reason, Kresbach for
Landre,, Reason for Doyle, Hutzel for
Reasn, Rasnick for Haggerty. M. A.
C.: Mason for MacMillan, Hultman
for Marks Bilkey for Robinson, Hack-
ett for Nutilla, Robinson for Bilkey.
Field goals: Haggerty, 5, Kuenzel,
Doyle, Reason, Hutzel, Cherry, Hack-
1'ett, Robinson, Hultman. Free throws:
Cherry, 2 in 2; Nutilla, 2 in 2; Reason,
2 in 3; Kuenzel, 1 in 2; MacMillan, 1
in 2; Robinson, 1 in 3.
Referee: Schommer, Chicago; Im-
pire, Ritter, Purdue.

~,began to come esnore.


Publishers' association attacked the
department measure, declaring that
the suggested increase of $10,876,000
annually on second class mail, con-
sisting entirely of newspapers and
periodicals, would have the effect of
doubling the rates on newspaper cir-
~7.4in o~ni cr l~r cr th n~ ilc

culation going taroug, the ma s.
Los Angeles, Dec. 13.-Presentationj
to David Starr Jordan, chalcellor Campus To Have
'emeritus of Stanford ni.ersity, of
the $25,000 prize for the best educa- Decorated Tree
tion plan to further world peace, will
take place in Los Angeles early next In accordance with the annual cus-
mnth, aclordming to announcement tons, electricians this week will giveI
by Raphael Herman, of Washington; the University's Christmas tree its
and Los Angeles, donor of the prize. heivert's. Ch re its
I holiday decorations. Thme large ever-
Arrangements for the presentation, f
I-ermanz said, are in the hands of a green in front of the general library
committee headed by Augustus Thom-. is the one chosen this fall to bring
as, president of the world's federation holiday cheer to the campus.
of educational associations and super- Colored lights will be strung about
intendent of public instruction in the tree, and will be lighted by night
Maine during holidays.
Dr. Jordan's plan will be presented
to the world federation of educational°
associations in Edinburgh next July. Glimpses of:


Almost double the number of appli-
cations that can be accepted were re=
ceived by the J-Hfop ticket committee,
according to an announcement by its
chairman, after the period in which
applications would be received closed
last night. -
Approximately 700 couples may be
accommodated at the dance, and as
- there are about 2,000 juniors on the
. campus, the supply of tickets is inade-
quate. The applications will be check-
- j ed by the committee during the next
t few days, and those who will get tick-


This week will be the last apportun-
jity to pay for the 1925 'Ensian at re-

15, according to a notice issued by
William W. Bishop, librarian. Stu-
dents are usually so occupied the last

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