FAGI, EIGH1T T14E MICHIGAN DAILY THEMIHIGN AIY _____SATURDAY, DECEMBIER 13, l1924 - - u----____._ _____ ._.__. _ _.. DAILY' OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice ts, all :nembers of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to tha P-esident until 3:30 p. in. (11 :30 a. mn. Saturday. Volume 6 SATURDAY, DWEEMBER 13, 1921 Number 69 WHAT'S GOING ON Notices to app~ear in this column roust be left in the box at the Dlaty office provided for tmat purpose before. o'clock preceeding the day of issue. 6:04(-lDevtioniuil *4rvice at 'Bapt ist church. 6: 15-Chester )J'. Culver speaks ati ICongregational fireside chat. 6 :30-yoting peoples' ilteetitig at Pres- byterian church. 6:34-West in ster circle meets att e t Library Books: Students having in their possession books drawn from the University Library are notified that all such b)ooks are due Monday, D~ecember 15, on account of the impending Christmas vacation. IV. 11. Bishop, Librarian. I'tletoric I: The second Written Quiz for this semester will b~e givcn to all sections on Monday and Tuesday, December 15 and 16. 0. C. Johnson. English 198 The members of the Honors Course are hereby notified that Librarian Bishop has assigned a room for their use for discussion purposes. The key to the room is kept by the assistant in charge 'of Graduate Reading Room number 2. Louis A. Strauss. Frenicht 176 and ::16: Contemuporary Frenich Literalt1' 111nd1Expiaion de( Trextes (Second Semester) : All students wishing to take these courses are requested to give their names to Professor Canfield's Secretary (Room 104, South Wing). It is necessary to order now books that will be used in French 176. (Each stu- dent will have to spend approximately $1.50). Ai. Clav i. Extra Concert Series: The next concert in the Extra Concert Series will take place .Monday evening, December 15, at 8:00 o'clock in Hill Auditorium when the Detroit Symphony Orchestra, Ossip Gabrilowitsch, Conductor, John Barclay, Bari- tone, .Soloist, will give the following program: Overture to Victor Hugo's "Ifu~y Bias," Op. 95 (Mendelssohn) ; Sixth Symiphony in- D minor, Op. 74, (Tschaikovsky) ; Air ".Revenge," "Timotheus Cries," (Handel), "La. Bague et la Cloche" (Duparc) John Barclay; Polovtsian Dances, from "Prince Igor," (Borodin). C'harles A. Sinuk, Secretary. Tryou~ts for Misques: Because of the absence. of Professor Nelson, tryouts for Masques have been postponed until after the holidays. The time will be definitely an- nounced later. Come preparedl to give something from memory. Aellie Rittenhiouse, Presidenit. Womae's League: The regular: meeting of the I'oard of Representatives of the Women's League will be Saturday, December 13, in Barbour Gymnasium at 10 o'clock sharp. Erin g paper and pen. Nargaret C.A)Non, Vice-Pres. Womten's League. Freshmen: All men who ;lave been selling tickets for the Freshman Luncheon ars a sked to make a report between 10:00 and 12:00 this morning in the Student Offices 'Of the Union. William L. D~ienier: University of Mieltigan ]Band: All nmembers of the band are urged to mnake the trip to Detroit Saturday fafternoon, December 13. We must have a full attendance to play for the Alumni Football Bust. Special carsĀ° leave the D. U. R. waiting room on Huron Street at 12: 05 p. in., Ann Arbor time. Report in full dress uniform with capes. Arthur 1I. Smith. Anierhm-an Association of LUniversity Professors: There will be a meeting of the University of Michigan chapter of the American Association of University Professors Monday, Dec. 15, at 7:30 p. in. Rooml 304, Michigan Union. Election of delegates to the annual meet- ing of the Association and other business. (Charles B. Vilibert4 Secretary. SATURD)AY I Presbyterian elhurch. 10 :04-Board of representattives of thle 6 :30--- St udent s' Christinias firesidle IWomen's League meets in Barbour' gathering at. Unitarian church. gymnasium. S:01--C( ol leeni31oor.- in "The Ninety 12 :00-Banud assetibles at interurbant a Nd.ine'' at the Congregational C.waiting room on Huron street. church.{ 1 :34-Open air ramible strts front- Congregational church. jU-1('1'I('E 2 :15--Milcigaua Union Mines present 1I''1 'j f -e N oc~tionl c se 541'I "Tickled to Death" at 'Whitney the- Nill he oncVii for the making of ap-; ater. p~ointments from 41 to GI and from 71 2:30-Catholic students matinee danice to 8 o'clock from now until Christ- at Union.II mas vacation at Lane hall. 7:30-C'raftsni meet lit the old MVas.-_______________ oncml.8:0O-M higan-W. A. C. baskctbalil Milwaukee, Wis., Dec. 12.-Students' of police re,)orting at the Marquette game at Yost field house. university school of journalism had a 8:00- Ichlgan VUnion )Iiuiues present chance to p.-actice their chosen pro- "Tickled To Deathl" at Whitney the-I fession when it was dliscovered burg- ater. ! ars had entered the school's editorial 8 :30-Christnmas party3 at P'resbyteriatn j room anad stolen 1S typewriters. church. 8 :30-Studenuts' party at U'nitariant church._ E oProf. iirtht 10 :3i --.Yong peoples' chorus sinugs atp Presbyterian church.I Spcal 12:00-Baptist Students' {;wild mteets at Guild house. t 12 :0-Open forum at Congregational :THE RE LI G 10US, church. ISOCIAL 3:001 -Hindustait club mneet s at Lane;- hall. ::00-Hloover Sunday schoolutmeets at Next Sundaya Presbyterian church. - UNITARIA] 5 :30-Congregailonaul student ,upper'. 5 :45-Vuitarla ii student supper. t11 1 : 1 11 1! i I a i ' D)AILY TRYVOUTS A in idsemester call for tryouts to The Michigan Daily is issued. There is a. limited number of po- sitions open~ in the editorial deC- partment which will be filled by comnpetition among tryouts. The positions are open to any men on the campus, not freshmen. or in their first semester of residence. Timo:c who desire to try out will call at the office in the Press B~uilding between 2 and 4 o'clock any afternoon this week end see the City Editor. DE E s"Washington, Dec. -12.-Use of the new, uncirculated 1924 Peace dollar by people giving money as Christmas gifts Lis being urged by the treasury in its plan to reestablish the circulation of such coins. HAVE I'OU -SUBSCRlIBEI) YET? II 4 hfi~' 'r I ~ 1~*. 11 uir' E. Wood Aks on SIGNIFICANCE OF WORK mat _Q - _.. -a -- a- at 10:30 at the N CHURCH Christmas Suggestions Gifts which all men will greatly appreciate --for Dad-for Brother or room-mate. Imported EIosiery Wide Leather Bells Sweaters Leather Jackets Mufflers Gloves English Broadcloth Shirts Tuxedo Sets STATE STREET Haberdashers to Michigan Men 9t 11 11 AN IDFAL GIFTj The N e ic a h ian Calendar 7 5 c m mmWd h3 Mr~tre l 11 11 L c 1 r :i State Sc. Open evenings Until Xmas ]iIC Main St. ! C= t; Rte; I PATRONIZE DAILY ADVERTISERS READ) . HE Iu1IGAINEQAi'i ALY Read The Daily "Classified" Columns; THE LANTERN SHOP . a, "Viariety, Is the-- Chicken Danner ~ Spice of Life." -Sna You W ll Fnd VaietyLight L unches '~ - P~d Vaietyand 1in OCur a la Carte1. ==Service =1 .MenuM'- - Sunday Night 703 East University Ave. Phone 3093-M w -Unexcelled Quality a; - Is evident in the food which - - is served at the Ann Arbor = Rest~aurant.I -We urge you to try our -1 - service-you~ will be well satisfied with the excellenta cuisine. M The An Arbor Restaurant S215 South Main St. w -I "It's in the Place Where You Eat." : FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Huron Strecet Betwiiecn State and Division 11. EDWARDI SAYLES, Minister HO(1WARD It. CHIAPMIAN )iOistcr of University Students Sunday, Dec. 14, 192.4. 10: 30 A..1M: -A program of Christ- ina usic. Special Choir. 12:00 -M.-Church Bible School. Dr. Bunting, superintendent. 12 :00 M.---,r'wo classes for Univer-' sity studlents meet in Guild House. The teachers are Dr. Waterman and Mr. Chapman. 630 P. M.-'13. Y. P. U. in the oh urob. 5:30-6:30 P. M.-Student Friend- shipn1-our. Refreshments. 6:30) P. M.-Devotional meeting. M1lrs. George E. Myers will lead this service. The gen- eral topic will be: "Shall the C'hristmias spirit prevail? H ow can we help ?" SUNDAY at Ann Arbor Churches SERVICES MEMORIAL CHURCH OF CHRIST (D~isciples) Ccr'mci Hill anid Tatppani Ave. 'J. ALLEN ('At 11Y, Atcting Minister Sunday, Dec. i4, 1924.; S: 30---3ible School. 10):3:';--Morning worship. Subject of sermon: "Th'le Builders of Life and hiappiness., 12 :00 Noon-Students' Classes. 6 :00-Young Peoples Social H-our and lProgram. 7:30--Evening service. Topic of sermon : "When W1inter Comes to the Soul." TRINITY ENGLISH LUTHERAN CHURCH Fifth Ave. aciud William St. It". L. F. GAUN )Eht)IAN, Pastor I9:30 A. 11.-Bible Sciiool. 10:30 A. M.-The service. Thomas Weiskotten, Mt. Airy Semi- nary, '24, will preach. 5:30 P. M.-Student Fellowship flour and supper. 6 :30 P'. M.-.Forum meeting. "3Ior ; ' Conditions on Our Campus.' Leadler, Floyd Winner, '27. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST1 SCIENTIST 409 South Division St. 10:,30 A. M.-Regular morning ser- vice; topic, "God, tihe Pre- server of Man." 11:45 A. M.-Sunday School follow- ing the morning service. Testimonial meeting Wednesday evening, 7:30. The Reading room 608 First Na- tional Bank building, is open daily from 12 to 5 o'clock, except Sun- days and legal hl~oidays 10:30-Pastor's subject: mas Morale." Christ-I FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Corner S. State anid E. W1asington Streets REV. ARTHIIUR W. STALKfER, 1).D1., Minister REV.T W. SCOTT W IS31 I' AN Associate initster R1ev. Dionald Tiicrxnnn Ellen W. Moore Directors of Student Activities 12:00-12:45-Student Bible Classes. A11 under contract to dismiss~ on time in favor of. Sunday dinner. 6:00-7: 00-Wesleyan Guild meet- ign at the church. "are R~e. latiotis" discussion, led by Marguerite Dutton and co- mittee. 7:00-7:30-Open house at Wesley Hall. Light refreshments. 7: 30-Wesleyan Guild lecture by Captain Francis McCull agh : "The Bolshevik Persecutioni of Christianiity." I I I CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH HERBERT A. JUMP ., Minister. E. KNOX MITCHELL, Uimiversity Pastor. LU;CY H1UBERI, Secretary for Women Students. I ti:45- Scrvice of worship. Rev. Marion Ball of Japan will preach on: "Worlnd Brot herhood." 12 ;4)0 --Open Foruim. Rev. Marion Hell will dliscu~ss: "Is the Exclusioni cf .hIaaese J1tstitiedl n' 5:341--Studcnt Supper and Social Hour. 6:15- -1ireside C'hat. Chester M. Culver, Sec'reta~iry oif Employers' Association, will lcad a 4 >;cussion on "(Capitand1( Labor." 3i:00--:Motion picture ,service. C'olleen Moore in "'Tle Ninety amid Nine." i i ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH (Missouri Synod) 'T'h'ird iandilWeOt huron Streets CARL A. BRAUER, Pastor 9:.30-See mon, Cerman. 0:30-Student Bible Class. 11:30-Serimon., Englishb. Subject: "Prepatrinig thliV Wy.' I FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH" Huron at ilvision R1EV. MERLE HI. ANDERSON, D. 1). Minister. LEWVIS C. REI31AN.N '16, Seely Men Students MRS. NELLIE R. CAJIWELL, Spe'y Woiemi Students. 9:30-Intermediate Sunday School. 10:45-Morning worship. "Whiat Muist I Do With Jesus 1" A Christmas mes sage. 12:00-Discussion classes led by Grace Williams, '27-M, Mr. Homer I-I. Grafton and Mr. Howard Y. McClusky. Open to all students and Ann Arbor young people. 3:00 -Hoover Sunday School. Preparation for Children's Charistnman Party. 5:30--Social Hour. All young people invited. 0:30--C. E. Meeting. Leader, Kenneth Manwaring, '25--E. T'oplic for' discussion : "Has Answvered. Prayer Any 1jeality in a World Governed by iUniversal Lawli" 5 :31-7 :30-Student Club) meets at time parsonage. 7:30- Ad vent servie. 7:30 --Advent service. Sermon by p~astor in English. Welcome I . I i UNITARIAN CH-URCH State and Ifurii Streets SIDNEY S. ROBINS, Mini'.ter. 10 :30--Prof. Arthur E. Wood speaks on: "Tlhe Religious Signtificanmce of Social Work.' Social IWork." (Music by male quartet.) 6: 30-Students' Christmas Firesidle Gathering. ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH Washington St., mid K'Fifth Ave*. F.(C. S!UEIL1OIIN, Pastor '4:010 -lle School. I1) :M--ServTicepsce' 'on :- "how the Btil~leServes Its Purpose." 5 :3)-" : 30-Stud en t lormu. Topic: ""fleral C'ondit ions on Outr C.-Illmils." Floyd Winmner, 1- ~ 1-. I fit, Anuni's iEpiirupal Thurrij CORNER1 CATH ERINE aund DIVISION STREETS HENRY LEWVIS, Rector. R A CHEL 11 A VILANDI, Secretary for Stident Work. Sunday, December 14. ii 8 :01) A. M.-Holy Communion. 9:30 A. M.-Church School.. 11:00 A. M.-Morning prayer and sermon by the Rector. 6:00 P.IM.-Studentservice and uDet v~eiinv.~l'Ir' iRv. illli.,v 1 iii I